Georg Erdmann

Georg Erdmann
Technische Universität Berlin | TUB · Institut für Energietechnik

Prof. Dr.


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Publications (43)
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This book provides an introduction to energy economics. It shows how to apply general economic theory as well as empirical and advanced econometric methods to explain the drivers of energy markets and their development. Readers learn about the specific properties of energy markets as well as the physical, technological, environmental, and geopoliti...
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Public support for renewables has led to an unexpected investment momentum in Germany. A consequence is a reduction in wholesale electricity prices, the so-called merit order effect of renewables. We estimate this reduction using an econometric approach and provide a quantitative overview of the financial situation of conventional generators. Our r...
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Das vorliegende Dokument ist die Stellungnahme zum ersten Monitoring-Bericht der Bundesregierung. Es hat die wissenschaftliche Einordnung und Bewertung des Monitoring-Berichts zum Gegenstand. Darüber hinaus werden einzelne relevante Entwicklungen, Ziele und Maßnahmen konstruktiv-kritisch analysiert. Eine umfassende Bewertung der Energiewende durch...
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The objective of this paper is to contribute to the topic of energy supply security by proposing a Monte Carlo-based and a survey based model to analyze the costs of power interruptions. Outage cost estimations are particularly important when deciding on investments to improve supply security (e.g. additional transmission lines) in order to compare...
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Background In this study, a general model of a hybrid off-grid energy system is developed, which can be adjusted to reflect real conditions in order to achieve economical and ecological optimisation of off-grid energy systems. Methods Using linear programming methods in the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) environment, the optimal configur...
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Wir unternehmen mit diesem Werk den Versuch einen Teil der Komplexität des Themas anhand des Knowhows der beitragenden Autoren aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zu vereinen, um nicht nur Neugier des Lesenden zu wecken, sondern auch und um über das Thema Digitalisierung aufzuklären. Dabei besteht das Kompendium aus vier Teilen, die verschieden Herausfor...
The electric value chain consists of the following elements: generation, wholesale trade, transmission, distribution, marketing, and metering. In many countries around the world, vertically integrated utilities used to assume all of these functions similar to the vertically integrated companies in other energy sectors (see Sect. 8.2.1). For several...
The peaceful use of nuclear energy began in the 1950s with the assumption that it would make electricity abundantly available at low cost. However, mistrust of this energy technology has been salient from its beginnings. After the nuclear catastrophe of 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine, public acceptance of nuclear energy plummeted in industrial countrie...
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Capital budgeting and profitability accounting are necessary for assessing the economic viability of energy investments. Although the methodology for energy investments does not differ fundamentally from other applications, there are unique problems associated with it due to some particularities of investment in energy technologies. Long planning,...
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Are pipeline investments economically viable without long-term contracts?
A great deal of man-made residue and emissions is connected with the energy economy—from extraction, transformation, and transportation on to the final use of energy. Concepts have been developed in environmental economics for solving the associated problems in an economically efficient way. They revolve around the terms externality, external cost,...
How does one differentiate between short-term and long-term adjustments of demand?
Energy markets cannot be analyzed without discussing the relationship between energy and the natural sciences. Energy itself is a term with origins in physics. All types of energy conversion are based on physical, chemical, or biological processes. Professional statements regarding energy economics require an appropriate usage and correct interpret...
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The electrical grid connects generators and customers. Without it, no electricity market is possible. For enabling competition among generators and retailers, third party access to the electrical grid must be assured on terms that are transparent and nondiscriminatory. From an economic point of view, electrical grids represent both a natural monopo...
Solid fuels are hard coal, lignite, and firewood. Their common properties are low energy densities resulting in high cost of transportation which in turn limits competition in solid fuel markets. Thanks to reduced costs of coal extraction, productivity increases in maritime transport, and reduced public subsidies, a global market for hard coal has...
How are energy reserves measured and how large are they?
Traditionally, energy economics has dealt with energy supply rather than demand. In contrast, this book gives demand precedence over supply, in keeping with the rule that without a minimum demand, supply does not come forth. Energy demand is often discussed in relation to the question of how to achieve ‘energy savings’, a term devoid of meaning wit...
What is the development of oil extraction?
