Füsun Ferda ErdoğanErciyes University · Department of Neurology
Füsun Ferda Erdoğan
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Publications (68)
Background/aim : Acetaminophen is frequently used as an analgesic during pregnancy. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of acetaminophen administered to pregnant mice on the fetal brain, attention, memory, and learning functions in the postnatal period, and genetic mechanisms in these mice.
Materials and methods : The study...
Valproic acid (VPA), is an antiepileptic drug and it has been known for a long time that exposure to VPA in the fetal period causes many behavioral, cognitive, and structural disorders. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of the implementation period of VPA during pregnancy on both behavioral tests and the expression of 4...
Objective: There are a handful of studies investigating peri-ictal headache (PIH) and its clinical associations in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsies (I/GE). This multi-center study aimed to investigate PIH, which is an ignored comorbid condition in patients with I/GE, by headache experts and epileptolo-gists working together. Methods: The...
There are a handful of studies investigating peri-ictal headache (PIH) and its clinical associations in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsies (I/GE). This multi-center study aimed to investigate PIH, which is an ignored comorbid condition in patients with I/GE, by headache experts and epileptologists working together.
Migraine without aura (MwoA) is a very frequent and remarkable comorbidity in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsy (I/GE). Frequently in clinical practice, diagnosis of MwoA may be challenging despite the guidance of current diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3 (ICHD-3). In this study, we a...
The link between headache and epilepsy is more prominent in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsy (I/GE). We aimed to investigate the prevalence of headache and to cluster patients with regard to their headache and epilepsy features.
Patients aged 6–40 years, with a definite diagnosis of I/GE, were consecutively enrolled. The...
Background and purpose:
Rare diseases affect up to 29 million people in the European Union, and almost 50% of them affect the nervous system or muscles. Delays in diagnosis and treatment onset and insufficient treatment choices are common. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) may improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients and optimize care pat...
To determine the factors affecting mortality and disability in status epilepticus (SE) and to evaluate the prediction ability of the Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS) for disability and mortality.
Materials and Method
The demographic and clinical characteristics, prognosis and prognosis predictors of 72 patients who were diagnose...
C OVID-19 dünyada hızla yayılırken çocuklarda hastalığın daha hafif şekilde açığa çıktığı ve enfekte olan çocukların çoğunun asemptomatik olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çocuklarda şiddetli COVID-19 olguları nadir olarak gözlenmiştir. 1,2 Çocuk olgular genellikle ailesel kümelenme gösteren olgulardı ve epidemiyolojik ola-rak erişkin hastalarla ilintili i...
Ammonia; It is a toxic molecule for the central nervous system resulting from the catabolism of proteins. Its excretion is provided with the urea cycle. Argininemia is a rare subtype of urea cycle disorders. Arginase enzyme catalyzes the last stage of the urea cycle, arginine; urea and ornithine are broken down. The decrease in arginase 1 (ARG1) en...
This review article has been prepared as a guideline by "Turkish Neurological Society, COVID-19 and Neurology Committee" to cover different aspects of Neurology.
Citing info: Acar T, Demirel Aciman E, Afsar N, et al. The COVID-19 from Neurological Overview. Turk J Neurol 2020; 26 (2): 58-108.
DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.73669
C OVID-19 dünyada hızla yayılırken çocuklarda hastalığın daha hafif şekilde açığa çıktığı ve enfekte olan çocukların çoğunun asemptomatik olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çocuklarda şiddetli COVID-19 olguları nadir olarak gözlenmiştir. 1,2 Çocuk olgular genellikle ailesel kümelenme gösteren olgulardı ve epidemiyolojik ola-rak erişkin hastalarla ilintili i...
Ge lifl Ta ri hi/Re cei ved: 08.05.2020 Ka bul Ta ri hi/Ac cep ted: 10.05.2020
Nörolojik Belirti ve Bulgular
COVID-19 hastalarında nörolojik belirtiler görülmektedir
(59,60,61). Araştırmacılar SARS koronavirüs nükleik asit
bileşenini hastaların BOS ve virüsü otopsilerde beyin dokusunda
da saptamışlardır (62). Nörolojik tutulumlar literatürde olgu
bildirimleri ile de desteklenmiştir. Hastaların üçte birinden
fazlasında santral...
zet Sistemik lupus eritematozus (SLE) yaygın organ tutulumu ile giden, otoimmün bir hastalıktır. Merkezi sinir sistemi tutulumuna nöropsikiyatrik SLE (NP-SLE) adı verilmekte olup, NP-SLE'de %6.7-14.4 arasında epileptik nöbet görülmektedir. NP-SLE hastalarında epilepsinin prognozu oldukça iyidir, genellikle uzun süreli antiepileptik tedaviye ihtiyaç...
