George PalaigeorgiouUniversity of Western Macedonia | UOWM · Department of Primary Education
George Palaigeorgiou
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George E. Palaigeorgiou is a researcher in the fields of Educational Technology and Human Computer Interaction and he is lecturer in the Department of Primary Education (University of Western Macedonia) in the field of "ICT in education". He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science in “Students-Computer Interactions” from the Informatics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a Master in Business Administration (MBA) and a BS in Computer Science from the Informatics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Publications (80)
Although educational robotics competitions have become a popular research field in STEAM education, there is a lack of studies concerning the design process that student teams follow to build their solutions. This study aims to propose and evaluate We!Design!ForSTEAM, an approach for supporting design thinking in the context of STEAM and robotics c...
This paper evaluates an embodied learning intervention with augmented reality features, for teaching the phenomenon of the seasons. It was conducted at the Elementary Education Department of the University of Western Macedonia among 62 sixth grade students. The goal was to explore the learning effects of an easily reproducible environment created w...
Although educational robotics and IoT competitions have been described as a productive learning field in the context of STEAM education, there is a lack of research concerning the design process that occurs in student teams and the connection with design thinking methodologies. This study aims to propose and evaluate an approach for supporting desi...
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μια προτεινόμενη προσέγγιση για την υποστήριξη της σχεδιαστικής σκέψης (design thinking) στο πλαίσιο STEAM – εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής, για μαθητές των μεγάλων τάξεων του Δημοτικού. Η προσέγγιση βασίζεται σε 40 σχεδιαστικές κάρτες, οι οποίες στοχεύουν στην υποστηριζόμενη διερεύνηση προβλημάτων, αναγκών, ευκαιριών κ...
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μια διδακτική πρόταση που συνδυάζει τεχνικές ψηφιακής αφήγησης σε ένα πλαίσιο εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής, για τη διδασκαλία των αγγλικών ως δεύτερης γλώσσας, σε παιδιά δημοτικού. Η προτεινόμενη διδακτική ακολουθία αποτελεί μια προσπάθεια συνδυασμού της μεθόδου CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) και ενσώ...
Human cognition is guided and shaped by the physical manifestation of objects around us- acting and thinking are intertwined. By integrating digital interactions to the physical world, we improve the potential to perceive and understand objects, spaces and notions and we facilitate the creation of mental representations since these are directly inf...
Several studies have been conducted which focus on the creation of new storytelling media that enhance empathic skills. In this study we introduce wearables as digital storytelling mediators to promote empathy in the context of bullying prevention interventions. In the proposed approach, the main “reader” of the narrative wears the e-textile in a d...
Although there is a growing interest in engaging children in the design of interactive learning technology, young learners are mostly asked to co-design features and apps that lie on the peripheral of the learning processes, such as websites, e-portfolios or assessment applications. In this article, we will try to investigate whether experienced el...
Nowadays, children have their first experience of using a mobile device very early in their life (even under their 2nd year). Furthermore, STEAM in Early Childhood Education (ECE) draws more attention lately, while a lot of discussion is being made regarding the integration of mobile applications in educational settings, formal and informal. A very...
Various studies have widely utilized mixed reality (MR) in primary and secondary (K-12) education. Nevertheless, there has been relatively no explicit focus on a substantial amount of studies that are reviewed systematically in order to present and suggest the educational benefits of MR technology for the development of learning environments. The p...
Although there is a growing interest in engaging children in the design of interactive learning technology, young learners are mostly asked to co-design features and apps that lie on the peripheral of the learning processes, such as websites, e-portfolios or assessment applications. In this article, we will try to investigate whether experienced el...
Human cognition is guided and shaped by the physical manifestation of objects around us-acting and thinking are intertwined. By integrating digital interactions to the physical world, we improve the potential to perceive and understand objects, spaces and notions and we facilitate the creation of mental representations since these are directly infl...
Several studies have been conducted which focus on the creation of new storytelling media that enhance empathic skills. In this study we introduce wearables as digital storytelling mediators to promote empathy in the context of bullying prevention interventions. In the proposed approach, the main "reader" of the narrative wears the e-textile in a d...
In recent years, there has been a sharp increase of research in employing interactive video for learning. More researchers study both the functional and cognitive interactivity affordances of educational interactive video and try to identify the learning effectiveness of the various supported interactions. In this study, we aim at providing a revie...
In the present study we present a mixed reality learning environment that aims to become a creative, joyful and efficient interdisciplinary canvas for learning about history and geography and for concurrently fostering computational thinking. The environment makes use of embodied affordances and educational robotics and consists of two parts: an au...
