Giulia Bossaglia

Giulia Bossaglia
Federal University of Minas Gerais | UFMG · Faculdade de Letras

Adjunct Professor in Comparative Linguistics


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Publications (12)
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En aquest article presentem un subconjunt de corpus orals de la família C-ORAL, concretament, el corpus C-ORAL-BRASIL de portuguès brasiler espontani (PB). Derivat de la branca no-europea del projecte C-ORAL-ROM (Cresti i Moneglia 2005), el projecte C-ORAL-BRASIL ha aplegat uns corpus orals de PB de tercera generació, el qual destaca no sols com a...
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This paper deals with an inter-annotator agreement test involving the identification of the information unit of Topic as defined within the framework of the Language into Act Theory (L-AcT). Fleiss’s kappa statistic was used to measure the agreement among the four annotators who took part in the test. The data used was sampled from C-ORAL-BRASIL II...
What is the best way to analyze spontaneous spoken language? In their search for the basic units of spoken language the authors of this volume opt for a corpus-driven approach. They share a strong conviction that prosodic structure is essential for the study of spoken discourse and each bring their own theoretical and practical experience to the ta...
Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma análise das orações completivas na fala do inglês americano, tendo como base teórica a Language into Act Theory (L-AcT, CRESTI, 2000). A partir dessa teoria, a subordinação completiva é analisada em sua interface com a articulação informacional, levando em conta a organização pragmática da sintaxe da fala. Após efetua...
Handbook of comparative linguistics and linguistic typology for Brazilian undergraduate students. Besides presenting the disciplines of historical comparative linguistics and language typology, other collateral topics are introduced, namely: the main world's language families; structural vs. sociolinguistic approach to the study of languages; Ameri...
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Resumo: Este tem por objetivo apresentar uma descrição preliminar da unidade informacional de Parentético (PAR), baseada no corpus C-ORAL-BRASIL (RASO; MELLO, 2012), representativo da fala informal da variedade mineira do português brasileiro, e embasada na Language into Act Theory (L-AcT; CRESTI, 2000). Foram pesquisadas as principais característi...
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In this paper we present different resources for the study of spoken Brazilian Portuguese, developed within the C-ORAL-BRASIL project. The C-ORAL-BRASIL stemmed from the European C-ORAL-ROM project (Cresti & Moneglia, 2005), which has compiled spoken corpora of Italian, French, Spanish, and European Portuguese. The corpora of the C-ORAL family repr...
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This paper presents a preliminary study on the syntax/prosody interface in spoken Brazilian Portuguese and Italian, within the Language into Act Theory theoretical framework (L-AcT, Cresti 2000). According to this theory, spoken syntax has to be studied taking into consideration the way the speaker combines information along one or more information...
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Neste artigo apresenta-se uma análise da sintaxe da fala espontânea do português brasileiro, com base na Language into Act Theory (L-AcT; CRESTI, 2000). Esta teoria corpus-driven é uma extensão da Teoria dos Atos de Fala de Austin (1962) que estuda a diamesia falada com ênfase em sua dimensão prosódica, e individualiza a unidade de referência da fa...
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This paper reports on the syntax of finite adverbial clauses in spoken Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Italian (IT), based on C-ORAL-BRASIL and Italian C-ORAL-ROM corpora and founded onLanguage into Act Theory (L-AcT: Cresti 2000). The analysis of adverbial clauses here is mainly focused on the syntax/pragmatics and syntax/information structure inter...
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Conforme a Teoria da Língua em Ato (CRESTI, 2000a), que fundamenta este artigo, a sintaxe no estudo da fala espontânea necessita ser estudada considerando a dimensão da articulação informacional, e, portanto, de forma diferente de como é tradicionalmente feita a análise sintática da escrita. Com o objetivo geral de aprofundar o estudo da sintaxe da...
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In contemporary European Portuguese, causative and (direct) perception constructions represent two syntactic contexts in which an alternation between inflected and non-inflected infinitive exists. Aiming to find a ratio governing such an alternation, a study on the constructions at issue was made using the CETEMPúblico corpus. The different types o...


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