Gabriella Agrusti

Gabriella Agrusti
Maria SS. Assunta University of Rome | Lumsa · Faculty of Humanities



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January 2005 - October 2014
Roma Tre University
  • Full Researcher


Publications (103)
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS 2022) collected data on the ways in which education systems across different countries prepare young people to become citizens. The European student questionnaire was first introduced in ICCS 2009, and represented, together with the other regional instruments, an innovative feature of th...
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Since its establishment, the free movement of workers has been one of the founding principles of the European Union. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022 European questionnaire asked students about their agreement or disagreement with a series of statements concerning freedom and restriction of movement within Europe...
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Sustainability is one of the new focus areas of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022. The European student questionnaire measured students’ attitudes related to environmental sustainability (i.e., their endorsement of environmental cooperation in Europe), and students’ behaviors related to sustainability (i.e., their...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 European student questionnaire investigated students’ attitudes toward cooperation among European countries, students’ positive and negative expectations for the European future, and their attitudes toward the European Union. Findings revealed that most of the European students supported...
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This chapter includes a summary of the main findings from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022 European student questionnaire and discusses implications for policy and practice. Key findings showed that most European lower-secondary students expressed a strong sense of European identity, that has increased across the...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022 European student questionnaire investigated students’ sense of their European identity (since ICCS 2009) and it also provided data on students’ opportunities to learn about Europe at school. Findings revealed that European lower-secondary students reported a strong sense of Europea...
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This chapter analyses students’ expectations for their own lives in the future and their perceptions of the importance of some aspects of their lives in the future. Results showed that, across European participating countries, nearly all students hold positive expectations about their own individual future, with most of them believing that they wer...
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Civic engagement represents a key aspect of a democratic society and is itself a multidimensional construct. Research has shown that the promotion of civic engagement is an important component of civic and citizenship education intended in a broad sense, pertaining to formal, non-formal and informal learning situations. Within a national scenario c...
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In this chapter we report on students’ civic knowledge achievement in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS). The chapter begins with a description of the test instrument used to assess civic knowledge. This is followed by an explanation of the development and content of the ICCS civic knowledge proficiency scale used to mea...
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Civic and citizenship education is concerned with attitudes toward aspects of democratic principles, civic institutions, civic roles, and identities, as well as social cohesion and diversity. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 investigated variations in those attitudes, and associated factors, as well as changes since prev...
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An important aim of civic and citizenship education is to prepare young people so that they can engage with civic institutions and issues and become actively involved as citizens in adult life. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 investigates aspects of civic engagement and factors that are related to that engagement. It fo...
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Data from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 were used to conduct multivariate analyses to investigate how contextual, as well as other learning-related factors, influence students’ civic knowledge and their expected political participation as adults. For civic knowledge, a multilevel analysis was conducted including stude...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022 provides information about the educational systems that participate in this study, using a range of different sources, including a National Contexts Survey (with questions about the system level contexts for teaching civic and citizenship education), data from secondary databases (...
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Young people construct and develop their civic knowledge, attitudes, and dispositions within several contexts: the context of the wider community, the context of schools and classrooms, the home and peer context, and the context of the individual students. The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 investigated different aspects o...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 provided a wide array of findings about different aspects of civic and citizenship education. Its results continued to show a great variety not only in political and socio-demographic factors but also in how this learning area is implemented across different education systems, including i...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) investigates how young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens across a wide range of national contexts, and it is the only international study dedicated to this learning area. ICCS 2022 gathered and analyzed data from representative national samples on students’ concep...
This paper presents the first product of the RESPOND European Erasmus+ project on the mutually sustaining relationship between teacher professional development and overall school development. The focus is on the RESPOND Teacher Professional Profile and Portfolio for Global Competence, developed as a tool for building a teacher professional profile...
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In this chapter the editors respond to questions raised by Arjen Wals (SDG4 subseries advisor of the Springer SDG series) and his reading of this book as a whole: Is it possible to envisage a counter-movement to the digital age? Are we the editors too distracted by the promise of the digital and risk neglecting how it might colonise our minds, crea...
