Gaëlle Triffault-BouchetMinistère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques de la Faune et des Parcs
Gaëlle Triffault-Bouchet
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Publications (44)
Canada is one of the main petroleum producers in the world. Through its oil sands exploitation, a viscous bitumen mixed with sand, water, and clay is being produced. This bitumen is so viscous that approximatively 20%–30% of diluent needs to be added to ease transportation, resulting in a mixture called diluted bitumen (dilbit). The transport of di...
Numerous actions have been undertaken by farmers to attenuate the impact of agricultural activities on aquatic ecosystems. The identification of biomarkers that respond quickly to water quality improvement could facilitate the assessment of adopted alternative practices and help maintain mobilization among stakeholders. Here, we evaluated the poten...
Atlantic salmon is an important species for Canadian culture and economy and its importance extends beyond Canada to Scandinavia and Western Europe. However, it is a vulnerable species facing decline due to habitat contamination and destruction. Existing and new Canadian pipeline projects pose a threat to salmonid habitat. The effects of diluted bi...
The oil sands industry in Canada, produces heavy unconventional oils, diluted for transport and called diluted bitumen. However, despite advances in our knowledge of the ecotoxicological risk that these products represent, their effects on benthic organisms following a spill are still largely unknown. In order to fill these gaps, this study aims to...
Canadian freshwater ecosystems are vulnerable to oil spills from pipelines, which contain mostly diluted bitumen. This study aimed to compare the toxicity of a dilbit and a conventional oil on developing rainbow trout. A total of five exposure scenarios were performed, from 10 to 43 days, using water-accommodated fraction (WAF) with an initial load...
Petroleum hydrocarbons are widely used and transported, increasing the risks of spills to the environment. Although conventional oils are the most commonly produced, the production of unconventional oils (i.e. diluted bitumen or dilbit) is increasing. In this study, we compared the effects of conventional oils (Arabian Light and Lloydminster) and d...
The increasing extraction of bitumen from the oil sands region in Canada is creating a need for transport. Spills from current and projected pipelines represent a significant environmental risk, especially for freshwater ecosystems. The toxicity of diluted bitumen (dilbit) on freshwater fish is largely unknown. This study assessed the toxicity of t...
Cytostatics are compounds used in chemotherapy, known to be genotoxic, mutagenic, and teratogenic at low concentrations. The amount of cytostatic drugs prescribed increases every year as does their release into the aquatic ecosystems, which possibly is a major concern for the health of aquatic organisms. This study aimed to evaluate the putative to...
The growing transportation of petroleum products pose a significant risk of marine diesel or diluted bitumen (dilbit) spills at sea. Despite the economic importance of the American lobster, there have been few studies assessing the impact study of such a spill on their population. In the lobster industry, lobster quality is monitored according to t...
For several years now, the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) research facility at CanmetENERGY Devon has been performing experiments in a pilot-scale spill tank using 1,200 L of river water to examine the physical and chemical behaviours of various crude oil/water mixtures under varying water temperature regimes. As oil toxicity can be modulated by...
Mine effluents must meet discharge criteria for both physicochemical parameters and toxicity. While chemical precipitation is efficient for the treatment of metallic elements in mine effluents, the removal of sulfates, as a source of salinity and potential toxicity, is limited by gypsum solubility. This study evaluated the efficiency of electrocoag...
The demand for rare earth elements (REEs) has increased since the 1990s leading to the development of many mining projects worldwide. However, less is known about how organisms can handle these metals in natural aquatic systems. Through laboratory experiments, we assessed the chronic toxicity and subcellular fractionation of yttrium (Y), one of the...
The aim of this research was to assess the ecotoxicity of leachates originating from a niobium mine located in Canada. These tailings contain considerable amounts of carbonates and phosphates and could potentially be used as fertilizer for agriculture. However, the presence of different contaminants linked with the ores mined, including rare earth...
Les médicaments anticancéreux, aussi connus sous le nom de cytostatiques ou antinéoplasiques, sont des composés cytotoxiques, génotoxiques, mutagènes ou tératogènes à de faibles concentrations. Leur utilisation pour le traitement du cancer est en croissance constante, les statistiques montrant que leur utilisation augmente chaque année de 10 %. Les...
Les minerais d'uranium et de métaux de terres rares contiennent des quantités importantes d’uranium et de thorium. Advenant l’exploitation de ces ressources, des concentrations résiduelles d’uranium, de thorium et de leurs descendants pourraient se retrouver dans le milieu environnant. En conséquence, le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Env...
Le Québec possède un grand potentiel pour l’exploitation minière de l’uranium et des métaux de terres rares, et le gouvernement québécois évalue actuellement la possibilité d’exploiter ces ressources. Comme ces minerais contiennent des teneurs non négligeables en radionucléides, malgré le fait que leur exploitation sera régit par différentes direct...
Deicing salts are spread on roads in northern countries to ensure driver safety during snowfalls. These salts dissolve in road runoff. Various treatment devices have been developed to treat road runoff, but none can remove deicing salt. Phytoabsorption in a constructed wetland is suggested as an innovative option. Two species (Atriplex patula and T...
Since 1997, we have been developing a protocol for ecotoxicological bioassays in 2-L laboratory microcosms and have applied it to the study of various pollutants and ecotoxicological risk assessment scenarios in the area of urban facilities and transport infrastructures. The effects on five different organisms (micro-algae, duckweeds, daphnids, amp...
