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  • Universidad de Cádiz
  • Department of Pathological Anatomy, Cellular Biology, Histology, History of Science, Legal and Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Gemma Albendín
Gemma Albendín

Gemma Albendín
Universidad de Cádiz | UCA · Department of Pathological Anatomy, Cellular Biology, Histology, History of Science, Legal and Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

PhD in Toxicology Area


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October 2011 - present
Universidad de Cádiz
  • Non-tenured lecturer
January 2011 - March 2016
Universidad de Cádiz
  • Non-tenured lecturer


Publications (36)
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The system of fertilizing agricultural soils with sludge or compost from wastewater treatment processes, as one of the principles of the circular economy, can lead to microplastic (MP) contamination. The existing technical standards for fertilization are very recent and do not consider this problem, although there is scientific evidence of their ex...
The increasing use of plastics and the growing concern about their impact on the environment and living beings makes it necessary to study how microplastics (MP) affect aquaculture systems. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of these systems, this study covers the water intake, the purification treatment at the inlet, the water in the cultu...
The isoflavones genistein and daidzein are flavonoid compounds mainly found in legumes, especially in soybeans and their derived products. These flavonoids can be present in agricultural, domestic and industrial wastewater effluents as a result of anthropogenic activities and may be discharged in the environment. Due to the large growth of the aqua...
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Microplastics (MP) are contaminants able to cause adverse effects on organisms. MPs are capable to interact with other environmental contaminants, including pesticides, altering their toxicity. The objective of the study was to research the sublethal effects (enzymatic activity) of pesticides alone and in combination with MPs. Cholinesterase enzyme...
Sludge from Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been determined as a sink of microplastics (MP) removed from wastewater. The aim of this research work has been to evaluate the presence of these pollutants in the sludge of seven WWTPs (five urban and two industrial), located in southern Spain. Samples were collected in the primary, secondary an...
Billions of microplastics (MPs) eliminated during wastewater treatment are prone to be found in sewage sludge, which would lead to dynamic redistribution of these particles in agricultural soils and consequently to the uptake and remobilization of various pollutants. As far as we know, there is limited information on MPs in sludge from Spanish wast...
In recent years, microplastics (MPs) have become one of the most severe threats to the natural environment and aquatic life. The identification of urban wastewater treatment plants as one of the main pathways for these pollutants to enter the environment have led them to be the focus of several studies. The main interests are focused on the amount...
Pollution from plastics and their slow degradation are current problems that require urgent solutions. The natural degradation of plastics leads to its fragmentation, resulting not only in microplastics (MPs) but also in nanoplastics (NPs). In recent years, research and monitoring of MPs and NPs concentrations has increased. The monitoring of their...
Knowing the amount of microplastics that currently reach wastewater is extremely important today. Furthermore, carrying out a good quantification and detection of the type of plastic provides valuable information. However, the wastewater is loaded, in addition to a high concentration of organic matter, with a high concentration of cellulose at the...
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Pharmaceutical products, as well as insecticides and antimicrobials, have been extensively studied, but knowledge of their effects—especially those caused by their mixtures with microplastics—on aquatic organisms remains limited. However, it should be borne in mind that the state of knowledge on acute and chronic effects in aquatic organisms for ph...
Microplastic (MPs) contamination is ubiquitous in most terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Recently MPs have been reported at high altitudes which indicates that air masses can transport and deposit MPs in the surface snow of high mountain ecosystems, however, whether MPs typification and abundance can be influenced by direction and origin of air m...
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The toxicity of malathion to Solea senegalensis was studied in a static renewal bioassay during its first month of larval life (between 4 and 30 dph). Through the use of different biomarkers and biochemical, cellular and molecular approaches (inhibition of cholinesterases [ChEs], changes in cytochrome P450-1A [CYP1A] and the study of histopathologi...
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Two cholinesterases have been found in vertebrates, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). These enzymes are present in the gilthead seabream, AChE in the brain and muscle and BChE in the muscle. Cholinesterases have been used as biomarker of effect in environmental monitoring studies. However, there are few studies about the...
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been appointed as one of the main sources of microplastics (MP) into marine ecosystems. The aim of this research work has been to study the influent and effluent of two WWTPs, both located in Cádiz, with different wastewater source (industrial and urban), as well as the receiving water bodies where the facil...
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Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) have been pointed out as a main paths of microplastics into the marine environment, in addition, these can absorb other micropollutants (fillers, flame-retardants or cellulose pulp) which increase their hazard. In this study, the effluent of three WWTPs (two urban and one industrial) were analysed. The facilities...
