Gerard R. CaseMississippi Museum of Natural Science · Vertebrate Paleontology
Gerard R. Case
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Publications (52)
Two fossil shark teeth (Galeorhinus and Physogaleus), recorded from Lower Eocene sediments of the Khuiala Formation Jaisalmer Basin, are being described and illustrated. This is the first record of Physogaleus from the Jaisalmer Basin. The record of Galeorhinus from the Jaisalmer Basin suggests subtropical sea condition during Early Eocene time.
A diverse selachian fauna was collected from the Island Creek Member of the Peedee Formation at Castle
Hayne, New Hanover County, North Carolina, USA. This inner neritic assemblage consists of 23 species from 20
genera, 17 families and eight orders and includes the new species Ptychotrygon clementsi sp. nov. The dentitions of a few,
large, macropha...
The discovery of fossil fish and reptiles in the banks of the Conecuh River at the Point «A» Dam site, northwest of the town of Andalusia, Covington County, Alabama, has brought to light 38 selachian species belonging to 31 genera, from the Lisbon Formation (Middle Eocene, Lutetian). One new genus and three new species are described: Orectolobus zi...
A rich elasmobranch assemblage was recovered from the early Eocene (Ypresian) Fishburne Formation in a limestone quarry at Jamestown, Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA. Reported herein are 22 species belonging to 8 orders, at least 15 families, and 21 genera. It includes the first occurrence of Protoginglymostoma from North America. Many of the...
Elasmobranch fossils recovered from Campanian marine exposures at Elizabethtown, Bladen County, NC, include species from at least seven genera of sharks and four genera of batoids. Of particular interest is the recovery of multiple isolated rostral spines from a new sclerorhynchid sawfish, Borodinopristis shannoni, sp. nov. Species of Borodinoprist...
Elasmobranch fossils recovered from the Fishburne Formation (lower Eocene/Ypresian) of Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA, include species from four genera of sharks and six genera of rays. Of particular interest was the recovery of multiple isolated teeth from a new genus and species of the cownosed ray family Rhinopteridae, which is the focus o...
Acid etching of a shell-bed zone has enabled us to reclaim numerous fish remains for the Niobrara Formation (Coniacian) of east-central Saskatchewan, including teeth of the following new taxa: Odontaspis saskatchewanensis sp.nov., Synodontaspis lilliae sp.nov., and Cretomanta canadensis gen. et sp. nov. These are associated with remains of Ptychodu...
Contact George Phillips at the MMNS, Jackson, Mississippi. Thank you & Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all paleontologists throughout
the world.
The fauna has a late Santonian age and contains 12 taxa, among them are the oldest teeth of Squalicorax kaupi (AGASSIZ, 1843) and Scapanorhynchus texanus (ROEMER, 1849) in the fossil record. The following new species are described: Pseudohypolophus elongatus, Cantioscyllium hashimiaensis, Ctenopristis jordanicus, and Sclerorhynchus karakensis.
A diversified fish fauna composed of 17 selachians has been recovered from the New Egypt Formation (Late Maastrichtian) of central New Jersey. Described are several new taxa: Heterodontus creamridgensis nov. sp., Brachaelurus hornerstownensis nov. sp., Dasyatis newegyptensis nov. sp., and Ginglymostoma cuspidata nov. sp.. Additional selachian taxa...
A recently discovered selachian fauna is presently described from Chattahoochee County, Georgia in the United States of America. The authors are presenting a faunal assemblage of selachians found in an ancient oyster bed in the lower member of the Eutaw Formation. The following new taxa are described: Pseudohypolophus ellipsis nov. sp., Microdontas...
Recent discoveries of Upper Cretaceous selachian remains from the Coleraine Formation which overlies the Taconite beds of the Mesabi Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota, approximately 65 miles from the Canadian border, have given us a total of ten species, two of which are new to science. The two new species are: Hybodus rajkovicki n. sp. and Prot...
5 Recent recovery of the teeth of fossil sharks and rays, as well as the rostral spines of sawfishes in the Irwinton Sand Member of the Barnwell Formation at a Kaolin operation in northeast-central Georgia, allows us to compare the faunal assemblage of the present study with that of the Twiggs Clay Member of the Barnwell Formation of Late Eocene ag...
A recently discovered selachian fauna is presently described from Central Asia in the Commonwealth of Independent States (formerly the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Only two new taxa are described belonging to two different families of the Order Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae: Glikmania tamdyensa nov. gen. et nov. sp.; and in the family Myliob...
