Geert J. Verhoeven

Geert J. Verhoeven
Geert verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Geert verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Vienna | UniWien · Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology

PhD Archaeology


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I do not have any special talent. I am only passionately curious about any form of imaging | image-based 3D surface modelling | spatio-temporal + semantic data structuring and reasoning | image processing | colourimetry | scientific visualisations | statistics. My endeavours in these fields aim to improve data acquisition, data management and information extraction procedures for the benefit of archaeology and cultural heritage at large.
Additional affiliations
February 2012 - present
University of Vienna
  • Senior Researcher
June 2010 - present
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology
  • Senior Researcher
June 2010 - present
October 2004 - May 2009
Ghent University
Field of study
  • Archaeology
October 2000 - September 2002
Ghent University
Field of study
  • Archaeology
October 1998 - June 2000
Ghent University
Field of study
  • Archaeology


Publications (200)
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The introduction of airborne laser scanning (ALS) technology in the Mediterranean region over the past decade has significantly increased opportunities for archaeological research. Archaeological remote sensing has proven to be a versatile tool with numerous applications beyond simple site mapping. One approach is the large-scale interpretation of...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a small, cableless and cost-effective (circa € 500 in 2022) device that embeds an RTK-enabled GNSS receiver and IMU in a 3D printed case to record the exterior orientation of photos via the camera's hot shoe. This hardware solution was developed within the academic graffiti project INDIGO to enable a faster and more robust exter...
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Greenland's peripheral glaciers are losing mass at an accelerated rate and are contributing significantly to sea level rise, but only a few direct observations are available. In this study, we use the unique combination of high-resolution remote sensing data and direct mass balance observations to quantify the contribution of a singular avalanche e...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents Urban Chameleon, an online platform currently developed within INDIGO, an academic project that aims to inventory, disseminate, and analyse contemporary graffiti along the Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Canal) in Vienna, Austria. Urban Chameleon serves as a digital space to visually and analytically explore these graffiti. The paper pr...
Conference Paper
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Time has remained one of the hardest-to-grasp properties of nature despite humans talking about time… all the time. However, even academic fields that are indifferent to the exact physical or philosophical characteristics of time must find ways to engage with the temporal dimension of their data. This applies to all of the Digital Humanities and ma...
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In the year of Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary and the 40th birthday of Wild Style, goINDIGO 2023 managed to bring various disciplines together to discuss the various ways of dissipating and understanding bits of graffiti bytes. The proceedings of this symposium pick up and reiterate where the previous proceedings left off: with the contemporary ways of...
Conference Paper
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A digital photo file contains the image pixel values along with associated photo metadata. Storing those metadata is enabled by various standards. For instance, the Exif standard enables the recording of technical photo metadata like the camera’s serial number and focal length, while the IPTC Photo Metadata Standard is the widely accepted norm for...
Conference Paper
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In the year of Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary and the 40th birthday of Wild Style, goINDIGO 2023 managed to bring various disciplines together to discuss the various ways of dissipating and understanding bits of graffiti bytes. The proceedings of this symposium pick up and reiterate where the previous proceedings left off: with the contemporary ways of...
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Graffiti, by their very nature, are ephemeral, sometimes even vanishing before creators finish them. This transience is part of graffiti's allure yet signifies the continuous loss of this often disputed form of cultural heritage. To counteract this, graffiti documentation efforts have steadily increased over the past decade. One of the primary chal...
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Colourful and quickly changing: contemporary graffiti can be considered the chameleon skin of any urban landscape. Even though many modern graffiti might violate basic principles of acceptable social behaviour, some also have an evident artistic character. This tension explains why contemporary graffiti can be so polarising and why they intrigue. T...
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Colourful and quickly changing: contemporary graffiti can be considered the chameleon skin of any urban landscape. Many modern graffiti might evoke the feeling of violating basic principles of acceptable social behaviour while providing colour to a city and displaying artistic skill. This tension between vandalism and art explains why contemporary...
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Color data are often required for cultural heritage documentation. These data are typically acquired via standard digital cameras since they facilitate a quick and cost-effective way to extract RGB values from photos. However, cameras’ absolute sensor responses are device-dependent and thus not colorimetric. One way to still achieve relatively accu...
