Fumiaki Kimata

Fumiaki Kimata
Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science

Dr Sci


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Publications (162)
Conference Paper
Lack of observation network in the vicinity of oceanic intraplate earthquake lead the estimation of coseismic fault slip with high uncertainty. Satriano et al. [2] and Wei et al. [3] found NNE trending left-lateral slip as the primary features. In another hand, Yue et al. [4] and Hill et al. [5] proposed WNW trending right-lateral faults structure...
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This study investigates the coseismic slip distribution of the 2 July 2013 Mw 6.1 Aceh earthquake using Global Positioning System (GPS) data, measured geological surface offsets, and an aftershock distribution for a period of four days after the mainshock. We use the aftershock distribution to constrain the fault-plane strike of a right-lateral fau...
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Preparatory activity preceding the 2014 eruption of Mount Ontake volcano was estimated from vertical deformation detected using a precise leveling survey. Notable uplift (2006-2009) and subsidence (2009-2014) were detected on the eastern flank of the volcano. We estimated pressure source models based on the vertical deformation and used these to in...
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Since the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw 9.2), the northwestern part of the Sumatran island has been a high seismicity region. To evaluate the seismic hazard along the Great Sumatran fault (GSF), we installed the Aceh GNSS network for the Sumatran fault system (AGNeSS) in March 2005. The AGNeSS observed co-seismic offsets due to the April 11,...
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We have conducted geodetic and geomorphic observations in the northernmost part of Sumatra, Indonesia to monitor strain accumulation in the vicinity of the northern Sumatran fault. Evaluation of the earthquake generation potential in this region is highly urgent because of a large fault slip rate, absence of major earthquakes for more than 100 year...
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Two 500 m deep investigation shafts were excavating in the granite body in Mizunami, central Ja-pan by JAEA (Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute) in 2004-2012. Groundwater with volume of 700 m 3 was generally pumping a day to prevent the shafts from submerging in 2012 following the excavating. As a result of pumping the groundwater, the groun...
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We conducted yearly Global Positioning System (GPS) campaigns in the eastern part of Mindanao from March 2010 to March 2014. The obtained station velocities with respect to the Sunda plate (SU) show that WNW motions are dominant due to the convergence of the Philippine Sea plate (PHS). However, it was found that elastic deformations caused by a ful...
Precise levelling surveys were conducted from 2006 to 2013 on three levelling routes in the Tatun volcano group (TVG) located approximately 15 km northeast of Taipei, to detect deformation in relation to the volcano-hydrothermal activities of the TVG. Uplift was detected around the most active fumarole, Tayoukeng fumarole, throughout the period 200...
Earthquakes in Kenya are common along the Kenya Rift Valley because of the slow divergent movement of the rift and hydrothermal processes in the geothermal fields. This implies slow but continuous radiation of seismic energy, which relieves stress in the subsurface rocks. On the contrary, the NW-SE trending rift/fault zones such as the Aswa-Nyangia...
We investigate the postseismic deformation of the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake (SAE) using 5 years of Global Positioning System (GPS) data located in northern Sumatra. Continuous GPS data from northern Sumatra suggest that the relaxation time in the vertical displacement is longer than horizontal displacements. This implies that there are multip...
Kenya has had a seismic station since 1963 as part of the World Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN). In 1990, the University of Nairobi in collaboration with GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) started to build up a local seismological network, the Kenya National Seismic Network (KNSN), which operated for about ten years between 1993–2002. This, h...
This chapter begins with general overview of the seismicity in Kenya from the 1900s to the present. Seismicity in Kenya up to 1963 is mainly based on macroseismic data while that from 1963 to the present is based on data from instrumental recordings. In the past, a number of microseismic and seismicity studies in Kenya have previously been undertak...
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We present a horizontal velocity field determined from a GPS network with 22 sites surveyed from 2001 to 2012 in northwestern Vietnam. The velocity is accurately estimated at each site by fitting a linear trend to each coordinate time series, after accounting for coseismic displacements caused by the 2004 Sumatra and the 2011 Tohoku earthquakes usi...
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The ground deformation and fault slip model for the 1891 M 8.0 Nobi earthquake, central Japan, have been reexamined. The Nobi earthquake appears to have occurred mainly due to the rupture of three faults: Nukumi, Neodani, and Umehara. Since triangulation and leveling had been performed around the Umehara fault, the two geodetic datasets from 1885-1...
