Funda Akgün

Funda Akgün
Dokuz Eylül University | DEÜ · Department of Geology Engineering



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Publications (94)
"Her biri benzersiz ama işleyişi ve unsurları ile aynı olan ekosistemlerdeki karmaşık bağlantıları keşfetmek ve anlamak, günümüz bilim insanlarının ortak araştırma konusudur. Özellikle biyoçeşitliliğin gizemlerini çözmek ve karşılaşılan tüm zorluklara yenilikçi, bilim temelli teknoloji odaklı çözümler geliştirmek, bu sayede doğanın sürdürülebilirli...
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The Ereğli‐Ulukışla Basin which is the focus of this study is situated at the south‐eastern edge of the Central Anatolian Cenozoic basins (Tuzgölü, Haymana, Çankırı‐Çorum, and Sivas), and is divided into two sub‐basins, the Aktoprak (AT) and Hacıbekirli‐Tepeköy (HT). These sub‐basins mainly comprise a stratigraphically discontinuous and laterally v...
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The bimodal, high-K calk-alkaline to weakly alkaline Miocene volcanic association crops out widely around İzmir in western Anatolia. From Aliağa, in the north, to Cumaovası, in the south, basaltic to rhyolitic lavas and pyroclastic rocks interdigitate with the Miocene fluvial to lacustrine sedimentary succession. This volcano-sedimentary complex un...
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Karabük Paleogene basin is developed as intermontane in the north of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone, due to the N-S directional compressional regime on the Intra Pontide Belt that is located in the passage between Sakarya Zone and Istanbul Zone. The Eocene-Oligocene units forming the basin fill are angularly unconformable on older basement r...
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Karabük Paleogene basin is developed as intermontane in the north of the Izmir- Ankara-Erzincan suture zone, due to the N-S directional compressional regime on the Intra Pontide Belt that is located in the passage between Sakarya Zone and Istanbul Zone. The basin- fill Eocene-Oligocene unit unconformably overlies the older basement rocks, that is r...
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In this study, first playnological data of the Middle-Late Eocene have been obtained from the Apalar Formation of the Western Pontides evaporates. The Middle-Late Eocene palynoflora of the Apalar Formation which is deposited in shallow lagoon and coastal sabkha environment is characterized by the primitive angiosperms called Normapolle pollen (e.g....
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In this study, first playnological data of the late Early Miocene and late Early-early Middle Miocene have been obtained from the Hacıbekirli and Tepeköy-Beştepeler Subbasins. The late Early Miocene palynoflora of the Hacıbekirli Subbasin, which is deposited in fluvial/ lacustrine and delta palaeoenvironments is characterized by the diverse and abu...
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Karabük-Ovacık Tertiary basin is located in the Intra–Pontide Belt of the North of ˙Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone and it also placed between Sakarya and ˙Istanbul Zones. In the study area, the oldest unit is Ulus Formation represented by flysh type sediments (Lower Cretaceous). The basal unit is unconformably overlain by Kı¸slaköy Formation con...
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Paleogene aged (Late Paleocene to Eocene) intermountain basin divided into three sub-basins (Eflani, Karabük and Ovacık from north to south) under N-S compressional regime. The basement unit called Ulus Formation (Early Cretaceous) is composed of flysch-type sediments with various sized magmatic and metamorphic blocks. Continental clastic (Kı¸slakö...
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Kayna¸slı-Bakacak Paleogene basin developed on the Abant Complex (Bolu Massive), and the sedimentary unit commence with Early Eocene aged Fındıcak Formation. It is composed of mainly pre-evaporate platform type carbonate sedimentary systems and characterized by pelagic fossil bearing micritic mudstones, and miliolids, pelecypods, nummulitic, alveol...
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The Dombayova Graben is located 75 km southwest of the Afyonkarahisar, western Anatolia. Just as adjacent basins developed around the Isparta Angle, this N-S trending graben also displays a significant Neogene Quaternary succession bearing economic coal deposits. By the investigation of 18 samples compiled from coal-bearing upper part of the basin...
Middle Miocene deposits belonging to the Eskihisar Formation exposed at the Tınaz lignite mine, Yatağan Basin, Muğla, southwestern Turkey, were investigated palynologically. Nine spores, aplanospores/zygospores and cysts of fungi and algae, seven moss and fern spores, 12 gymnosperm pollen types, and more than 80 angiosperm pollen taxa were recovere...
