Giuseppe Puddu

Giuseppe Puddu
Lago di Vico Natural Regional Reserve; · Direzione Ambiente

Forestry Techician - Lago di Vico Natural Reserve Techical Manager - LIFE Lanner (LIFE 18 NAT/IT/000720


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Additional affiliations
January 2016 - November 2017
Lago di Vico Natural Regionale Reserve;
  • Technician
November 2017 - present
Lago di Vico Natural Reserve;
  • Technician
December 2010 - January 2016
Area Foreste, Rome, Italy; Monterano Natural Regionale Reserve,
  • Technician
February 2018 - June 2018
Sapienza University of Rome
Field of study
  • Urban planning
November 2007 - November 2010
University of Tuscia
Field of study
  • Forestry and envrironmental planning
October 2005 - June 2006
Sapienza University of Rome
Field of study
  • Landscape ecology and planning


Publications (48)
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Our analysis provides a preliminary understanding of the spatial occupancy patterns of free-ranging domestic cats in the 'Lago di Vico' Natural Reserve, highlighting potential hotspots of cat activity and providing a basis for understanding their ecological impact within the reserve. While it does not evaluate the extent of the ecological threats t...
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify environmental variables that may influence the presence of the fat dormouse (Glis glis) and the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) in a woodland where both species coexist. The area is near hazelnut plantations, where the fat dormouse produces significant damage. Our investigation aims to provide useful...
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the composition of the nests built in artificial shelters by the fat dormouse (Glis glis) and the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), cohabiting in a coppice forest in Central Italy. The analysis investigated the species – specific selection of nest construction materials and other characteristics. The go...
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In the Falconidae, the genus Falco comprises species of large birds of prey with wide distribution worldwide. However, the European lanner falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii is rapidly heading for global extinction following a dramatic decline caused by anthropogenic interference. Conservation projects are currently underway with the main purpose of...
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The Lanner (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) is a polytypic species of Afrotropical-Mediterranean origin, distributed over a vast area that includes a large part of the African territory. The subspecies F. biarmicus feldeggii lives mainly in the southern areas of the western Palaearctic between Italy and the Caucasian regions. In Campania, the species is...
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The LIFE LANNER* project, started in 2020, aims to safeguard a species (F. biarmicus feldeggii) listed in the Birds Directive, indicated as a priority, from the sharp decline observed throughout its central-eastern Mediterranean distribution area. The project, coordinated by the Ente Monti Cimini-RN Lago di Vico, has a total value of € 2,604,523.00...
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Twenty years after the last national survey conducted in early 2000 s another snapshot of the Italian breeding population of Lanner falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggi is showed The status of Lanner changed from vulnerable to endangered (Italian Red List) due to habitat transformation (mainly in agricultural landscapes), human disturbance (recreational...
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The purpose of this work was to prepare a plan called “Forest Firefighting Plan" in the area of National Park "Llogara“. To implement the Plan, preliminary studies were conducted using satellite data and field surveys to identify forest macro-types.
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Biodiversity conservation can be achieved by integrative approaches that try to combine Habitat Trees (HT) conservation and economic management of forest ecosystems. We applied the R.A.DA.R. method in high forests of Natural Reserve of Lago di Vico, a small protected area located in Latium, Italy, to: (a) identify and manage HTs in order to estimat...
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This work presents the first data on the occurrence of the fat dormouse (Glis glis) and the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) in nest boxes located in the Lago di Vico Natural Reserve (VT).
Conference Paper
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Roads are a direct threat to biodiversity and contribute to both fragmentation and degradation of landscapes. One of main consequences on biodiversity is wildlife mortality by roadkill. This mortality depends on the interaction between the presence/abundance of the affected species and both road-related and environmental characteristics.
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In 2022 the QGIS software will be 20 years old. This program has the characteristics of being free and open-source and this allows to have access to the code and be able to improve it, but above all it allows to implement plugins that, exploiting the core-software, perform specific algorithms. Here, we presented the AniMove plugin, adapted to versi...
