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Agronomist and botanist. Inventories of non-native plant species in Mediterranean countries, with special focus on islands. Prevention, management and control of plant invasions. Plant invasions in freshwater habitats. Negative impacts of IAS on crops and forestry in Mediterranean countries. Pest Risk Analysis. Geomatic tools applied to plant invasions. Legislation on IAS.
Publications (268)
The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), in the framework of its activities in the Mediterranean Basin, launched a questionnaire to gather information on eradication actions and control actions for invasive alien plants. Thirty-four (34) eradication actions were reported, 16 occurring in Spain, 7 in Italy, 7 in France, 1...
A checklist of the flora of Chad has been compiled by the authors, based on literature, on-line data-bases, herbarium collections and land surveys (1998-2011). It counts 2,460 records, i.e. 2,288 species (including 128 autonyms), 83 subspecies, 81 varieties, 8 forms, while all the previous available information reported
1,600 species. They belong t...
The main aim of this paper is to assess the drivers of non-native plant species richness and composition on a set of 37 small Mediterranean islands in Italy. We compiled the list of the non-native flora and distinguished species according to their establishment status. The non-native flora of the islands studied consists of 154 species, 105 of whic...
Introduced invasive alien aquatic plants (IAAPs) threaten ecosystems due to their excessive growth and have both ecological and economic impacts. To minimize these impacts, effective management of IAAPs is required according to national or international laws and regulations (e.g. the new EU regulation 1143/2014). Prevention of the introduction of I...
The present brief and selective review focuses on a set of invasive alien aquatic plant species (notably the 21 listed by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation, i.e., five A2 species, 11 invasive, 2 in the Observation List, 1 in the Alert List, 2 noteworthy), on definitions in use, on introduction pathways, and ecological eff...
The ability to reproduce via multiple strategies is crucial for the invasion success of alien plant species. Here, we use Carpobrotus taxa (species and hybrids) to explore how trade-offs between and within these strategies may influence plant invasion dynamics. Native to South Africa, Carpobrotus plants are globally prominent in coastal ecosystems,...
Invasive alien species pose significant threats to coastal ecosystems worldwide. Carpobrotus sp. pl. is one of the most threatening invasive species to biodiversity in coastal regions globally. Carpobrotus species are known to modify soil conditions and impact the diversity and composition of soil microbial communities in the invaded areas. In this...
Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are a great challenge for biodiversity conservation and management. Multi-temporal landscape analysis has a great potential for describing plant invasion, however conservation solutions accounting of landscape dynamics are still limited. This research aims to explore the spatial-temporal pattern of the IAP Carpobrotus s...
This is the first study providing an up-to-date account of the alien flora in Uzbekistan and analyzing the relationship between the invasion status (casual, naturalized, invasive) of alien plants in this country and their life histories, regions of origin, and habitat affiliations. The data were collected from literature, herbaria, and field survey...
Given the high number of non-native plants that are being introduced worldwide and the time required to process formal pest risk analyses, a framework for the prioritization of management actions is urgently required. We therefore propose a framework for a replicable and standardized prioritization for management actions (eradication, control and m...
A large number of non‐native trees (NNTs) have been introduced globally and widely planted, contributing significantly to the world's economy. Although some of these species present a limited risk of spreading beyond their planting sites, a growing number of NNTs are spreading and becoming invasive leading to diverse negative impacts on biodiversit...
A poster describing current status on the work of the European urban tree inventory. It shows that there is high species richness in urban trees in Europe. Once cleaned, this collection of urban tree inventories will be a valuable source of information for urban ecology on a European scale.
The decline of pollinator insects in various parts of the world has increased the interest in studies on bee sampling. Because pollinator management and conservation policies depend on data representing their communities, knowledge of the systematic bias of sampling methods in relation to surrounding habitat is fundamental. This study examined the...
Context The reduction in the abundance and
diversity of flowering plant species, mainly due to
landscape alteration and consequent habitat loss,
negatively affects honey bee populations and is the
main driver of their decline. To safeguard pollination
service and food security, we need to know how
landscape characteristics affect the availability o...
The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) is an important tool for biological invasion policy and management and has been adopted as an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) standard to measure the severity of environmental impacts caused by organisms living outside their native ranges. EICAT has already been in...
The genus Carpobrotus N.E.Br. comprises between 12 and 25 species, most of which are native to South Africa. Some Carpobrotus species are considered among the most damaging invasive species in coastal dune systems worldwide. In their introduced areas, these species represent a serious threat to native species and significantly impact soil condition...
At least 316 Australian Acacia species (‘wattles’) are known to have been introduced into Europe since the late
1700s. Most of these species are found only occasionally in gardens, others may have not survived in the envir-
onment, some are used for gardening, perfume or the cut-fower industries, 13 species are considered naturalized
and ten are in...