The new techniques of space geodesy, especially the Global Positioning System (GPS), allow the monitoring of ongoing crustal deformation and provide a powerful tool for the analysis of the regional seismotectonic regime and characterization of current strain accumulation and release.
Sumatran Fault Zone is the most active fault in Indonesia as a result of strike-slip component of Indo-Australian oblique convergence. With the length of 1900 km, Sumatran fault was divided into 20 segments starting from the southernmost Sumatra Island having small slip rate and increasing to the north end of Sumatra Island. There are several geoph...
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The Great Sumatran Fault system in Indonesia is a major right-lateral trench-parallel system that can be divided into several segments, most of which have ruptured within the last century. This study focuses on the northern portion of the fault system which contains a 200-km-long segment that has not experienced a major earthquake in at least 170 y...
One of the most violent volcanic eruptions in recorded history is the Krakatau eruption on August 27, 1883. This caldera-forming eruption destroyed two thirds of the Krakatau volcanic island in the Sunda Strait resulting in the remaining three small islands later known as the Krakatau complex. From 1927 to 1929, eruptions in the center of Krakatau...
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The Sunda arc forms the southern border of the Indonesia Archipelago, where the Indo-Australian plate is subducted beneath Eurasia. The age of subducting plate increases from Sumatra in the west to Flores in the east. The increase in age is consistent with an increase in plate dip along the arc and an increasing depth of seismic activity. The motio...
The relocation of hypocenters was studied using the method of Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) to improve the location of hypocenters. We conducted a case study of two events that occurred in the central Philippines, which were the 1990 and the 1996 Bohol earthquakes in the southeast and the northwest of Bohol, respectively. This stud...
Most of the filtering efforts in InSAR application are performed before unwrapping the interferogram to reduce noise and increase coherence. The phase noise is mainly caused by the thermal noise decorrelation, temporal decorrelation and geometrical decorrelation. Filtering methods that have been developed such as adaptive filtering algorithm, maxim...
This study reexamines the ground deformation and fault slip model of the 1891 Nobi great earthquake (M = 8.0), central Japan. At the earthquake, three faults of Nukumi, Neodani and Umehara ruptured the ground surface with maximum of 8 m in the horizontal direction and 6 m in the vertical direction along the 80 km length [Koto, 1893; Matsuda, 1974]....
The Mayon volcano is one of the active stratovolcanos in Philippine. It erupted over 60 times in the last 400 years. Based on historical eruption, evacuation orders were issued to local people in the eruptions of 2006 and 2009. However seismic activity and ground deformation were not observed precisely, and magma intrusion model was never discussed...
In 2005, we established AGNeSS (the Aceh GPS Network for Sumatran fault System) following the 2004 (Mw=9.2), Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. AGNeSS is located in the northwestern part of the Sumatran fault system and is designed to evaluate the seismic potential of the northern Sumatran fault and consists of northwestern and southeastern profiles calle...
A time-dependent model for magma intrusion associated with repeated earthquake swarm activities off the east coast of the Izu peninsula was developed from precise levelling, electronic distance measurements (EDM) and global positioning system (GPS), and sea level observation data for the period 1973–1998. Significant deformations were observed in t...
The Sunda trench plate boundaries along Sumatra have the potential to generate large thrust-type earthquakes. While less frequent and smaller events occur along Java where subduction of older seafloor takes place relatively aseismically. This latest need further investigation since 3 deadly earthquakes occurred for the last 4 years. The first once...
The Toba Lake, North Sumatra, Indonesia is identified as a caldera that was formed by giant eruption in67,500 to 75,500 years ago. It is also located near the Renun segment, one of the segments in the Sumatran faultsystem. GPS measurements suggest a dextral fault creep of 24-26 mm/yr. In this study, the differential interferometric synthetic apertu...
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ABSTRAK Gempa Sumatra Andaman yang terjadi pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 masih menyisakan beberapa pertanyaan yang mendasar dalam bidang ilmu kebumian. Salah satu hal yang masih menjadi pertanyaan adalah sisa energi yang diterima oleh sistem tektonik di sekitarnya, utamanya kepada sistem sesar Sumatra. Untuk memantau dampak gempa Sumatra Andaman te...
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The ability of radar to penetrate cloud is utilized to measure ground deformation related to volcanic activity of the tropical Ibu Volcano, Indonesia. Ground deformation in the vicinity of the volcano is believed to be related to subsurface magma activity. Besides cloud cover, the high density of vegetation, which is common in rainforests, is also...