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This presentation is the first keynote speech of 3D-ARCH 2024 (Siena, Italy). Continuous and discrete digital representations of a surface can either be constructed from scratch in a Geographic Information System, Computer-Aided Design or Computer Graphics environment, or obtained through digitising the surface geometry of an existing physical obj...
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This presentation focuses on Project INDIGO's objectives and structural framework. It explores the development of the definitions of graffito within the project, and points out the significance of integrating a distinction between the physical graffito and its digital representative. We also leverage insights and data from other graffiti research p...
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Greenland's peripheral glaciers are losing mass at an accelerated rate and are contributing significantly to sea level rise, but only a few direct observations are available. Here, we use the unique combination of high-resolution remote sensing data and direct mass balance observations to separate and quantify the contribution of a singular avalanc...
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Presentation on the goals and achievements of project INDIGO, given during the second day of the Urban Creativity Conference 2023: Numbers
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Colourful and ever-changing: Graffiti can be considered the urban chameleon skin. At the Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Channel), Vienna's central waterway and one of the largest and most active graffiti-scapes worldwide, this metaphor applies like hardly anywhere else. Every day a multitude of graffiti is destroyed by the creation of new works. Recently,...
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Colourful and ever-changing: Graffiti can be considered the urban chameleon skin. At the Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Channel), Vienna's central waterway and one of the largest and most active graffiti-scapes worldwide, this metaphor applies like hardly anywhere else. Every day a multitude of graffiti is destroyed by the creation of new works. Recently,...
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Project INDIGO aims to document, disseminate and analyse the contemporary graffiti-scape surrounding the Viennese Danube Canal (Austria). Despite its focus on present-day graffiti, INDIGO is considered an archaeological project. The authors take the stance that archaeology is an academic discipline trying to understand (our complex relationships wi...
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A digital photo file consists of two (or more) parts: one contains the pixel values that encode the visible light reflected from (or emitted by) real-world objects, while one or more file segments hold the metadata. Storing these photo metadata is enabled by various standards. For instance, the Exif (Exchangeable image file format) standard records...
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Colourful and ever-changing: Graffiti can be considered the urban chameleon skin. At the Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Channel), Vienna's central waterway and one of the largest and most active graffiti-scapes worldwide, this metaphor applies like hardly anywhere else. Every day a multitude of graffiti is destroyed by the creation of new works. Recently,...
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This presentation will introduce the online platform UrbanChameleon, which we have been developing to facilitate the analysis and dissemination of contemporary graffiti in Vienna, Austria. The platform is designed to visualise and analyse data collected in the scope of project INDIGO, which is funded by the Heritage Science Austria programme of the...
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This is the book of abstracts created for the goINDIGO 2023 international graffiti symposium organised in the framework of the academic project INDIGO.
Conference Paper
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Graffiti have always been a contested form of human expression. Although they have increasingly been accepted as museum objects or study topics, in many cases they are neglected or even actively rejected as human expressions worth documenting and (digitally) preserving. However, some scholarly initiatives have tried to overcome this lack of coverag...
Conference Paper
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During the second discussion round of goINDIGO 2022, which took place on Friday, 13 May and was called Ethics & legality in graffiti (research), three out of many invited graffiti creators joined a discussion on (potentially provocative) statements with symposium participants (joining in-person and online). The statements, compiled by Geert Verhoev...
Conference Paper
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What does it mean to create graffiti? What exactly is (or are) graffiti? Graffiti and street art differ, right? Almost everyone has an opinion on what constitutes (modern) graffiti. Consequently, the term has taken on the most varied meanings in the conversations of academics, in media coverage, or in daily life. So how can one be sure about the me...
Conference Paper
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Colour is a powerful communication element in most forms of cultural heritage. This importance of colour notwithstanding, the documentation of cultural heritage typically captures the geometrical aspects and seldom the spectral dimensions of an artefact. This is partly because the science of colour (called colorimetry) is non-trivial. In addition,...
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goINDIGO 2022 has managed to bring various disciplines together. That is why the editors hope that the contributions in these proceedings can collectively be considered a proper methodological status quo on the inventorying and dissemination of graffiti records. Because most academic efforts focus on the analyses of graffiti, these proceedings also...