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The aim of this work is to describe our field activity to verify the presence of wolves in the Natural Reserve "Lago di Vico" and its neighbouring areas. Until 2017, wolf presence in the Cimini Mountains was sporadic, only established through a few random sightings. An initial sample survey, conducted in 2014 with camera-traps, had not yielded resu...
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Aim of this work is the study of the relationship between wild boar and forest habitats, using camera-trapping techniques, in "Lago di Vico" Natural Reserve (Lazio, VT). Through a sampling design based on a 1x1 km square grid, 57 monitoring points were identified, located in the respective centroids. All the points fall in the wooded areas of the m...
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The study of landscape transformation was carried out diachronically, using two different photographic sources. The historical landscape of the 1950s was described through the photo interpretation of IGMI (Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano) photos - GAI flight, while the current landscape was outlined through the photo interpretation of Google...
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Aim of this work is the study of the relationship between three mesomammal with forest areas using camera-trapping techniques around “Lago di Vico” Natural Reserve (Lazio, Italy). The targeted species was European badger (Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758); European pine marten (Martes martes Linnaeus, 1758); Red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758).
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The crested porcupine Hystrix cristata L. is a large rodent, which mainly occurs in agro-forestry ecosystems in Italy. In this study, we modelled the occupancy of this species in forest ecosystems, to identify environmental characteristics affecting its presence. The study was conducted at Lago di Vico Natural Reserve (Latium, Central Italy) in 201...
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Il fototrappolaggio si è affermato sempre più come tecnica per lo studio dei mammiferi di grandi e medie dimensioni, con la riduzione al minimo delle interferenze umane durante i rilievi. In occasione di monitoraggi specie-specifici è comunque possibile rilevare altre specie, acquisendo così dati di presenza o conferme. In questo lavoro sono riport...
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La Direttiva Habitat chiede di implementare misure di conservazione per ZSC e ZPS e di valutarle attraverso il monitoraggio e reporting da effettuarsi sia all’interno che all’esterno della Rete Natura 2000. Il monitoraggio, oltre ad ottemperare agli obblighi ex Art. 17, deve verificare anche l’efficacia delle misure di conservazione previste per ZS...
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Questo lavoro ha per oggetto lo studio della comunità di mesomammiferi nel comprensorio Vicano (Lazio, VT), tramite tecniche di fototrappolaggio. I mesomammiferi monitorati sono quattro: martora (Martes martes Linnaeus, 1758); istrice (Hystrix cristata Linnaeus, 1758); tasso (Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758); volpe (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758). L'area...
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Introduzione – La superficie dei noccioleti nella Tuscia Viterbese si estende oggi per oltre 17 mila ettari. I danni da roditori provocati principalmente ghiro e scoiattolo, rappresentano un importante problema sia economico che gestionale per quella parte del distretto corilicolo viterbese incluso dentro la Riserva Naturale Regionale del lago di V...
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La Riserva Naturale Lago di Vico (Caprarola, VT) gestisce un Centro di Recupero Animali Selvatici (CRAS) da oltre 20 anni, specializzato nel recupero dei rapaci. Nel 2016 ha avviato uno studio preliminare al fine di proporre un progetto complessivo di tutela di falco lanario (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) anche tramite il ripopolamento nell’Alto Lazio...
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ABSTRACT. Aim of this work is to present ”road kill” data of the impact of a very busy road “SP Valle di Vico” (provincial road), within the protected area “Lago di Vico” Natural Reserve (Caprarola, VT). For the data-processing, two phases have been implemented: a preliminary data collection of “road-killing” fauna and environmental data (CLC categ...
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ABSTRACT. Road accidents caused by collisions with wild boar are an increasing problem for the “Lago di Vico” Natural Reserve (Caprarola, VT), both for the risk for human life and for claims for economic compensation, as well as for the overall ecological impacts. In order to take measures to mitigate or solve the problem, an analysis of the claims...
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Species distribution models (SDMs) are commonly used to predict potential species distribution in ecology, biogeography, and conservation. However, the lack of consideration for many different aspects of the species' ecology often result in maps of limited practical value. Yet the wealth of information that is often available (especially for larger...