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Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental interpretations are reconstructed from coal bearing sedimantary sequences of Pliocene in Dombayova Graben based on evidence obtained from palynofloras and ostracod faunas. In this study coal samples from two different localities, i.e. Akçaköy section, and D-97 drilling are examined. Early Pliocene (MN 14) aged...
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Orta Anadolu değişik boyutta çok sayıda Tersiyer sedimanter havzalarını kapsar. Cihanbeyli- Yeniceoba havzası, Orta Anadolu’da iki geniş sedimanter havzanın (Haymana ve Tuzgölü) güneybatısında yer alır. Havza dolgusu, Kartal formasyonu’nun (Geç Kretase-Erken Paleosen) alüvyon yelpazesi ve flüviyal sedimanları ile başlar, bu birimler ofiyolitik kaya...
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İç Anadolu Tersiyer havzalarından bir tanesi olan Tuzgölü havzası, KB–GD-gidişli normal ve/ veya doğrultu atım bileşenine sahip verev fay sistemleriyle sınırlanmış tektonik kontrollü bir çöküntü alanı olarak şekillenmiş olup; Geç Kretase’den günümüze kadar uzanan denizel ve karasal kalın (>200m) bir çökel dolgusu içermektedir. Bu çalışmaya konu ola...
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The aim of this study is to perform detailed palynological analysis of coaly sediments from the D-97 well, as well as the indicative value of non-pollen palynomorphs of the studied deposits. Moreover, its ostracod fauna is also described and interpreted for paleoenvironmental approaches. Dombayova is one of the basins that hosted by Western Anatoli...
This study examines the development and sedimentology of Çan-Etili lignite basin in Biga Peninsula (NW Turkey) along with the palynologic and petrographic properties of the coals in this region. The Çan-Etili lignite basin discordantly overlies Oligocene-aged Çan volcanics. The basin consists of caldera type sedimentation developed by the combined...
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In Pliocene the Earth stepped into a more variable climatic conditions. During Early Pliocene, evaluated climate records from a variety of areas indicate that climate was often warmer than modern climate. On the other hand in Late Pliocene it was arid-cold and climatic ocillations has relatively increased. As a consequence, ice sheets have grown in...
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2015, 22nd - 25th June 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology Conference Programme Cihanbeyli-Yeniceoba Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Its Sedimentary Environments, Basinal Architecture, and Structural Relationship with Tuzgölü and Haymana Basins Abstract Central Anatolia, Turkey contains many small to large Neogene sedimentary basins. One of these t...
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Central Anatolia contains a number of Tertiary basins, that is bounded by large tectonic belts (Taurides to the South, Pontides to the North), and located between the important basins (Tuzgolu and Haymana). The Yeniceoba-Cihanbeyli Tertiary Basin, represented by three formations, Gokdag (Late Oligocene), Cihanbeyli (Kuşca Member - Middle Miocene) a...
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Cihanbeyli–Yeniceoba is a small basin located to the southwest of two large intracontinental sedimentary basins (Haymana and Tuzgölü) in Central Anatolia. The small basin studied differs from the neighboring large basins with respect to basinal configuration and basin-fill deposits. The Haymana and Tuzgölü basins have a very thick depositional inte...
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The aim of the present study is to perform detailed palynological analysis of coaly sediments from the Akçaköy section, as well as the interpretation of palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate during the sedimentation of the studied deposits. Akçaköy section which located at the eastern margin of Dombayova graben (Afyonkarahisar), is included by Türkbel...
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The Miocene is the last warm episode in Earth history, and this episode was well recorded in Turkey as shown by plant distribution and inferred numerical temperature values. In this study, Ören-Kultak, Hüssamlar and Karacaagaç palynofloras from western Turkey, which are characterized by the thermophilous plants (Engelhardia, Sapotaceae, Cyrillaceae...
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Abstract: Palynofloras of the Kocaçay and Cumaovası basins in western Turkey that belong to a time-span from the late Early to late Middle Miocene (the late Burdigalian–Serravallian) are studied and compared with published palynofloras of Europe and Turkey. Palynological data and numerical climatic results obtained by the coexistence approach indic...
The Miocene is the last warm episode in Earth history, and this episode was well recorded in Turkey as shown by plant distribution and inferred numerical temperature values. In this study, Ören-Kultak, Hüssamlar and Karacaagac palynofloras from western Turkey, which are characterized by the thermophilous plants (Engelhardia, Sapotaceae, Cyrillaceae...
Palynofloras of the Kocaçay and Cumaovasi basins in western Turkey that belong to a time-span from the late Early to late Middle Miocene (the late Burdigalian-Serravallian) are studied and compared with published palynofloras of Europe and Turkey. Palynological data and numerical climatic results obtained by the coexistence approach indicate palaeo...
