Giorgio GarutiMontanuniversität Leoben · Chair of Resource Mineralogy
Giorgio Garuti
Dr. Prof.
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Publications (172)
This study provides a comprehensive literature review of the distribution, the platinum- group elements (PGE) composition, and mineral chemistry of chromitites associated with Mesozoic Tethyan ophiolites in the Mediterranean Basin. These suites outcrop in the northern Italian Apennines, the Balkans, Turkey, and Cyprus. Most chromitites occur in dep...
An electron microprobe study was carried out on olivine, clinopyroxene, and oxy-spinel occurring in basalts and dunite xenoliths from the archipelagos of the Azores, the Canary Islands, and Cape Verde. By comparing our results with previously published data from the volcanic islands of Macaronesia, we confirmed the validity of the compositions of o...
The research interest for many authors has been focused on the origin, recovery, and exploration of critical metals, including platinum-group elements (PGEs), with the aim of finding new potential sources. Many giant porphyry Cu deposits are well known around the Pacific Rim, in the Balkan–Carpathian system, Himalayas, China, and Malaysia. However,...
The Italian Northern Apennines contain several Fe-Cu-Zn-bearing, Cyprus-type volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, which significantly contribute to the Cu resources of Italy. The massive sulfide lenses and related stockwork mineralizations are hosted by several levels (from basalt to serpentinite) of the unmetamorphosed ophiolitic series; t...
This contribution provides an overview of platinum group elements (PGE) distribution and mineralogy in ophiolitic chromitites, which are unusually enriched in the low melting-point Rh, Pt and Pd (PPGE) compared with most chromite deposits associated with ophiolites, which are dominated by the refractory Os, Ir and Ru (IPGE). The PPGE-rich chromitit...
The presence of PGM associated with the podiform chromitites in the Jurassic–Cretaceous ophiolite of Sebuku Island (South Kalimantan, Indonesia) is reported for the first time. Two types of chromitite have been recognized; one with high-Cr composition (Cr/(Cr + Al) > 0.7) occurs in the deep mantle, the other, high-Al (Cr/(Cr + Al) < 0.6), is locate...
This contribution presents the first systematic mineralogical study of chromite composition, silicates and PGM (platinum group minerals) by electron microprobes in the podiform chromitite of Kabaena Island (Indonesia) mined in the past. The main target of this study is to understand the petrogenetic nature of the parental melt from which the chromi...
The mantle tectonite of the Kraka ophiolite contains several chromite deposits. Two of
them consisting of high-Cr podiform chromitite—the Bolshoi Bashart located within harzburgite of the upper mantle transition zone and Prospect 33 located in the deep lherzolitic mantle—have been investigated. Both deposits are enveloped in dunite, and were formed...
Naldrettite (Pd2Sb) is a PGM discovered in 2005 in Mesamax Northwest deposit, Ungava region, Quebec, Canada. Before and after its approval, PGM with the naldrettite type composition have been reported from a number of localities worldwide. Most frequently, naldrettite has been documented in magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits, hydrothermal veins in...
Kabaena Island is one of the areas in Southeast Sulawesi that has the potential for chromite deposits. This paper is aimed to provide information on the mineralogical aspects of chromitite from the research area. Back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging and chemical analysis of chromite were performed using an electron microprobe. Chromite deposits in...
Please find more information on our publication 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104289
Trace element distribution and Zr-in-rutile temperature have been investigated in accessory rutile from stratiform (UG2, Merensky Reef, Jacurici), podiform (Loma Peguera), and metamorphic chromitites in cratonic shields (Cedrolina, Nuasahi). Rutile from chromitite has typical finger-print of Cr-V-Nb-W-Zr, whose relative abundance distinguishes magm...
Podiform chromitites of the Vavdos ophiolite are associated with dunite bodies hosted within residual mantle harzburgite. The mantle source is highly depleted and apparently developed at fore-arc settings as inferred from the presence of boninitic melts. The ascendance of these melts through dunite pathways and their subsequent interaction with the...
Quartz from the stockwork zone of various Cyprus type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (Boccassuolo, Reppia, Campegli, Bargone and Vigonzano) from the unmetamorphosed, Jurassic Northern Apennine ophiolites was studied in order to provide details on the submarine hydrothermal conditions and the characteristics for ore formation. Our detailed SE...