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La gestione del verde urbano mostra diverse criticità soprattutto nelle città in cui sia presente del verde avente carattere storico. Gran parte del problema è legato all'età avanzata dei grossi alberi che possono presentare importanti problemi di stabilità con un certo grado di pericolo di caduta e rischio associato. Non sono, però, solo gli alber...
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La gestione del verde urbano mostra diverse criticità soprattutto nelle città in cui sia presente del verde avente carattere storico. Gran parte del problema è legato all'età avanzata dei grossi alberi che possono presentare importanti problemi di stabilità con un certo grado di pericolo di caduta e rischio associato. Non sono, però, solo gli alber...
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La conservazione della biodiversità legata alle foreste rappresenta una delle priorità della gestione forestale sostenibile ed un importante ruolo, in questo senso, viene svolto dal legno morto e dagli “alberi habitat”, capaci di fornire nicchie ecologiche (microhabitat) in cui molti organismi viventi sono in grado di trovare nutrimento e ospitalit...
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Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber 1775) is a species of community interest in need of strict protection. It has been widely reported in Latium (Central Italy) in the Natura 2000 Standard Data Forms. However, most of the information included in the Data Forms were based only on expert opinion. To fill this gap, in 2009 we started a surve...
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L'articolo a più generale, partendo dall’attuale assenza di modalità omogenee di realizzazione delle perizie del danno causato dalla fauna selvatica, indaga l’elemento critico della titolarità a richiedere l’indennizzo e propone un approccio metodologico esplicito al rilevamento e alla stima del danno.
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The Mediterranean basin is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots. However, only 5% of its original vegetation is still in place, and the landscape has been managed and transformed by humans for at least the last two millennia. In the last century the mechanization of agriculture and the over-use of semi-natural habitats have influenced th...
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RIASSUNTO Nella Riserva Naturale Monterano, in Provincia di Roma, è presente Ailanthus altissima, che vegeta insieme ad altre specie, spontanee o coltivate. Nell’ottobre 2008 è stata evidenziata la presenza di basidiomi su alcuni soggetti deperienti di ailanto, fico e sambuco e su diversi esemplari di ailanto morti. Sono stati reperiti sei isolati...
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The Corsican red deer, a sub-species of the European red deer endemic to Sardinia and Corsica, was abundant on both islands at the beginning of 1900. It went extinct in Corsica and reached a minimum of 100 individuals in Sardinia by 1970. Numbers have recovered in Sardinia with more than 1,000 rutting males now present; in the 1980s the deer was re...
Conference Paper
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Il tema della frammentazione è centrale nell’ambito della conservazione delle risorse naturali, tanto da essere diventato oggetto di studi propri per la valutazione degli effetti indotti dall’isolamento e dall’erosione delle patches territoriali ad opera delle infrastrutture umane. Collateralmente si è sviluppato un ampio fi lone di ricerche teoric...
Conference Paper
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L’area vasta di Cagliari, che insiste lungo la fascia costiera, può essere presa come paradigma del rapporto tra il mare e la terraferma che si confrontano attraverso le zone umide litoranee e i promontori rocciosi calcarei protesi nell’acqua. Diversi di questi elementi sono oggi tutelati da istituti legali (SIC, ZPS, Aree protette) e pur costituen...
Conference Paper
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L’Educazione Ambientale può giocare un ruolo fondamentale nell’ambito dello Sviluppo Sostenibile, attraverso percorsi che integrino sia la maturazione dell’identità culturale locale, sia l’acquisizione dei valori del territorio, con i problemi globali della Conservazione. Nell’ambito dell’attivazione di politiche di conservazione, lo strumento “edu...
Technical Report
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L'elaborato analizza un'opera di sistemazione spondale utilizzata in Provincia di Rieti. L'opera è stata analizzata in corrispondenza della sua realizzazione in cantieri finanziati dalla Regione Lazio negli anni 1999-2000. L'opera pur avendo limitazioni d'uso a casi particolari di regimi fluviali, può essere inserita nell'inventario delle opere di...
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In this article will be proposed a new method based on GIS analisys (especially the cost-distance algorithm) at the regional scale, able to find the connectivity areas needed to implement an ecological network in a fragmented landscape. Connectivity areas are characterized as least-cost paths in a matrix modelized as a bio-impedence suface studying...


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