Gašincová Silvia

Gašincová Silvia
Technical University of Košice · Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographical Information Systems


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October 1999 - November 2015
Technical University of Košice
  • Professor (Assistant) from 2013 professor associate


Publications (24)
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During the era of socialist reconstruction the land use was intended to reach large scale agriculture – collectivization. In this period land and land ownership were separated. This situation persisted up to the present day even after the development of socio-economic circumstances. The separation of use and ownership of land, high proportion of la...
There are often occurs a cases in surveying practice, when periodical observations of horizontal landslide areas displacements or different objects is necessary to evaluate in the local coordinate system. The reasons, for which some local coordinate systems are still using, even in the present time of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), are...
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The present article summarizes the progress and results of geodetic works during the construction of a geodetic network inside the Dobšinská Ice Cave underground space to monitor temporal and spatial changes in its ice filling. In order to objectively evaluate the changes, parameter estimations of the first- and second-order of the geodetic network...
The creation and processing of survey sketch are one of the most common activities with which a surveyor encounters in practice. A survey sketch in the Slovak Republic must be created in accordance with existing regulations to date: Directive for measuring and executing changes in the file of geodetic information of the Cadastre of the real estates...
This contribution discusses the course of deformation analysis of the eastern edge of the High Tatras - for this purpose, a static method with three hours of observations using each point designed appropriately chosen points of the State spatial network in the locality. It was used a three-dimensional Helmert transformation using two methods - the...
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Least Squares orthogonal distance fitting of plane surface onto 3D points is the best option in the event that gross errors nor systematic errors affect the observations. However, such situations often occur in the processing of the experimental data and robust methods are a good alternative in such cases. This issue is illustrated by the example o...
Obligatory geodetic reference system for the implementation of geodetic activities in the Czech and Slovak Republic is a coordinate system called the "Súradnicový systém Jednotnej trigonometrickej siete katastrálnej" (S-JTSK), whose mathematical basis is Krovák projection. Points upon the topographic surface are projected on the Bessel reference el...
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Predložený príspevok je venovaný použitiu simplexovej metódy pri spracovaní výsledkov geodetických meraní v porovnaní so štandardne používanou metódou najmenších štvorcov (MNŠ). Minimalizačný problém je pri simplexovej metóde zvyčajne riešený tabuľkovou formou, preskupovaním stĺpcov a riadkových operácií, ktorých cieľom je nájdenie optimálneho rieš...
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At present, manufacturers characterize the accuracy of vectors measured by the static method of GNSS technology using relationship 5 mm + 1·D ppm. The advantage of the GNSS system over other terrestrial technologies is that it is not affected by uncertainties in the ground layers of the atmosphere. The paper presents experimental measurement of the...
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Terrestrial laser scanners are at present one of the latest Technologies of information collection. The article deals with the uses of laser scanning technology to document the ice filling inside Dobšinská Ice Cave and was written in connection with solution of the grant project no. 1/0786/10 Scientific Grant Agency of MŠ SR. A detailed spatial mea...
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The registration of property rights to real estates and administration of particular documentation is one of the most important tasks of the cadaster. The purpose of the submitted article is to provide a complex view on legislative changes in the cadaster since 1 st September 2009. One of most outstanding legislative changes is the legislation of t...
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As per Regulation of the Czech Mining Office Board No. 435/1992 of Law Digest, in wording of later rulings, there is a duty to survey any and all mining workings in the state reference system of S-JTSK type. Tasks for both connecting and orientation surveys on the Earth's surface are to identify the end point position for the plummet segment and es...
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The basis of mathematical analysis of geodetic measurements is the method of least squares (LSM), whose bicentenary we celebrated in 2006. In geodetic practice, we quite often encounter the phenomenon when outlier measurements penetrate into the set of measured data as a result of e.g. the impact of physical environment. That fact led to modificati...
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The Local Geodetic Network (LGN) adjustment is affected by various errors, whether arisen from measuring or calculating works. The measuring errors occurred in the consistent LGS measuring can be detected by control calculations in dL using redundant measurements. The numerical errors may be detected, or the accuracy of the formulas used can be ver...
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The content of this paper is the adjustment of positional geodetic networks by robust estimations. The techniques (basedon the unconventional estimations) of repeated least-square method which have turned out to be suitable and applicable in the practisehave been demonstrated on the example of the local geodetic network, which was founded to compos...
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Submitted article deals with the latest amendment of the Cadastre Act No. 162/1995 Coll.. by Act No. 304/2009 Z.z..The introduced amendment effective since 1.9.2009 brings a range of enactments in the area of the Cadastre which shall increase legaland factual security for parties involved in the real estate transfers as well as the elimination of f...
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The geodetic surveying, that are oneself execute in the complicated physical environs with expressive thermic gradient aregenerally loading systematic errors, that are be needed right processing progress eliminate. The planes of the large water works areessentially differential one´s thermal insluating properties from surrounding environs and negat...
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Various instruments and measuring techniques are serviceably combined in geodetic networks. The sets of measured data have a disunited physical character and quality. At the positional geodetic networks are associated angular, length, GPS or other kinds of measurements. If the solver of a geodetic task wants to comprehend the influence of the measu...
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Within deformation monitoring there are often determined horizontal displacements of points situated on the surveyed object. These movements between two epochs expressed by ()1/22ƒÂY2ƒÂXiƒÂp+=ipƒÂas stochastic quantities can be tested using a conveniently formulated forrmulated hypothesis Ho about significancy behaviour of .In the actual case Ho, e...
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Estimation vertical components of refraction from terrestrial and satellite geodetic measuring The geodetic surveying, that are oneself execute in the complicated physical environs with expressive thermic gradient are generally loading systematic errors, that are be needed right processing progress eliminate. The planes of the large water works are...
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Adjustment of the observations in a free geodetic networks Since no datum point in the geodetic network can be accepted as stable until the analysis is performed, the network must be treated as a free network. In means that the network in itself does not contain enough information to be located in space. Examples are a leveling network without elev...


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