Integrating ICT technologies in history and geography teaching may promote critical thinking and bridge the gap between unconstructive information accumulation and an explorative and critical learning approach. The aim of this study was to design, deploy and evaluate a low cost and easy-to-use mixed reality learning environment for interdisciplinar...
Studies show that interactive educational video can reduce cognitive overload, guide viewers’ attention, and trigger reflection; moreover, tablets can help students to increase self-directed learning, take ownership of the learning process, and collaborate with one another. In this study, we examine whether interactive video together with tablets a...
Teaching about fractions is a challenging topic for teachers since it includes complex conceptual content. The number line is a visual representation tool that seems to be effective for dealing with fractions. In this study, we aim at transforming the static uncontextualized paper-and-pencil number line into a practical, useful and dynamic measurem...
Many ubiquitous technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality , virtual field trips, tangible environments and interactive installations are continuously being examined for learning about history. All these approaches strive to offer an interactive, explorative, authentic, and exact regeneration of the past and, they are demanding both in reg...
Over the past number of years the employment of video for learning has increased significantly. Recently, video-based learning platforms have also been enhanced with interactive functionality in order to transform learning with videos from a passive into an active learning activity that facilitates learners' engagement. However, when interactive vi...
Most computer language assisted learning approaches support that a new language for learners should be treated as a communication tool with a specific goal, which is incorporated in real communication activities. In this study, we will present the design and evaluation of a learning environment based theoretically on Content and Language Integrated...
Βασικό εργαλείο για την εκπαίδευση των αξιών συνήθως είναι το ηθικό δίλημμα, το οποίο πυροδοτεί μια συζήτηση γύρω από αξιακά ζητήματα. Στα ηθικά διλήμματα όμως, έχει παρατηρηθεί πως υπάρχει απόκλιση μεταξύ της κρίσης των ατόμων και της πραγματικής τους δράσης και αυτή φαίνεται να οφείλεται στον τρόπο με τον οποίο επικοινωνείται η διλημματική ιστορί...
Tangible physical maps which are enhanced by new digital forms of interaction can become an invaluable asset for learning geography in an embodied way. The purpose of this work is to evaluate an interactive augmented three-dimensional (3D) tangible map on which students interact and travel with their fingers.
Integrating ICT technologies in history and geography teaching may promote critical thinking and bridge the gap between unconstructive information accumulation and an explorative and critical learning approach. The aim of this study was to design, deploy and evaluate a low cost and easy-to-use mixed reality learning environment for interdisciplinar...
Teaching about fractions is a challenging topic for teachers since it includes complex conceptual content. The number line is a visual representation tool that seems to be effective for dealing with fractions. In this study, we aim at transforming the static uncontextualized paper-and-pencil number line into a practical, useful and dynamic measurem...
Within the scope of the CRITHINKEDU project , this intellectual output (Output 3) reports the experience of conceiving and delivering a European training course on Critical Thinking (CT) education for university teachers. It draws on the proposal of the “European inventory of critical thinking skills and dispositions for the 21st century” and the “...
Interactive video combines nonlinear video structuring, dynamic information presentation and several types of interactivity over or next to the video in order to make the video watching experience more participative and constructive. There are no studies that evaluate interactive video’s learning effectiveness in the classroom environment. In this...
The digital media age has dramatically transformed how children and parents perceive and react to media. Parental mediation concerns the set of strategies that parents employ in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks that the modern digital media induce. The majority of existing research on parental mediation is quantitative in natur...
Time is a complex concept to grasp for elementary students and time related competencies take years to fully develop. In this article, we present and evaluate an instructional approach for learning to read and write time through embodied interactions with tangible clocks. The instructional approach consists of four “time learning stations” that may...
History education offers students the opportunity to learn about the past and make connections with the present. However, primary school students consider history lessons to be boring, dull and sterile. Integrating ICT in history teaching can enhance historical thinking and historical understanding, and may promote the exploration of the past with...
Within the scope of CRITHINKEDU project, this report is directed to university
teachers, pedagogical support teams and institutional leaders, providing an overall
understanding on how European Higher Education Institutions (EHEI) foster Critical
Thinking (CT), taking into account both the current educational intervention studies
reported in the lit...
Within the scope of the project CRITHINKEDU, this report provides an overall analysis of the understanding of Critical Thinking (CT) by employers and establishes similarities and differences in its expression, need and practical application at the workplace. Adopting a qualitative research methodology, 32 focus groups were conducted enrolling 189 p...
Higher Education M assive Open Online Courses (M OOCs) introduce a way of transcending formal higher education by realizing technology-enhanced formats of learning and instruction and by granting access to an audience way beyond students enrolled in any one Higher Education Institution. However, although MOOCs have been reported as an efficient and...