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In this paper we present the first palynomorph and mollusc assemblages from the sediments in three different sections. From east to west, these are the Şevketiye (northern Biga Peninsula), the Tayfur (Gelibolu Peninsula) and the Kuzu harbour (Gökçeada) (parts of the Danişmen Formation) sections in the south and south-western side of the Thrace Ba...
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The integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three different outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Cardak-Dazkiri Basin and the Isparta region during the Middle Late Eocene. in this study, the Cardak-Dazkiri (Bascesme Formation), Burdur (Varsakyayla...
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Lower-Middle Miocene successions from Kutahya province (Seyitomer and Tuncbilek sub-basins) were analyzed to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and vegetation of the period. A rich coniferous forest formed the dominant components among sporomorphs and consisted mainly of undeterminable Pinaceae, Pinus haploxylon type, Pinus diploxylon type, Picea, Cedru...
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Lower-Middle Miocene successions from Kütahya province (Seyitömer and Tunçbilek sub-basins) were analyzed to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and vegetation of the period. A rich coniferous forest formed the dominant components among sporomorphs and consisted mainly of undeterminable Pinaceae, Pinus haploxylon type, Pinus diploxylon type, Picea, Cedru...
In the present paper, we have analyzed thirty-five palynofloras covering the time span from the Early Miocene (Aquitanian) to the Late Miocene (middle Tortonian) in Turkey. The results obtained are presented in tables and maps showing temporal palaeoprecipitation values. The mean annual precipitation (MAP) exceeds 1200 mm during the Aquitanian and...
This study describes the stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental significance of the Lower-“middle” Oligocene sediments based on the fauna from the Delikarkası Formation and the microflora from the İncesu Formation of the İncesu area (northern part of the western Taurides, Isparta province, Turkey). In the area, the Oligocene sediments show a regress...
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ivril doğusu'nda (Denizli) yüzlek veren Rupeliyen–erken Şattiyen (Oligosen) yaşlı Tokça Formasyonu'nun Paleoekolojisi: Sayısal iklimsel karşılaştırmalar ÖZ Bu çalışmada, Çardak–Tokça havzasında yüzlek veren Tokça Formasyonu'nun palinolojik ve foraminifer içeriklerine dayalı paleoiklimsel, paleoortamsal ve paleoekolojik yorumlamalar yapılmıştır. Tok...
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Fossil cycadalean leaves recorded from the Miocene plant assemblage of Soma, western Turkey, are described and assigned to an extinct genus and species, Pseudodioon akyoli. Leaf macromorphology suggests affinity with members of the Zamiaceae (subfam. Encephalartoideae), particularly with modern Dioon. Micromorphological features on the other hand i...
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Foraminiferal and palynological data recovered from the Kavak Formation of the Burdur area, paints out an Early Miocene (Aquitanian) age, based on the co-occurrence of stratigraphic markers such as Lepidocyclina cf. dilatata, Longapertites retip-iliatus, Plicatopollis plicatus and Plicatollis hungaricus. The sediments were deposited in a marginally...
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Abstract: In this study, the lignite-bearing Yoncalı formation between Yozgat and Sorgun, in central Anatolia has been palynologically examined. Based on 37 outcrop samples, quantitative palynological studies recognized 64 genera and 136 palynoflora species in the palynological assemblage, which indicated a Middle–?Late Eocene age. This paper also...
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Abstract: Palynostratigraphy of the Neogene coal-bearing sediments in the Çorum region and Sivas Basin has been determined, and three sporomorph associations have been defined. Sporomorph association A is described from the Samsun-Havza region and is of latest Burdigalian age. Sporomorph association B is described from the Çorum region and Sivas Ba...
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Palynostratigraphy of the Neogene coal-bearing sediments in the Çorum region and Sivas Basin has been determined and three sporomorph associations have been defined. Sporomorph association A is described from the Samsun-Havza region and is of latest Burdigalian age. Sporomorph association B is described from the Çorum region and Sivas Basin and is...
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Neogene basins are widespread in Turkey and contain important lignite deposits. In this study, we reconstruct quantitatively the Late Oligocene–Miocene climate evolution in western and central Anatolia by applying the Coexistence Approach to the palynofloras obtained from the published literatures and ongoing studies.The Coexistence Approach result...
Neogene basins are widespread in Turkey and contain important lignite deposits. In this study, we reconstruct quantitatively the Late Oligocene-Miocene climate evolution in western and central Anatolia by applying the Coexistence Approach to the palynoflora. The obtained results are compared with the data derived from the published and ongoing stud...
