Gerd HeilscherTechnische Hochschule Ulm | THU · Smart Grids Research Group
Gerd Heilscher
Head of Smart Grids Research Group
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Gerd Heilscher is professor for “Energy Data Management for Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems” at the Ulm University of Applied Sciences and head of the Smart Grids Reserch Group. He was director of meteocontrol from 1991 till 2006 – an energy and weather service company based in Germany. Main research topics are energy, meteorology and ICT aspects of high penetration of photovoltaic in distritbution grids.
Publications (131)
This paper presents an interdisciplinary, novel approach for incorporating day-ahead solar forecast obtained using numeric models into a real-time simulation framework for low-voltage microgrid analysis. The solar forecast data were integrated into the grid simulation at the information, communication, and function levels, utilising the data model...
The increased integration of variable renewable energy sources into the power grid can, amongst others, lead to fluctuations in voltage, which may result in issues like harmonics, flicker, unbalanced loads, and power oscillations. These factors can negatively impact power quality and the ability to transfer power effectively. Therefore, effectively...
In several countries, PV capacity has exceeded the country's minimum load. Unlimited feed-in at all times is therefore becoming less and less possible. Curtailment is not a goal. It is a method for increasing the utilization of power grids without exceeding their physical limits.
The ratio of annual energy yield to peak power is smaller for PV sy...
Solar photovoltaic (PV) generation is a cornerstone of sustainable energy production, but predicting its capacity across countries remains challenging due to factors like climate, terrain, and population density. To address this, a recent study proposed a novel approach using transfer learning, which is particularly valuable when historical data fo...
In this contribution, an approach for the virtualization of DER (Decentralized Energy Resources) communication using the container technology is proposed, and the setup of a quasi-dynamic SIL (Software/Controller-in-the-loop) simulation environment for the distribution grid simulation with high DER penetration is demonstrated. At the information an...
In the 21st century, new energy resources are developing at an ever-increasing rate, and many small-scale distributed energy resources (DER) are being installed and interconnected to the electric energy system. One of the attendant problems is handling the large amount of real-time data generated by those DER, which are difficult to process and con...
As a vital part of the ongoing energy transition, an increasing number of residential as well as small and medium-sized commercial PV systems are and will be installed in the distribution grids. In terms of PV integration, the physical integration of grid-interconnected PV systems often stands in the focus. However, system integration on the inform...
With the number of PV systems installed in Germany rising again since 2018, the provision of system services is increasingly coming into focus. On sunny off-peak days, the use of PV systems to provide balancing power will be indispensable in the future power grid [1]. This paper is based on a joint project, which is funded by the Ministry of Scienc...
As a result of the energy transition, an increasing number of Decentralized Energy Systems (DES) will be installed in the distribution grid in the future. Accordingly, new methods to systematically integrate the growing DES in distribution power systems must be developed utilizing the constantly evolving Information and Communication Technologies (...
Die Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm Netze GmbH (SWU) und die Smart-Grids-Forschungsgruppe der Technischen Hochschule Ulm (THU) untersuchen bereits seit zehn Jahren den Einfluss dezentraler Energiesysteme auf die Verteilnetze, entwickeln Lösungsansätze im Smart-Grid-Labor der THU und erproben neue Produkte gemeinsam mit den Kunden in den Smart-Grid-Testgebie...
The PV penetration in many countries is continuously growing and PV is becoming a major energy source in the future electricity grid worldwide. Therefore, PV systems and PV hybrids need to take over more and more system responsibility by providing ancillary services. Ancillary service “means a service necessary for the operation of a transmission o...
Kurzbeschreibung der Forschungsergebnisse (THU/EKUT/WBZU)
Dezentralisierung, Digitalisierung und Dekarbonisierung (3D’s) sind die führenden Innovationstrends auf dem Weg zur erfolgreichen Energiewende. Für die Digitalisierung der Energiewende sind die Themen Internet of Things* (IoT), Smart Meter*, virtuelle Kraftwerke und Blockchain* wichtig. Im...
The German national implementation of a smart metering infrastructure includes not only the electricity meter but also its own communication device, the smart meter gateway. These devices can provide secured communication channels to other devices for different services, e.g. sub metering, energy trading aspects and tele-control for decentralized e...
Um die Ziele für die Energiewende bis zum Jahr 2050 zu erreichen, muss der Einsatz von konventionellen Energieträgern durch umweltfreundlichere erneuerbare Energiequellen ersetzt werden. Tendenziell werden immer mehr Dachflächen mit PV-Anlagen belegt, die Ausnutzung von Solarenergie stellt aber den Verteilnetzbetreiber (VNB) vor neue Herausforderun...
Solar power generation at solar plants is a strongly fluctuating non-deterministic variable depending on many influencing factors. In general, it is not clear which and how certain variables influence solar power supply at feed-in points in a distribution network. Therefore, analyzing the dependence structure of measured solar power supply and othe...
