Gail Hackett

Gail Hackett
Virginia Commonwealth University | VCU · Department of Psychology



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February 2008 - February 2015
University of Missouri–Kansas City
  • Professor, Provost
August 1988 - February 2008
Arizona State University
  • Vice Provost, Dean. Associate Dean, Division Director and Professor
August 1983 - August 1988
University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (77)
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This chapter reviews the literature on feminist vocational/career theory and practice. In particular, it reviews the theory and research on the major career development theories focused on career choice and critiques their applicability for understanding women's vocational behavior. Major theories reviewed include Holland's person-environment theor...
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This article presents three studies that provide an in-depth examination of STEM-related supports and barriers. These studies constructed an instrument to identify male and female perceptions of the barriers and supports for pursuing coursework and/or careers in mathematics and sciences domains; to pilot test and refine that instrument; and then to...
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This article begins by reviewing the scientific origins of research on career self-efficacy, highlighting its original development as a means of understanding the career development of women and discussing its development through the years into what is now, along with its extension as social cognitive career theory, a widely applicable major approa...
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Resumen: Este artículo propone a la Teoría Social Cognitiva del Desarrollo de Carrera (SCCT; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) como una ventajosa perspectiva para comprender el proceso de transición entre la escuela y el trabajo. En lugar de enfatizar solo el período inmediatamente precedente al egreso de la escuela media, la perspectiva SCCT del proce...
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The authors compared the effects of information-based and attitude-based interventions on counselor trainees' knowledge about and attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. Analyses of variance indicated that providing information yielded higher knowledge levels than did not providing information and that the exploration of attitudes led...
The purpose of this edition is to call to the attention of mental health practitioners the unique experiences and needs of four groups within the American society that, along with ethnic and selected other groups, share the common experience of oppression. These four groups are people with disabilities, older people, women, and gay people. Each of...
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A technology education programme designed to provide mastery experiences described in self-efficacy theory and predicted to improve career decision-making was evaluated. Seventh- and eighth-grade students (N = 169) were stratified by grade level and randomly assigned either to a published technology education programme or to control curricula. Over...
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Social cognitive career theory (SCCT; R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, & G. Hackett, 1994) emphasizes cognitive-person variables that enable people to influence their own career development, as well as extra-person (e.g., contextual) variables that enhance or constrain personal agency. Although the theory has yielded a steady stream of inquiry and practica...
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We describe three Internet programs relevant to career counseling that have been developed at Arizona State University. These interactive interventions have evolved from earlier work on simulations and computer-based learning; however, they incorporate recent technological advances and more current psychological research in differential diagnosis a...
This article considers social cognitive career theory (SCCT; R. W. Lent et al, 1994) as a vantage point from which to view the school-to-work transition process. Rather than emphasizing the period just before high school graduation, SCCT focuses on 6 developmentally linked themes that unfold throughout the school years. An emphasis on these themes...
This article provides a review of the literature on the educational and career development of women of color within the context of social cognitive career theory ( [46] and [47]). Specifically, possible gender, ethnic, racial, and cultural influences on career self-efficacy and outcome expectations are explored to delinate the potential mechanisms...
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A structural model predicting the educational and career expectations of 282 Mexican American high school girls was developed and then tested on samples of 247 Mexican American boys and 228 European American girls. Predictors included socioeconomic status, acculturation, academic achievement, instrumentality, expressiveness, gender role attitudes,...
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L. M. Larson and J. A. Daniels (see record 1998-00446-001) did a highly commendable job in reviewing the literature on counseling self-efficacy (CSE), and Larson's (see record 1998-00446-002) theory-building article was both ambitious and heuristic. We applaud both of these efforts, particularly the attempt to articulate the theoretical undergird...
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This article reviews the applicability of self-efficacy theory to the career assessment of women. The article begins by summarizing Bandura's self-efficacy theory, including its particular relevance to women's career development. Next, the domains of occupational, scientific—technical, and mathematics self-efficacy are reviewed, followed by those r...
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The articles by M. Lucas, B. S. Richie et al., R. S. McCracken and L. M. Weitzman, L.M. Rainey and L.D. Borders, and K. G. Schaefers, D. L. Epperson, and M. M. Nauta (see records 84-22118, 22345, 22343, 22131, and 24623, respectively) in the Special Section on Women's Career Development are considered within the context of prospects and problems in...
