Gabriela Laura  Maria Piacentino

Gabriela Laura Maria Piacentino
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" · Department of Zoology. Lab Sistematica de Teloestei.



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Gabriela Laura Maria Piacentino . Head of Project . Laboratorio de Sistemática de Teleostei" , Department of Zoology, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Buenos Aires. Laboratory Head. Ichthyology Project "'Ictiología del Mar Argentino e Islas del Atlántico Sur" . Osteology, Comparative Anatomy, Ontogeny, Taxonomy, Zoogeography. At the moment I´m retired from active reserach.
Additional affiliations
January 1984 - August 2016
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
  • Principal Investigator
January 1984 - July 2016
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
  • Principal Investigator
January 1988 - November 2015
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
  • Principal Investigator


Publications (27)
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Descripción de Careproctus fueguensis sp. nov. (Teleostei, Liparidae) del Canal de Beagle (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) HISTORIA NATURAL Tercera Serie Volumen 9 (2) 2019/29-40 30 MATALLANAS J. AND PIACENTINO G.L.M. Resumen. Se describe una nueva especie de pez lipárido capturado en aguas costeras entre los 6-18 m de profundidad, de las Islas Bridge...
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At Potter Cove, King George Island/Isla 25 de Mayo, South Shetland Islands, significant ichthyological research has been conducted in the last three decades, mainly on the general ecology of notothenioid species in demersal stages from young juveniles to adults. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the ichthyoplankton composition in the cove, necessary f...
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It is reported the first record of early stages of Antarctic notothenioids collected in pelagic hauls at Potter Cove in summers of 2014 and 2016 at depths of 6-9 m from the surface, where total bottom depth ranged 30-190 m. The ichthyoplankton consisted of a), 37 larval stages (preflexion and postflexion) of the species Harpagifer antarcticus (the...
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Abstract. The institutional background of the first Marine Biology Institute of Argentine Patagonia and the roll developed by the CIBIMA are described. The documents related to its foundation, institutional activities, its exchange library, library list of publications, Scientific Expeditions, courses sponsored by UNESCO dictated in the Station of...
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The oldest and most prestigious scientific magazine of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences " Bernardino Rivadavia " along 201 years of its history
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Celina A. Lértora Mendoza Gabriela Piacentino Esta investigación se propone realizar un estudio de la documentación científica producida por la comunidad argentina de naturalistas desde su primera época, fundacional hasta la actualidad, a través del análisis de las dos principales publicaciones producidas en esa época, constituyendo los dos únicos...
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The presence of the two morphs, “typical” and “large mouth”, in the Antarctic fish species Trematomus newnesi (Perciformes, Notothenioidei) was recorded for the first time in nearshore waters of the South Shetland Islands (Potter Cove) and western Antarctic Peninsula (Petermann Island). The two morphs were distinguishable in specimens of 60–241mm t...
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RESUMO Se apresenta a distribução do genêro Hippocampus na costa do litoral argentino com os dados das localidades e os numeros da colleção do Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia. Palavras-chave: Hippocampus, Distribução, Oceano Atlântico do Sul, Argentina. ABSTRACT Disribution area for Hippocampus genus and Hippocampus patag...
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The existence of the morphs "typical" and "large mouth" in the nototeniid Trematomus newnesi was recorded in specimens of sizes 48-201 mm SL from Potter Cove and Petermann Island. This constitutes novel information for the area of occurrence and for small fish sizes. New morphometric values for species identification and new percent ratios of diagn...
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The dietary composition of juvenile Trematomus newnesi, trawled at Potter Cove, South Shetland Islands, in the summers 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 was analysed using frequency of occurrence (F%) and dietary coefficient Q (%) methods. The samples consisted exclusively of immature specimens in the range 4–15.4cm (total length) and are complementary to th...
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Hippocampus patagonicus sp. nov., new seahorse from Argentina (Pisces, Syngnathiformes). A new seahorse species, Hippocampus patagonicus is described from San Antonio Oeste Bay (Rio Negro Province), Puerto Pirámides (Chubut Province), and Puerto Madryn (Chubut Province) along the Patagonic Argentine coast. This species is the southernmost occurring...
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RËSUME. La présence, dans la région patagonienne de l´Argentine, de deux espèces d´ Aplochiton: A.zebra Jenyns, 1842 et A. taeniatus Jenyns,1842, est confirmée et de nouvelles localisations géographiques son indiqées. Key words. Aplochitonidae, Aplochiton zebra, Aplochiton taeniatus,argentinian Patagonia, New records, Distributions.
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The shape of haemal arches of the vertebral column in several species of South American atherinids was analyzed. A large amount of variation was found, from species showing greatly expanded haemal arches connected to one another forming a cone or funnel, to others with completely unexpanded arches. The first case is hypothesized as the specialized...


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