After the super giant earthquake, 2004 M9.3 Sumatra-Alderman Earthquake, we repeated GPS measurements to detect the coseismic and postseismic deformations in Ache, north Sumatra since February 2005. In August 2006, we establish the AGNeSS (Aceh GPS Network for Sumatran Fault System) to monitor the stain accumulation in Sumatran fault in Aceh. In No...
The catastrophic eruption on 27th August 1883 of Krakatau, a volcano island in Sunda Strait, destroyed two thirds of the island and collapsing its caldera. However, after reposed for 43 years, Krakatau produced a newly born active volcano named Anak Krakatau in 1929. This study aims to detect the ground deformation of Anak Krakatau Volcano using In...
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The bathymetry off-coast of East Vietnam varies from region to region. It causes a various tsunami height distribution which raises a possibility of focusing tsunami wave's prop-agation in ocean. No experiences were available regarding the propagation and the impact of tsunami along the coast of Vietnam, therefore, determining potential tsunamigeni...
A very-long-period (VLP) volcanic event, which occurred on 25 January 2007 beneath Mt Ontake, central Japan, was recorded by nearby broadband seismometers as well as the Japanese nationwide Hi-net and F-net seismic networks. The VLP waveforms show a pulse-like shape with a duration of approximately 1 min. The VLP event was accompanied by a burst se...
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Along the Java trench the Australian–Oceanic plate is moving and pushing onto and subducting beneath the Java continental crust at a relative motion of about 70 mm/yr in NNE direction. This subduction-zone process imposed tectonic stresses on the fore-arc region offshore and on the land of Java, thus causing the formation of earthquake fault zones...
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The phenomenon of water level decrease dramatically happened in Aneuklaot Lake, Weh Island, Aceh Province, Indonesia until June 2005. The water level is continuously decreasing with the rate of 1cm per day in June—July 2005. A combination measurement consisting of GPS observation, geoelectrical observation, and hydroclimate observation is conducted...
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A M7.8 occurred off the coast of Pangandaran, Central Java, Indonesia at15:24 (08:24 UTC) on 17 July 2006, and excited a deadly tsunami of average 3—8 m that inundated the southern coast of Java. This event is considered as a tsunami earthquake based on the fact that the earthquake generated a much larger tsunami than expected from its seismic wave...
This study reexamines the ground deformation and fault slip model of the 1945 Mikawa earthquake (M =6.8), central Japan. We reevaluate two geodetic data sets from the years 1886/1887 and 1955/56 that were obtained from the Geographical Survey Institute; these data sets consist of displacements calculated from the net adjustment of triangulation sur...
An understanding of the magma plumbing system is important for middle- and longrange predictions of volcanic activities. The geodetic approach is adequate to estimate currently ongoing processes beneath active volcanoes. Studies on frequently erupting volcanoes suggest that magma is supplied to the magma chamber at almost a constant rate. However,...
Sumatran fault system in Indonesia is one of the major trench-parallel strike-slip fault systems in the world [Sieh and Natawidjaya, 2000]. The 1900-km-long fault system can be divided into several segments from the geomorphological and seismological points of view, and most segments have been broken within the last century. The magnitudes of these...
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Real time monitoring of wave height in the ocean far from the coast can contribute to mitigation of a tsunami disaster. Here we demonstrate that early detection of a damaging tsunami can be achieved using a new long baseline kinematic GPS method, by tracking the anomalous changes in sea surface heights. The movement of a GPS buoy relative to a base...
A tsunami due to the 2004 M7.4 September 5th earthquake off of the Kii peninsula, was recorded at the GPS buoy established about 13 km off of the Muroto Promontory, southwestern Japan. The buoy GPS data, differenced with that of a base station in Muroto, were used successfully to sense, in real-time, the tsunami waves as they went by at the point....
Asama volcano Asama volcano erupted frequently in the first half of the 20th century, and almost stopped the eruption after then. However the volcano erupted in the top of volcano in September, 2004. Dike intrusion was estimated at the depth of 3km and 4km west from the Asama volcano from the ground deformation observed by GPS network around the vo...
Tatun volcano group including more than 20 volcanoes is located in the 15 km northeastward from Taipei, Taiwan. Although Chihsing-shan, the highest peak of the Tatun volcano group, has no record of volcano eruption in history, it has a hydrothermal activity characterized by some strenuous fumarolic activities and hot springs. Seismological network...
A time-dependent model for volume changes in pressure sources at Asama volcano is developed from precise leveling data collected since 1902. The optimal source model is determined by comparing five different models (a model with three types of spherical sources, single dike, and dike with a spherical source) during three periods: 1935 to 1939, 1939...