Recent discovery of a fossiliferous layer in the Early Paleocene (Montian Stage), Lower Hornerstown Formation, has brought to light a fauna of sharks, skates, and chimaeras, previously unknown or reported from North America. The following new taxa are described: Dasyatis crosswickense nov. sp.; Hypolophites hutchinsi nov. sp.; and Viperecucullus ku...
A puzzling new genus and species of primitive alethinophidian snake, Tuscahomaophis leggetti, is described on the basis of vertebrae from the late Paleocene Tuscahoma Formation of Meridian, Mississippi. Tuscahomaophis has characters that indicate relationships to the Palaeophiidae and, to a lesser extent, the Nigerophiidae and distinguish it from o...
WE DESCRIBED a Late Cretaceous fish fauna from the Campan-ian-age Blufftown Formation in western Georgia (Case and Schwimmer, 1988), including 15 selachian taxa and 8 osteich-thyans; however, at that time no chimaeras had been found in the region. A well-preserved specimen of Ischyodus bifurcatus Case, 1978, was subsequently collected from the same...
Seventeen figured chondrichthyan specimens are here described from the Tupelo Tongue of the Coffee Sand (Campanian) of the Upper Cretaceous of Lee County, northeastern Mississippi, Numerous additional specimens, which were not figured, were present in the collection examined. The fauna represents 11 taxa. -from Author
Mississippi has twice as many palaeopheid snakes as any other state and all four species that occur in North America: Palaeophis casei, P. littoralis, P. virginianus, and Pterosphenus schucherti. P. casei is diminutive, P. littoralis is medium-sized, and the latter two species are giant snakes. From an evolutionary standpoint Pterosphenus is more d...
A small herpetofauna from the Point “A” Dam Site, early middle Eocene Age (Bridgerian, or the European Stage, Lutetian) of Covington County, Alabama, contains the remains of a trionychid turtle, an emydid turtle, a new genus and species of boid snake, a palaeopheid snake, a crocodilian, and an object that appears to represent the fossil remains of...
A diverse assemblage of palaeopheid fossils from four Eocene sites of the Gulf Coastal region has yielded Pterosphenus schucherti Lucas and three species of Palaeophis: P. casei Holman, P. littomlis Cope, and P. virginianus Lynn. A redescription and figures of P. littoralis are presented, and a caudal vertebra of Palaeophis cf. P. casei is identifi...
A Campanian fish assemblage is described from the uppermost Blufftown Formation in western Georgia. Fifteen chondrichthyan and eight osteichthyan taxa are identified, virtually all for the first time from the region. The study area represented a transitional zone between the Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain Provinces during the Lat...
A Campanian fish assemblage is described from the uppermost Blufftown Formation in weste chondrichthyan and eight osteichthyan taxa are identified, virtually all for the first time from the region. The s a transitional zone between the Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain Provinces during the Late Cr faunal relationships with both.
The recent recovery of additional fish remains from several fossil sites in Blaine County. Montana, allows us to add a new species of selachian and the occurrence of two genera of Chimaeriformes to the total vertebrate faunal assemblage of the Judith River Formation (Campanian).The new selachian genus is: Chiloscyllium missouriensis, a representati...
Toothplates of the ratfish Ischyodus are rather common fossils, distributed throughout the Campanian-Maestrichtian of New Jersey and Delaware although heretofore unrecognized or described. A new species of Ischyodus differs from the European species, I. thurmanniPictet & Campiche and I. dolloiLeriche, by the fusion of the median and internal poster...
Research undertaken in several Cretaceous layers of New Jersey permited to list a rich selachian fauna. Especially, the upper Campanian layers of Hop Brook and Willow Brook gave us, after washing and sifting, an interesting microichthyofauna and macrofauna. Among the 28 species identified, 10 were previously unknown: Lonchidion babulskii n. sp., Pl...
Des recherches entreprises dans le Crétacé du Texas ont permis de recueillir de riches faunes de sélacienss'étageant de l'Albien au Maestrichtien. Quelques formes nouvelles sont décrites: Microcorax crassus nov. gen. nov. sp., Pseudocorax granti nov. sp., Odontaspis tenuiplicatus nov. sp., O. amonensis nov. sp., Ptychotrygon mcnultyi nov. sp., Isch...
"Originally published: New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982"