Gagoek Hardiman

Gagoek Hardiman
Diponegoro University | UNDIP · Department of Architecture


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Publications (86)
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Objective: This research aims to: (1) understand the historical development of Holistic Contemporary Worldview (CHW) and Kejawen Philosophy (Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana/HHB); (2) explore the correlation between CHW and HHB; (3) compare the axiology of HHB and CHW to better understand the path to achieving sustainable development goals; and (4) identif...
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Objective: The objective of this study are to investigate what and how existing sustainability programs are, to group and map these sustainability programs' main ideas to gain a more constructive and integrated understanding, and to find clues or opportunities to improve efforts to achieve sustainability. Theoretical Framework: The concept of susta...
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The mosque is a place for Muslims to worship. As a place of worship, of course the user's comfort while worshiping in the mosque is very important so that users can worship solemnly. The Khalid Al-Naqobi Mosque is one of the mosques in the program to build 100 waqf mosques from Qatar whose construction is being managed by PBNU in Indonesia. The waq...
The creation of architectural works in tropical climates must be appropriate and responsive to the climate. In its application, it is expected to comply with the criteria for green building design requirements in SNI 03-6389-2011 and Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number: 21 of 2021 concerning Green Building Performan...
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The impact of the mudflow disaster in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, which is still being felt by the community since 2006 until now, sets a background against which this review of disaster mitigation efforts that have been carried out so far is conducted. This study aims to find out the community response to disaster mitigation efforts that have been carrie...
This research aims to investigate the influence of ventilation on indoor air quality and air change rate in healthcare facilities where contamination would likely have happened. The research method used a quantitative-descriptive approach and investigated a polyclinic waiting room according to the Regulation and Indonesian Standard, then analyzed u...
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Green roofs are generally applied to concrete roofed buildings. This study compares the thermal performance of green roofs that occur in corrugated concrete and zinc to expand green roof innovation. The study experimented on a method using the 2011 Ecotect computer simulation. The results showed that the difference in temperature reduction in corru...
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Colonized by the Dutch for a hundred years, Indonesia has many Dutch-style churches in its cities. The uniqueness of the churches is that they have low ventilation in the below part of side-by-side walls to penetrate air movement in buildings. This current research was conducted on two Dutch-style churches with different heights of low ventilations...
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Penelitian atap hijau telah berkembang pada berbagai ragam disiplin ilmu secara mendunia. Namun informasi penelitian dengan tema atap hijau di Indonesia masih terbatas diperoleh, termasuk dari disiplin ilmu arsitektur. Oleh karenanya, sangat penting mengidentifikasi pemetaan penelitian atap hijau dari sudut pandang arsitektur. Tujuan penelitian men...
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In the process of architectural design, there is no special method employed by architects to evaluate buildings’ structural vulnerability and building geometry form designs towards earthquakes. Therefore, the alternative is adapting the existing method called SVA-Retrofit. JBDPA and Matsutaro Seki developed this method, and then the author adapted...
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p> Alfairus Mosque is a mosque that has a design concept that adopts the design of the Nabawi mosque. The building that adopted the design of the Nabawi mosque in Medina has a characteristic high and wide openings on the outer facade with a combination of arch ornaments like most Persian mosque designs. This research focuses on the effect of openin...
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p class="Abstract"> Many cities in the world are geographically located in areas prone to natural disasters. This research is a comparative study that aims to compare the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of these cities in the process towards a resilient city despite having a high level of vulnerability to natural disasters. Some...
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This study focused on two types of roof spaces: concrete and corrugated zinc. Both green roofs were covered with short-lived productive vegetables throughout dry and rainy seasons, monitored by an infrared thermometer and a wet-bulb-globe thermometer. The results show that the green roofs in the humid tropics had significant thermal insulation capa...
Basarang Jaya village is one of transmigration areas in Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Its terrestrial feature was initially dominated by peatland. Following transmigration program in 1961, the peatland was then subject to change in land use. By 1963, transmigrants from Bali had begun to settle the village, creating an acculturation b...
Bamboo, as a common plant in Asia, usually used in Asian daily life from household tools to construction. The use of bamboo in a traditional house, particularly in Javanese, occurs in many building elements such as wall and roof construction. Empyak raguman, part of empyak (traditional Javanese roof structure), used bamboo in a vertical arrangement...
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The research challenge in the problem of the sustainable development goals is to find solutions for development control through the application of green roofs in residential areas, which is the feasibility of the role of the community. This research was based on the discipline of architecture by considering the role of the community in managing arc...
RSUD Sayang as the only Class B hospital that has become a reference in Cianjur Regency with the problem of lack of rooms in IRNA VIP Flamboyan. The purpose of the study was to obtain the results of the Flamboyant IRNA Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) analysis. Emphasis is placed on functional aspects because the age of the building is>10 years old...