The new mineral species, eliopoulosite, V7S8, was discovered in the abandoned chromium mine of Agios Stefanos of the Othrys ophiolite, located in central Greece. The investigated samples consist of massive chromitite hosted in a strongly altered mantle tectonite, and are associated with nickelphosphide, awaruite, tsikourasite, and grammatikopoulosi...
The first occurrence of Niphosphide were observed in altered silicates of the podiform chromite of Alapevsk ophiolite, Russia [1]. However, several Ni-V-Mo phosphides are reported in concentrates obtained from the ophiolitic chromitites of Gerakini-Ormylia and
Othrys complexes of Greece [2,3].
Unnamed phosphides of Ni, Co, V, Mo, and one V-sulfide were found in a chromitite
of the Agios Stefanos mine (Othrys ophiolite, Central Greece). Most of the phosphides
have a stoichiometry similar to allabogdanite or barringerite but show significant
proportions of Co, V, and Mo. The minerals could correspond to a Ni-allabogdanite or Nibarringerite...
Phosphides are rare in nature and only 14 phases have
been officially accepted by IMA. Most of them occurred as
accessory minerals in meteorites, but have been also
described in terrestrial samples. The first occurrence of Niphosphide
were observed in altered silicates of the podiform
chromite of Alapevsk ophiolite, Russia [1]. However, several
Tsikourasite, Mo3Ni2P1+x (x < 0.25), is a new phosphide discovered in a mantle-hosted
podiform chromitite collected in the abandoned mine of Agios Stefanos (Othrys ophiolite), Central Greece. It forms tiny grains (from a few μm up to about 80 μm) and occurs as isolated grains or associated with other known minerals such as nickelphosphide and awaru...
Small grains, approximately 15 μm in size, of a Ni-phosphide, have been discovered in two chromite deposits associated with altered mantle peridotite: (i) in Bakanov Kluch, Alapaesk ophiolite, Russia and (ii) in Agios Dimitrios, Gerakini-Ormylia ophiolite, Greece. On the basis of the chromite composition, both the Bakanov Kluch and the Agios Dimitr...
Phosphide minerals, generally less than 20 μm in size, are mainly made of Ni-V-Co-Mo constituents, discovered in concentrates obtained from chromitite samples from the Agios Stefanos mine, Othrys ophiolite, Greece. Spinel from the chromitite is rich in Fe2O3 and very similar to chromites from podiform chromitites. Its Cr/(Cr+Al) ratios are lower th...
The Cedrolina chromitite body (Goiás-Brazil) is concordantly emplaced within talc-chlorite schists that correspond to the poly-metamorphic product of ultramafic rocks inserted in the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt (Central Brazil). The chromite ore displays a nodular structure consisting of rounded and ellipsoidal orbs (up to 1.5 cm in size), often...
Several chromite deposits located in the in the South and Southeast Arms of Sulawesi, Indonesia, have been investigated by electron microprobe. According to the variation of the Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Fe3+), the chromite composition varies from Cr-rich to Al-rich. Small platinum-group minerals (PGM), 1-10 µm in size, occur in the chromitites. The most abun...
This study reports the first documented occurrence of platinum group minerals (PGM) and silicate inclusions in the podiform chromitites of the Naga-Manipur ophiolite complex, Indo-Myanmar orogenic belt, northeastern India. The studied chromitites were divided into three groups, high-Cr (Cr#=0.72 to 0.80), intermediate-Cr (Cr#=0.66 to 0.68), and hig...
Grains of the bowieite-kashinite solid-solution series were characterized by electron microprobe analysis, single-crystal Xray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. The grains were recovered from dunitic rocks located in the Svetly Bor Ural-Alaskan type massif, Urals, Russia. Bowieite and kashinite occur as small inclusions (up to 100 μm in size) in...
An oxide-silicate occurrence, containing >40 wt.% NiO whole rock and showing enrichment in the platinum-group elements and antimony, was investigated at high magnification. Many phases with grain sizes generally <100 μm were observed; electron microprobe analysis indicated that, although some of these are known minerals in Ni-Sb-As space (such as b...
Chromite deposits in the Havana-Matanzas ophiolites of Western Cuba include both Al- ([Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.44-
0.46]) and Cr-rich ([Cr/(Cr+Al) = 0.65-0.74] chromitites that commonly occur in the upper part of mantle tectonites near the mantle-crust transition zone. These chromitites generally form small lenticular bodies
spatially associated with strongly...