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This chapter considers the European framework of policies for inclusion, illustrating how those are translated into practices a national and local level. It offers a rich and yet necessarily partial appreciation of some of the most highly respect projects funded by the Erasmus+ programme. They read as success stories and a possible path for further...
The QATEK project is aimed at developing a quality oriented system of initial teacher education to increase teachers’ professionalism in Kosovo. This study aims to present and delve into one of the main outputs of the project, namely the course syllabus review process, carried out at partner universities in Kosovo based on the policy document devel...
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Like previous IEA studies of this field, ICCS 2022 emphasizes the measurement of affective-behavioral aspects of civics and citizenship through student questionnaires. These are important learning outcomes from civics and citizenship education and are organized around two affective-behavioral areas: attitudes (e.g., judgements in relation to ideas,...
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An assessment of civic knowledge and understanding is a central element of ICCS 2022. Responses to questions in this assessment require students to apply cognitive processes to civic and citizenship content. The assessment encompasses student achievement that extends beyond the recall of information and includes students’ ability to reason with and...
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In ICCS 2022 student outcomes from civic and citizenship education are assessed through a cognitive assessment and a student questionnaire. Contextual data that explain variations in outcomes are collected through student (international and regional), teacher, and school questionnaires, as well as through a national contexts survey. The ICCS 2022 a...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) assumes that the individual student is located within overlapping contexts of school and home. Both these contexts form part of the local community which, in turn, is embedded in the wider subnational, national, and international contexts. Students’ knowledge, attitudes, and disposition...
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This Conference comes after the very recent transformation of CRESPI (Center for Educational Research on Teacher Professionalism) into an Inter-University Research Center, in which the Universities of Bolzano, Bologna, Cagliari, Florence, Lumsa, Milan Bicocca, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Parma, Pavia, Perugia, Roma Tre, Sapienza and Verona participat...
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Introduzione La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti Federico Batini1, Gabriella Agrusti2, Ira Vannini3, Floriana Falcinelli1, Rosario Salvato1 1Università degli Studi di Perugia, 2Università di Roma LUMSA, 3Direttore Crespi - Università degli Studi di Bologna Questo Convegno si situa dopo la recentissima trasformazione del CRESPI (...
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IEA surveys traditionally include a teacher questionnaire among the contextual questionnaires aiming at collecting data on school factors that could be associated with students’ cognitive outcomes. This chapter discusses how data collected from teachers has played a role in IEA studies on civic and citizenship education from the Six Subjects Survey...
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If refugees are unexpected and undesired arrivals, there is a risk that they will be regarded as grit in the smooth functioning of existing society, institutional arrangements and culture. Of course, we are not talking of the grit of resilience and coping strategies of refugees (Credé et al., 2017), and we are not talking of the grit that is increa...
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Correction to: W. Schulz et al., Becoming Citizens in a Changing World,
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Within its overarching purpose of investigating the ways in which young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens in a range of countries and through its questionnaire for students in participating European countries, the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 (ICCS 2016) addressed issues related to the specific Eur...
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The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) investigates the ways in which young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens in a range of countries. ICCS 2016, a continuation of the study initiated in 2009, served as a response to the emerging challenges of educating young people in a world where contexts of democra...
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This chapter examines students’ sense of their European identity, a construct that reflects the degree to which students identify with the European region and that is related to the affectivebehavioral domain attitudes in the ICCS 2016 assessment framework (Schulz, Ainley, Fraillon, Losito, & Agrusti, 2016). The chapter also presents findings on st...
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ICCS regards civic knowledge as fundamental to effective civic participation. Within the context of ICCS, civic knowledge refers not only to familiarity with the civic and citizenship content described in the ICCS 2016 assessment framework but also to the ability to apply relevant cognitive processes to this content (Schulz, Ainley, Fraillon, Losit...