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p> Saint Peter Church Sambiroto located in the Semarang City which has tropical climate. The building has many openings like doors and bouvenlights. Currently in the east corridor are given tents to accommodate the number of congregations that exist, and on the east side the hallway is paired with banner to protect the east hallway from sun’s heat....
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p> The number of buildings that use air conditioner (AC), causing a lack of air change rate from the outside into the room or vice versa that can reduce indoor air quality. A bad indoor air quality is often give rise to complaints on its occupants called the "Sick Building Syndrome" (SBS). The presence of ventilation is expected to improve air qual...
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The aim of this research is to observe the acoustic performance of absorber-based biomass fiber-reinforced polyester resins that were experimentally associated with the design of tailed cavity resonator inclusion, i.e., the cavities are partly in the form of a narrow slit. The model of electro-acoustic resonators and several treatments were develop...
Social change is a common phenomenon. The change of traditional society to modern society was caused by modernization. The change of lifestyle, needs and family growth become the trigger of houses transformation. This phenomena also occurs in many rural areas. Traditional house as a local identity of traditional society has transformed as the respo...
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The transmigrants of Balinese ethnic living in Basarang Jaya Village, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan live harmoniously with the local ethnics (Dayak Ngaju) even though the area ever experienced ethnic riots that took thousands of lives and properties. The objective of this research is to find out the form of the cultural acculturation occurring between...
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Abstrak_Konsep arsitektur sadar energi mempertimbangkan efisiensi dan konservasi sumber daya alam dalam proses merancang, diantaranya dengan implementasi bangunan hijau. Kinerja desain pada bangunan hijau dipengaruhi oleh konsistensi pelaku utama pembangunan yakni pemerintah, perencana, perancang/arsitek, dan masyarakat pengguna. Komitmen mempertah...
Conference Paper
Semarang City has a wet tropical climate. The wet tropical climate relatively has high solar radiation, high humidity, high daily air temperature, and low air movement. Moreover, heritage buildings are usually those that have adapted to the climate and environment around the building, especially for interior comfort. The purpose of the present stud...
Conference Paper
This paper highlights the comparison of acoustical properties of seashell and natural fiber based reinforced polymer (SRP and NRP). Based on previous studies, the best seashell for acoustics is Placuna placenta Linn, the best natural fiber is coconut fiber and an additional water hyacinth fiber as comparative material. The seashell, coco-husk and w...
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The conditions of houses in densely populated areas vary, some use brick and Hebel materials. the high density of an area makes air movement not work properly so that the temperature in the area of the region increases and will have an effect on the inner space of the houses in the settlement. therefore the purpose of this study is to find out the...
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Situated at an earthquake prone area, buildings planning in Indonesia must implement earthquake resistant building principles. One of these principles is determining dimensions of columns and beams in the process of architectural designing.This act eventually affects the behaviour of the strong column-weak beam and the probability of bending failur...
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This manuscript focuses on the acoustical behaviors and surface morphology of seashell waste filler reinforced polyester (SFRP) coverings Anadara granosa Linn, Perna viridis Linn, and Placuna placenta Linn and applications in buildings. Their acoustical performances were observed using an impedance tube using a technique with two and four microphon...
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Traditional Javanese architecture, especially in rural areas, has undergone a major transformation. Transformation is owner’s response to various conditions, such as the increasing number of family members, the improvement of social status and economic conditions, the needs of modernization and the consequences of being involved in government’s pro...
Conference Paper
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The worse impact of climate change on the life system shows that the implementation of Sustainable Development method has not been optimal yet. For more than two decades, environmentalists have adopted Green Building approach to achieve energy efficiency, resource conservation, high-performance design, and less negative impacts, but this approach s...
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The sustainable movement has grown and evolved rapidly in the 21st century. This movement is a response to the various problems of the relationship between humans and the earth that appear more disruptive and seemingly intractable problems. After the era of sustainable development emerges, many concepts and new methodologies such as biophilia, crad...
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Sustainable architecture recently becomes a priority design concept for all buildings in Indonesia. All designs attempt to lower the energy consumption and save more energy to achieve a sustainable building. In Dutch colonial era, passive cooling system became an effective building technology to cope with Indonesian tropical climate without wasting...
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. Thermal comfort is a state of mind that expresses a user's satisfaction with thermal conditions. This study focuses on the design of natural ventilation which is one of the efforts to reduce the heat that exists in the building, especially in maintaining the thermal conditions. Tawang Train Station, Semarang has a natural ventilation design that...
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Di Kota Semarang terdapat beberapa bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai pertunjukan kesenian peninggalan penjajahan Belanda yang sudah ditetapkan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya dengan menggunakan ventilasi udara alami melalui lubang angin pada atap dan kisi-kisi jendela di dalam ruangan dari awal pembangunan tahun 1930 sampai sekarang, bangunan kesenian...