Conference Paper
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During the first discussion round of goINDIGO 2022, which took place on Thursday, 12 May and was called Creators vs Academics, four local graffiti creators were invited to consider a series of (potentially provocative) statements in discussion with symposium participants (joining in-person and online). The statements, compiled by Geert Verhoeven in...
Conference Paper
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The editorial of the conference proceedings
Conference Paper
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Graffiti are studied by, amongst many others, archaeologists, sociologists, (art) historians, linguists, ethnographers, architects, anthropologists, librarian scientists, geographers, criminologists, conservators, lawyers and architects. Although most of these professions rely on a digital representation of graffiti at a particular stage of their r...
Conference Paper
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Graffiti are polarising. Some consider them vandalism, others part of our cultural heritage. If we consider graffiti to be part of our cultural heritage, we should also treat them as such. However, long-term and detailed graffiti documentation initiatives are sparse, so many of the existing archives with graffiti records are biased and incomplete....
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Graffiti sind eine kurzlebige und polarisierende Form unseres kulturellen Erbes. Graffiti verärgern, erfreuen, provozieren und regen zum Nachdenken an. Der Wiener Donaukanal zählt zur längsten ununterbrochenen Graffiti-Landschaften weltweit und ist damit einer der wichtigsten Graffiti-Hotspot. Heutzutage bedeutet das Sprayen eines neuen Graffito am...
Conference Paper
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Kurzlebig und doch allgegenwärtig, bewundert und gehasst, legal und illegal: Graffiti sind polarisierend. Manche sehen in Graffiti schützenswertes kulturelles Erbe, andere Vandalismus. Graffiti sind Teil des öffentlichen Raums und damit Teil unseres öffentlichen Lebens, unserer Gesellschaft. Ganz besonders wird dies an den Wänden des Wiener Donauka...
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The publication at hand are the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection held between March 28 and April 1, 2023, in Kiel, Germany. The content of the articles ranges from local to large-scale case studies all over the world and from various archaeological times, over methodological improvements, new processing...
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This presentation introduces project INDIGO. It was made for the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting of the LBI ArchPro
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Admired and despised, created and destroyed, legal and illegal: Contemporary graffiti are polarising, and not everybody agrees to label them as cultural heritage. However, if one is among the steadily increasing number of heritage professionals and academics that value these short-lived creations, their digital documentation can be considered a par...
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Graffiti are a short-lived and polarising form of cultural heritage. The graffiti-focused research project INDIGO, funded by ÖAW, documents and digitally preserves (almost) every graffito created along Vienna’s Donaukanal, one of the world’s largest graffiti hotspots. A central aim of INDIGO is the creation of a georeferenced orthophoto for each gr...
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INDIGO is a two-year, ÖAW-funded research project that aims to document, disseminate and analyse the graffiti-scape along Vienna's Donaukanal. INDIGO's prime data are digital photos because they capture the geometrical, spectral, and certain temporal aspects of newly created graffiti. To speed up their archiving and photogrammetric processing, INDI...
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Investigating deserted medieval castles and villages in remote rural areas paired with a scarcity of meaningful written sources is a challenging task that can be significantly enhanced by the use of non-invasive archaeological prospection methods. Furthermore, the interpolation of stratigraphic relationships among maps by analysing paths and field...
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The Borre Monitoring Project investigated how environmental factors, in particular, precipitation and soil moisture variation as well as different soil and sediment types, affect the quality of GPR data collected for archaeological purposes. To study these questions, regular GPR surveys were conducted over a period of 14 months across a test area c...
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This presentation was given by Benjamin Wild during Session E of the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium. Graffiti and street art are unique forms of cultural heritage which have not yet received the scientific attention they deserve. The potential of graffiti research to answer a variety of social and cultural research questions is und...
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This presentation was given by Jona Schlegel and Massimiliano Carloni during Session D of the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium. Awareness of the 20th-century graffiti phenomenon spread globally with movies like Wild Style (1983) and photo books like Subway art (1984). To educate the public on the graffiti movement, graffiti specific...
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This presentation was given by Geert Verhoeven during Session A of the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium Project INDIGO wants to ensure the digital survival of a large part of Vienna's graffiti-scape by creating a long-term, accurate, exhaustive, open access and interactive online archive. The digital photographs of graffiti constitut...