The articles by M. Lucas (1997), B. S. Richie et al. (1997), R. S. McCracken and L. M. Weitzman (1997), L.M. Rainey and L.D. Borders (1997), and K.G. Schaefers, D. L. Epperson, and M. M. Nauta (1997) in the Special Section on Women's Career Development are considered within the context of prospects and problems in the empirical and theoretical lite...
No comprehensive model of the career development of racial and ethnic minorities has yet been developed; even less attention has been devoted to models of the career development of racial and ethnic minority women. One of the more promising career theories that may prove satisfactory in accounting for ethnicity in career development is Bandura's (1...
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Adolescents' beliefs in their personal control affects their psychological well-being and the direction their lives take. Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies analyzes the diverse ways in which beliefs of personal efficacy operate within a network of sociocultural influences to shape life paths. The chapters, by internationally known experts, cover...
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There are few other decisions that exert as profound an influence on people’s lives as the choice of a field of work, or career. Not only do most people spend considerably more time on the job than in any other single activity (save, arguably, sleep), but also choice of occupation significantly affects lifestyle, and work adjustment is intimately a...
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This article presents a social cognitive framework for understanding three intricately linked aspects of career development: (a) the formation and elaboration of career-relevant interests, (b) selection of academic and career choice options, and (c) performance and persistence in educational and occupational pursuits. The framework, derived primari...
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sketched some recent developments in cognitive psychology that may offer valuable contributions to career development inquiry, including efforts to promote rapprochement among the major theories of career choice and development / provided an overview of an evolving social cognitive career framework that attempts to build integrative linkages with e...
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This paper addresses counseling psychology's ongoing concerns about the role of career counseling. First, a series of artificial distinctions exacerbating the rift between career and personal counseling are discussed. Of particular concern is the failure on the part of counselors, possibly associated with declining interest in the career realm, to...
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This article considers ways in which gender and gender-related concerns may be competently assessed within career counseling. Central to this analysis is the need for a gender-aware perspective on career development and career assessment. Gender issues that arise within broad approaches to career assessment, that is, the interview, standardized tes...
In Study 1 the authors examined the reactions of 159 feminist and nonfeminist college women to videotaped versions of nonsexist‐humanistic, liberal feminist, and radical feminist approaches to counseling. College women rated all counselors similarly on the dimensions of attractiveness, expertness, and trustworthiness and on other measures of counse...
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Examines the relationships of measures of occupational and academic self-efficacy; vocational interests; outcome expectations; academic ability; and perceived stress, support, and coping to the academic achievement of women and men enrolled in university-level engineering/science programs. 197 students from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds respond...
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Conflicting findings in the research on women's reactions to feminist counseling and therapy were investigated. Feminist and nonfeminist college women ( N = 211) were exposed to nonsexist/humanistic, liberal feminist, or radical feminist counseling through a videotaped vignette, the written transcript of the videotape, or an extended written descri...
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Conflicting findings in the research on women's reactions to feminist counseling and therapy were investigated. Feminist and nonfeminist college women ( N = 211) were exposed to nonsexist/humanistic, liberal feminist, or radical feminist counseling through a videotaped vignette, the written transcript of the videotape, or an extended written descri...
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examine the empirical status of the major theories of career choice and development / highlights the following general theoretical perspectives: (a) person–environment interaction approaches, particularly work adjustment and Holland's model; (b) developmental theories (Gottfredson, 1981; Super, 1990); (c) social cognitive models, including social l...
Conference Paper
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Two studies have reported that low self-esteem is related to the holding of four specific irrational beliefs; further studies have suggested that these and other irrational beliefs are associated with different client problems. This study attempted to replicate the self-esteem findings with a younger population and improved controls and to explore...
This paper reviews major advances in theory and research on vocational behavior over the past 2 decades. Organized along the lines of traditional distinctions between counseling and organizational behavior, the state of theory and research circa 1971 is reviewed, then important trends in research and theory development in the intervening decades ar...