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The ICCS 2016 assessment framework (Schulz, Ainley, Fraillon, Losito, & Agrusti, 2016) identified several contexts that have the potential to influence not only students’ learning outcomes in the field of civic and citizenship education but also their civic engagement. These contexts include the wider community, the school and classroom, the home a...
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This chapter addresses Research Question 3 of the ICCS 2016 assessment framework (Schulz, Ainley, Fraillon, Losito, & Agrusti, 2016): What is the extent of students’ engagement in different spheres of society and which factors within or across countries are related to it?
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This chapter explores data relating to ICCS 2016 Research Question 4: What beliefs do students in participating countries hold regarding important civic issues in modern society and what are the factors associated with their variation?
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The ICCS 2016 assessment framework (Schulz, Ainley, Fraillon, Losito, & Agrusti, 2016) states that any study of civic-related learning outcomes and civic engagement must consider the contexts in which civic and citizenship education occur.
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This chapter presents some results of the multivariate analyses of ICCS 2016 data that we conducted in an effort to explain variation in three commonly investigated outcomes of civic and citizenship education: civic knowledge, expected electoral participation, and expected active political participation.
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After the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the subsequent replacement of authoritarian regimes with democratic systems both there and in a number of countries in other regions of the world since the mid-1970s, Huntington (1991) postulated a “third wave” of democratization. The end of the 20th century consequently saw widespread e...
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This chapter provides findings on students’ attitudes toward European citizens having the freedom of movement that allows them to work and live throughout Europe. The chapter also considers findings on students’ attitudes toward equal rights for immigrants (e.g., voting, education). These constructs reflect the content domain related to students’ a...
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Civic and citizenship education aims to provide young people with the knowledge, understanding, and dispositions that enable them to participate as citizens in society. It seeks to support emerging citizens by helping them understand and engage with society’s principles and institutions, develop and exercise informed critical judgment, and learn ab...
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This chapter examines constructs related to students’ attitudes toward civic society and systems (i.e., students’ attitudes toward European cooperation and the European Union, and students’ perceptions of Europe in the future). It also examines a construct related to students’ attitudes toward civic identities (i.e., students’ perceptions of their...
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The IEA’s International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) investigates the ways in which young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens in a range of countries in the second decade of the 21st century. ICCS 2016 is the second cycle of a study initiated in 2009. This report from ICCS focuses on data collected in the 15 co...
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This open access book presents the results from the second cycle of the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS 2016). Using data from 24 countries in Asia, Europe and Latin America, the study investigates the ways in which young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens in a range of countries in the second dec...
This article presents the results of the trials carried out within the Advenus project - Developing online resources for adult refugees (funded with the support of the European Commission, project ref. no. 2016-1-NO01-KA204-022090). Advenus aims at improving and extending the offer of high quality, culturally sensitive open access e-learning resour...
Gaston Mialaret (Cahus, 1918-Garches, 2016) was one of the most prominent scholars in the field of psycho-pedagogy. This contribution tries to present briefly his career and principal works, and analyses specifically his study on Teacher Education (La formation des enseignants, Paris, Puf, "Que sais-je?" 1977) as it still provides meaningful insigh...
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Il progetto di ricerca Advenus – Developing Online Resources for Adult Refugees ha coinvolto ricercatori di quattro Paesi europei, utenti e operatori dei servizi di accoglienza nella messa a punto di strumenti didattici per rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. L’articolo presenta alcuni elementi di riflessione emersi dal versante italiano dell’esperienza...
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“If you do not know something, Google® it”. In this well-known motto, whatever kind of information appears to be undeniably at a hand. However, there is a subtle but sensible difference between surfing on the web casually but, thanks to serendipity, finding useful information, and looking for some piece of information intentionally, devoting time,...
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Open educational resources (OERs) are becoming more and more important. They are in focus of the European Union as well as of several member states. However, instead of just collecting OERs and sharing them on online platforms it is crucial to ensure a high quality of OERs. The EU-StORe consortium designed European quality criteria for OERs and pro...