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Indonesia has 129 active volcanoes. With a population of approximately 200 million, and the fact that the most populated island in Indonesia (i.e. Java) has the largest number of active volcanoes, then it is obvious that the Indonesian people live under the very real threat of volcanic eruptions. Monitoring volcanic activities can be done by using...
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Abstrak. Pemantauan aktivitas gunungapi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metode, dimana salah satunya adalah metode deformasi. Metode ini dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan beragam sensor dan teknik, dimana salah satunya adalah teknik yang menggunakan pengamatan terhadap satelit GPS (Global Positioning System). Makalah ini menjelaskan penggunaan me...
This paper is based on the results of research by the Sumatra Earthquake Interdisciplinary or Integrated Research Team, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University. This research shows: (1) the Sumatra Earthquake tsunami disaster damage in Banda Aceh can be divided into four areas; (2) the tsunami action was directed left and right...
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We assessed long-term stability and repeatability of GEONET GPS site coordinates obtained by a kinematic positioning technique based on the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) strategy of the GIPSY/OASIS software version 4.0.4. The accuracy of the coordinates depended strongly on the quality of orbits and satellite clock information provided by data an...
Eruptive and caldera-forming activity at Miyakejima volcano, Japan, was accompanied by more than 40 days of seismic swarms, including more than five M6 (or greater) earthquakes, and significant crustal deformation in nearby islands. Here we review ground deformation and gravity changes at Miyakejima and other nearby islands prior to, during, and af...
A strong earthquake (M6.3) rocked the Bantul district, south of Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) on the morningof May 27, 2006. We installed a temporary array of 6 seismographs to record aftershocks of the earthquake. The area of aftershocks, which may be interpreted as mainshock ruptured area has dimensions of about 25 km length and 20 km width,...
Historically, we have been experienced big thrust type earthquakes repeatedly. Tokai area where is the central part of Japan, has been mentioned a occurence of a magnitude 7 to 8 earthquake in the near future. The Tokai area is one of the plate convergence boundaries subducting the Phillipne Sea Plate(PHP) forwarding from South east to North west w...
Okmok volcano is located on Umnak Island in the Aleutian Arc, Alaska. This volcano consists of a large caldera, and there are several post-caldera cones within the caldera. It has erupted more than 10 times during the last century, with the latest eruption occurring in February 1997. Annual GPS campaigns during 2000-2003 have revealed a rapid infla...
Medium-range kinematic GPS with carrier phase was evaluated in both at on-land and sea tests. The on-land testing was performed to provide more strict control of kinematic GPS solution. Here, the antenna of rover station was driven slowly and simultaneously in up-down and horizontal direction during observations period. The mechanism of antenna dri...
A marked magnetic field change exceeding 200 nT was detected by a three-component magnetometer at the beginning of the 2000 Miyakejima eruptive activity. The change in the magnetic field is correlated with an earthquake activity and crustal deformation, which indicate a dike intrusion very close to the observation site. A dike model based on the cr...
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Papandayan is an A-type active volcano located in the southern part of Garut Regency, about 70km southeast of Bandung, Indonesia. Its earliest recorded eruption, and the most violent and devastating outburst, occurred in 1772. The latest eruptions occurred in the period from 11 November–8 December 2002, and consisted of phreatic, freatomagmatic, an...
A time-dependent model of magma intrusion is presented for the Miyake–Kozu Island area in central Japan based on global positioning system (GPS) measurements at 28 sites recorded between June 27 and August 27, 2000. A model derived from a precise hypocenter distribution map indicates the presence of three dikes between Miyake and Kozu Islands. Othe...
The high-frequency GPS analysis at Miyakejima volcano captured rapid deformation following the early stage of Miyakejima 2000 activity. Given a specified dike and spherical source geometry, we solve the opening distribution on each sub-dike that minimizes a linear combination of the norm of the weighted data residual and roughness of the opening di...
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The 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman great earthquake had a −1500 km long rupture of more than 600 seconds duration, and may have involved a complex rupture process including slow slip. We processed International GNSS Service (IGS) 1-Hz Global Positioning System (GPS) data using kinematic analysis to investigate ground motion caused by this large e...
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We conducted temporary GPS observations shortly after the occurrence of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (MJMA 6.8) at 5 sites around the southern part of its source region. These temporary sites are located between the existing continuous sites of GEONET so that we could resolve the crustal deformation pattern in more detail. We analyzed...