The implementation of a Smart Metering Infrastructure (SMI) in Germany offers the opportunity to gather grid measurements in the low voltage grid and enable small scale systems like Photovoltaic-(PV-) systems for grid friendly control. The practical control of Decentralized Energy Resources (DER) can be realized via the CLS (Controllable-Local-Syst...
Over the last two decades, grid-connecte d solar photovoltaic systems have increased from a niche market to one of the leading power generation capacity additions annually. In 2019 the total worldwide installed photovoltaic electricity generation capacity exceeded 630 GW. It is forecasted that 1 TW will be reached by 2022. This further development...
Beschreibung der folgenden Testgebiete wärende des C/sells Felldests Ulm:
- Netztransparenz Ulm Einsingen
- Niederspannungs-Rückspeisung Hittistetten
- Verteilnetzinformationssystem Ulm
Over the last two decades, grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems have increased from a niche market to one of the leading power generation capacity additions annually. In 2018 the total installed photovoltaic electricity generation capacity exceeded 500 GW. Another doubling is forecasted until the early 2020s. Therefore, the further development...
The integration of decentralized renewable energy systems into our distribution networks leads to a need of more detailed information about local network structure and state estimation down to the low voltage level. This enforces the transformation of today's distribution networks into smart grids. Smart Meters with Smart Meter Gateways (iMSys) and...
Gründungssymposium Zentrum für Energietechnik – Uni Ulm, 2019.
Trotz mehr als einer Million Solarstromanlagen in Deutschland ist es uns in Deutschland als Pionier und ehemaligem Marktführer der Photovoltaik bisher nicht gelungen gemeinsame Standards für die Kommunikation mit Wechselrichtern zu definieren. Bisher verwendet jeder Wechselrichterhersteller eigene proprietäre Protokolle um einen Zugang zu den Mess-...
Die zunehmende Anzahl von dezentralen erneuerbaren Energieanlagen stellt den Verteilnetzbetreiber vor neue Herausforderungen für den Betrieb der Verteilnetze. Zum sicheren Betrieb von Netzen mit einer hohen Durchdringung von Photovoltaik-Systemen ist die Implementierung von intelligenten Steuerungsmethoden und Regelungsalgorithmen sowie die Standar...
Die zunehmende Anzahl von dezentralen erneuerbaren Energieanlagen stellt den Verteilnetzbetreiber vor neue Herausforderungen für den Betrieb der Verteilnetze. Zum sicheren Betrieb von Netzen mit einer hohen Durchdringung von Photovoltaik-Systemen ist die Implementierung von intelligenten Steuerungsmethoden und Regelungsalgorithmen sowie die Standar...
Dieser Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse des FuE-Projekts ESOSEG vor, welches den standardisierten Datenaustausch aus unterschiedlichen Datenquellen innerhalb eines Verteilnetzbetreibers untersucht hat. Hierzu wurde ein konkreter Anwendungsfall umgesetzt: die Aggregation eines Netzmodells für die Netzberechnung und dessen Bereitstellung für den jeweili...
Der grundsätzliche Paradigmenwechsel des Energieversorgungssystems, von einem System das abhängig von endlichen fossilen und atomaren Energieträgern ist und mit Großkraftwerken Stromabnehmer versorgten, zu einer auf erneuerbaren Energie-Technologien basierenden Energieversorgung, führt zu verschiedenen Herausforderungen. Insbesondere die Organisati...
Um eine erfolgreiche Energiewende umzusetzen, wird eine netzdienliche Integration von dezentralen erneuerbaren Energiesystemen, die überwiegend im Verteilnetz angeschlossen werden, vorausgesetzt. Dafür ist u. a. ein erheblich höherer Kommunikations- und Abstimmungsbedarf als der bis heute in der Energieversorgungs-infrastruktur vorhandene notwendig...
The fundamental changes in the energy sector, due to the rise of renewable energy resources and the possibilities of the digitalisation process, result in the demand for new methodologies for testing Smart Grid concepts and control strategies. Using the Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) methodology is one of the key elements for such evaluations. P...
Ausgehend vom Einspeisemanagement über vier Relais-Kontakte [1], wurden im Projekt vor allem bidirektionale aktive Kommunikationskanäle mit unterschiedlichen Anwendungen aufgebaut. In der Rolle eines externen Marktteilnehmers sichert das CLS-Center der ZENNER Hessware GmbH den Aufbau und Betrieb eines sicheren Kanals von der CLS-Steuerbox über das...
This contribution describes a setup for the combined system and equipment testing of micro grid and smart grid control concepts and components. The key aspects is the use of simple setup compared to typical power hardware-in-the-loop setup. This is achieved by using steady-state load flow calculations and a switched-mode amplifier. This setup was u...
