Gabriel Hervas

Gabriel Hervas
The University of Tokyo | Todai · Center for Research and Development of Higher Education

Doctor of Education
Academic Development at The University of Tokyo


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Publications (42)
Diseñar procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje es una de las tareas más relevantes que el profesorado universitario, en su rol como docentes, lleva a cabo. Se trata de una tarea compleja que requiere atender a un conjunto variado de elementos, en especial, si se desea centrar estos procesos en el alumnado y en su aprendizaje. Dicha complejidad, además...
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Resumen La literatura sobre la formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado de ciencias de la salud lleva décadas demandando prácticas innovadoras para la mejora de sus competencias pedagógicas. En este sentido, se pone el énfasis en propuestas centradas en el aprendizaje del alumnado, que fomenten la reflexión y la colaboración entre el p...
Lesson study (LS) is a collaborative practice of inquiry in which teachers design a lesson plan and work to improve it and its execution after observing its implementation in the classroom. Originating in Japan, LS is internationally recognized for its usefulness in schoolteachers' training and professional development; however, misconceptions aris...
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This vignette illustrates how, while at some contexts it can remain imperceptible, doing public relations is an intrinsic part of the work of academic developers in Japan and it has a tremendous impact on our day-to-day work. Eprint available at:
Conference Paper
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Internationally, in most contexts, university teachers tend to receive little or no pedagogical training (on teaching and learning strategies, assessment and feedback, syllabus and class design or, in special, on theory of education) before starting to teach their courses (Trigwell et al., 2012; Srinivasan et al., 2011). This circumstance has exten...
Purpose “Content Representations” (CoRes) is an instrument that links content with aspects about its teaching and is recognized for its utility designing lessons and elucidating teachers' knowledge. Lesson study (LS) is a practice through which teachers collaborate to plan, teach and reflect on a lesson. Both have been acknowledged separately as be...
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Lesson study (LS) is a teachers’ professional development practice with a Japanese origin that, at present, is practiced in more than 30 countries. Literature on LS acknowledges the works of Stigler and Hiebert and of Yoshida in 1999 as the origin of its internationalization. However, earlier studies described its practice and have mostly remained...
Conference Paper
Faculty development (FD) in Japan is tied to governmental decisions. Whereas, during the 1990s, FD was discussed and introduced in national standards and recommendations for universities, it was not until later, during the 2000s, that it began to receive funding and, in 2007, that it became a mandatory practice for universities. After that, in 2019...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUCCIÓN: En los últimos años, la Universidad de Barcelona ha desarrollado un proyecto institucional de fomento de la calidad docente en distintas facultades, desde el programa RIMDA (Investigación, Innovación y Mejora de la Docencia y el Aprendizaje). Su modelo formativo integra la formación del profesorado con la innovación educativa y la inv...
Conference Paper
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Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente e Investigación en Educación Superior: Cambios en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ÁREAS DE CONOCIMIENTO. Volumen I ISBN: 978-84-09-35493-1 Depósito Legal: AL 3575-2021 198 EVALUACIÓN DEL MODELO RIMDA: AUNANDO FORMACIÓN, INNOVACIÓN E INVESTIGACIÓN DOCENTE ISAAC CALDUCH PÉREZ, JOSÉ...
Conference Paper
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In Catalonia, the baccalaureate curriculum (post-compulsory or upper secondary education, level 3 in the International Standard Classification of Education framework) includes the preparation of a research project (RP) with the aim of developing research competence and scientific literacy. This competence includes the knowledge, skills and attitude...
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Lesson study is a collaborative practice recognised as a useful approach for teachers’ learning; however, we barely find studies analysing this practice among higher education faculty members. This research studies the content of their conversations to reveal the learning opportunities that lesson study opens. Content analysis shows that the partic...
Conference Paper
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Toda interacción profesor-estudiante está parcialmente mediada por el acoplamiento dinámico. Estos procesos de acoplamiento dinámico permiten que procesos de sintonización y disonancia puedan coexistir en las interacciones discursivas en el aula universitaria. No siempre una interpretación errónea del profesor conlleva una respuesta inútil para el...
Conference Paper
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El RIMDA es un proyecto de la Universidad de Barcelona para mejorar la calidad de la docencia en sus facultades. Basado en las fases de supervisión clínica y lesson study, los participantes desarrollan un proyecto de innovación docente para el que son asesorados y reciben feedback de otros participantes. La evaluación de la prueba piloto refleja ca...
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La figura del formador/a de formadores hace referencia al profesorado de educación superior que forma a futuros/as profesores/as en su formación inicial. Debido a la escasez de investigaciones que sitúen al formador/a de formadores como sujeto esencial de análisis e investigación, dicha figura es desconocida o ignorada. Se intuye su importancia, pe...
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Lesson study (LS) is a professional development practice that has mainly remained conducted by elementary, secondary, and preservice schoolteachers. However, in recent years, different studies have explored its practice among higher education (HE) faculty members. This article presents the first systematic review on LS among HE faculty members. Twe...
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Introducción: Esta investigación persigue describir y comparar cómo, a través de una propuesta contextualizada de "Team-based learning" (TBL), varió el conocimiento del análisis económico de la desigualdad (a nivel conceptual y de aplicación de dicho conocimiento) entre estudiantes del Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas en la Universid...
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Lesson study is acknowledged as a valuable practice for teachers’ professional development. Recent studies analysing teachers’ conversations during lesson study partially show that it tends to promote a student-centred approach to teaching amongst those who put it into practice. However, none has been conducted yet amongst faculty members in higher...
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Lesson study (LS) is a practice that has received international credit as a useful process for teachers' professional development; nevertheless, it is rarely practiced among higher education faculty members. This article provides a brief analysis of how an academic development initiative using LS and carried out at the University of Barcelona (Spai...
