Gilles Merzeraud

Gilles Merzeraud
Université de Montpellier | UM1 · Geosciences Montpellier


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Publications (49)
The phosphate series of the Moroccan High Atlas accumulated during the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene phosphogenic period, on a biologically-productive shallow-water platform. These phosphate-rich sediments were deposited during a relative sea-level cycle generating major stratigraphic surfaces. Five different types of phosphatic lithofacies are recogn...
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By their past and present diversity, rodents are among the richest components of Caribbean land mammals. Their phylogenetic affinities, the timing of their arrival in the West Indies, and their biogeographical history are all ongoing debated issues. Here we report the discovery of rodent teeth from lower Oligocene deposits (~29.5 Ma) of Puerto Rico...
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Bulk sampling of an indurated glauconic sandstone horizon from Djebel el Kébar, Central Tunisia, yielded a moderately diversified assemblage of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays), dating from the late Middle Eocene (mid Bartonian). Here, 10 new taxa (nine new species and three new genera) are described among a total diversity of 33 species. These new...
Anthracotheres dispersed from Asia toward Africa at least three times: at the Eocene/Oligocene transition, during the early Miocene and later during the Miocene. Those dispersals are important datum events for African Tertiary biochronology. New fossil remains of early Libycosaurus, the genus implicated in the late Miocene dispersal, are described...
A post-Priabonian fluviatile debris-flows in Mabrouk (MBK), Djebel Chambi – Tunisia, have yielded a surprisingly rich assemblage of reworked marine elasmobranchs (23 taxa of sharks and rays). By comparison with their sub-coeval counterparts from northeastern Africa, this assemblage suggests an age ranging from the latest Priabonian up to the earlie...
The Altiplano formed a broad Cenozoic inverted sedimentary basin (> 200 km wide) with up to 8 km of fluvio-lacustrine filling in various sub-basins. This work is focused on the Corque basin which recorded evolution of the central Altiplano and Neotropical terrestrial mammalian assemblages during the late Neogene. Indeed, this area is inferred to ha...
Hypolophin ‘dasyatids’ are a common group of large stingrays today frequenting the Indo-Pacific inshores. Being often harvested in their restricted area, few are known about their biology and their evolutionary history despite a very peculiar dental pattern making it easy to track their fossil record. An abundant material consisting of isolated tee...
Manuel de géologie consacrée à l’étude de la sédimentologie par la reconstitution des paysages fossiles, cet ouvrage a une double vocation : théorique par son cours concis complété par des exercices d’application et des sujets de concours corrigés et théorique par son atlas couleurs inédit.
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Cette étude intègre des faunes inédites de chiroptères fossiles découvertes lors de plusieurs campagnes de terrain réalisées en Afrique du Nord. Il s’agit de localités fossilifères datées de l’Éocène inférieur à moyen de Tunisie (Chambi) et d’Algérie (Glib Zegdou). Les différentes analyses systématiques et cladistiques réalisées sur ce matériel fos...
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This study focuses on new fossil faunas of bats discovered in North Africa following several field campaigns. The fossiliferous localities include those from the Early to Middle Eocene of Tunisia (Chambi) and Algeria (Glib Zegdou). Systematic and cladistic analyses carried out on the fossil material, primarily including isolated teeth, allow us to...
New data from the Neogene Boudinar and Arbaa Taourirt basins (northeastern Morocco) provide constraints on the late Miocene evolution of the North Rifian Corridor. The chronostratigraphy of these basins is clarified on the basis of biostratigraphic (planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannoplankton) and radio-isotope ages. Marine sedimentation in t...
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The Kasserine area, in central Tunisia, is for a long time considered by many authors as an emerged island (or islets), since the upper Cretaceous until the middle Miocene. In the eighties, continental deposits were described and dated Eocene. At that time, no marine deposit older than middle Miocene were thus known in central Tunisia, and the only...
The Kasserine area, in central Tunisia, is for a long time considered by many authors as an emerged island (or islets), since the upper Cretaceous until the middle Miocene. In the eighties, continental deposits were described and dated Eocene. At that time, no marine deposit older than middle Miocene were thus known in central Tunisia, and the only...
The emergent domain known as “Kasserine Island” in central Tunisia, to the West of the North–South Axis, was emerging during the Turonian. This area has undergone several changes during the Cretaceous–Eocene period. In the present study, the compilation of surface and sub-surface data provided new information about the boundaries variations of the...
The late early to early middle Eocene Zegdoumyidae are the oldest representatives of the order Rodentia to be known in Africa thus far. Despite the fragmentary nature of their fossil record, these early African rodents have been central in discussions surrounding the early evolutionary history of the Anomaluroidea clade (the living forms of which a...
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Le bassin de Boudinar est un des principaux bassins néogènes de la marge marocaine qui a enregistré l’évolution post-rift des marges du bassin d’Alboran. La sédimentation dans ce bassin a démarré au Miocène supérieur et s’est poursuivie jusqu’à l’actuel. L’objectif de ce travail est de décrire la dynamique sédimentaire de cette portion de la marge...
Although advanced anthropoid primates (i.e., Simiiformes) are recorded at the end of the Eocene in North Africa (Proteopithecidae, Parapithecidae, and Oligopithecidae), the origin and emergence of this group has so far remained undocumented. The question as to whether these primates are the result of a monophyletic radiation of endemic anthropoids...
Based on fossil discoveries and phylogenetic studies, an Eocene Asian origin for hystricognathous rodents and anthropoid primates has gained strong support in recent years. The two groups then invaded both Africa and South America, which promoted their evolutionary success. However, the fossil record has so far failed to constrain the nature and pr...
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A l‟échelle de la Méditerranée, les événements géodynamiques survenus après la crise messinienne (5.8-5,3 Ma) sont peu décryptés dans les dépôts pliocènes. Le bassin néogène de Boudinar présente une remarquable succession de plus de deux cents mètres d'épaisseur du Miocène supérieur et du Pliocène et permet d'étudier le passage mio-pliocène ainsi q...