Objectives: This aim of this study was to investigate emotional memory-learning and behavioral functions, as well as the relationship between these functions and the nitric oxide (NO) level in the serum and brain of mature and immature rats following pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced kindling. Methods: A total of 36 male Wistar albino rats were inclu...
Schindler hastalığı ilk kez 1987 yılında iki Alman kardeşte α-N-asetilgalaktozaminidaz (α-NAGAL) eksikliğinin neden olduğu nöbetler, entelektüel disabilite, dekortike postür, körlük ile giden bir hastalık olarak bildirilmiştir. Otozomal resesif kalıtılan, nadir görülen lizozomal depo hastalığı olan Schindler hastalığı tip I (infantil başlangıçlı bi...
Objective: Electroencephalographic (EEG) changes in patients with NREM parasomnias (NRP) occur in
sleep architecture as changes in slow wave sleep or cyclic pattern, which are not considered abnormal.
However, abnormalities in EEG in these patients have recently been reported, indicating that EEG patterns
in NRPs are not definitive. Moreover, most...
Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate age-dependent cognitive and behavioral changes, neuronal damage, and the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA-A) alpha 1 in immature, mature, and adolescant rats after status epilepticus (SE).
Materials and Methods: SE was induced in immature (17 days), adolescant (45 days), and mature (150 days)...
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with extensive organ involvement. Neuropsychiatric-SLE (NP-SLE) includes the involvement of the central nervous system, and has an epileptic seizure rate of 6.7% to 14.4%. The prognosis of epilepsy in NP-SLE patients is fairly good, usually long-term antiepileptic treatment is not needed a...
Status epilepticus (SE) is one of the most frequent neurologic emergencies. Generalized convulsive SE, which is the most frequent and easily recognized type of SE, has the highest morbidity and mortality rates. It is important to initiate early and aggressive treatment without delay. In recent years, clinical studies have focused on the prehospital...
Neuroacanthocytosis is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by movement disorders, seizures, dementia, and behavioral changes, as well as spiked acanthocytes in peripheral smears, but it is rarely accompanied by axonal neuropathy. Before making a definitive diagnosis of neuroacanthocytosis, diseases like Huntington disease, Parkinson disease,...
Migraine is a primary headache that involves genetic and environmental factors. In studies conducted in different countries, migraine was shown to be underdiagnosed, treated insufficiently, and highly related to disability. The primary aim of this study was to identify the competence in making a diagnosis of migraine by primary care...
This case illustration aims to introduce the clinical features of headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm in a young child and to introduce the International Classification of Headache Disorders (Cephalalgia ;33(9):720, 2013). The analysis of symptoms aims to help the clinicians to understand the clinical characteristics of tumour-related head...
New antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have been developed in the last two decades with the aim of improving the benefit-risk balance of AED therapy. Despite the introduction of the newer AEDs, childhood epilepsy continues to be intractable in more than 25% of patients diagnosed with epilepsy. The new AEDs can be subdivided into new second- and third-gener...
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome is a cliniconeuroradiologic entity with typical symptoms and symmetric high-signal intensity lesions in the bilateral parietooccipital lobes on T2-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging. In this presentation, we report a case of posterior reversible encephalopathy synd...
To determine the prevalence of headaches and their influencing factors among pregnant women.
A cross-sectional study was conducted from January 3 to April 29, 2005, with 1357 women receiving routine pregnancy check-ups at the obstetric clinics of the community health institutions of Kayseri, Turkey. A structured questionnaire and the Zung Depressio...
Objectives: Reproductive endocrine disorders, especially polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are common in epileptic women who are less fertile and suffer from more menstrual and reproductive endocrine disorders than non-epileptic women. The etiology of reproductive endocrine dysfunction in epilepsy has not been determined precisely. The aim of the st...