Remote sensing is a rapidly advancing technology with a wide range of applications in ecosystem management. This chapter presents a literature review focusing on ecological applications of remote sensing in the context of invasions of Australian Acacia species (‘wattles’) at the global level. Of ten studied species worldwide, only half, namely A. c...
Processes that drive plant invasions play out across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Understanding individual steps along the introduction-naturalization-invasion continuum and its drivers is crucial for management. This review, targeting the broad audience of invasion scientists, field ecologists and land managers, summarizes the state-of-th...
Non-native tree species-defined as those species intentionally or unintentionally introduced by humans-have long been a part of the Alpine Space, providing numerous benefits, but also posing a potential threat to native biodiversity and related ecosystem services. Compared to the urban space where non-native trees comprise most tree species, the nu...
Invasive alien species are among the main global drivers of biodiversity loss posing major challenges to nature conservation and to managers of protected areas.
The present study applied a methodological framework that combined invasive Species Distribution Models, based on propagule pressure, abiotic and biotic factors for 14 invasive alien plant...
A new alien species in the flora of Uzbekistan, Ranunculus sardous Crantz, was identified during a study of plant specimens at the National Herbarium of Uzbekistan (TASH) and in field surveys. R. sardous is native to Europe and is reported as an alien species in many other regions, including North America, Australia, China, India, Japan, and Korea....
This first inventory of casual, naturalized, and invasive alien plants in Iran provides a knowledge base for managing the threats associated with plant invasions in this country. Based on a wide range of data sources, including published work, reports, online databases, botanical records, and field observations, we identified 311 alien vascular pla...
Identifying areas susceptible to invasion by an alien species is a strategy of prevention. We used national herbaria and global databases to assess the invasion trends of the two aquatic invasive species Ludwigia hexapetala and Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis in Italy. We defined the invasion status with invasions curves and predicted poten...
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. material 1
We analysed the invasion history of two North American macrophytes (Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii) in Italy, through an accurate census of all available herbarium and field records, dating between 1850 and 2019, and a rich literature collection describing the initial introduction and naturalisation phase that supports the results obtained by t...
Brochure with detailed information on the 88 invasive alien species listed as of Union concern in the EU IAS Regulation.
Solanum elaeagnifolium, one of the world’s most widespread invasive weeds, thrives in the regions of Tunisia with a semi-arid climate. An enhanced understanding of its biological traits could be useful for its management. For this purpose, S. elaeagnifolium vegetative propagation, flowering, fruiting, and spread patterns were assessed under semi-ar...
Cultivated plants provide food, fiber, and energy but they can escape, de-domesticate, colonize agroecosystems as weeds, and disrupt natural ecosystems as invasive species. Escape and invasion depend on traits of the species, type and rate of domestication, and cultivation context. Understanding this “de-domestication invasion process” is critical...
In the framework of the project Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo "ALIEM", two species of Acacia s.l. were selected to study some of their invasive traits in the Mediterranean Basin. We focused on seed germination ecophysiology of the phanerophytes Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L. Wendl., native to Western Australia and Vachellia karroo (Hayne) Banfi...
The herb Arctotheca calendula (capeweed) is reported as a new record for Iran. A detailed description, a distribution map, colour photographs of an herbarium sample, and diagnostic features are provided to facilitate identification. The species was first observed in 2017 in the Miankaleh Biosphere Reserve, one of the thirteen UNESCO Biosphere Reser...
Many forest tree species have been moved outside their native range to provide goods and services elsewhere, but some of them have become invasive, causing negative impacts on biodiversity and human activities. The assessment and knowledge on the degree and scale to which forest ecosystems are invaded by non-native trees is of paramount importance...
The position paper is available at: https://rm.coe.int/inf39e-position-paper-non-native-species-and-climate-change/1680a7bcc8
The Recommendation No. 216 (2022) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 2nd December 2022, on Risks associated with the use of invasive alien tree species as a Nature-based Solution to mitigate
climate change is available at...
Understanding the desiccation and freezing tolerance of bryophyte spores is vital to explain how plants conquered land and current species distribution patterns and help to develop efficient ex situ conservation methods. However, knowledge of these traits is scarce. We investigated tolerance to drying (at 15% relative humidity [RH] for two weeks) a...
Dedicated insights into the diversity, spatial and temporal distribution of rice weed communities, as well as underlying ecological factors, are critical for developing effective ecological weed management strategies in these agroecosystems, leading to the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in a sustainable agriculture framework. T...
As human communities become increasingly interconnected through transport and trade, there has been a concomitant rise in both accidental and intentional species introductions, resulting in biological invasions. A warming global climate and the rapid movement of people and vessels across the globe have opened new air and sea routes, accelerated pro...
Invasions by alien plants pose a significant threat to biodiversity, having negative impacts on species richness, community, and ecosystems. Protected areas and small islands could be particularly affected by the presence of non-native plants that pose high threats to their biodiversity. Several surveys were made under the LIFE project “Puffinus Ta...