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This presentation was given by Adolfo Molada-Tebar during Session C of the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium. Colour is a powerful communication element of graffiti and many other forms of cultural heritage. This importance of colour notwithstanding, the documentation of cultural heritage typically only focuses on the geometrical aspe...
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This is the book of abstracts created for the goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium organised in the framework of the academic project INDIGO.
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This presentation was given by Benjamin Wild at the 3D-ARCH conference in Mantova (Italy) and won the best paper award
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Graffiti is a short-lived form of heritage balancing between tangible and intangible, offensive and pleasant. Graffiti makes people laugh, wonder, angry, think. These conflicting traits are all present along Vienna's Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Canal), a recreational hotspot – located in the city's heart – famous for its endless display of graffiti. Th...
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Image stabilisation (IS) is a family of approaches whose aim is to reduce motion blur in still images and shaking effect in video frames. A variety of techniques are currently implemented in cameras and camcorders: some involve hardware solutions, other are software approaches. In general, IS for still photography entails hardware in-camera or in-l...
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Digital elevation models derived from airborne laser scanning have found worldwide applica-tion in archaeology and other disciplines. A key feature that makes these models so valuable lies in their capacity to represent micro-relief features indicating traces of past human activity. While detection of these often faint traces in vegetated areas ben...
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This presentation was given at the Second Heritage Science Day Austria. It provides a high-level overview of project INDIGO, an academic graffiti project funded by the Heritage Science Austria programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
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The surface of most heritage objects holds important clues about their creation. To answer specific research questions about a 16th-century mural painting located in the Bischofstor of Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral, the three-dimensional (3D) geometry of the entire painted surface was digitised in minuscule detail using thousands of overlapping...
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– Usually only GPR reflection amplitudes are imaged, while GPR data contain far more information. – Multi-trace GPR coherency visualisations offer new insights into structures otherwise hardly visible. – Image fusing permits the combined display of different GPR data attributes (amplitude and coherency).
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Large-area high-resolution magnetic and GPR surveys of whole Roman villa sites in Noricum, where no such settlements have been excavated in total so far. • Using image fusion to combine magnetometry and GPR data from low contrast soils to optimise data quality.
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Despite the many (r)evolutions in remote sensing technology over the past three decades, integration in archaeological practice and theory has sometimes been limited by reliance on practice and theory imported from other disciplines, without questioning or deep understanding. This collection of papers aims to contribute to the exploration of develo...
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The Benedictine Convent of Saint John at Müstair is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the eastern part of Switzerland close to South Tyrol’s border (Italy). Known as a well-preserved Carolingian building complex housing Carolingian and Romanesque frescoes, the convent has received much academic attention. However, all research activities so f...
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The surface of most heritage objects holds important clues about their creation. To answer specific research questions about the creation of a mural painting located in the Bishop's Gate porch of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, the three-dimensional geometry of the entire painted surface was digitised in minuscule detail using thousands of overl...
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Large parts of the urban layout of the abandoned Roman town of Bassianae (in present-day Serbia) are still discernible on the surface today due to the deliberate and targeted quarrying of the Roman foundations. In 2014, all of the town's intramural (and some extramural) areas were surveyed using aerial photography, ground-penetrating radar, and mag...
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“Beg, borrow and steal”: in many ways, this is a strapline for archaeology as a discipline, and perhaps especially so for archaeological remote sensing [...]
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L’archéologie nécessite des méthodes d’enregistrement rigoureuses qui sont la base de l’approche scientifique de l’étude d’un site et de la construction d’un corpus. Comment doit-on enregistrer les données archéologiques ? Quelles sont les méthodes à notre disposition pour réaliser cette tâche sur le terrain et en laboratoire ? Cette publication fa...
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L’archéologie nécessite des méthodes d’enregistrement rigoureuses qui sont la base de l’approche scientifique de l’étude d’un site et de la construction d’un corpus. Comment doit-on enregistrer les données archéologiques ? Quelles sont les méthodes à notre disposition pour réaliser cette tâche sur le terrain et en laboratoire ? Cette publication fa...