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This study explains the stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental significance of Bartonian-Priabonian (Middle-Late Eocene) fossils, the fauna and flora obtained from the Ba şçeşme formation of the Çardak-Tokça basin (western Anatolia). The studied sequence is an outcrop from the Başçeşme formation, deposited in a shallow-marine to coastal environmen...
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In this study, the lignite bearing sediments of Çardak–Tokça basin exposed in southwest Anatolia, were palynologically examined. A well preserved and diverse palynomorph assemblage indicating an Early Oligocene age was recovered from the Hayrettin and Tokça formations. The palynomorph assemblage is dominated by Pinus, Sparganiaceae, Juglandaceae an...
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This study is carried out on the settings of Holocene at eastern Gulf of ̇Izmit, Adapazari, Sakarya Delta and its vicinity, and based on 86 samples collected from the boreholes. The pollen diagram, based on the data from the boreholes drilled at Adapazari and its vicinity, suggested that high herbaceous pollen percentages of particularly Chenopodia...
Z Bu çal›flma; ‹zmit Körfezi'nin do¤usu, Adapazar›, Sakarya Deltas› ve çevrelerinde Holosen yafll› çökeller içinde gerçeklefltirilmifl olup, karotlu sondajlardan derlenen 86 örne¤in ayr›nt›l› incelenmesine dayanmaktad›r. Adapaza-r› çevresi sondajlar›ndan elde edilen polen diyagram›nda Erken Holosen (yaklafl›k olarak 11.300 BP y›l)'de özel-likle Che...
Z Bu çal›flma; ‹zmit Körfezi'nin do¤usu, Adapazar›, Sakarya Deltas› ve çevrelerinde Holosen yafll› çökeller içinde gerçeklefltirilmifl olup, karotlu sondajlardan derlenen 86 örne¤in ayr›nt›l› incelenmesine dayanmaktad›r. Adapaza-r› çevresi sondajlar›ndan elde edilen polen diyagram›nda Erken Holosen (yaklafl›k olarak 11.300 BP y›l)'de özel-likle Che...
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In central Turkey the Çank›r› Basin developed between the K›rflehir and Sakarya continents as a collisional basin during the Tertiary. Along the southern border, between Yozgat and Yerköy, the basin fill predominantly comprises continental and shallow marine facies, and overlies the Late Cretaceous K›rflehir Block unconformably. The Yoncal› formati...
The study, explains stratigraphy of the Oligo-Miocene molasse around the Denizli province (SW Anatolia), based on the palynology which is also supported by the detailed mapping and correlation of the measured sections from the coal-bearing sequences of the molasse deposits. For this purpose, two huge depressions named as the Kale–Tavas molasse and...
The east-west striking Büyük Menderes graben is one of the major structures of the Aegean grabensystem in Western Anatolia. 169 samples taken from eight localities in the coal - bearing Neogene deposits of this graben have been processed for palynomorphs of which 49 were suitable for pollen analysis. The palynomorph associations include 5 pteridoph...
The Ilgin lignite field can be subdivided into the Haramiköy and Kurugöl areas which are separated by an area of basement and a fault. The lignite-bearing sequence consists mainly of fluvial and lacustrine Neogene deposits. The Ilgin lignite, averaging 8 m (up to 25 m) thick, is blackish brown and dark brown in colour. The lignite contains abundant...
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Z. -Bu çalışmada Türkiye'nin önemli linyit damarlarının bulunduğu Soma kömür havzası (Batı Anadolu) fosil makro ve mikroflorası ince-lenmiştir. Havzada aile, cins veya tür düzeyinde botanik bağlılığı bilinen 72 takson belirlenmiştir. Bunlardan Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brong.) Unger, Pinus (cf. P. taedaformis Heer) ve Quercus türlerinin bolluğu dikk...
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The main objective of this study is to determine the biostratigraphical significance of the Early Oligocene fauna and flora from the İncesu Formation located on the northern part of Isparta. Additionally, the quantitative Oligocene climate evolution of the İncesu Formation on the basis of palynological assemblage has also been aimed.
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This study is carried out on the settings of Holocene at eastern Gulf of ‹zmit, Adapazar›, Sakarya Delta and its vi- cinity, and based on 86 samples collected from the boreholes. The pollen diagram, based on the data from the bo- reholes drilled at Adapazar› and its vicinity, suggested that high herbaceous pollen percentages of particularly Chenopo...