Ubiquitous music is a relatively new research area which seeks ways to involve novices in music learning, playing and improvisation. Despite the ambitious goals, ubiquitous music is still unknown territory in schools. In this study, we have tried to identify whether ubiquitous music environments can enable novice music students to participate in me...
History education offers students the opportunity to learn about the past and make connections with the present. However, primary school students consider history lessons to be boring, dull and sterile. Integrating ICT in history teaching can enhance historical thinking and historical understanding, and may promote the exploration of the past with...
The digital media age has dramatically transformed how children and parents perceive and react to media. Parental mediation concerns the set of strategies that parents employ in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks that the modern digital media induce. The majority of existing research on parental mediation is quantitative in natur...
Time is a complex concept to grasp for elementary students and time related competencies take years to fully develop. In this article, we present and evaluate an instructional approach for learning to read and write time through embodied interactions with tangible clocks. The instructional approach consists of four "time learning stations" that may...
Interactive video combines nonlinear video structuring, dynamic information presentation and several types of interactivity over or next to the video in order to make the video watching experience more participative and constructive. There are no studies that evaluate interactive video’s learning effectiveness in the classroom environment. In this...
This paper presents the principles and the design of the WeMake framework. The goal of the WeMake framework is twofold: firstly, to create an interdisciplinary team of experts that together with students/teachers and a new participatory design methodology adapted to embodied interactions will develop low cost and easily reconstructable embodied int...
New computer-assisted language learning approaches provoke that learning a second language should be treated as a communication tool with a specific goal, incorporated in real communication activities. There are several relevant theoretical approaches such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) or Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL). Ad...
This study aimed at creating a digital learning environment with a focus on enhancing language skills in a second/ foreign language and developing cultural awareness. CLIL was used as a modern approach to teaching a second/ foreign language in synergy with technologies in order to create the digital context entitled "a digital tour to Greece and Gr...
Fieldwork is widely considered as a vital part of undergraduate science and sustainability education. Virtual field trips (VFT) provide the possibility for students to participate in field trips from remote locations through live conferencing. In this study, we will examine whether drone-based virtual field trips can maintain the advantages of VFT...
Στόχος των επιτραπέζιων παιχνιδιών επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας είναι να συνδυάσουν τα καλύτερα χαρακτηριστικά από τα κλασσικά επιτραπέζια και ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια με τα πλεονεκτήματα που προσφέρει η επαυξημένη πραγματικότητα. Σε αυτή την εργασία θα διερευνήσουμε το βαθμό και τον
τρόπο με τον οποίο τα επιτραπέζια παιχνίδια επαυξημένης πραγματικότητ...
Wikis provide unique affordances for collaboration and delivering public products and have been explored extensively as learning spaces. Most studies have underlined that triggering productive collaborative learning in wikis may be challenging and that an effective learning design is an important prerequisite for their successful exploitation. Seve...
In recent years, a lot of focus has been given to the study of interactive video. However, interactive video has not been examined as a tool for self-directed learning in the classroom and has not been exploited together with tablets. This study tries to assess the value of an e-learning environment which is based primarily on interactive learning...
Tangible user interfaces (TUIs) are frequently used to teach children abstract concepts, in science and mathematics. TUIs offer a natural and immediate form of interaction that promotes active and hands-on engagement and allows for exploration and reflection. Tangible objects are representational artifacts in their essence, and they increase the re...
This paper aims to identify the learning benefits and the challenges of Web 2.0 educational activities when applied in typical learning settings and as perceived by pioneer educators with extensive Web 2.0 experience.
The testimonies of 26 Greek primary and secondary education teachers were collected. All teache...
Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται το ηλεκτρονικό παιχνίδι «Το κάστρο των κλασμάτων» που αναπτύχθηκε στο Scratch και σχεδιάστηκε για να βοηθήσει τους μαθητές των τελευταίων τάξεων του δημοτικού να εξασκηθούν στις διαφορετικές αναπαραστάσεις του κλάσματος και να κατανοήσουν την πολυδιάστατη φύση της έννοιας. Τα παιδιά εμπλέκονται σε δραστηριότητες που...
Surveys show that the majority of Greek students use procedural strategies in regards
to mental calculations with rational numbers, ie, they are just trying to apply rules
without having the adequate understanding (Lemonidis, 2013, Lemonidis & Kaiafa in
this issue). This study proposes a teaching intervention which aims to advance
students underst...
In this paper, we present a framework for the development of collaborative design games that can be employed in participatory design sessions with students for the design of educational applications. The framework is inspired by idea generation theory and the design games literature, and guides the development of board games which, through the use...