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The ICCS 2016 instruments collect data relative to outcome, as well as contextual variables. Given the specific nature of a study on civic and citizenship education, outcome variables are assessed through cognitive test materials and a student questionnaire. Contextual data that explain variation in outcome variables are collected through student,...
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The civic and citizenship framework identifies and defines those aspects of cognitive and affective-behavioral content3 that should be considered important learning outcomes of civic and citizenship education. It should be noted that within the context of this framework the term “learning outcomes” is used in a broad way and is not confined to scho...
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A study of civic_related learning outcomes and civic engagement needs to take the context in which civic and citizenship education occurs into account. Young people develop their understandings about their roles as citizens in contemporary societies through activities and experiences that take place within homes, schools, classrooms, and the wider...
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The NEETs phenomenon in Italy is not a recent one, but it increased dramatically after the Global Financial Crisis. As in France many different factors influence it, but the prevailing two are the skills mismatch and the youth generations’ discouragement. Whereas in France the role of the school is crucial into tackling NEETs, in Italy the initiati...
Reading a mathematic problem can be often challenging for students. To be successful, they need to understand the words, transposing their meaning on an abstract level, and to identify the relations stated in the problem and the task requested. Even if the meaning of the words is known, the case can be given that the student cannot grab the global...
Conference Paper
Europe and its Member States realize the need to improve employability, social inclusion and personal fulfilment of its citizens, giving special attention to citizens from a disadvantaged background, young and young adults with low basic skills or early leavers from education and training. This paper presents an overview on the goals of LIBE projec...
Reading a mathematical problem can be often challenging for students. To be successful, they need to understand the words, transposing their meaning on an abstract level, to identify the relations stated in the problem and the task requested. Even if the meaning of the words is known, the case can be given that the student cannot grab the global me...
Conference Paper
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Typically youth and young adults (16 to 24) face high unemployment rates in European countries, mainly amongst those with lower levels of education, basic competences and skills. During times of high unemployment, in some countries, employers reported shortages of basic skills (literacy, numeracy, problem solving in technology-rich environments). T...
It is widely recognized that vocabulary is closely tied to reading comprehension, and correlations between these two constructs, even if differently defined across studies, vary between .6 and .8. But correlation is not a causal relationship, and does not provide enough basis for a comprehensive conceptual explanation. Reversing the problem, it is...
Inquiry-based learning in Science Education is based on the belief that it is crucial to ensure that students deeply understand what they are learning, and not simply repeat contents and information. To this extent, IBSE is not only a way to teach Science effectively, but more importantly it can be a way to teach how to learn in a broader sense, de...
The study of phenomena related to learning is based on the duality between the experimental approach and the observational or descriptive approach. According to a classical interpretation of research methodology in education, the latter is centred on the description of reality, in order to take a snapshot of the modal profiles in a given context, i...
It is widely recognized that prior knowledge plays a fundamental role in reading comprehension and in meaning construction. Generally, readers who are able to identify the typical structure of a text in a genre or to locate its content within the appropriate domain are said to better recall the ideas conveyed by the text. The text itself is a textu...
This in-depth research study was aimed at investigating the effects of read-aloud modification on students' performance on PIRLS 2006 reading comprehension tests, in two different forms: expressive reading and neutral reading. In Italy international comparative surveys often represent the main reference measure for student achievements in basic ski...
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Introduzione Le indagini comparative internazionali guadagnano sovente in Italia gli o-nori della cronaca ed offrono fugacemente, attraverso i media, evidenze piut-tosto preoccupanti sullo stato della scuola, salvo rare eccezioni. Più raramente sono oggetto di minute disamine da parte di specialisti e meno ancora sono considerate dai decisori polit...
International comparative studies in education offer several elements of complexity, concerned with either survey methodology and procedures or the interpretation of results, that are highly debated among specialists and often not thoroughly considered by mass-media and policy makers, especially in Italy. Following the baconian scheme of pars denst...