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This paper addresses problems of power generation markets that arise under high shares of intermittent generation. After discussing the economic fundamentals of wind and photovoltaic investments, the paper introduces the concept of the “Merit order effect of renewables”. According to this concept electricity prices on wholesale power markets become...
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This paper assesses and compares existing and new technologies for space heating in Germany (e.g., heat pumps, and solar thermal and wood pellet systems) in terms of their environmental impacts. The various technologies were analyzed within the context of the new German legislation. The assessment was carried out on three levels: 1. Global emission...
Dieser Beitrag diskutiert im Rückblick auf die Strommarktliberalisierung die These, dass mit dem ersten EnWG aus dem Jahr 1998 keine Liberalisierungserfolge erreicht worden seien und erst mit dem zweiten EnWG 2005 die Liberalisierung so richtig begonnen wurde. Jedenfalls für den Strommarkt verhält es sich nach Ansicht des Autors genau umgekehrt, we...
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Social acceptance plays an important role for the future hydrogen economy and a broad market launch of hydrogen technologies. Neglecting the aspect of public acceptance and attitude may become a serious obstacle for the establishment of a mass market infrastructure. With a standardized questionnaire and a standardized procedure, personal interviews...
Die nachhaltige Lösung von Problemen der Energieversorgung gehört zu den zentralen Herausforderungen moderner Zivilisationen. Aus ökonomischer Sicht greifen alle Antworten zu kurz, die nicht explizit das interessengeleitete Handeln der wesentlichen Akteure berücksichtigen. Deshalb behandelt dieses Buch die nachfrage- und angebotsseitigen Gesetzmäßi...
The Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) uses the popular product formula as a frame of reference for measuring technological risks. If based upon this calculus, the ambivalent assessment of technological risks prevailing in society seems to be non-rational and may not be explained by economic theory. But the product formula does not conform to ration...
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Das Kyoto-Protokoll sowie das Anfang 2005 in der EU eingeführte Konzept handelbarer CO 2 -Zertifikate gilt als ein großer politischer Erfolg in der Klimapolitik, denn es ist erstmals gelungen, Institutionen zu schaffen, mit denen das Problem steigender Treibhausgaskonzentrationen in der Atmosphäre in einem internationalen Kon-text angegangen werden...
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Published in: Hanusch, Horst; Pyka, Andreas (Eds.): Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, ISBN 978 1 84376 253 9, Chapter 60, pp. 978-989
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Unsere Interpretation dieser Beobachtung wird jetzt durch die den Medien zugespielten Informationen bestätigt: Elektrizitätserzeuger nutzen die Elektrizitätsbörse, um die über langfristige Verträge bereits verkauften Strommengen am Day-ahead-Markt zurückzukaufen, wenn dies zu Preisen unterhalb der ursprünglichen Verkaufspreise bzw. der aktuellen Gr...
The European system of tradable CO_2 allowances is an important step towards implementing a market oriented environment policy. For the time being, the quantitative emission reductions defined in the National Allocation Plans (NAP) are still minor, but this outcome seems acceptable because institution building is of high priority during the first p...
This paper examines how a market of small-scale stationary fuel cells of up to 20kW could look like, if, costs of stationary fuel cell systems allow market entry. This paper analyses what the market potential for this technology would be, what types of residential buildings might be most attractive, and what would be the quantitative changes in the...
The Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) uses the popular product formula as a frame of reference for measuring technological risks. If based upon this calculus, the ambivalent assessment of technological risks prevailing in society seems to be non-rational and may not be explained by economic theory. But the product formula does not conform to ration...
Eines der Schilis sei begriffe soziologischer Systemtheorie ist das “Emergenzverhalten komplexer Systeme”. Im Folgenden möchten wir darunter all jene Eigenschaften eines Ensembles verstehen, die sich nicht durch einfach Aggregation von Eigenschaften und Gesetzmässigkeiten der beteiligten Individuen ableiten lassen, mithin neu und typisch für die nä...


Questions (2)
With the recent troubles in Ukraine, the issue of Russian gas security is back on the agenda. Roughly 40% of EU gas imports are from or via Russia, on average. The import share in some countries reaches 100%. On the other hand, the gas export share of Russia to the EU exceeds 40%. Does this mean that the economic impact of an EU gas embargo against Russia is on average more severe in Russia than in the EU? If not, why are economic embargoes discussed in the EU?
Typically decentralized energy generation capacities are connected to the power grid with central dispatch. So "decentralized" means "distributed" or "close to the customer". But traditional power stations are in many cases also located rather close to the customers, for example within cities or at the city borders.
Does "decentralized" mean "small" as compared to "large"? Or does it mean "autonomous" which then means the so called "prosumer" concept: electricity self-generation. This concept actually has much dynamic in countries where political levies and electricity tax rates on electricity are significant and self-generation is exempted from these levies. As a result, electricity sales and revenues from grid operation decline. Thus, the issue is relevant for energy policy which has a simple instrument in hand to stop decentralization: charge levies and electricity tax on self-generated electricity.


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