Giulio Maspero

Giulio Maspero
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross | PUSC · Dogmatic Theology

Ph in Physics and PhD in Theology


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Giulio Maspero (1970) first worked as a physicist, dealing with quantum chaos and collaborating on the discovery of quantum fractals, and then moved on to theology. He is currently full professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). He is member of the Association Internationale des Etudes Patristiques (AIEP) and a full member of the Pontifical Academy of Theology (PATH). He has published mainly on Gregory of Nyssa, Trinitarian theology and the relationship


Publications (96)
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El presente volumen nace precisamente del deseo de responder de algún modo a esta osada invitación que nos hace la ontología trinitaria de manera decisiva y, a la vez, atractiva. De responder, digámoslo así, al radical y urgente desafío del hoy: «“re-formar” el pensar» redescubriendo su forma originaria, custodiada en el logos antiguo y siempre nue...
Jean Daniélou a d’abord appliqué le ressourcement patristique à l’exégèse ; à l’approche littérale et spirituelle, il ajoute une approche typologique : les prophètes de l’Ancien Testament étaient déjà conscients de la portée messianique de leurmessage. Cette approche patristique rend toute sa valeur à l’histoire et à la vie concrète des chrétiens....
This chapter analyses subsidiarity from a historical and theological point of view, starting from Scripture and the Patristic age, through the Middle Ages, and up to contemporary times, with its formulation in the context of the Social Doctrine of the Church. The analysis will then be read in terms of relational ontology and anthropology to show th...
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The article shows the existence in Joseph Ratzinger’s thought of a true Trinitarian ontology, which is a relational ontology, particularly with regard to the Trinitarian part of Introduction to Christianity, which originates with the patristic inspiration, in particular that of Augustine, but also of the Greek Fathers, in other words: of such an on...
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In this volume, Giulio Maspero explores both the ontology and the epistemology of the Cappadocians from historical and speculative points of view. He shows how the Cappadocians developed a real Trinitarian Ontology through their reshaping of the Aristotelian category of relation, which they rescued from the accidental dimension and inserted into th...
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This book is the second in the Winchester Modern Orthodox Dialogues Series. It aims to provide a direct, informed dialogue between Eastern and Western theologians where the only agenda and only criterion for success are the understanding of something more about the other side. It is a model for a meaningful inter-denominational meeting of theologia...
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Las lecturas modernas del Concilio de Nicea (325) muestran cómo el homousious debe ser considerado una invasión indebida de la filosofía helénica en el espacio de la pureza del dato bíblico. En el contexto actual, sin embargo, podemos leer tal juicio como anacrónico, ya que la oposición entre exégesis y metafísica carece de fundamento histórico. El...
How can a reality whose subsistence is only digital and whose existence is only online have ontological consistency? Yet experience shows how the pervasiveness of communication in human life today and the new possibilities of data analysis, made possible by AI, open up real and crucial ethical questions, in the etymological sense of crux. This, in...
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En esta contribución se propone una perspectiva original para dilucidar el juicio de Clemente y Orígenes en cuanto a la crisis de interpretación que surgió de la lucha entre la exégesis de la Escritura y la interpretación moral de los textos paganos clásicos que eran comunes en las escuelas de retórica de la antigüedad tardía. Nuestro interés se ce...
Exploring the key documents, authors and themes of Early Christian traditions, this volume traces the vital trajectories of emerging distinctive Christian identity in the Graeco-Roman world. Special attention is given to the coherent growth of Christian faith in connection with worship, alongside the crucial transformation of Christian life and doc...
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The paper shows the relevance of Gregory of Nyssa’s Trinitarian ontology for Ecumenism. In fact, the Cappadocian’s rereading of the relationship between ontology and history makes it possible to combine dynamics and being in his reading of divinization as epektasis. This seems to be relevant from the perspective of Luther studies, as it shows that...
Both the history of the Church and Dogmengeschichte witness to an ambiguity in the reception of Origen’s theology. But the last decades have offered new results, ranging from the discovery of the original Greek text of the homilies on the Psalms to the development of a relational and anti‐reductionist epistemology for the history of dogma. These de...
In continuity with the first two chapters of the second part, Giulio Maspero’s thesis is that the cultural dimensions to which one must turn in order to find the reasons for the meta-crisis of both liberalism and socialism, highlighted by Donati, are metaphysics and anthropology, specifically the relationship between modernity and fatherhood. The c...
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What will social life be like when the Covid-19 pandemic has been eradicated? Will we return to 'normal' life as before, in continuity with the modern myths of well-being and progress, or will we have to adopt another modus vivendi? The book intends to show that the pandemic has revealed to us something that modernity has removed: the reality of so...
The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the unrest in the US following the unlawful death of George Floyd, and other sources of social unrest and insecurity, have brought to a head something that has been brewing in Western societies since the Great Recession of 2008: the disillusionment with liberal democracy as it evolved after Wor...
