Giuseppe AmorusoPolitecnico di Milano | Polimi · Department of Design
Giuseppe Amoruso
BSc, Ms, PhD
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He edited several essays on architectural and town measured drawing, historic centers documentation and restoration design, computer drawing and representation techniques, geometry and color design, digital media for architectural design.
Publications (48)
The design of the museum experience can be improved through an innovative interaction framework that uses digital technology to digitize and make different types of cultural heritage accessible and improve awareness for the management of public and tourist use of heritage sites. This research aims to protect cultural heritage diversity and enhance...
This article summarizes the concept of a new immersive and interactive setting for the Zoology Museum in Rome, Italy. The concept, co-designed with all the museum’s curators, is aimed at enhancing the experiential involvement of the visitors by visual storytelling and interactive iconography. Thanks to immersive and interactive technologies designe...
This article summarizes the concept of a new immersive and interactive setting for the Zoology Museum in Rome, Italy. The concept, co-designed with all the museum’s curators, is aimed at enhancing the experiential involvement of the visitors by visual storytelling and interactive iconography. Thanks to immersive and interactive technologies designe...
The chapter proposes a graphic analysis of the intangible expression of nomadic Bedouin culture, starting from the material equipment of the black tent in relation to its natural ecosystem, temporary habitat and socio-economic system. Starting from the literature review, mainly of anthropological nature, the conscious relationship between habitat a...
This chapter presents methodologies of documentation to be used for historical urban landscapes, according to the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscapes. This study proposes a protocol for the typological and parametric representation of townscapes, also introducing the application of a Building Information Modelling (BIM) tool for...
The notion of inclusive design and universal design principles are today widely recognised by most of the educational institutions, nonprofit organizations and particular authorities around the world. Within the subsequent legislations and obligations around the world, the awareness of universal design has reached a certain level to be placed in de...
The European Digital Library project encompasses the establishment of a digital community library based on the use of new technologies for the knowledge dissemination in a European framework and the design of an experiential environment for education, cultural heritage fruition and, active participation in civic society. The project operates within...
Natural disasters and degradation phenomena interrupt the organic evolution of a place; this phenomenon invests, therefore, a vulnerable and weakened system, which inevitably becomes exposed to risk, within a territorial context already characterized by high seismicity or reduced resilience. The research identifies the tools to assess values and me...
The teatro of Bologna, designed by Antonio Galli Bibiena, was opened in 1763 in the town of Father Giovanni Maria Martini, a leading musician consulted also by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Farinelli, celebrated as one of the greatest singers in the history of opera. Bibiena proposed an innovative solution for the cavea shape, a multiple curved prof...
Cultural heritage, in Italy, is a limitless source of innovation where traditions meet cutting-edge technology, mainly from the ongoing 4.0 digital revolution. Digital heritage is becoming an interesting dimension: the contemporary audience expects both stability and flexibility from museums, which should have attractivity without losing credibilit...
The historic urban landscape is the material representation of regional cultures and traditions, developed in relation to geographical and climatic conditions of the area and the availability of local resources and materials. A habitat matured over the centuries, rich in layers on history, heritage, social meanings, crafts and traditions. It’s a co...
The subject of the research is the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, designed by Andrea Palladio. The work is of great importance for the cavea geometric features and to the design of illusory scenes: it shows the maturation of Palladio in the design and practice of theatrical apparatus, after also an in deep analysis of the Vitruvian prescriptions, whic...
La ricerca studia il Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza, progettato da Andrea Palladio e realizzato dal figlio Silla dopo il 1580. L'opera è di grande importanza: essa, infatti, mostra la maturazione di Palladio nello studio e progettazione di apparati teatrali, grazie ad un'analisi accurata delle prescrizioni di Vitruvio, che nel libro V del De Architettu...
Geometry, traditional arts and design universally contribute both to the formation of ideas that to the creation of form by establishing a cultural contract between art and science. The introduction of digital design media has been imposing new and practical ways to rediscover knowledge or culture in representation and design from traditional arts....
“As soon as perspective ceased to be a technical and mathematical problem, it was bound to become all that much more of an artistic problem” (Panowsky, 1927). The solid perspectives of Bramante, Palladio-Scamozzi, Borromini and Bernini built a true architectural space, emphasizing its perceptual nature in relation to the ideal spectator. The resear...
Virtual reconstruction of an illusory space. The relief-perspective by Giovanni Maria da Bitonto in Bologna
The research describes the principles of projective-geometric design of illusory spaces and proposes a methodology for the graphical study of a relief-perspective: the tabernacle designed in Bologna by Giovanni Maria da Bitonto, a fellow of F...
La ricerca propone un modello di rappresentazione e fruizione basato sul BIM per la valorizzazione del patrimonio del complesso monumentale della Certosa di Bologna.
Interior design is taught to be an essential tool for envisioning and modeling the environments we live in. Representing interior spaces through drawings and physical models requires a continuous process of imagination. The chapter exploits the projective tools for illusory design describing the processes of representation to design and build inter...
The research proposes a methodological advancement of 3D modeling techniques in relation to an integrated process of architectural survey and representation. The BIM proposal develops representation models and augmented fruition of the site and their tangible and intangible meanings for the valorization of diffuse heritage. At the monumental comple...
