Gerardo MatturroUniversidad ORT Uruguay | ORT · School of Engineering
Gerardo Matturro
Ph.D. in Computer Sciences
Software engineering and related topics in software startups
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Gerardo Matturro currently works at the School of Engineering, Universidad ORT Uruguay. Gerardo does research in Software Engineering and Information Systems (Business Informatics). His current project is on "Software engineering and related topic in software startups".
Additional affiliations
June 2010 - present
January 2006 - October 2010
Publications (47)
A software startup is an emerging company focused on the creation and development of an innovative software-intensive product or service as the basis for creating business value. These types of ventures begin their existence and operate in an environment of high uncertainty and high risks, with few resources, and with inexperienced teams. Being awa...
The COVID‐19 pandemic has had a disruptive impact on how people work and collaborate across all global economic sectors, including software business. While remote working is not new for software engineers, forced WFH situations come with both limitations and opportunities. As the ‘new normal’ for working might be based on the current state...
The increasing use of software and information technology in modern society requires that the deployment of IT solutions should be more efficient and controlled. In this sense, agile methodologies are essential to achieve this goal, but a relevant question arises: Which is the right methodology for reaching that goal?
The purpose...
The purpose of this paper is to present an undergraduate research experience process model and the evaluation of seven years of its application in an undergraduate research program in software engineering. Undergraduate students who participated in research projects between 2015 and 2022 were surveyed to find out a) their motivations for participat...
The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic required software development teams to adapt, being forced to work remotely and adjust the software engineering activities accordingly. In the studies evaluating these effects, a few have assessed the impact on software engineering activities from a broader perspective and after a period of time whe...
Abstract: Purpose: To contribute to the discussion about whether agility has become an established field of study in organisational management. Methodology: Bibliometric analysis of academic studies published between 2000 and 2020 and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. To locate the necessary literature, search strings were defined based on keyw...
Diversos estudios afirman que las startups de software fracasan en los primeros meses o años, generalmente porque no validaron su hipótesis de negocio, y reusan implementar cambios denominados pivotes. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del estudio de campo cuyo propósito fue identificar cómo se deciden, implementan y evalúan los “pivot” en...
[Context] The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disruptive impact on how people work and collaborate across all global economic sectors, including the software business. While remote working is not new for software engineers, forced Work-from-home situations to come with both constraints, limitations, and opportunities for individuals, software teams and...
The progress of Information and Communication Technologies has significantly promoted the relationships among people of different geographical regions. Under this novel context, new settings of software development teams arise, known as virtual teams. The objective is to identify, evaluate and synthesize reported research about the measurement of i...
A software technology startup is an emerging company focused on the creation and development of an innovative software-intensive product or service as the basis for creating business value. Essential elements for the success of the venture are, among others, the technical knowledge, experience, and skills that the members of the team of founders ha...
A software technology startup is an emerging company focused on the creation and development of an innovative software-intensive product or service as the basis for creating business value. Essential elements for the success of the venture are, among others, the technical knowledge, experience, and skills that the members of the team of founders ha...
El proceso de creación y evolución del Producto Mínimo Viable en las startups de software
: Software testing is a complex area since it has a large number of specific methods, processes and strategies, involving a lot of domain concepts. Therefore, it would be valuable to have a conceptualized software testing ontology that explicitly and unambiguously defines the concepts. Consequently, it is important to find out the available...
Undoubtedly, ontologies are a key issue in various areas of Software Engineering (SE), and are widely recognized as a useful approach for representing and managing knowledge. Additionally, one of the SE areas that supports quality assurance is testing. Given that specific methods, processes, and ultimately strategies for software testing involve a...
Soft skills, though prized by software companies when hiring new professional, are not usually included as an active teaching topic in university careers in software engineering, information systems or computer science. In this article we report the main results of a survey on the state of soft skills teaching in software engineering in higher educ...
To participate in software development projects, team members may need to perform different roles and be skilled in diverse methodologies, tools and techniques. However, other skills, usually known as “soft skills” are also necessary. We report the results of a systematic mapping study to identify existing research on soft skills in software engine...
The role of Product Owner (PO) is an essential component of the Scrum methodology. This role is well defined in the literature in terms of its responsibilities and the skills that the person who performs it should have. However, in the field, the understanding of the role and its responsibilities is quite different among organizations, and rarely i...
The role of Product Owner of the Scrum methodology is clearly de-fined in the literature in terms of the responsibilities it entails and the personal characteristics of the person who performs it. However, in professional practice, the understanding of the role and its responsibilities is quite different among organizations, and rarely in perfect c...
It is not uncommon that, in software projects, it is necessary to incorporate new developers at an advanced stage of project execution. These "newcomers" face various difficulties and challenges to find their place in the project that prevents them from starting to contribute quickly to the progress of the project. This article reports the results...