Alien species are among the five drivers of environmental change with the largest relative global impacts. In particular, horticulture is a major introduction pathway of alien plants, but, together with intentional introductions, plants can also be introduced and spread via human-mediated involuntary pathways as contaminants and stowaways. Recurrin...
The species belonging to the genus Medicago are considered a very important genetic resource at global level both for planet’s food security and for sustainable rangelands management. The checklist of the Italian flora (2021) includes a total number of 40 Medicago species for Italy, and 27 for Campania region, with a number of doubtful records or r...
Stator limbatus is a phytophagous beetle native to warm regions of North and Central America, feeding on Fabaceae seeds and one of the most polyphagous species within the subfamily Bruchinae, here reported for the first time in Europe and on new hosts. Adult beetles emerged from Acacia spp. seeds collected in the islands of Corsica (France), and Sa...
Non-native tree species (NNT) are used in European forestry for many purposes including their growth performance, valuable timber, and resistance to drought and pest or pathogen damage. Yet, cultivating NNT may pose risks to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the provisioning of ecosystem services, and several NNT have been classified as inva...
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Old, veteran and notable trees are ecologically important keystone organisms, have tangible connections to folklore, history and, sociocultural practices, and functional characteristics fundamental for sustaining complex and unique assemblages of species. These trees can be found in different landscapes, ranging from remote mountain areas to cities...
Acacia dealbata and A. mearnsii are two invasive species found in coastal, mountain, and riparian Mediterranean habitats. Seed biology and germination traits are important drivers of the competitive performance of plants and may significantly contribute to biological invasions. The seeds of Acacia s.l. have physical dormancy due to an impermeable e...
Forests are a unique study ecosystem that can reveal global insights into the patterns and processes associated with biological invasions via their natural diversity, as well as their diversity of anthropogenic interactions. In this chapter we focus on emblematic species groups in different forest ecosystems, giving temperate and tropical examples...
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
In this study, we analyzed the effects of grazing on native and endemic plant diversity, as well as its relationship with pastoral value along a gradient of abiotic and biotic factors and types of land management in a mountainous area of central-eastern Sardinia, Italy. Plant diversity was estimated by conducting a floristic survey within plots. In...
Invasive alien plants are a major threat to biodiversity and they contribute to the unfavourable conservation status of habitats of interest to the European Community. In order to favour implementation of European Union Regulation no. 1143/2014 on invasive alien species, the Italian Society of Vegetation Science carried out a large survey led by a...
According to projects and practices that the Italian botanists and ecologists are carrying out for bringing “more nature in the city”, new insights for a factual integration between ecological perspectives and more consolidated aesthetic and agronomic approaches to the sustainable planning and management of urban green areas are provided.
I am glad to announce that the special issue “Multiple Roles of Alien Plants in Aquatic Ecosystems: from Processes to Modelling” of Frontiers in Plant Science is now available and freely accessible. A warm thank goes to my co-editors Lorenzo Lastrucci, Giuseppe Brundu and Andreas Hussner that helped me to manage this "editorial enterprise". Thanks...
Invasive alien species (IAS) are known to be a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem function and there is increasing evidence of their impacts on human health and economies globally. We undertook horizon scanning using expert-elicitation to predict arrivals of IAS that could have adverse human health or economic impacts on the island of Cypru...
The number of alien species arriving within new regions has increased at unprecedented rates. Managing the pathways through which alien species arrive and spread is important to reduce the threat of biological invasions. Harmonising information on pathways across individual sectors and user groups is therefore critical to underpin policy and action...
Sustainably managed non-native trees deliver economic and societal benefits with limited risk of spread to adjoining areas. However, some plantations have launched invasions that cause substantial damage to biodiversity and ecosystem services, while others pose substantial threats of causing such impacts. The challenge is to maximise the benefits o...
Prioritising the management of invasive alien species (IAS) is of global importance and within Europe integral to the EU IAS regulation. To prioritise management effectively the risks posed by IAS need to be assessed, but so too does the feasibility of their management. While the risk of IAS to the EU has been assessed, the feasibility of managemen...
“Dai balconi ai parchi urbani: buone pratiche per un giardinaggio consapevole”, prodotto nell’ambito del progetto LIFE ASAP, è un opuscolo di tipo tecnico-pratico che intende fornire alcune informazioni di base sulle piante esotiche invasive presenti in Italia nonché, seguendo le buone pratiche dettate nel Codice di condotta dei florovivaisti, prop...
This study provides a first step toward the knowledge of the alien-dominated and co-dominated plant communities present in Italy. The first ever checklist of the alien phytocoenoses described or reported in literature for the Italian territory has been compiled, produced by data-mining in national and local thematic literature. The resulting vegeta...