Several Cyprus-type volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits occur in the Jurassic ophiolitic series of the Northern Apennines. Stratabound, stratiform and stockwork deposits were formed in the western limb of the Ne-otethys (Ligurian Ocean) and are observed today in basalt, gabbro and serpentinised peridotite host rocks. The studied stockwork...
Please find the extended abstract on p. 82-83 in the uploaded abstract volume.
One grain, about 100×80 μm in size, occurring in chromitite associated with the layered sequence of the Nurali mafic-ultramafic complex (Southern Urals, Russia) was investigated by electron-microprobe analyses and Raman spectroscopy. The grain is characterized by a spotty, rugged appearance and chemical zoning from which two compositions were calcu...
Two small grains, about 50 x 60 x 70 in size, occurring in the chromitite associated with the altered harzburgite of Loma Peguera (Dominican Republic) have been investigated by electron microprobe analyses, X-ray computed tomography, and X-ray diffraction. Electron microprobe data indicate the grains to be composed of Ru, Os, Ir, Fe, and O. The obt...
SeSSion 7. new advanceS in the underStanding of Pge mineralogy from magmatic to SuPergene environmentS Few tens of platinum group minerals (PGM) and copper-gold nuggets have been found in the Uktus Ural-Alaskan type complex located in the southern outskirts of Yekaterinburg, Central Urals (Russia). The investigated nuggets were collected in alluvia...
Two samples from the enigmatic Ni-oxide body of Bon Accord (Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa) have been investigated with the hydroseparation technique to obtain heavy mineral concentrates. The concentrates contain abundant Pt, Pd, and gold minerals never reported before from the Bon Accord Ni-oxide body. The grains occur as: (1) minute incl...
Two Ni-laterite profiles from the Loma Caribe peridotite (Dominican Republic) have been investigated for their platinum group element (PGE) geochemistry and mineralogy. One profile (Loma Peguera) is characterized by PGE-enriched (up to 3.5 ppm total PGE) chromitite bodies incorporated within the saprolite, whereas the second profile is chromitite-f...
We determined by electron microprobe the concentration of platinum group elements (PGE), Re, Te, As, Bi and the presence of specific platinum group minerals (PGM) in base metals sulfides (BMS) from Ni-Fe-Cu deposits of the Ivrea Verbano Zone, Italy. The investigated deposits can be divided into three main groups: 1) mineralized layers in different...
We report the results of a detailed mineralogical investigation of platinum-group minerals (PGM) and copper-gold nuggets from the Uktus Ural-Alaskan type complex in the Central Urals (Russia). The studied nuggets were sampled in alluvial-eluvial deposits from three small valleys, with temporary water flows, cutting across the Uktus massif. The volu...
Fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite and the mineral chemistry of chlorite in the gangue of (Fe-Cu-Zn) sulfide deposits of the Northern Apennine ophiolites (Italy) have been investigated. Quartz and calcite contain fluid inclusions in the system H 2 O-NaCl-CaCl 2 , with low salinity and homogenization temperatures clustering in three different ra...
Chemical and structural data are reported for platinum–palladium intermediates from two nuggets found at Córrego Bom Sucesso, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Three grains with simple stoichiometries (i.e. Pt xPd1−x with x ∼0.67, ∼0.5 and ∼0.33, which correspond to Pt2Pd, PtPd and PtPd2, respectively) were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and...
Gold has been found in the Cyprus-type volcanogenic massive sulfide ore (VMS) deposits of Corchia ophiolite (Parma province, Italy) in the Cantiere Donnini, Speranza and Pozzo mining sites. At Cantiere Donnini and Speranza, the mineralization occurs at the contact between pillow lava and sedimentary rocks. The Pozzo mineralization is hosted by a se...
Zaccariniite, RhNiAs, is a new platinum-group mineral discovered in the Loma Peguera ophiolitic chromitite, Dominican Republic. The mineral forms anhedral grains (1–20 μm in size) and occurs intergrown with garutiite, in association with hexaferrum, Ru-Os-Ir-Fe alloys, Ru-Os-Ir-Fe oxygenated compounds, and chromite. Zaccariniite is opaque and has a...
A variety of platinum-group-minerals (PGM) have been found to occur associated with the chromitite and dunite layers in the Niquelândia igneous complex. Two genetically distinct populations of PGM have been identified corresponding to phases crystallized at high temperatures (primary), and others formed or modified during post-magmatic serpentiniza...
