Giulia Realdon

Giulia Realdon
Università di Camerino | UNICAM · Sezione di Geologia

MS Biology + Master in Science Communication + PhD Earth Sciences Education


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Giulia Realdon currently works at the Sezione di Geologia, University of Camerino. She is also EGU (European Geosciences Union) Education Field Officer for Italy. Giulia does research in Teaching Methods, Teacher Education and Higher Education. Her current projects are 'Ocean Literacy' and the understanding of evolution


Publications (52)
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Scientific literacy is crucial to address important and complex societal problems, both current and future. Teaching using a socioscientific issues (SSI) approach is a potential strategy to develop students' scientific literacy, although teachers have reported concerns about its implementation, such as the inability to add additional distinct requi...
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Background Evolution is a unifying theme in biology and its understanding is essential to address sustainability problems. However, many people across the world do not understand evolution. Textbooks are among the most widely used educational resources and the way they depict evolution may greatly impact students’ scientific literacy in evolution....
The contribution of school curricula to public understanding and acceptance of evolution is still mostly unknown, due to the scarcity of studies that compare the learning goals present in different curricula. To overcome this lack of data we analysed 19 school curricula (18 European and one from Israel) to study the differences regarding the inclus...
The contribution of school curricula to public understanding and acceptance of evolution is still mostly unknown, due to the scarcity of studies that compare the learning goals present in different curricula. To overcome this lack of data we analysed 19 school curricula (18 European and one from Israel) to study the differences regarding the inclus...
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The Mediterranean Sea is recognized as a key component in the development, economy, and culture of European, North African, and Middle East countries. With respect to heterogeneity across the region in different sectors, Ocean Literacy, though still in its infancy, is nevertheless a requisite for a better understanding of the two-way interaction be...
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The Mediterranean Sea is recognized as a key component in the development, economy, and culture of European, North African , and Middle East countries. With respect to heterogeneity across the region in different sectors, Ocean Literacy, though still in its infancy, is nevertheless a requisite for a better understanding of the two-way interaction b...
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The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by rich biodiversity, and its region hosts people living in several countries with a rich variety of cultures, but-at the same time-it is "under siege", due to anthropogenic pressures. To address these pressures, many actions are needed aiming, among others, at establishing Ocean Literacy (OL) across the Medit...
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Ocean Literacy (OL) emerged in the USA in the 2000s as a concept developed for the education system aimed at teachers. In 2011, it gained the attention of European educators who formed the first OL network in Europe, the European Marine Science Ed-ucators Association (EMSEA). Parallel to that initiative, Portugal started the first initiative to ado...
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The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by rich biodiversity, and its region hosts people living in several countries with a rich variety of cultures, but-at the same time-it is "under siege", due to anthropogenic pressures. To address these pressures, many actions are needed aiming, among others, at establishing Ocean Literacy (OL) across the Medit...
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Evolution is a key concept of biology, fundamental to understand the world and address important societal problems, but research studies show that it is still not widely understood and accepted. Several factors are known to influence evolution acceptance and understanding, but little information is available regarding the impacts of the curriculum...
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Background Investigations of evolution knowledge and acceptance and their relation are central to evolution education research. Ambiguous results in this field of study demonstrate a variety of measuring issues, for instance differently theorized constructs, or a lack of standardized methods, especially for cross-country comparisons. In particular,...
Ocean Literacy (OL) is considered to be important for raising awareness of the people concerning conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources. Addressing environmental issues related to the Mediterranean SeaMediterranean Sea and increasing OL can be the first step to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 14UN Sustaina...
Technical Report
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The lack of standardised assessment of evolutionary knowledge and acceptance of evolution across Europe makes comparisons between studies difficult. The Evolution Education Questionnaire on Acceptance and Knowledge (EEQ) was constructed to measure attitudes and understanding across Europe and beyond. We aimed to compile a brief instrument to allow...
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Even though the ocean is a defining feature on Earth that regulates climate and provides oxygen, food, and jobs, students still have low to moderate marine and ocean literacy knowledge. Ocean literacy is an understanding of the ocean's influence on people and people's influence on the ocean. It is an emerging need necessary for ensuring the sustain...
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Ocean Literacy (OL) has been defined as an understanding of the ocean’s influence on people and their influence on the ocean. The OL movement was born in the US and its framework consisted of seven essential principles and 45 fundamental concepts; it is now largely accepted worldwide for use in both formal (schools and universities) and non-formal...
Conference Paper
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Responding to a widely perceived need for enhancing geoscience education (King, 2013), in 2018 the EGU Committee on Education launched the EGU and IUGS-IGEO Geoscience Field Officer (FO), project. FO Educators are specifically trained and appointed to run professional development activities: teacher workshops based the hands-on activities developed...
Despite the rise of Ocean Literacy (OL) movement at the beginning of 2000s, ocean sciences remain a neglected topic in school curricula of many countries, including Italy. This study investigates ocean-related knowledge and opinions in a sample of 351 primary and secondary school students of North Eastern Italy (4th, 5th and 8th grades) by means of...
Conference Paper
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The ocean, through water cycle, energy transfer, oxygen production and CO2 absorption, made and makes life possible on Earth. Even if this delicate balance is endangered by human activities, ocean related topics are often neglected in school curricula of many European countries. To help addressing this problem, we developed a series of practical l...