Software project management is a core competency for today's software engineering. However, most undergraduate software project management courses are not prepared for the new generation of software engineers. One reason is that instructors are not giving the students the tools that would enable the development of competencies to apply all knowledg...
No es poco frecuente que, en los proyectos software, sea necesario incorporar nuevos desarrolladores en una etapa avanzada de su ejecución. En estas circunstancias, estos "recién llegados" enfrentan varias dificultades y desafíos que les impiden comenzar rápidamente a contribuir, con sus conocimientos y experiencia previos, a la marcha del proyecto...
No es poco frecuente que, en los proyectos software, sea necesario incorporar nuevos desarrolladores en una etapa avanzada de su ejecución. En estas circunstancias, estos “recién llegados” enfrentan varias dificultades y desafíos que les impiden comenzar rápidamente a contribuir, con sus conocimientos y experiencia previos, a la marcha del proyecto...
At University level, particularly in Engineering fields, the academe shows significant enthusiasm for the development of various competencies concerning entrepreneurship and innovation, focusing on the promotion of opportunities and the strengthening of the existing connection between the University and the Software Industry. One of the main challe...
Este artículo presenta el proceso y los resultados de un mapeo sistemático de la literatura acerca de la aplicación de la técnica de casos de uso para la especificación de requisitos en entornos de desarrollo distribuidos de software. El propósito es identificar qué métodos, herramientas y metodologías se reportan en la literatura tal como se utili...
Software development requires professionals with knowledge and experience on many different methodologies, tools, and techniques. However, the so-called soft skills, such as interpersonal skills, teamwork, problem solving and customer orientation to name just a few, are as important as, or even more important than, traditional qualifications and te...
Besides technical knowledge and experience, the so-called "soft skills" of team members are also an important factor in software engineering projects. The study of this subject is gaining the attention of researchers and practitioners in recent years. In this paper we report a field study in which we interviewed 35 software engineering practitioner...
Defining software processes allows companies to evaluate and improve them enhancing development productivity and product quality, as well as allowing certification or evaluation. Formalizing processes also helps eliminating ambiguity, and enables tool support for evolution and automatic analysis. But these benefits cannot be fully achieved if prac-...
Defining software processes allows companies to evaluate and improve them enhancing development productivity and product quality, as well as allowing certification or evaluation. Formalizing processes also helps eliminating ambiguity, and enables tool support for evolution and automatic analysis. But these benefits cannot be fully achieved if pract...
El uso del Modelo de casos de uso, para plasmar los requisitos funcionales de un sistema desde el punto de vista del usuario, es una práctica cada vez más común. En general siempre han sido usados en entornos de desarrollo de software colocalizados (en el mismo lugar), y hay poca documentación sobre su aplicación en entornos de desarrollo global o...
In the last decade we have witnessed a growth in outsourcing and outshoring development. Following the promise of reducing costs and round-the-clock development, software organizations have grown from local to global enterprises. In the same decade, agile software development methodologies have emerged as a viable alternative to produce software. T...
Software development requires professionals with knowledge and experience on many different methodologies, tools, and techniques. However, the so-called soft skills, such as interpersonal skills, teamwork, problem solving and customer orientation to name just a few, are as important as, or even more important, than traditional qualifications and te...
Abstr act. Las iniciativas de mejora de procesos software son un caso particular de cambio organizacional y, como tales, sus implementaciones están influenciadas por lo que suelen denominarse factores críticos de éxito. Estas iniciativas de cambio, a su vez, no están exentas de dificultades y a menudo encuentran barreras y obstáculos a niveles indi...
In the literature about software process improvement there are a number of papers that identify success factors and barriers to such initiatives, but those works do not analyze or propose possible organizational actions to manage them. The implementation of improvements to software practices and processes is a particular case of organizational chan...
Initiatives to improve software processes are a particular case of organizational change and, as such, their implementations are influenced by what are often called critical success factors. These change initiatives, in turn, are not exempt from difficulties and often face barriers and obstacles to individual and organizational levels. Knowing what...
In software organizations, usual ways to capture the experience project team members acquire are based on methods such as
project postmortem analysis, post-project revisions and others alike. Their main drawback is that the experience capture is
done (if ever) after project completion, which leads to the risk of losing it if, as usually occurs, tea...
During software development projects there is always a particular working "product" that is generated but rarely managed: the knowledge and experience that team members acquire. This knowledge and experience, if conveniently managed, can be reused in future software projects and be the basis for process improvement initiatives. In this paper we pre...
The adoption of a Software Product Line approach implies a series of changes in the way an organization develops software
and runs its whole business. This change in the organization’s business strategy can lead to knowledge gaps between the knowledge
the organization has at present and the knowledge it must have in the future in order to implement...