Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro SimatupangUniversitas Gadjah Mada | UGM · performing and visual arts studies
Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang
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Skills and Expertise
February 1999 - April 2004
July 1994 - June 1996
Publications (69)
Tarling’s method for creating Tarling music is evolving over time. The digitalization field observes the agents’ ways in production, distribution, and consumption of digital music files. Agents build their own habitus in employing their numerous capitals in the digitalization space. By combining the correlation of habitus and field theories of Bour...
Tarlingmusic, which evolved from classical to modern, is deeply connected to the digital era. The changing music ecosystem is viewed not only historically, but also through the various change phenomena that occur. The ecological role of producer agents, managers, and singers in the digitalization arena, where tarlingmusic has historically faced two...
This article aims to review how anthropology and art pay attention to art, especially to similar studies that have been carried out in Indonesia. Based on this, it is also to show the implicit meaning of some propositions and associations of ideas from an anthropological perspective that can be considered for the study of art. In this sense, it is...
Marugame Udon is a Japanese fast-food restaurant chain with many branches in Indonesia. This study examines the conveyance of the Japanese atmosphere to visitors as a performance. Interior research based on performance theory has not been widely conducted. This study aims to determine the performative influence of Marugame Udon’s interior on visito...
Foreigners in Japanese are called gaijin. There is debate among the Japanese themselves regarding the meaning of this word, some people do not interpret it negatively, some others say that the word should be avoided because it has a discriminatory meaning. This was then explored further in order to get an initial picture of the research. This study...
The Covid-19 pandemic is driving changes in how music concerts are produced, and tarling music is no exception. The government's policy, which included the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKPM), forced the event organizer, which used to hold entertainment stage c...
String Quartet is the most popular form of Chamber Music. In a string quartet there are no conductors as leaders, directors and music coordinators, no wonder many quartets end up disbanding due to problems. Marskanskey String Quartet is a group from Jogja that has been around for a long time and has more achievements, although based on initial obse...
Gondang Sitolupulutolu is a gondang ensemble that can only be found in the Toba Batak community. They are Silalahisabungan clan group. Gondang sitolupulutolu is very important in the Silahisabungan community because it can not be separeted from the traditional ceremonies. This study aims to determine how the use and function of the gondang sitolupu...
Data shows that award-winning films are not always the best-selling films and vice versa. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate whether the director employs different art techniques for commercial and art films. This qualitative textual study examines the artistic treatments of both films and compares the narrative aspects of the story and th...
This research is an attempt by the author to answer various debates that exist to this day. This debate is often a stumbling block for musicians and also in the field of formal and non-formal education. They are in a confusing position because of the various terms that exist and the identification of the concept of Indonesian vocal music compositio...
Komunitas Semesta Tari hadir dengan fokus pada kreativitas anak rentang usia 2-14 tahun pada proses dan pertunjukan tari anak dengan stimulus lingkungan. Lingkungan di sini adalah situs yang konteks ruang sosial dan budayanya spesifik. Elaborasi interaksi dialektis antara performer dan arenanya dilihat dari kerangka site-specific performance. Kehad...
Pejaten pottery is one of the aesthetically unique potteries. The pottery has various ornaments such as god ornaments, god weapons, barong, and animals and plants. These ornaments are often found in Hindu worship ceremonies. This shows that, aesthetically, Pejaten pottery cannot be separated from Hindu aesthetics, so it is interesting to study. The...
This study aims to examine the contribution of Ananda Sukarlan as a composer who is serious about building an Indonesian identity through the use of various Indonesian musical elements as material in composing piano and vocal works. How composers arrange various musical aspects that can work in a composition is the focus of this research. The study...
Saat ini permintaan akan gerabah mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan karena jumlah penggunaan yang semakin berkurang. Meski produksinya tampak menurun, para perajin gerabah di Bali masih terus membuat produk warisan leluhur ini. Pengrajin meyakini bahwa gerabah merupakan hasil alam yang mampu menjalankan fungsinya dalam berbagai peran dalam k...
Identity is a word that is close to the meaning of uniqueness or characteristic. This is easily recognized and at the same time becomes a marker that distinguishes it from the same thing and is owned by other nations. For this reason, every nation tries to patent everything they have as part of showing their identity. One of them is, the cultural i...
Pengadaan Pasa Harau Art and Culture Festival di Nagari Harau, Kabupaten Limapuluhkota, Sumatera Barat bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada tata kelola seni dan peluangnya mengambil bagian dalam proses demokratisasi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan dimana para peneliti ikut terlibat langsung dalam upaya menumbuhkan k...