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INTRODUCCIÓN: Esta investigación tiene por objetivo identificar qué universidades catalanas organizan un programa de alcance institucional destinado especialmente a la formación en docencia de su profesorado novel y examinar y comparar sus características y contenidos. MÉTODO: Se realizó un análisis documental y de contenido de los datos recogidos...
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Faculty development (FD) in Spain is a historical concern among university faculty members and institutions. This report aims to offer a resume of the FD initiatives and programs organized and carried out at the University of Barcelona (UB). Prior to that, it is examined the university context in Spain, the origin and research we find there in rela...
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Lesson study (LS) is a collaborative practice of inquiry in which teachers design a lesson plan and work to improve it and its execution after observing its instruction. Originating in Japan, LS is recognized in international research as a useful mechanism for teachers’ training and professional development. However, research reveals that misconcep...
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Lesson study is a process through which teachers design, teach and discuss a lesson collaborating with colleagues. Sometimes, it includes video recording the lessons so teachers can use videos to later discuss the lesson and its improvement, however, there is little research addressing the consequences of doing it. This article investigates partici...
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Faculty Development Newsletter, 24(2), 8-10.
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Faculty Development Newsletter, 24(2), 7-9.
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Este documento recoge un instrumento creado para el proyecto To-Inn. Su diseño y construcción han sido liderados por docentes de la Universidad de Barcelona. Este instrumento está dirigido a ayudar a valorar la pertinencia social y curricular de los planes de estudio de formación de maestros. Este instrumento es una propuesta original construida a...
Conference Paper
In this paper we seek to share the results of a research project (REDICE18-2265) developed at the University of Barcelona. The goal of the research was to explore students and university instructors’ perceptions around their professional knowledge and its influence in shaping students’ identity as future teachers. While we explored the professional...
This publication is the result of collaboration between people and institutions of the project From Tradition to Innovation in Teacher-Training Institutions (TO INN), with reference number 573685-EPP-2016-1-ES-EPP KA2-CBHE-JP, funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building programme. It is an initiative coordina...
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The present chapter focuses on student analytics questions involved in inclusive education. Who are our students? Why have they chosen a certain study? How is their reality? What are their backgrounds? To answer these questions, a quantitative instrument has been developed-as an online questionnaire-with the aim of getting to know the students' rea...
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El actual capítulo sienta las bases sobre una reflexión actual ¿Quién estudia carreras de educación? ¿Cómo son nuestros estudiantes? Para ello se ha creado un instrumento cuantitativo-un cuestionario online-con la finalidad de conocer dicha realidad, así como las condiciones de vida y de estudio de los y las estudiantes, en este caso de educación,...
Conference Paper
Lesson study (LS), originating in Japan and carried out today in over 30 countries, is recognized as a practice that contributes to the development of the teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and through which the teachers jointly learn in terms of contents and beliefs. International research reflects that LS is mainly carried out within primary...
Conference Paper
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The changes that arise from the Bologna Process within the framework of the European Higher Education Area have had an impact in the higher education teachers’ training. More specifically, higher education institutions face now the challenge of training teachers who put their students at the centre of the teaching-learning process and who are capab...
Conference Paper
From the creation of the European Higher Education Area and the consequent process of curricular and pedagogical adjustment of the university degrees, higher education institutions have had to take into greater consideration the training of their teachers to respond to the demands of the new framework. This situation has led to an increasing number...
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Uno de los objetivos principales del proyecto From Tradition to Innovation in Teacher Training Institutions (TO-INN), ha consistido en conocer a los estudiantes de educación a través del análisis de la dimensión social de las instituciones de Educación Superior. El presente trabajo pretende establecer un debate sobre la presencia de estudiantes ind...
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Original manuscript / preprint of a book review published (with minor changes) in Educational Review. ------ Free eprint link of the published version (with minor changes): ----- doi:10.1080/00131911.2019.1584488].
Conference Paper
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A partir de nuestra experiencia como asesores noveles de docentes seniors del ámbito de las ciencias de la salud y de un proceso autoindagativo, consideramos apropiado repensar nuestro rol y el de los participantes atendiendo a su naturaleza borrosa que se desprende cuando la dicotomía experto-novel es ambivalente dentro del proceso formativo.
Conference Paper
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Esta comunicación pretende elucidar los procesos de sintonización entre las habilidades y saberes docentes y el momento de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, en situaciones interactivas dentro del aula universitaria, de forma situada y en tiempo real; concretamente, en relación con el proceso de interpretación didáctica. Se analiza un episodio protago...
Conference Paper
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This conference paper aims to elucidate the attuning processes between teacher knowledge and the learning moment of the students, in interactive situations within the university classroom, under a situated perspective and in real-time; specifically, in relation to the process of didactical interpretation. An episode performed by an expert teacher i...
Technical Report
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Editorial: Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives de la Universitat de València ISBN: 978-84-09-00078-4


Question (1)
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share information/knowledge about research in higher education (HE) explicitly connecting: a faculty/academic development training program + participants’ (HE faculty members) learning + students’ learning.
To put it in another way. I am interested into knowing about research that combines the analysis of a faculty development program attending to: 1) how/what its participants learn and, especially, 2) how/what the students of those participants learn (thus, not their satisfaction).
On this regard, I am also particularly interested in faculty/academic development initiatives that go beyond single seminars, workshops, and courses of, for example, a couple of days. I am interested in initiatives that go beyond those (in terms of time and potential goals).
Thanks in advance for your interest and answers (if there is one). I will try to answer to all of you as much as I can.
In the meantime, more than ever, I wish you all to stay well and healthy.
Best regards


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