The high concentrations of microplastics (MPs) detected in the environment point to the need to carry out studies of their occurrence and distribution worldwide. Addressing this challenge, the present study has been carried out for the province of Cadiz, Spain. To this end, the influents and effluents of 5 municipal wastewater treatment plants (rep...
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La presente investigación se contextualiza en un Proyecto de Actuaciones Avaladas (Universidad de Cádiz, 2018-2019), con el objeto de organizar talleres formativos para mejorar la competencia comunicativa y creación de pósteres científicos en dos titulaciones universitarias, el Grado en Educación Primaria y el Grado en Ciencias Ambientales. Se anal...
Organophosphorus (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides cause inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, which is the target enzyme) and carboxylesterase (CbE). However, some studies have suggested that CbE could have a potential protective role on AChE since CbE seems to be more sensitive to the inhibition by OP and CB compounds than the target enzyme....
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The characterization of cholinesterase activity in brain and muscle of gilthead seabream was carried out using four specific substrates and three selective inhibitors. In addition, Km and Vmax were calculated from the Michaelis–Menten equation for ASCh and BSCh substrates. Finally, the in vitro sensitivity of brain and muscle cholinesterases to thr...
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Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidóptera: Gelechiidae), comúnmente conocida como “polilla del tomate” o “minador del tomate”, es originaria de Sudamérica. En España, se detectó por primera vez en 2006, en la provincia de Castellón, siendo localizada en Andalucía (Almería) un año más tarde. Asociada a plantas cultivadas y silvestres de la familias de la...
Trends in the analysis of trace metals in natural waters are mainly based on the development of sample treatment methods to isolate and pre-concentrate the metal from the matrix in a simpler extract for further instrumental analysis. However, direct analysis is often possible using more accessible techniques such as spectrophotometry. In this case...
Conference Paper
Los insecticidas organofosforados son inhibidores de la enzima acetilcolinesterasa, provocan una acumulación excesiva del neurotransmisor acetilcolina e interrumpen la transferencia del impulso nervioso. Esta enzima es crítica para el funcionamiento normal del sistema nervioso, de la fisiología, del comportamiento, de la reproducción y de la superv...
Conference Paper
Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) es una plaga invasora originaria del sudeste asiático que amenaza seriamente a varios cultivos importantes en Europa, donde fue detectada por primera vez en 2008. Esta especie ataca fruta sana y madura, convirtiéndola en grave amenaza para numerosas especies cultivadas como los frutos rojos. E...
Conference Paper
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Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) es una plaga invasora originaria del sudeste asiático que amenaza seriamente a varios cultivos importantes en Europa, donde fue detectada por primera vez en 2008. Esta especie ataca fruta sana y madura, convirtiéndola en grave amenaza para numerosas especies cultivadas como los frutos rojos. E...
Conference Paper
Organophosphorus (OPs) and carbamate (CBs) pesticides cause inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) by, respectively, phosphorylating or carbamilating a serine hydroxy group at their active site. In the case of AChE, this causes accumulation of the enzyme at synaptic cleft and results in overstimulation of cholinergic p...
A simple and direct spectrophotometric method was developed for analysis of Fe(II) and total Fe, in wine samples. This method is based on the formation of an Fe(II) complex with 2,2´-dipyridylketone picolinoylhydrazone (DPKPH), which shows a maximum green-blue absorption (l=700 nm) at pH 4.9. Operative conditions for the batch procedure were invest...
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Biological control techniques are commonly used in many horticultural crops in Spain, however the application of these techniques to Spanish strawberries are relatively recent. In this study the effectiveness of augmentative biological control techniques to control the two main strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa Duchesne) pest: the two-spotted spider m...
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Four commercial compounds based on natural extracts and sell as plant strengtheners were evaluated as alternative substances for the prevention and treatment of strawberry pests in Huelva (Andalusia, Spain). A randomised block assay with four replications per treatment and control plots on IPM production were used. Incidence of the main strawberry...
Se muestran los resultados de la evaluación comparativa de 4 tratamientos con empleo de fauna auxiliar dirigidos al control de araña roja (Tetranychus urticae Koch) y trips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)) en fresa. La experiencia se desarrolló por 2 años consecutivos en la finca experimental “El Cebollar” (Moguer, Huelva). Se ensayaron 4 es...
This study was conducted to examine the acute toxicity of the organophosphorus pesticide (OP) parathion on embryos and yolk-sac larvae of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), and to investigate the effects of this compound on cholinesterase and carboxylesterase activity of seabream larvae in the phase of endogenous feeding. The 72-h LC50 for yolk-sac...
Assessment of cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition is widely used as a specific biomarker for evaluating the exposure and effects of non-target organisms to anticholinesterase agents. Cholinesterase and carboxylesterase activities have been measured in larvae of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, during the endogenous feeding stage, and ChE was character...


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