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To test a hypothesis from self-efficacy theory, we randomly assigned 149 subjects to verbal or mathematics and success or failure conditions in which they attempted to solve easy or difficult anagram or number series tasks. Changes in task self-efficacy and task interest as a result of task success or failure were in accordance with predictions fro...
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We were concerned with client–counselor matching along the dimension of attitudes toward feminism. We hypothesized that feminist subjects would be more receptive to the radical feminist counselor, whereas nonfeminist subjects would rate the nonsexist and liberal feminist counselor more positively. College women ( N = 150) viewed 12 videotaped couns...
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We were concerned with client–counselor matching along the dimension of attitudes toward feminism. We hypothesized that feminist subjects would be more receptive to the radical feminist counselor, whereas nonfeminist subjects would rate the nonsexist and liberal feminist counselor more positively. College women ( N = 150) viewed 12 videotaped couns...
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of the perceived influence of female and male role models, gender role, and performance self-esteem to college women's career salience and career-related aspirations and choices. One hundred and seven senior women responded to a survey assessing the variables of interest. Results of stepwis...
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This study investigated the relationship between mathematical performance and mathematics self-efficacy, attitudes toward mathematics, and the choice of mathematics-related majors by 153 college women and 109 college men. Mathematics performance was correlated moderately with mathematics self-efficacy. No support was found for Hackett and Betz's (1...
This study investigated the relationship between mathematical performance and mathematics self-efficacy, attitudes toward mathematics, and the choice of mathematics-related majors by 153 college women and 109 college men. Mathematics performance was correlated moderately with mathematics self-efficacy. No support was found for Hackett and Betz's (1...
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The present study was designed to develop and evaluate prototypical measures of behavioral competence and perceived self-efficacy with respect to a complex domain of behavior summarized as agency in educational and career pursuits. The domain, originally suggested to be important in a previous study of career competencies in professional women (Hac...
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Bandura's self-efficacy theory, stemming from a social cognitive model of behavior, has been gaining empirical attention in the career literature. This paper reviews emerging findings applying self-efficacy theory to career-relevant behaviors; examines a number of conceptual and methodological issues arising from this work; and offers several direc...
This study experimentally investigates several hypotheses about the relationships between performance on a gender-neutral task and gender, self-efficacy, performance attributions, and task interest. Ninety-two subjects were randomly assigned to a success or failure condition and attempted to solve a series of easy or difficult anagrams. Results ind...
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This paper reviews the literature on applications of Bandura's (1977, 1982) self-efficacy theory to the career domain. After a description of the' utility of the self-efficacy construct in understanding the mechanisms affecting women's disadvantaged status in the labor force and the usefulness of career self-efficacy in building models predicting t...
This study explores the effects of task performance i.e., success or failure, on level and strength of task self-efficacy, task interest, and self-evaluations of performance. One hundred twenty subjects were randomly assigned to a success or failure condition and attempted to solve a series of easy or difficult incomplete number series. Results ind...
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The purpose of this study was to develop a taxonomy of the competencies necessary to women's pursuit of professional-level, especially academic, careers. During the first phase of the study two research activities, a review of literature in the areas of career development, career counseling, and the psychology of women, and a semistructured critica...
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Tested the hypothesis that mathematics-related self-efficacy mediates the effects of gender and mathematical preparation and achievement on math relatedness of college major choice. The responses of 72 female and 45 male undergraduates to a series of inventories and questionnaires (including the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale, Mathematics Attitude...
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This investigation, part of an on-going research program examining social learning theory applications to career development, tested several hypotheses derived from A. Bandura's self-efficacy theory in the career-related domain of mathematics. Specifically, the effects of failure on a mathematics task and on a task irrelevant to mathematics were ex...
The major purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship of mathematics self-efficacy expectations to the selection of science-based majors in college males and females. Based on results obtained from a pilot sample of college students, an instrument assessing mathematics self-efficacy expectations was developed. The items used in...
Many theoretical models of stress exist, each emphasizing different aspects of the stress syndrome but each also enhancing our understanding of stress.
Conference Paper
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The purposes of the present study were to develop and evaluate a measure of self-efficacy expectations with regard to the performance of mathematics-related behaviors and to investigate the relationship of mathematics self-efficacy expectations to the selection of science-based college majors. Based on results obtained from a pilot sample of 115 co...