Der grundsätzliche Paradigmenwechsel des Energieversorgungssystems zu dezentraler Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen führt zu verschiedenen Herausforderungen, insbesondere in Bezug auf den Betrieb und Planung der Stromnetze. Dies erfordert einen deutlich erhöhten Kommunikations- und Abstimmungsbedarf zwischen den Akteuren und Netzbetrei...
Das Ziel des Projekts EU-FP7 OrPHEuS (Optimizing Hybrid Energy Grids for Smart Cities) ist es, eine kooperative Kontrollstrategie zu entwickeln, um Energienetze (Strom, Wärme, Gas) in Stadtgebieten zu einem hybriden Gesamtnetz zu verbinden. In dieser Arbeit werden dezentrale Power to Heat (PtH) Lösungen behandelt, welche anhand von zwei realen Test...
The report D7.1.2providesa comprehensive comparison of the results of the technical work packages with the advances to the state of the art reached in the project.The value for advanced technology and its impact for replication will be discussed. Further, the report outlines the recommendations for replication with focus points on technical and eco...
The number of renewable energy systems has increased with the implementation of the feed-in tariff in Germany. Nowadays, more than 1.5 million photovoltaic systems are connected to the grid and over 85 % are installed at the low voltage level. The distribution system operators (DSO) have now to adapt their grid operation for high load as well as hi...
A scheme using satellite-derived irradiance measurements to model the feed-in power of residential photovoltaic (PV) systems in a low voltage distribution grid is described. It is validated against smart meter measurements from a test site with 12 residential PV systems in the city of Ulm, Germany, during May 2013 to December 2014. The PV feed-in p...
ABSTRACT: The objective of the “optimizing hybrid energy grids for smart cities”- (OrPHEuS) project is the development of cooperative control strategies for smart cities and hybrid energy networks. The OrPHEuS project aims at solutions for optimizing the interaction among multiple energy grids e.g. electric power, district heating and gas, which ar...
A scheme using satellite-derived irradiance measurements to model the load flow of a medium-to-low voltage transformer in a low voltage distribution grid area is described. This scheme is validated with measurements at the transformer from a test site with 21 residential PV systems in the city of Ulm, Germany. The irradiance data are provided by th...
At present, energy grids (electricity, heating/cooling, gas) still mainly operate independently and do not make use of synergies between them. Although interactions and synergies are increasingly apparent, they neither have been comprehensively analysed nor implemented in practise. The optimisation of such synergies is under investigation in the Or...
A scheme using satellite-derived irradiance measurements to model the load flow of a medium-to-low voltage transformer in a low voltage distribution grid area is described. This scheme is validated by comparison with measurements at the transformer from a test site with 21 residential PV systems in the city of Ulm, Germany. The irradiance data are...
Aging is an important factor to be considered by distribution grid operators when using oil-immersed power transformers. The life-time consumption mainly depends on the decomposition of the organic parts in the isolation paper and the oil. With a high number of photovoltaic systems in the distribution grid the worst-case-scenario changes from high...
The main objective of the deliverable D3.4.2 (Task 3.4 Comprehension of real-life data aggregation with virtual information) the validation of the required metrics and their estimation by remote sensing and meteorological forecasts against in-situ and ground-based measurements as so-called virtual (or indirect) measurements. The influence of the tw...
The successful implementation of a feed in tariff in Germany and many other countries has led to a growing number of small photovoltaic (PV) systems with less than 10 kWp, in private households, increasing rapidly. More than 98 % of these systems are connected to the low voltage grid.
The distribution system operators (DSO) had planned their distri...
Die Energiewende bringt eine Reihe von grundsätzlichen Veränderungen für die Stromversorgung mit sich. Eine davon ist die dezentrale Einspeisung durch viele kleine, räumlich verteilte Anlagen. Eine zunehmende Nutzung der Photovoltaik (PV) bringt neue Rahmenbedingungen für Verteilnetzkomponenten mit sich. Daher müssen die Planungsmethoden der Vertei...
Der Anteil Erneuerbarer Energie an der Stromversorgung wächst kontinuierlich und somit gewinnen die damit verbundenen Auswirkungen auf die Netzstabilität im elektrischen Netz immer mehr an Bedeutung. Insbesondere die Photovoltaik (PV) wird im, historisch bedingt, unzureichend mit Messungen ausgestattetem Verteilnetz vermehrt installiert. Dies lässt...
Der Anteil an Erneuerbarer Energie wächst kontinuierlich und die Auswirkungen auf die Netzstabilität im elektrischen Netz gewinnen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Insbesondere die Photovoltaik (PV) wird im historisch bedingt unzureichend gemessenen Verteilnetz installiert. Der Bedarf an genauen Simulationen von PVSystemen im Verteilnetz wird für die Netzp...
This report gives a short introduction to the different energy grids and an
overview about available technologies which are necessary for hybridization
between the different energy grids. Furthermore, the nominal and dynamic
parameters for the technologies are explained.
The main objective of this report is to give an overview about the range of th...