Following the increasing calls for a more skeptical analysis of web 2.0 and the empowerment of learners' voices in formulating upcoming technologies, this paper elaborates on the participatory design of a web learning environment. A total of 117 undergraduate students from two Greek Informatics Departments participated in 25 participatory design se...
In recent years, the discourse concerning the relationship between narrative theory – storytelling in general – interactivity, and design is undeniably noteworthy. A significant part of this discourse concerns the use of fictional characters in design. Fictional characters have been used as user representatives, either substituting actual users or...
Today, software piracy is an issue of global importance. Computer science students are the future information and communication technologies professionals and it is important to study the way they approach this issue. In this article, we attempt to study attitudes, behaviours and the corresponding reasoning of computer science students in Greece re...
Learning about computers continues to be regarded as a rather informal and complex landscape dominated by individual exploratory and opportunistic approaches, even for students and instructors in Computer Science Departments. During the last two decades, software animated demonstrations (SADs), also known as screencasts, have attracted particular a...
In years past, many methodological approaches, methods and techniques have been implemented based on the belief that users can and should be involved in the design process of technology products that affect them. Inspired by the findings of research involving users and particularly students at diverse levels and phases of the design process of tech...
The participatory culture of Web 2.0 and the implicit empowerment of the learners have not been yet associated with participatory
design projects that involve learners in the design and development of the new mediating tools. In this paper, we examine
students’ projections of Web 2.0 in higher education. Ninety seven undergraduate students particip...
In this paper, we identify key challenges faced by computer-based assessment (CBA) in secondary education and we put forward a framework of design considerations: design with the students and teachers, select the most appropriate media platform and plan an evolution rather than a revolution of prior practices. We present the CBA application ‘MyTest...
The paper presents a novel approach to collaborative design of educational software with students, one that asks the participants for the formation and use of fictional characters - design alter egos - as a means towards eliciting requirements and design ideas. In order to evaluate the suggested approach, we conducted 12 collaborative design sessio...
Narrative theory or narratology is the systematic study of narrative and narrative structure (3). It provides the necessary theoretical tools that can help scrutinize the various ways in which narrative is formed and is deciphered by an audience. In this paper, we suggest the use of narrative theory as: (a) a means to a detailed deconstruction or e...
In this chapter, we attempt a comprehensive presentation of how new technologies are brought into the realm of education and we explore the potential and implications of e-learning. We also present the latest technological developments that may transform the look, feel and nature of e-learning. Our major objective is to create fruitful reflection o...
In this chapter, we attempt a comprehensive presentation of how new technologies are brought into the realm of education and we explore the potential and implications of e-learning. We also present the latest technological developments that may transform the look, feel and nature of e-learning. Our major objective is to create fruitful reflection o...
The development of educational applications has always been a challenging and complex issue, mainly because of the complications imposed by the cognitive and psychological aspects of student–computer interactions. This article presents a methodology, named We!Design, that tries to encounter the complexity of educational applications development fro...
Animated demonstrations are increasingly used for presenting the functionality of various computer applications. Nevertheless, our understanding of whether and how students integrate this technology into their learning strategies remains limited. Although, several studies have examined animated demonstrations' learning efficiency, this study aims a...
Abstract As the quantity and the quality of electronic publishing grow and students become more computer literate, electronic verbatim note-taking acquires a more determinative role in the process of composing reports using multiple sources. Many prior applications that supported note taking failed to satisfy the students' study models. We develope...
Recently, many participatory design (PD) methodologies have been successfully applied to the design of educational applications with students as participants. However, most of the proposed methodologies have exacting requirements that make their deployment quite difficult. In this paper, we propose a student-centered methodology, named We!Design, w...
Abstract The successful integration of computers in educational environments depends, to a great extent, on students' attitudes towards them. Widely used computer attitude scales (CASs) focus on the beliefs of typical computer users and do not reveal the more refined attitudes of groups that use computers extensively and develop unique relations wi...
A teachers’ training project, employing teacher-mentored in-school training approach, has been recently initiated in Greek secondary education for the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the classroom. Data resulting from this project indicate that although teachers express considerable interest in learning how to us...
In this paper, we propose an architecture of an educational authoring tool for user interface agents. We suggest that the expressive functions of the medium (UI agents) are not yet revealed and we expect that an architecture that simplifies the authoring process and empowers people with no advanced technical skills, will unfold new types of mediati...
Most modern web educational applications try to transcribe their interactions development with the users and exploit them in many ways. Various systems that monitor and advance the interactivity protocol have been proposed but most of them are embedded to systems in ad hoc ways. In this paper, we propose an attachable multipurpose activity monitori...