Conference Paper
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A European Maritime Day (EMD) 2019 event was held at a Greek mainland middle school in which twenty-two fifteen-years-old students participated. The event included a presentation, two hands-on labs (“Floating and non-floating plastics”, “The voyage of rubber ducks”), one drama activity (“How do sea food chains work?”) as well as one drawing and han...
Conference Paper
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Ocean Literacy (OL) is of paramount importance nowadays as the life-giving ocean is seriously under threat. Children who are considered to be the “living arrows sent forth” should have the opportunity to become citizens able to make informed and responsible decisions about the ocean. Members of the European Marine Science Educators Association from...
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A good understanding of the role and function of the ocean seems to be of paramount importance in recent years, constituting the basic tool for the promotion of healthy and sustainable marine environment, and a target area of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this study, the content knowledge of elementary school students (grades 3–6)...
Conference Paper
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Ocean Literacy (OL) is a multifaceted issue, involving not only scientific knowledge, but also environmental, societal and economical implications. Within this scenario, Scienza under 18 Isontina and MARE FVG - Maritime Technology Cluster FVG developed an innovative project aimed at promoting OL and blue careers among students of Friuli Venezia Gi...
Conference Paper
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EMSEA Med is an international Mediterranean group of educators and scientists/researchers. It was established in 2015 within EMSEA on the basis of the common regional origin and of the shared interest for the promotion of OL along the Mediterranean Sea. This “Sea in the middle of the Earth”, the largest and deepest enclosed sea on Earth, cradle of...
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Ocean Literacy (OL), tradotto in italiano come “Conoscere il Mare”, significa comprendere che influenza ha il mare su di te e che influenza hai tu sul mare. Il movimento per l’OL, nato negli USA all’inizio di questo secolo, dal 2011 si è esteso all’Europa per azione dell’EMSEA – European Marine Science Educators Association. Nell’ambito di quest’a...
Geological time is a pivotal concept in Earth sciences and many studies deal with it, but only few are interventional and none is known in Italy. We performed a study on the learning of geological time through a randomized controlled trial among 298 ninth grade liceo students of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), including a pre-test, a short lecture,...
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Scienza under 18 Isontina, an Italian NGO committed to science communication and environmental education for the schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG, Italy), is developing a novel activity aimed at promoting OL in collaboration with MARE FVG, a partner from marine economy world. MARE FVG - Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, is a regional public-pr...
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This thesis is the result of two different researches addressing the following issues: Part I: the teaching of Earth Sciences in Italian liceo high schools Part II: the understanding of geological time in a sample of 9th grade students of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Conference Paper
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The Mediterranean Sea region is the cradle of modern civilization, a biodiversity hotspot, the most visited touristic area and home to over 460 million people. Increasing stresses due to tourism, fishing, coastal development, pollution, shipping and climate change are threatening the fragile Mediterranean Sea ecosystem. Sustainable development of t...
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Marine micro-plastics are a relatively recent issue in research (Thompson et al. 2004), in the media and in education and, due to novelty and relevance, they are a suitable topic for addressing Ocean Literacy within science teaching to different age groups. In fact marine micro-plastics can be used to introduce Ocean Literacy and environmental scie...
Conference Paper
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Building on the EMSEA experience, a group of researchers and educators from the Mediterranean Region, EMSEA-MED, started a collaborative and innovative effort to promote the ocean literacy principles in the region, and to adapt them to the specificities of the Mare Nostrum. The Mediterranean Sea is not only considered the cradle of civilization, b...
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Following the recent upper secondary school reform (2010) in almost every Italian liceo high school there is a Natural Sciences curriculum (including Earth Sciences, Biology and Chemistry) spread over five years. The Ministry of Education issued guidelines without chronological separation between the three different subjects. Given the novelty of t...
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While teaching activities on marine litter have quite a long tradition, the topic of marine micro-plastics is a relative new issue in education. In fact one of the first papers on micro-plastics was published in 2004 (Thompson et al.. 2004), sparkling the interest of researchers, who eventually discovered them in nearly every environment. In additi...
Technical Report
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The Eurofleets-2 PREPARED cruise was conducted during June 5–15, 2014 on board the Norwegian R/V G.O. Sars to investigate the present and past oceanographic flow regime and patterns around two contourite drifts located in the eastern side of the Fram Strait (south-western margin of Spitsbergen). To achieve the main objective of the project, we plan...
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Introduzione Nell'ambito della scuola di dottorato in Teaching Earth Science del Dipartimento di Geologia dell'Università di Camerino (Macerata) si sono svolti e si stanno svolgendo dottorati di ricerca sulla didattica delle Scien-ze della Terra. Si è inoltre costituito il gruppo Unicam Earth sulla didattica delle Scienze della Terra, volto a suppo...
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This study focuses on science education activities realized by European intergovernmental research organizations (EIROForum) with the aim of reconstructing their history and providing a picture of present situation and possible developments. Starting from her own experience as a science teacher involved in European projects, the candidate carried o...
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[English abstract] This study focuses on science education activities realized by European intergovernmental research organizations (EIROForum) with the aim of reconstructing their history and providing a picture of present situation and possible developments. Starting from her own experience as a science teacher involved in European projects, the...


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