Recently silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were used in the preparation of new pesticide and insecticide formulations. As most of the greenhouse crops are grown hydroponically, these AgNPs may be easily found in the rhizosphere and plant organs. Because of its property, AgNPs improves the bactericidal and fungicidal effectiveness of silver against impor...
Les écosystèmes nordiques, qui incluent la forêt boréale, la toundra et les lacs oligotrophes, sont constitués d’habitats et d’espèces fauniques et floristiques présentant de grandes différences avec les écosystèmes du Sud du Québec, une différence qui s’accentue plus on s’approche de la zone arctique. Par ailleurs, l’exploration minière est intens...
Saint-Augustin Lake is an urban lake in Quebec, Canada that has been subjected to long periods of direct human impact, mainly due to agricultural and urban activities, with great changes in trophic status and chemistry occurring within the last few decades. In 2009, during an examination of the lake bottom substrate, the presence of the invasive sp...
Ecotoxicological assessment of chemical substances is mainly based on standard bioassays, most often single-species tests covering the range of acute and chronic toxicity. In our laboratory we have been developping since 1997 a protocol of ecotoxicological bioassay in 2-L laboratory microcosms and applied it to the study of various pollutants and s...
The St. Lawrence River is subject to various anthropological pressures that can entail negative consequences for the ecosystem. As a result of the third and fourth St. Lawrence Action Plans, the current vision of sustainable management of this river and its main functions emphasizes the need for sound risk-based assessment approaches to support man...
Increasing phosphorus (P) content and decreasing water quality of Saint-Augustin Lake, Quebec City, Canada, has led to implementation of an Integrated Watershed Management Plan to restore the lake. As a part of the plan, the effects of different restoration techniques on lake water quality and biological community (i.e., biological compatibility) w...
The purpose of this study was to compare Daphnia magna responses to cadmium between two toxicity experiments performed in static and flow-through conditions. As a consequence of how water was renewed, the two experiments were characterised by two different exposure time patterns for daphnids, time-varying and constant, respectively. Basing on survi...
Snow fall and ice storm events are major problems for road security in Canada. As a consequence provinces and territories spread salt and other de-icing products on road and motorway networks in order to protect drivers and transporters. Ecosystems located close to transport networks are affected by salt contamination, in particular small lakes and...
Snow fall and ice storm events are major problems for road security in Canada. As a consequence provinces and territories spread salt and other de-icing products on road and motorway networks in order to protect drivers and transporters. Ecosystems located close to transport networks are affected by salt contamination, in particular small lakes and...
Saint-Augustin Lake (Québec, Canada) is strongly eutrophicated (120 μg·L-1 Ptot, Chlorophyl-a (max) 62 μg·L-1, Secchi: 1.5 m). The main sources of phosphorus in this system are the superficial sediments (300 mg·kg-1 P extractable) and the groundwaters (P>40 μg·L-1). Metals and metalloïds are also presents in sediments at high concentrations. The ai...
The Missisquoi bay and the Saint-Augustin Lake are prone to eutrophication and cyanobacteria proliferation which affect dramatically both their ecosystems and their beneficial uses by the neighboring human populations. A new restoration technique which combines different processes is under study to reclaim these aquatic ecosystems. Firstly, phospho...
Eutrophication and contaminated sediments are preoccupying issues in aquatic ecosystems and water resources protection. Saint-Augustin Lake Quebec, Canada is affected by both problems eutrophication and contaminated sediment and the presence of de-icing salts. According to sustainable management principles, Galvez and collaborators are developing a...
De-icing salts are used all around the world to improve driving security. Their impacts on the environment are a major concern, especially due to the production of salted road runoffs that induce rising of salinity of freshwater ecosystems. Some plants tolerate high salt concentrations and are able to accumulate large amounts of salt in their tissu...
Two approaches have been used to assess the impact of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ashes on lentic ecosystems, especially lake coastlines. One of the aims of this study was to complete the methodology for the assessment of waste ecocompatibility, launched by ADEME, by assessing a scenario in which MSWI bottom ashes are reused as...
In France, municipal solid waste incineration bottom ashes are widely used in road building. Leachates released from these materials may constitute a hazard for aquatic ecosystems. In order to assess this risk, a study of bottom ash leachates toxicity was carried out on 100 litre indoor microcosms. The 100 litre microcosms are glass tanks filled wi...
This study was conducted to assess the feasibility of using a 2-L, indoor microcosm assay to evaluate five contaminated sediments (A, B, C, D, and E). Toxic potential was deduced in the light of general contamination of sediments, pollutant partitioning in microcosms, and biological responses of species (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Lemna minor...
DÉCHETS-REVUE FRANCOPHONE D'ÉCOLOGIE INDUSTRIELLE-N° 33-1 er trimestre 2004-REPRODUCTION INTERDITE 25 bottom ashes on lentic ecosystems, especially lake coastlines. One of the purposes is to assess their eco-compatibility in a scenario in which MSWI bottom ashes are reused as road embankment. A laboratory lysimeter was chosen to simulate a part of...
Two approaches have been used to assess the impact of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ashes on lentic ecosystems, especially lake coastlines. One of the aims of this study was to complete the methodology for the assessment of waste ecocompatibility, launched by ADEME, by assessing a scenario in which MSWI bottom ashes are reused as...
In France, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ashes are broadly valorized in road construction. Leachates released from these materials may constitute a hazard for aquatic ecosystems. In order to assess this risk, a study of MSWI bottom ash leachates toxicity was carried out on 100-L indoor microcosms. The 100-L microcosms are glass t...