Bambang Sukmo Pribadi or known as Bambang SP is a developer-maestro of karawitan Jawatimuran. The record of maestro was found in International Gamelan Festival 2018, Surakarta. A maestro title is not something easy to earn, however it’s also need to be known particularly in which extent Bambang SP’s attraction as a maestro in karawitan Jawatimuran....
Immanuel Choir(IC) merupakan salah satu Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM) Universitas Kristen Immanuel (UKRIM) di kota Yogyakarta yang terbilang baru berdiri. Sebagian besar anggota IC adalah mahasiswa yang tidak memahami teknik bernyanyi yang pakem yaitu teknik vokal klasik sehingga dalam latihan IC dilakukan metode yang sedikit berbeda dengan metode v...
Sakdiah is a woman from Gayo, Aceh. She has pursued her career as a pop singer in the land of Sharia Aceh, among the Gayo ethnic group that practice a patriarchal system. Pop music is mostly dominated by men and this situation determines the position of women in the world of music. Using the methods from ethnomusicology, this research looks at Sakd...
Negara Indonesia dengan penduduk yang multietnis perlu mengupayakan bagaimana membangun sikap menjauhi prasangka SARA (suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan), agar memiliki sikap untuk saling toleransi, menerima dan menghormati perbedaan. Hal itu dilakukan antara lain melalui pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), pada khususnya pembelajaran tari...
The interest in music studies from various disciplines has increased in recent years. This is because the results of studies that show musical abilities are related to non-musical abilities. One example is research on music and intelligence. Music with intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence has been proven to have strong relationships...
Arjuna died. He was accidentally killed by Prabu Suteja. There was a war between Prabu Suteja and Raden Purwagada, sons of Prabu Kresna. In its next few scenes, Arjuna is revived and appears in Dwarawati Kingdom’s scene without any explanation. It is narrated in a play entitled Kresna Adu Jago by Ki H. Anom Rusdi from Cirebon. Arjuna disappeared si...
Musik metal terkait dengan isu kekerasan, pemberontakan, kesewenang-wenangan. Oleh karenanya, band metal juga lekat dengan citra-citra itu. Namun demikian, Purgatory, band metal dari Jakarta, mencoba memunculkan citra yang berbeda. Mereka mengusung nilai-nilai religius islami dalam karya musik dan pertunjukannya. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis berupaya...
The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. Some cultural and religious concepts and practices concerning spiritual or supernatural relationships are often ignored because they are contrary to the concept of Islamic teachings. This article analyzes the Islamic healing practiced in the socio-cultura...
Nowdays internet has become an important elemen in people life across the globe. Its impact has been seen in various scenes including music business and other artistic fields. Social media, running in support of internet, are now common in use by musicians or bands. Free of charge and global access of internet and social media provide an opportunit...
Abstrak Kebertahanan lagu-lagu AT. Mahmud yang hingga saat ini masih dinyanyikan di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah memiliki daya tarik untuk dianalisis secara musikal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri musikal lagu anak karya AT Mahmud. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Analisis data menggunakan 5 lagu anak ci...
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan proses dramaturgi yang menjembatani transformasi dari teks sastra Syair Lampung Karam menjadi teks pertunjukan teater Under The Volcano. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sumber datanya adalah pengamatan langsung atas pertunjukan, pengamatan atas pr...
In the world of digital video games, human players are present through surrogates. Surrogates in the video game is a character which also called by the term avatar which is a self-representation of real players. The presence of avatars in role playing games are formed through a process of creation by the gamer. The production of avatars cannot be s...
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang komunikasi pertunjukan tradisi bagurau saluang dendang di Minangkabau sebagai kontak sosio-kultural dan identitas kelompok pagurau. Bagurau merupakan pertunjukan seni tradisi saluang dendang yang melibatkan kelompok-kelompok pagurau untuk berinteraksi dalam pertunjukan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah komunikasi per...
Adat perkawinan bagi masyarakat Gorontalo merupakan peristiwa penting dan mengandung nilai-nilai budaya, di antaranya dicerminkan pada busana pengantinnya. Objek kajian penelitian ini adalah busana pengantin perempuan masyarakat Gorontalo. Fenomena perkembangan busana dari masa ke masa menjadikan busana pengantin Gorontalo juga mengalami perkembang...
Klaim kebenaran filmis yang berlaku bagi dokumenter perlu diselidiki dengan pertimbangan bahwa notabene gagasan tentang kebenaran filmis diletakkan pada dua aspek, yaitu: realitas dan sineas. Penyelidikan dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana persoalan itu berkembang, serta mencari berbagai kemungkinan atau alternatif untuk menyelesaikan persoalan...