Conference Paper
Nowadays, passive cooling system is no longer the top priority among the design concept for public buildings in Indonesia. However, the passive cooling system once became an effective building technology to cope with tropical climate in the Dutch colonial era. Semarang City, Central Java, has an outstanding heritage building equipped with passive c...
Conference Paper
The aim of research was to introduce green material for construction project by using waste material made of oyster shell and polymer as a substitute material to reduce the use of cement. In this research, the use of cement was replaced by oyster shell powder and mortar that was injected with polyurethane to lighten the weight on the structure. The...
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Ecotourism, as a part of sustainable tourism, has been growing rapidly in Indonesia in many rural areas in Yogyakarta. This is because mass tourism changed the emphasis onto nature and cultural tourism so that rural tourism became interesting to tourists. This paper aims to study the development of rural tourism in Yogyakarta in terms of mileage, g...
There is a need for a good cooperation between the architects and structural experts in creating of earthquake architecture. Through some ways in the design process, the architects can identify and evaluate the vulnerability of the building from earthquakes. Unfortunately, there is no available evaluation method, so the alternative is adopting SVA...
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There is a need for a good cooperation between the architects and structural experts in creating of earthquake architecture. Through some ways in the design process, the architects can identify and evaluate the vulnerability of the building from earthquakes. Unfortunately, there is no available evaluation method, so the alternative is adopting SVA...
Conference Paper
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Indonesia is an area prone to earthquake that may cause casualties and damage to buildings. The fatalities or the injured are not largely caused by the earthquake, but by building collapse. The collapse of the building is resulted from the building behaviour against the earthquake, and it depends on many factors, such as architectural design, geome...
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This paper aims to reveal local values used by Brayut villagers to maintain the existence of the traditional house as a dwelling. The transformation of traditional houses goes as time passes, influenced by internal aspects related to the needs of residents and external aspects related to the regional development by the government. Traditional Javan...
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Outdoor comfort is important due to the public spaces functions. Open spaces provide thermal comfort and a pleasant experience to improve the city life quality effectively. The influence of thermal comfort in outdoor activities is a complex problem. This paper presents a literature review and discussion of aspects of physical, psychology, and socia...
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Territory is the space boundary of ownership. Defense concepts of an area also include territory. The defense concept of a territory of power or ownership is usually in the form of fortress, ditch, river, road, alley or gate. Many of these are seen in the forms of old city of Dutch's inheritances. Javanese Islamic Kingdom in Yogyakarta has territor...
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Floods and droughts in Purworejo regency are an indication of problems in groundwater management. The current development progress has led to land conversion which has an impact on the problem of water infiltration in Purworejo regency. This study aims to determine the distribution of groundwater recharge potential zones by using geographic informa...
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This research aims to determine the acoustical properties of concrete material made of polyurethane and oyster shell waste as both fine aggregate and coarse aggregate comparing to other concrete mortar. Architecture needs aesthetics materials, so the innovation in architectural material should be driven through the efforts of research on materials...
Traditional housing is mostly considered environmentally friendly due to low-level consumption of the natural resources and has assumed having a minor impact on its surrounding environment. Sustainability can be achieved by reducing excessive consumption of natural resources. One way to measure sustainability is through the Ecological Footprint (EF...
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Fire hazard is the disaster that always has an unpredictable process of coming. When it comes, its level scope and the magnitude of the effects cannot be predicted. Dense settlements especially in big cities, among others Bustaman Kampong Semarang never escape from physical problems such as flooding and wildfire. If both are compared in dense settl...
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Keraton Yogyakarta as a summit of Javanese culture has been renowned as a heritage building. As object of study, Keraton Yogyakarta is ornamented with a collection of architectural artifacts. The acculturation and merging of these different styles create a unique impression within the palace complex. This study aims to identify the pattern of accul...
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This study discusses the dose rate in digital radiography room, buit according to meet the provisions of KEMENKES No.1014 / Menkes / SK / XI / 2008 and Regulation of BAPETEN No. 8 / 2011. The provisions primary concern of radiation safety, not comfort, by considering the space design. There are five aspects to consider in designing the space: funct...
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The purpose of this study is to describe the uniqueness and complexity of one village town Bustaman Semarang Indonesia. This research is in the domain of qualitative research paradigm with ethnography research strategy. The critical ethnography technique is chosen with the consideration of the purpose of this research, that is besides describing al...
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Daylighting with light-shelf is not a simple strategy. Therefore, this research aims to investigate how far the application of light-shelf can block direct sunlight and how much the distribution of daylight at office rooms is produced. This research is a simulation using EnergyPlus from OpenStudio. Data as measurement results collected from on-site...