Published and unpublished compositions of chromite in 333 chromitite samples from 14 ultramafic complexes of the Urals are overviewed. The chromitites occur in the mantle unit and/or the supra-Moho cumulate sequence of ophiolite complexes, as well as in Alaskan-type intrusions. They vary in size from giant ore deposits associated with ophiolites (e...
Monazite from chromitites of Cedrolina (Goiás State, Brazil) was investigated by electron microprobe and Raman spectroscopy. Monazite has been rarely encountered in chromitites. In Brazil, it was previously reported from chromitites of the Campo Formoso layered intrusion. Comparison
between the two occurrences indicates similar morphology and textu...
The so-called Butyrin vein in the dunite of the Kytlym Uralian-Alaskan complex, of the north-central Urals in Russia, consists mainly of amphibole clinopyroxenite and chromitite. The chromite of the Butyrin vein chromitite is enriched in Fe and Ti. Chromitites of the Butyrin vein contain up to 22972 ppb of platinum-group elements, and show a pronou...
Nineteen chromite crystals from the A, B, E, G, H, J and K chromitite layers of the Peridotite Zone of the Stillwater Complex (Montana, USA) have been studied by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction and microprobe analyses. The results show that samples from the basal A layer are quite different from the others showing very high oxygen positio...
The Bracco–Gabbro Complex (Internal Liguride ophiolite), that intruded subcontinental mantle peridotite, contains layers of chromitite that are associated with ultramafic differentiates. The chromitites and disseminated chromites in the ultramafics have Al contents similar to the Al-rich podiform chromitites [0.40 < Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Al) < 0.55]. TiO2...
This study reports the first finding of PGE-enriched chromitite veins within mantle dunite in the Slide
Mountain terrane of southwest Yukon at Eikland Mountain. Chromitite occurs as irregular centimetrescale
veins in dunite bodies within mantle harzburgite. Samples of chromitite veins contain up to
2600 ppb total PGE, with enrichment in PPGE relati...
We report the first find of chromitite in the mantle harzburgite of the Advocate ophiolite complex, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. Chromitite occurs as centimetric veins, pods and schlieren enveloped by dunite at Middle Arm Brook. The composition of the chromian spinel is homogeneous, with relatively high Cr# and low TiO2, and is consi...
The Vourinos ophiolite complex, in northwestern Greece, hosts abundant deposits of chromian spinel of historical economic importance. The chromitites have been investigated with regards to the composition of the chromian spinel and olivine, and the distribution of the platinum-group elements (PGE) minerals. Chromitites are composed of magnesiochrom...
The Khoy ophiolites are one of the largest Iranian ophiolitic complexes and are characterized by a very complicate geology, consisting of several ophiolites with different ages and geodynamic settings of formation. Few small lenticular and irregular bodies of podiform and schlieren type chromitites have been recognized in the Khoy ophiolites, occur...
Two laterite profiles from the Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit in the Dominican Republic have been analysed to their PGE contents. General PGE enrichment is observed in both profiles close to the exposed limonitic horizon as well as within the saprolitic horizon. Chondrite normalized patterns of the saprolite and limonite show flat PGE trends similar...
Galena bearing sulfide veins have been discovered coexisting with Fe–Cu–Zn dominated veins in the hydrothermal stockwork of the Boccassuolo ophiolite (External Ligurides, Northern Apennine, Italy). The galena-rich veins cut across a volcanic pile composed of pillow lava flows, pillow breccia, and ophiolitic sandstone. Bulk-ore analyses indicate sig...
The six platinum-group elements (PGE's) Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd and Au were analyzed by instrumental neutron-activation analysis after nickel sulfide fire assay, in peridotites and dyke rocks from the orogenic ultramafic massifs of the Ivrea Zone in the Italian western Alps (Baldissero, Balmuccia, Finero) and the Betico–Rifean cordillera in sout...
Chromitites associated with strongly altered peridotite from six distinct localities in the Santa Elena ultramafic nappe (Costa Rica) have been investigated for the first time. Santa Elena chromitites commonly display a compositional variation from extremely chromiferous (Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.81) to intermediate and aluminous (Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.54). This compos...
The Pindos ophiolite complex, located in the northwestern part of continental Greece, hosts various chromite deposits of both
metallurgical (high-Cr) and refractory (high-Al) type. The Pefki chromitites are banded and sub-concordant to the surrounding
serpentinized dunites. The Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al)] of magnesiochromite varies between 0.75 and 0.79. Th...