ABSTRACT This article deals with some aspects in dangdut that are rarely discussed, that is Melayu Orchestra. In this research, we deal with one of the Melayu Orchestra group, Orkes Melayu Sonata (O. M. Sonata). O. M. Sonata is a Melayu Orchestra group from Jombang which has a significant contestation in developing dangdut music. They experienced t...
Menurut kepercayaan masyarakat Batak Toba kematian bukan sebuah totalitas tetapi sebuah perpisahan parsial. Ada kepercayaan bahwa kematian tidak pernah memisahkan manusia secara total, hal ini terungkap lewat ritual yang dilakukan saat anggota keluarga meninggal, konteks kematian dalam masyarakat Batak Toba adalah adat istiadat mereka. Salah satu r...
Ornamentasi atau hiasan merupakan suatu istilah musik yang memiliki arti penambahan beberapa nada atau notasi pada melodi, biasanya satu suku kata untuk beberapa nada yang disebut dengan istilah melisma. Ornamentasi atau hiasan nada sangat diperlukan dalam seni suara untuk memperindah suatu melodi. Ornamentasi melodi juga terdapat pada lantunan sen...
This research discusses about "Theatre by Request" (TbR) as showcase method by Studio Theatre Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PPPPTK) of Seni Budaya Yogyakarta. TbR is an interactive show where audiences can choose and decide which actors will perform, the theme of the story will be staged, and to control the s...
The visualization of the Gorontalonese bridal costume worn at the wedding reception is increasingly diverse in terms of the modification forms. The modification can be seen in the design elements including shape, texture, color, material, and accessory. Furthermore, the modification of the current costume makes the functional value of the bridal co...
The nurse's uniform is the main supporter of the nurse in performing her professional roles at the hospital.Therefore, the nurse's uniform is designed to meet the needs of her professional role in the hospital, although in practice the nurse's uniform is not always able to function properly.This article aims to identify the variables that need to b...
This article aims to discover the meaning of the expression ‘seneng lan kemringet’ at FLG (Festival Lima Gunung) in Magelang. The expression ‘seneng lan kemringet’ gives an opportunity to anybody who involved to reveal his existence and to speak about the essence of himself. By building a sense of familiarity, direct involvement in art activities,...
This study aims to understand the song of Mate di Ranto from a musicological perspective. The main data of this research is the song of Mate di Ranto by Poster Sihotang. The analysis was done by observing the melody and the lyrics of the song. Based on the research it is concluded that the song of Mate di Ranto is a song of Toba people with the gen...
Semèn motifs on classical batik of Yogyakarta style, is a motif which visualize floral form withvarious elements motifs on it. Semèn motifs influenced Hindu-Java and Islamic culture. Influencefrom Islamic culture delivere a few motifs in stylization. From visual aspect, some of elementsmotifs on it visualize combine motifs. It become visual concept...
After the fall of the Soeharto regime was like the fresh air for the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia inarticulating cultural identities, especially after the issuance of Presidential decree Number 6 of 2000which revoked Presidential Instruction Number 14 of 1967 on religion, beliefs, and customs of China.With that Presidential decree, Chinese people we...
Pembagian seni secara konvensional ke dalam Seni Rupa dan Seni Pertunjukan dapat dituduhsebagai faktor pendorong tidak saling bertegursapanya kajian kedua ranah seni tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian pertunjukan. Hasil penelitian ini menyajikan tawaran cara pandang pergelaran (performance) sebagai salah satu alternatif per...
Penulisan sejarah fotografi di Indonesia pascakemerdekaan boleh dikatakan masih belum banyak dilakukan. Catatan sejarah yang ada lebih mengarah pada perjalanan fotografi dalam merekam momen pra dan pascakemerdekaan, yang sebagian besar bersumber pada foto-foto dokumen milik IPPHOS (Indonesian Press Photo Service). Ini berarti, masih dibutuhkan pene...
p> The paper explains about mlèsèt and nggandhul phenomena in the Javanese Karawitan in the perspective of Piere Bourdieu’s sociology of arts. The datas were collected through interviews with pengrawit ,or gamelan players, and observation of gamelan played during the performance of Yogyakarta wayang .
The research shows that mlèsèt and nggandhul...
The representation of Javanese cultural ethic in the comic Panji Koming can be identified from a few scenes, for example, physical action, speech and moral values through education and learning process since childhood in Javanese culture. The comic performs the Javanese principles and ethics in each edition. Javanese society upholds the manners. Ac...