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ABSTRAK. Kampung menjadi hambatan besar dalam proses modernisasi perkotaan di era globalisasi. 70 % area perkotaan di negara sedang berkembang seperti Indonesia adalah kampung. Kampung masih dipandang sebagai sisi negatif dan sebagai beban perkotaan. Fakta empiris menunjukan bahwa kampung kota melakukan kegiatan kehidupan sehari-hari secara mandir...
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The high growth of human activity potentially increases the number of vehicles and the use of fossil fuels that contribute the increase of CO2 emissions in atmosphere. Controlling CO2 emission that causes greenhouse effect becomes the main agenda of Indonesian Government. The first step control CO2 emissions is by measuring the level of CO2 emissio...
Kepadatan bangunan adalah merupakan satu dari faktor-faktor prinsip yang mempengaruhi kondisi iklim mikro dan menentukan kondisi ventilasi maupun kondisi suhu udara. Gejala pemanasan kota utamanya agak dipengaruhi oleh kepadatan kota daripada ukuran dari kota itu sendiri, semakin padat bangunan semakin buruk kondisi ventilasi. Beberapa hunian di Ka...
Conference Paper
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As an earthquake-prone region should all stakeholders should be prepared to deal with it so that it can support better to disaster resilience. Architects as one of the pioneers of physical development should contribute it with in creating the design of earthquake-resistant buildings. So when an earthquake damaged building is not very severe or coll...
Waste generated from natural resources should be recycled as more useful materials. This research has produced acoustical waffle panel material which is useful as an absorber on the noisy housing. Acoustical waffle panels was made by Hydraulic Hot Press machine. The purpose of this discussion is to describe the machine design process and compare wa...
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Research on green materials are continuously carried out by researchers, starting with research on middle-low income housing near the airport suffered by airport noise [1]. The orientation of housing facing the runway will have the biggest sound levels [2,3]. Efforts to control noise at middle-low housing annoyed by the noise will be more effective...
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Indonesia is an earthquake-prone region, so that the building in Indonesia should be designed to withstand earthquakes. Earthquake resistant building design should start from the subtractive transformation architectural design. Subtractive transformation is a form that can be changed by reducing the partial volume. This transformation also changes...
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Kota Lama Semarang sebagai kawasan bangunan Kolonial Belanda, merupakan kawasan Cagar Budaya yang wajib dilestarikan dan dilindungi keberadaanya. Upaya pelestarian yang dilakukan dari berbagai pihak telah menunjukkan hasil dengan aktif dan terawatnya beberapa bangunan kolonial disana. Namun masih terdapat pula sejumlah bangunan yang berkondisi buru...
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Rumah Susun adalah salah satu jenis hunian vertical yang menampung jumlah penghuni yang cukup banyak. Begitupula dengan RUSUNAWA (rumah susun sewa bagi mahasiswa), di dalamnya terdiri dari hampir 1000-an mahasiswa pengguna, belum lagi dengan berbagai aktivitas yang terjadi, tidak hanya sekedar istirahat di dalam kamar, tetapi juga kegiatan bersama...
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Abstrak Pasca meletusnya Gunung Agung, sebagian masyarakat Bali menjadi transmigran dan salah satu lokasi penempatannya adalah Basarang. Sekarang, Basarang dikenal dengan nama Kampung Bali Basarang karena kuatnya identitas etnis Bali yang muncul dicirikan oleh jagad di halaman depan rumah serta pura yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifika...
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ABSTRAK Aturan tentang bangunan tahan gempa sudah banyak diterapkan di bangunan-bangunan yang ada di Indonesia. Tetapi ketahanan terhadap gempa dari komponen non struktural seperti jaringan sanitasi didalam bangunan sering terlupakan. Sehingga bisa saja bangunannya bertahan gempa tetapi pipa sanitasinya mengalami kerusakan sehingga bangunan tidak b...
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Indonesia merupakan wilayah yang rawan gempa karena dilalui oleh beberapa jalur gempa teraktif didunia seperti jalur gempa Mediteranian dan Circum Pasifik. Dengan kondisi seperti ini sudah seharusnya bangunan di Indonesia didisain tahan gempa. Salah satu prinsip dasar dalam mendisain bangunan tahan gempa adalah regularity atau reguleritas/keteratur...
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Basarang is an area opened in 1961 as a transmigration area for spontaneous immigrants from Bali who evacuated there during the eruption of Mount Agung. The Bali culture brought by these people experienced growth and changes. The strong identity of Balinese gave Basarang the name of Kampung Bali. This identity is signified by the existence of house...
Basarang is an area opened in 1961 as a transmigration area for spontaneous immigrants from Bali who evacuated there during the eruption of Mount Agung. The Bali culture brought by these people experienced growth and changes. The strong identity of Balinese gave Basarang the name of Kampung Bali. This identity is signified by the existence of house...