Conference Paper
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As announced at the IAC 2019 held in Washington, at the beginning of 2020 the University of Insubria (Italy), in collaboration with the UCSS of Lima (Peru), has created a new research center called InCosmiCon (Intelligence in the Cosmic Context), based at the Department of Human Sciences, Innovation and Territory (DISUIT). Its goal is to investigat...
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The paper applies Christian Humanism to management highlighting the role of relations in business and the entrepreneurial life. The claim is that such a dimension is important for everybody even from a secular point of view regardless of one’s belief. The first part shows how Biblical tradition inspired a rereading of relation in the first Christia...
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Epistemologia teologiczna Tomasza z Akwinu została przedstawiona jako odpowiedź na aporię klasycznej myśli metafizycznej, która potwierdzała relacyjność episteme, ale zaprzeczała Pierwszej Zasadzie. Droga, która prowadziła poprzez przyczyny do przyczyny ostatecznej, pozostawała bez fundamentu. W przeciwieństwie do tego, ontologia trynitarna rozwini...
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The article analyzes the history of the term perichoresis in the space of time embraced by the first seven ecumenical councils. After the Christological debut of the terminology in the fourth century in the work of Gregory of Nazianzus to indicate the dynamism of the relationship of the two natures of Christ in the hypostatic union, the text shows...
In order to approach the Origenist crises through the category of “minority”, some remarks are needed. It is necessary to avoid any anachronistic projection of modern understanding on the past. But, at the same time, the epistemological challenge could be useful to go beyond historicism in contemporary Dogmengeschichte . The condemnation of Origeni...
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Sono molto importanti le riflessioni sull’uso della metafisica nell’insegnamento dei Padri della Chiesa, perché questo legame è molto radicato nell’esegesi fatta da loro. Questa è stata contestata soprattutto in ambito della Riforma che sosteneva che il linguaggio biblico fosse una derivazione della filosofia greca pagana. Padri della Chiesa non so...
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The article proposes the thesis that Manalive metaphorically represents the apocalypse because Innocent Smith can be read as a symbol of the desire to meet the Risen One inscribed in the heart of every man. The two parts of the novel are therefore analyzed, first of all highlighting the eschatological traits that characterize the arrival of the pro...
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This volume explores the potential of employing a relational paradigm for the purposes of interdisciplinary exchange. Bringing together scholars from the social sciences, philosophy and theology, it seeks to bridge the gap between subject areas by focusing on real phenomena. As an experimental collection that highlights the potential that exists fo...
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Different sources describe the theology of the Pneumatomachians or Macedo­nians in the 4th century. They shared with the Arians the negation of the divinity of the Holy Spirit but were in disagreement with them about the Son. Different Greek Fathers wrote different answers and the study of their strategies seems of interest to better understand the...
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Lo studio percorre gli usi del termine oikonomia e dei suoi derivati nelle opere di Gregorio di Nissa dedicate alla discussione con Eunomio. La prospettiva analitica permette di ricostruire teologicamente la valenza ontologica della misericordia dalla prospettiva del rapporto tra essere e storia. L’attualità costante del pensiero cristiano può, inf...
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Cyril’s epistle XLI is addressed to Acacius of Scythopolis and discusses the exegesis of the scapegoat in Lev 16. The importance of the question is witnessed to by the presence of letter in the Patristic dossier of the Acts of the Council of Ephesus. Palestine, the region of the addressee, was characterized by the necessity of facing at the same ti...
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The article presents Apophatism as the key element of a true theological epistemology, as proposed by the Fathers of Church in the fourth century and by Joseph Ratzinger. This shows a real convergence with the epistemological limitations discovered by natural sciences in their research, ranging from Galileo to Chaos Theory and Quantum Mechanics. Th...
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La cristología de Gregorio de Nisa es generalmente considerada correcta en la substancia, pero deficiente en la forma, en cuanto su terminología sería todavía demasiado primitiva. Sin embargo, desde la perspectiva del II concilio de Constantinopla, se descubre que el pensamiento niseno ha ejercido una clara influencia sobre Justiniano, como se desp...
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El análisis de los usos nisenos del verbo σύνδϵw con sus derivados pone de relieve la originalidad de la obra de Gregorio de Nisa, que acude a esa terminología para indicar realidades teológicamente fundamentales, como la Cruz de Cristo (σύνδϵσμoϨ) y el Espíritu Santo (σύνδϵϮɩkóϨ). Él reconoce la misma intimidad divina como fuente de toda unidad y...
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Este artículo pone de relieve la singular trayectoria intelectual y académica del Prof. Lucas F. Mateo Seco, analizando en primer lugar las constantes teológicas de su obra investigadora, en la que, sin duda, debe ser destacada su importante producción en torno al pensamiento de S. Gregorio de Nisa. Más tarde, tras hacer referencia a la obra manual...