Full reference: Verhoeven, G., Vermeulen, F., Taelman, D. and Verdonck, L. (2019), “Taking vegetation marks into the next dimension. Mapping the hilltop settlement of Montarice (central Adriatic Italy) by a multi-dimensional analysis of aerial imagery”, Archeologia Aerea 11 , pp. 79–84. --- The processing of aerial imagery acquired over Montarice...
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In part 1 “Between line pairs and sampling distances” of this split entry on spatial resolution, it was mentioned that this second part would focus on some fundamental laws of electromagnetic radiation to shed more light on the concepts of spatial resolving power and spatial resolution. The numbering of chapters, illustrations and equations simply...
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Leonardo da Vinci must have been aware that Columbus discovered new territories in the West. Until now, no material evidence had been found to substantiate this assumption. Here we show that Leonardo not only read Amerigo Vespucci’s letter (derived from a painted star constellation), but that he even drew a map including the New World, a drawing wh...
Conference Paper
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Neubauer, W., Bornik, A., Wallner, M. and Verhoeven, G.J.J. (2019), “Novel volume visualisation of GPR data inspired by medical applications”, in Bonsall, J. (Ed.), New global perspectives on archaeological prospection: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, 28 August – 1 September 2019, Sligo - Ireland, Arc...
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The epistemological foundation of archaeology and cultural heritage at large is based mainly on the connections between imperfectly preserved material culture and humans. The tangible part of cultural heritage is thus a lot about materiality, which is reflected in the amalgam of data recording and documentation practices. Whether distinguishing a p...
Conference Paper
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In the second half of the 19th and early 20th century, sheep shepherds have built dry-stone shelters all over the Slovene Kras (or Karst) region. Despite being made out of stones that are interlocked without the use of any binding material, many of these vernacular constructions survived – even though sometimes only partially – the ravages of time....
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This presentation should have been given at the 8th International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2019 in Bergamo, Italy. Due to personal reasons, the talk had to be cancelled. Since the slides were already prepared, the authors decided to upload it for the benefit of those that might be interested. Still, we would like that this presentation is cited as: Verho...
Satellite‐based imagers have been delivering data products that offer new possibilities to study (archaeological) landscapes via remote recording of the Earth's spectral reflectance (and to some extent thermal emittance) since the 1970s. Although much declassified panchromatic spy footage and some more recent commercial multispectral imagery has al...
Over the course of four years (2012–2015) the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archeology (LBI ArchPro), in collaboration with the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) and on behalf of the provincial government of Lower Austria, has conducted the comprehensive, non-invasive archaeological pro...
Since the invention of photography, a variety of approaches have made noninvasive imaging for cultural heritage applications possible. Multi‐ and hyperspectral imaging (together denoted spectral imaging) are two techniques that evolved from conventional color photography, having overcome its spectral limitations. Instead of imaging in three broad s...
Conference Paper
The non-invasive prospection of our archaeological heritage is one of the main tasks of modern archaeology and often provides the necessary bases for further activities, such as special protection or intensified research. Geophysical prospections using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) are an invaluable tool for the non-destructive exploration of arch...
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One of the most common words in the remote sensing (or even general imaging) literature is ‘resolution’. Despite its abundant use and because the concept is often misjudged as uncomplicated, most modern literature relies on rather sloppy ‘resolution’ definitions that sometimes even contradict each other within the same text. In part, this confusion...
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This presentation served as a keynote talk for the "Workshop Archaeology and Robotics" held at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy). It starts by defining the dissimilar but related fields of AI, automation and robotics. Afterwards, the talk focuses on the use of robotics for automating various parts of the archaeological data acquisition s...
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This presentation ponders the aerial archaeology part of the Potenza Valley Survey (PVS). Since the project start in 2000, the main aim of the PVS has been the study of the settlement dynamics along circa 400 km² of the Potenza river valley in central Adriatic Italy (Marche). The talk contains three parts (past, present and future), of which the fi...
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Acquiring photographs as input for an image-based modelling pipeline is less trivial than often assumed. Photographs should be correctly exposed, cover the subject sufficiently from all possible angles, have the required spatial resolution, be devoid of any motion blur, exhibit accurate focus and feature an adequate depth of field. The last four ch...