Patients with chronic liver disease may suffer from neurological abnormalities secondary to hepatocerebral degeneration. Among these neurological abnormalities, the extrapyramidal symptoms are seen more often. Extrapyramidal involvement accompanied with hepatic encephalopathy has been reported rarely in the literature. The mechanism for these sympt...
Oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe is an X-linked recessive disorder localized to Xq24-26.1. The phenotypic features of this disorder are Fanconi-type renal failure, mental retardation, and various eye abnormalities. Seizures may accompany the disease, and the skin-related findings are poorly defined. This case of a 9-year-old patient, diagnosed as...
Objection: This study was planed to search the relation between two cognitive evaluation tests that are commonly used and the relation between cognitive function and functional state in the cases being third month after stroke.Method: Functional evaluations of stroke cases were performed with total FIM and FIM motor tests of functional independence...
The aim of the present work was to assess serum melatonin levels and melatonin circadian rhythm in patients with diurnal and nocturnal complex partial epilepsy. Daily rhythms of melatonin were studied in patients with diurnal complex partial epilepsy (n=10), patients with nocturnal complex partial epilepsy (n=10), and a control group (n=10). All pa...
The aim of the present study was to establish the rate of fatigue and the relationship between fatigue, depression, and P300 in people with epilepsy. We compared Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores and event-related potentials (ERPs) of people with epilepsy (n=73) with those of controls (n=31). The rate of fatigu...
Brucella melitensis infection is endemic in the eastern and south-eastern Anatolia regions of Turkey. Around 18,000 new cases are reported annually in Turkey. Neurological complications of brucellosis are rare, with an incidence of 1.7-10%. It has varying clinical pictures: subacute or chronic meningo-encephalitis, cranial nerve involvement (acoust...
Background: Chemical kindling is an experimental model of epilepsy and epileptogenesis in which repeated application of initially subconvulsive chemical stimulation induces progressive seizure activity.Objective: The assesment of the features of seizures and EEG in pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced kindling.Material and Method: In this study 24 wista...
Systemic toxic reactions to local anesthetics are brought about by absolute overdosage, and, most commonly, inadvertent intravascular injections. The anti-convulsant action of ketamine has been studied. However, the effect of ketamine on lidocaine-induced convulsions has not been reported. This study investigated the effect of ketamine on lidocaine...
Status epilepticus (SE) can be harmful to the developing brain. Our knowledge of the emotional and behavioral consequences of generalized SE in developing animals remains limited. Therefore, we investigated the short- and long-term effects of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced SE on emotional memory and learning and behavioral parameters in immature...
To define the cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of the chronic stage of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in patients with and without neuropsychiatric sequelae.
Eight patients who had neither symptoms nor neurological sequelae and eight patients with neuropsychiatric sequelae were included in the study. Patients aged between 9 to 57 (...
Schizencephaly is a human brain malformation distinguished by full-thickness unilateral or bilateral clefts through the neocortex. Heterozygous mutations in the EMX2 locus are reported to give rise to schizencephaly. However, the comprehensive identification of causative genetic loci is precluded by a lack of large pedigrees and genome-wide linkage...
The efficacy of a centrally active cholinesterase inhibitor, rivastigmine tartrate (ENA 713), in patients with advanced moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) was evaluated in a 12-month placebo-controlled study. We aimed to investigate whether there was any evidence for the benefits of rivastigmine in patients with severe disease. These patients were c...
Status epilepticus (SE) can cause spatial learning, memory, and behavioral deficits; however, little information is available, especially regarding the effects of such seizures on emotional memory and learning functions. We investigated the effects of SE on emotional memory, learning, and behavior in mature rats over short and long periods. SE was...
To describe MR imaging findings of the chronic stage of carbon monoxide poisoning in asymptomatic patients.
Clinical data of 34 patients, who had been admitted to our hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning were reviewed and invited for control evaluation. Of the patients who accepted, ten who had no symptoms and neurological sequelae in the physica...
Purpose. Cognitive functions are not well appreciated due to overwhelming clinical neurologic focal motor findings in cerebral lesions. There are not standard tests to evaluate reading, writing and drawing deficits applicable particularly to the Turkish society. Evaluating and grading these functional disorders in patients can give important data a...
Migraine is considered to be a functional neurological disorder. For several years cerebral blood flow studies have been fueling the controversy surrounding the pathophysiology of migraine headache. Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT brain imaging was performed during the headache-free period in 44 migraineurs. The findings were compared with those of age 17 and s...