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The depth of the understanding of reality that emerges from the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky is simply ineffable. The divine and human is continuously recalled in his narrative plots and in the development of his characters. This is why various theologians have considered the great Russian writer an exceptional interlocutor. The object of this work is...
This contribution is based on the circularity pointed out by the following sentences: It is for their physics that metaphysics get old (E. Gilson) and It is through physics that we go back to metaphysics today (J. Daniélou). Two paths are juxtaposed: The first is the ontological one, that from the Pythagorean identification of being and number brou...
In this chapter I will describe the main difference between classical metaphysics and Christian ontology. This distinction is useful to understand the role played by the body in the prayer; moreover these two different ontologies can cast some light on the different path to ?deification? both in ancient philosophy and in Christian Theology. This ta...
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The present study compares the understandings of relation in Gregory of Nyssa's and in Augustine's thought. Both authors modified the ontological definition of relation in their presentation of the Trinitarian Mystery and in their response to arianism. So both reread the world in the light of this new understanding of relation. A key moment in this...
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Abstrakt Life is a theological and metaphysical problem, because it constitutes the apex of the realm of being. The Aristotelian Unmoved Mover was identified with Life as the act of thinking. Christian doctrine affirms that God is triune just as Life, but here identified both with Logos and Love. The ontology of the First Principle is different in...
The III and the IV centuries were marked by a noteworthy development of the Christian thought on Logos driven by the theological need to distinguish in a clear way the Creator and His creatures. In fact, Logos is a key concept in the formulation of the relationship between God and world. From this perspective a flu rouge connects Origen, Eusebius o...
The iii and the iv centuries were marked by a noteworthy development of the Christian thought on Logos driven by the theological need to distinguish in a clear way the Creator and His creatures. In fact, Logos is a key concept in the formulation of the relationship between God and world. From this perspective a il rouge connects Origen, Eusebius of...
We present and explore a real case in case in authorship attribution (A.A.) by combining the traditional philological approach with novel mathematical techniques. The problem involves the extensive productions of Basil of Caesarea and his brother Gregory of Nyssa, two influential 4th century Christian theologians, and the attribution of specific an...
The 4th century is theologically characterised by an effort to fully acknowledge man's freedom, based on the new understanding of filiation initiated in Sacred Scripture. During their discussions with the Arians and the Neo-Arians, the Fathers of the Church came to identify the Son's free obedience as a proper personal characteristic. In the hereti...
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We study fluctuations of survival probability in an open quantum system classically described by a map with a mixed phase space. Our results provide the first numerical support to theoretical predictions that such fluctuations have a fractal structure, quantitatively related to the algebraic decay of the classical survival probability.
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We study the time dependence of the ionization probability of Rydberg atoms driven by a microwave field, both in classical and in quantum mechanics. The quantum survival probability follows the classical one up to the Heisenberg time and then decays algebraically as P(t) ~ 1/t. This decay law derives from the exponentially long times required to es...
We study quantum chaos in open dynamical systems and show that it is characterized by quantum fractal eigenstates located on the underlying classical strange repeller. The states with longest life times typically reveal a scars structure on the classical fractal set.
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We show that quantum effects modify the decay rate of Poincaré recurrences P\(t\) in classical chaotic systems with hierarchical structure of phase space. The exponent p of the algebraic decay P\(t\)~1/tp is shown to have the universal value p = 1 due to tunneling and localization effects. Experimental evidence of such decay should be observable in...
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We numerically analyze the transmission through a thin disordered wire of finite length attached to perfect leads, by making use of banded random Hamiltonian matrices. We compare the Landauer and the Thouless conductances, and find that they are proportional to each other in the diffusive regime, while in the localized regime the Landauer conductan...
We study quantum chaos in open dynamical systems and show that it is characterized by quantum fractal eigenstates located on the underlying classical strange repeller. The states with longest life times typically reveal a scars structure on the classical fractal set.
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We show that the quantum relaxation process in a classically chaotic open dynamical system is characterized by a quantum relaxation time scale t_q. This scale is much shorter than the Heisenberg time and much larger than the Ehrenfest time: t_q ~ g^alpha where g is the conductance of the system and the exponent alpha is close to 1/2. As a result, q...
We numerically analyze the transmission through a thin disordered wire of finite length attached to perfect leads, by making use of banded random Hamiltonian matrices. We compare the Landauer and the Thouless conductances, and find that they are proportional to each other in the diffusive regime, while in the localized regime the Landauer conductan...


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