The research represents principles of projective-geometric design of illusory spaces and proposes a study
about the relief-perspective which featured the applications of science and art to interior decoration and
architectural spaces during the sixteenth and the seventeenth century. The research has analyzed a selection
of figurative and built illu...
Tale studio mette in luce lo stretto rapporto che unisce la struttura geometrico-compositiva di una rappresentazione e le sue qualità cromatiche, in particolare nel genere pittorico del Quadraturismo; infatti il progetto decorativo alla base di una prospettiva illusoria è caratterizzato da una ricercata “sintonia” tra la struttura geometrico-proiet...
According to the UNESCO 2011 - Recommendations on the Historic Urban Landscapes, the historic
urban landscape (HUL) is the urban area understood as the result of a historic layering of cultural and
natural values and attributes, extending the “historic center” concept to include the broader urban context
and its geographical setting. Representation...
“Niente è visibile senza la luce; niente è visibile senza un mezzo trasparente; niente è visibile senza il colore; niente è visibile senza la distanza; niente è visibile senza un meccanismo.” Nicolas Poussin
Nei suoi celebri “Modi” Nicolas Poussin concepì il colore come un modo di pensare sinestetico potendoli applicare non solo alla poesia e alla...
The study has investigated some hypothesis of instrumental survey of the chapels located on the Sacro Monte di Ossuccio. Their particular morphological configuration and their figurative contents require a careful analysis to reconstruct the three levels at the base of the research, that are architecture, painting and sculpture. Within each chapel,...
A designer can summarize a project through a series of drawings made by hand? A project should look like the images that are supposed to really want it to represent? How to keep alive the generating concept through the process without falling in the thrill of the storytelling? The potential of digital graphics promised to make architecture an "exac...
Con il colore è possibile interagire su forma e percezione, superare il conflitto tra
superficie e volume, tra composizione statica e dinamica e sviluppare il controllo
progettuale degli aspetti cromatici e spaziali.
Le basi teoriche dell’interazione del colore con la forma e l’organismo architettonico
sono coeve alla nascita del “moderno” Design I...
Il Castello Sforzesco fu fondato dai Visconti nel 1300 con il nome di Porta Giovia, immediatamente
al di fuori delle mura medievali della città. La Corte Ducale, costituita da un susseguirsi di sale riccamente affrescate e decorate, era la residenza abituale dei duchi. Da ricordare la “Sala della Asse”, una delle opere milanesi attribuite a Leonard...
In ogni epoca gli strumenti per disegnare sono centrali per i processi di progettazione e costruzione e contribuiscono alla definizione dei metodi di lavoro quando si occupano anche della fase di prototipazione e costruzione. Il disegno nella sua accezione comune indica sia la rappresentazione grafica di un oggetto reale sia il processo di creazion...
Il processo di analisi e mappatura dei luoghi costituisce un’azione progettuale orientata alla loro modifica, e comprende anche la dimensione emotiva e percettiva di coinvolgimento dei sensi volta alla rappresentazione dello spazio tramite il pensiero visuale e la produzione di materiali grafici.
Il processo di mappatura conduce alla formazione di...
Il designer di prodotto si occupa, a livello teorico ed operativo, della progettazione tecnica ed estetica di prodotti in serie, cioè realizzati attraverso una produzione industriale. In particolare, la sua formazione si riferisce agli strumenti e alle tecniche relativi alla rappresentazione formale e funzionale del prodotto (dal disegno manuale al...
Design for cultural heritage includes theories, methodologies, and design techniques which encompasses the system of cultural heritage in its broadest sense addressing the cognitive, social and symbolic meaning for a territory and a community. Traditionally the representation disciplines are able to converse with the multiple fields of industrial d...
Il paesaggio dei centri storici, nelle parole di Eugenio Turri, costituisce il “risultato ultimo, visivo, di portata ambientale, ecologica, dei percorsi storici, sociali e psicologici. Esso è la proiezione del nostro Heimat, dell’ambiente del nostro vivere, riferimento delle nostre più profonde identità”. Una vera azione integrata di recupero e tut...
Italian conservation areas are recognized as the result of a generative process that shaped their form and created a complex system of layers and local languages trough centuries. Enhance the role of traditions allows to develop a sustainable built environment, to densify towns, to make strategies for social services and to make an efficient use of...
The codified representation and measurement of the traditional city, of historical centres, of their urban shape and typological components (architecture and technology of the façades, materials, and colours) is devised to encourage a process innovation and to facilitate the restoration and maintenance of the urban heritage. The historical centre o...
Sardegna, terra di mare e di roccia per l'eccellenza delle sue
acque, delle sue isole e delle sue coste selvagge; terra di popolazioni
nuragiche, gli antichi costruttori di torri, e in un passato più
recente caratterizzata da una fitta rete di torri costiere oggi divenute
parte di un vasto patrimonio di fari e fanali sotto il Comando
della Zona Far...
Italian lighthouses constitute a historical and cultural resource for the country's architectural heritage as well as for the coastal landscape of each region. Every light is unique in its geographical location and context. Lighthouses are planned to last through the centuries and to mark the features of the local environment, adding to its natural...