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dua hal, yaitu: (1) mendeskripsikan hubungan musik dan ritual melalui penggunaan tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben dan (2) menemukan aspek-aspek kosmologis tetabuhan dalam upacara ngaben. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif etnomusikologis dipadukan dengan konsep agama dan filsafat bunyi yang tertuang dalam lontar Prak...
The sitcom of Husbands fearing Wives (SSTI-Suami-Suami Takut Istri), is one of the private television sitcoms which highlights violence as a joke to provoke laughter of its audiences. In SSTI, the joke involves the concept of gender, exchanging the role of women and men which has been socially and culturally constructed. One of the main objectives...
Talempong bundo adalah istilah untuk permainan musik talempong oleh sekelompok musisiperempuan di Nagari Singkarak Minangkabau. Permainan musik ini hanya dipertunjukkan dalamupacara maanta padi saratuih, yaitu upacara persembahan hasil panen yang dilakukan oleh perempuanperempuandari pihak induak bako dalam rangkaian tradisi perkawinan anak pisangn...
Kèjhungan adalah gaya nyanyian Madura yang memiliki ciri-ciri kontur melodi dengandidominasi nada-nada tinggi, penuh dengan ketegangan suara (nyaring), ekspresif, dan terpola.Kèjhungan seringkali dianalogikan sebagai sebuah bentuk ekspresi “keluh-kesah” semata. Kelantangansuara, ketinggian nada, dan pengolahan melodi yang penuh melismatis mengesank...
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada tiga hal yaitu: (1) menemukan ciri-ciri musikal lagu gedé; (2)menunjukkan perbedaan relasi musikal antara lagu gedé dengan pertunjukan wayang golék dankiliningan; dan (3) menunjukkan kompleksitas hubungan garap di dalam lagu gedé, yaitu hubunganantara nyanyian sindén dengan nyanyian alok, rebaban, gambangan, dan kenda...
Yogyakarta-Style Classical Dance plays an important role in the part of human-life values, both seen from the religious function and from the social function. From a comprehensive perspective, it is shown that the preservation related to the development of this type of dance occurs because each generation has its own soul of the era that encourages...
Representasi kebudayaan Jawa dapat didentifikasi dari beberapa adegan misalnya, gerak fisik, tutur kata, pakaian yang digunakan berikut aksesorisnya. Komik Strip ”Panji Koming” memunculkan Prinsip-prinsip dan etika ke-Jawa-an dalam beberapa adegan pada tiap edisinya. Masyarakat Jawa adalah masyarakat yang menjunjung tinggi budaya unggah-ungguh atau...
The frequency of presentation of  lagu gedé on Sundanese kiliningan and  wayang golek  has not been ‘bright’ as in the 1950s-1980s. But this lagu gedé still exist as one of Sundanese  music reper- toire diversity.  In  a further development, the lagu gedé absorbed and adapted to the different music genres, such as cianjuran,  de...
Kèjhungan in Rèmoh Tradition on West Madura. Kèjhungan or singing style comes from the activity of peoplesinging about their everyday lives in Madura’s society. When the kèjhungan has become an “established” singing style,therefore the meaning of the kèjhungan includes the ownership meaning that is inherited through oral traditions andlegitimized i...
Wayang Cina berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Beberapa legenda Cina berkembang mengikuti berkembangnya
wayang tersebut, misalnya: Legenda Madame Li, legenda Chen Ping, dan legenda Yan. Beberapa lagenda tersebut
dibawa oleh imigran Cina ke wilayah Indonesia, seperti Marionette, yang dikenal sebagai wayang gantung , yang
dikembangkan di sekitar Pontiana...
Bel Canto Singing Technique. This article attempting to understand the subjectivity of a woman singer in musicperformance. The poststructuralist feminist perspective is used to focus on the historical and cultural backgroundof the woman’s experiences. Based on the perspective, the research questions refer to: 1) the application of womansinger’s kno...
Tujuan penelitian ini memahami konsep dan proses kreatif Teater Garasi Yogyakarta (TGY). TGY merupakan salah satu kelompok teater kontemporer Indonesia yang cukup fenomenal. Puluhan karya TGY telah disajikan dihadapan penonton baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Penelitian difokuskan pada faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi si...
Directed by Garin Nugroho in 2006, Opera Jawa is an opera film with a special status in Indonesian film history, either perceived as a newly established genre or seen from many of its other aspects. Analyzed through a semiotic narratology perspective, this musical film can put forth deeper meanings than that of a mere triangle love story between th...