New field and micropalaeontological investigations have been conducted in four of the Pliocene rias of the internal zone of the Rif in Morocco, on the southern margin of the Alboran Sea. We found that marine sediments outcropping in these rias were deposited mainly during the Early Zanclean, between 5.04 and 3.8 Ma. After a transgressive episode th...
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New field and micropalaeontological investigations have been conducted in four of the Pliocene rias of the internal zone of the Rif in Morocco, on the southern margin of the Alboran Sea. We found that marine sediments outcropping in these rias were deposited mainly during the Early Zanclean, between 5.04 and 3.8 Ma. After a transgressive episode th...
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Background: Molecular clock estimates of crown strepsirhine origins generally advocate an ancient antiquity for Malagasy lemuriforms and Afro-Asian lorisiforms, near the onset of the Tertiary but most often extending back to the Late Cretaceous. Despite their inferred early origin, the subsequent evolutionary histories of both groups (except for t...
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Sea cows (manatees, dugongs) are the only living marine mammals to feed solely on aquatic plants. Unlike whales or dolphins (Cetacea), the earliest evolutionary history of sirenians is poorly documented, and limited to a few fossils including skulls and skeletons of two genera composing the stem family of Prorastomidae (Prorastomus and Pezosiren)....
Character matrix for the cladistic analysis (nexus format). (NEX)
La stratigraphie séquentielle vise à étudier, dans un cadre chronologique, la nature et la géométrie des sédiments fossiles en relation avec les variations du niveau marin. Elle permet de reconstituer l'histoire du remplissage des bassins sédimentaires, d'étudier les causes qui agissent sur la sédimentation, ou encore de prédire la disposition de r...
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In the Causses platform (south-east France), Late Hettangian to Sinemurian deposits were interpreted previously as shallow-water carbonate ramp deposits. A new look at these deposits has shown a fault-controlled mosaic carbonate platform that is different from the carbonate ramp models. Within the platform mosaic, 15 lithofacies have been recognize...
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Carbon and Oxygen isotope profiles from a well-dated carbonate section spanning the Sinemurian time on the Caussenard High (southeast France) are compared to sedimentological data and the results from sequence stratigraphy analysis, in order to discuss the origin of isotopic variations in a shallow-marine carbonate succession. The sedimentological...
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Since thirty years, the development and the use of sequence stratigraphy concepts have cause a growing interest for unconformities as bounding surfaces of stratigraphic units. Only a few studies focalized on the comprehension of diagenetic and sedimentary processes, and timing of formation of sedimentary discontinuities. However, these processes re...
Conference Paper
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Since thirty years, the development and the use of sequence stratigraphy concepts have cause a growing interest for unconformities as bounding surfaces of stratigraphic units. Only a few studies focalized on the comprehension of diagenetic and sedimentary processes, and timing of formation of sedimentary discontinuities. However, these processes re...
In the southwestern part of the Paris Basin (Sologne region), dolomite and limestone deposits of Hettangian age represent an excellent cover for a thick sandstone reservoir, which is being worked by "Gaz de France" for natural gas storage in underground aquifers. The "genetic sequences" of these shallow marine deposits and their stacking patterns a...
In the southwestern part of the Paris Basin (Sologne region), dolomite and limestone deposits of Hettangian age represent an excellent cover for a thick sandstone reservoir, which is being worked by 'Gaz de France' for natural gas storage in underground aquifers. The 'genetic sequences' of these shallow marine deposits and their stacking patterns a...
Two types of carbonate facies have been identified in the Sinemurian series of the western margin of the Southeast Basin, and attributed to successive depositional settings of carbonate sedimentation. The first setting is a low-angle and low-energy shallow marine carbonate platform. The second setting indicates a high-energy carbonate ramp. This dr...
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The mineralogical assemblages, particularly clay mineral associations, from the siliciclastic deposits of the Paris Basin are related to the variable detrital input as well as to conditions prevailing in the basin during early deposition processes or pedogenetic evolution. During Rhaetian and Hettangian times, the depositional dynamics as defined b...
Two types of carbonate facies have been identified in the Sinemurian series of the western margin of the Southeast Basin, and attributed to successive depositional settings of carbonate sedimentation. The first setting is a low-angle and low-energy shallow marine carbonate platform. The second setting indicates a high-energy carbonate ramp. This dr...
Partitioning and preservation of facies at the reservoir-scale are two main problems that have been widely discussed in petroleum geology. However, the parametres that control these two processes have been poorly studied. This work deals with Hettangian siliciclastic deposits located at Chemery in the Sologne region (southwestern part of the Paris...
Two studies, one on Hettangian dolomitic cap rocks over “Gaz de France” gas storage reservoir rocks at Sologne, and the other on two separate sections in Dogger formations in Burgundy, conducted at the Palynology Laboratory of Strasbourg, illustrate that a palynological approach can lead to a considerable refinement of knowledge in sequence stratig...
Six depositional sequences (duration less than 1 Ma), probably of eustatic origin, have been identified in the German Basin during the Lower Lias. In the absence of regional unconformities, each unit was defined between two condensed sections correlatable at the basin scale. During the Hettangian, the stacking pattern of the depositional sequences...
The Gaz de France natural gas reservoir of the Sologne region, in the southern part of the Paris Basin and their doiomitic and limestone covers have been studied both at the sedimentological and palynological points of view. Our palynological study had two purposes: (1) to confirm or define more accurately the Permo-Triassic stratigraphic age of th...


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