Batur volcano is located north west of Bali Island in Indonesia.This volcano has two calderas with more than 10 km in diameter. Recent eruptions with lava flow occurred in 1963 and 1974. No effusion of lava has been observed since 1990, although steam explosions occurred August 1994, November 1997 and June 1998.This suggests that magmatic activity...
Earthquake swarm is repeated on the eastern submountain region of Ontake Volcano, Central Japan for 25 years since late 1970s. Ontake Volcano erupted at the summit in 1979, earthquake M6.8 occurred in 1984. However maximum magnitude of the earthquake swarm is limited to M4. We start the precise leveling to detect the vertical movements in the swarm...
We develop a new geodetic inversion method with multi time scale. Our new inversion method can treat crustal deformation as superposition of different time scale phenomena. In earth science, the observed crustal deformation are contained many phenomena with various time scale. In order to understand the specific phenomenon, we usually analyze the d...
To detect the postseismic deformation following the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, we have repeated the continuous GPS measurements in Banda Aceh, northern Sumatra, Indonesia since 10th February 2005. A ground deformation of 18.9+-0.8cm toward south, 18.1+-0.5cm toward west and 1.8+-2.3cm uplift is detected until 15th July. As the direction of th...
The 2000 eruptive activity of Miyakejima island began with an earthquake swarm and crustal deformation that was clearly observed by continuous observations of ground tilt and GPS on Miyakejima. Based on the crustal deformation data, we estimated the magma migration process at the initial stage (18:30 LT on 2000 June 26-06:00 LT on 2000 June 27) of...
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The model for the 2000 dike intrusion event between Kozushima and Miyakejima volcano, Japan, was reinvestigated. After the sudden earthquake swarm in Miyakejima volcano, a dike intrusion of large volume was detected by the nationwide GPS network (Geonet). The displacements detected with GPS stations over an area with a radius of about 200 km shows...
Site displacements obtained from near-field GPS observation are used to constrain the slip distribution for the December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. The existence of pre-event GPS data, collected as control points for land administration, provided a relatively dense coverage close to the rupture area. The maximum horizontal displacement ob...
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Bromo is an active type-A volcano located inside Tengger caldera in East Java province of Indonesia. In her history, Bromo has erupted at least about 50 times since 1775. The last eruption occurred on June 2004. Monitoring of Bromo activities has been continuously done since early 1989 by using seismograph. EDM and GPS surveys have also been conduc...
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1] We re-examined the interplate coupling in terms of backslip rate at the Nankai-Suruga trough beneath the Tokai region with a 3-dimensional GPS time series and a refined plate boundary model. We reanalyzed the GPS data and reconstructed plate boundary configuration. Then we inverted GPS velocities to infer the interplate coupling during April 199...
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Repeated precise leveling in the earthquake swarm area of Ontake, central Japan has revealed uplift of 3-6 mm in proximity to the epicentral region of the most active earthquake cluster in 2002-2004. Although the uplift is small, the vertical displacement is significant even considering leveling error. This uplift is associated with increases in 3H...
We discuss a time dependent model of magma intrusion in and around Miyake and Kozu Islands, Central Japan from GPS measurements at 28 sites in Miyake Island, Kozu Island and their surrounding islands in the period from June 27 to August 27, 2000. A dike complex model of three sheets is assumed between Miyake and Kozu Islands, suggested from the pre...
Ohota et al. (2004) estimated the fault model of the 2001 Tokai slow slip event based on the re-processing GPS data comparing the ground deformation in 1997-2000. From their discussion, in the period of slow slip event, interplate coupling is tightly remained in the depth of 10-25 km in the plate boundary in the Tokai region. Forward slip consistin...
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Double-differenced GPS carrier phase measurements are commonly used in GPS precise positioning applications and processed with algorithms based on the least-squares (LS) principle. In order to apply the LS principle, one needs to define properly both the functional and stochastic models. Whilst the functional model for precise GPS positioning is su...
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Annual GPS campaigns were carried out at Okmok volcano in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, between 2000 and 2002. Surface deformation detected by these measurements reveals that Okmok volcano has been inflating over these 3 years at a variable inflation rate. The horizontal displacements show a radial outward pattern, and there has been significant up...
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We analyzed 1-Hz GPS data observed at 14 stations of the GPS Earth Observation Network (GEONET) of the Geographical Survey Institute, Japan, associated with the 2003 MJMA 8.1 Tokachi-oki earthquake, which occurred at the Kurile Trench. The GPS stations are located 70–240 km away from the epicenter. GPS data clearly captured rapid co-seismic ground...