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134 female and 101 male undergraduates were asked to indicate their perceptions of their capabilities to successfully complete the educational requirements and job duties of each of 10 traditionally female and 10 traditionally male occupations. Ss also indicated their degree of interest in and extent of consideration of each occupation. Finally, Am...
An approach to the conceptualization and facilitation of women's career development based on and , 84, 191–215) self-efficacy theory is presented. The model presented postulates that largely as a result of socialization experiences, women lack strong expectations of personal efficacy in relationship to many career-related behaviors and, thus, fail...
This article presents an overview of the important stages and inherent problems of survey research and defines survey-related terminology. Particularly emphasized are the characteristic elements of survey research: survey designs, sampling theory, questionnaire development, and data collection procedures.
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In an article on blood nicotine levels produced by rapid smoking, M. A. Russell et al critiqued a distorted representation of the present authors' point of view. This reply addresses 6 sequential criticisms they leveled. (5 ref)
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Previous research has demonstrated the efficacy of coping-skills training in stress inoculation for pain. The present study attempted to isolate the active ingredients of the coping-skills component, which consists of 3 categories of skills derived from J. Melzak's (1973) gate-control theory of pain: sensory discriminative (SD), motivational affect...
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Stress inoculation for pain involves education about the psychological dimensions of pain, training in a number of coping skills, and practice in applying these skills during exposure to the noxious stimulus. In a previous study the exposure component (which involved six practice sessions) proved ineffective; moreover the efficacy of the other comp...
This study evaluated the effects of a comprehensive program for the treatment of cigarette addiction. Forty percent abstinence levels verified by expired air carbon monoxide tests were achieved in a 6–9 month follow-up period. A partial component analysis revealed that the comprehensive program was not significantly more powerful than a principle c...
Assessed the effectiveness of an established two-credit course in personal-career decision making. Results indicate that experimental participants altered their locus of control toward internality; that they were considerably more articulate than controls in describing career concepts; and that they had taken more action toward resolving their care...
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Rapid smoking is generally considered to be the most effective single treatment strategy for the behavioral control of smoking. Unfortunately, its safety has recently been questioned. A new procedure termed focused smoking poses absolutely no health hazard. Six month follow-up data collected from 2 groups of subjects exposed to a comprehensive trea...
At first blush, expired air carbon monoxide (CO) concentration is an appealing index of smoking behavior. Unfortunately there are a number of factors which can confound any CO-based evaluation of smoking treatment. We conducted several inferential and regression analyses on variables related to expired air CO concentration, and offer a number of re...
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This paper reports further outcome data from an evolving comprehensive program for the behavioral control of smoking. At a six-month follow up evaluation, 50% of the participants were fully abstinent from all forms of tobacco. Clinical and physiological correlates of success are noted and discussed.
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The stress inoculation paradigm for helping clients deal with pain consists of education about the psychological dimensions of pain la Melzack, training in a number of coping skills relevant to each dimension, and practice in applying these skills to the noxious stimulus. In order to determine which of these treatment components have a reactive eff...
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Although rapid smoking has proved to be a successful treatment strategy for smokers, its hazard potential has been recently debated. In the present study, 6 Ss (mean age 30.8 yrs) were monitored throughout 8 standard sessions of rapid smoking. Heart rate, blood pressure, and carboxyhemoglobin increases were generally higher than those reported in t...
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Notes that there are some similarities between nicotine poisoning and symptoms experienced by Ss after rapid smoking (RS). Pharmacological evidence suggests that nicotine poisoning may be the aversive component in the RS paradigm and that hazardous dosage levels are theoretically possible. The need for normative data on the amount of nicotine absor...
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Cigarette smoking has been a behavioral enigma. Single treatment techniques, when successful, are usually plagued by high recidivism rates and “practical” insignificance. Two recent developments, rapid smoking and comprehensive behavioral programming, hold promise for the eventual behavioral control of smoking. This study describes one such program...
provides an overview of the research linking self-perceptions of capabilities, influenced by educational experiences, to career decision making, career choice, and career development / historically the topic of career development has been central to the field of counseling psychology and the following discussion draws heavily from the counseling tr...


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