Frederick M.C. Van Amstel

Frederick M.C. Van Amstel
University of Florida | UF · School of Art and Art History



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Frederick (Fred) van Amstel (he/him/his) is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design/Design & Visual Communications at the School of Art + Art History, University of Florida. Dr. Van Amstel’s research and education address contradictions in design: why and how design projects face dilemmas, trade-offs, and complexity. In recent years, the contradiction of oppression climbed to the top of his research agenda, mainly due to the ascension of far-right extremism.
Additional affiliations
August 2015 - present
Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
  • Professor
April 2014 - April 2015
University of Twente
  • PhD Student


Publications (94)
Conference Paper
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Colonialidade do fazer são processos ideológicos, culturais, políticos e mercadológicos que operam para identificar, categorizar e hierarquizar diferentes práticas do fazer, de modo a priorizar os fazeres de interesse do Norte Global, frente aos fazeres do Sul Global. Essa colonialidade perpassa o Design, quando este reproduz uma divisão geopolític...
This chapter discusses how human bodies can be approached as materials for service design. Service design often involves human-to-human exchanges and the way humans use their bodies to mediate these exchanges can be designed and enacted as artifacts. Using a postphenomenological perspective, the chapter frames the human body as a key service interf...
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A noção de projeto como solução de problemas vela a dimensão existencial do projeto, que inclui seus interesses políticos, culturais e históricos. A negação dessa dimensão na formação em design leva a uma práxis aparentemente neutra, porém, em sua essência, vinculada aos interesses dos grupos sociais dominantes. Esta pesquisa apresenta a perspectiv...
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A pandemia da doença COVID-19 alterou profundamente a saúde mental e bem-estar dos estudantes de forma geral. No caso de estudantes de Design, o isolamento impediu o desenvolvimento de habilidades relacionais fundamentais para o exercício pleno da cidadania e da profissão. O retorno às aulas presenciais acrescentou outras incertezas, inseguranças e...
Conference Paper
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Estudantes e profissionais de design costumam enfrentar crises existenciais ao se depararem com a contradição entre uma educação formal bancarizada e as demandas do mercado de trabalho. A presente pesquisa apresenta o Baralho de Crises, uma ferramenta que codifica visualmente as crises existenciais vivenciadas por estudantes desta área como temas g...
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This is a presentation of the Ten Big Ideas for Pluriversal Design which resulted from discussions of the Pluriversal Design Working Group of the Future of Design Education project. This presentation was made to the Education Special Interest group of the Design Research Society in December 2023
Conference Paper
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Service design is strongly linked to practices that maintain workers' dependency on management. Social movements in Brazil eschew hierarchical management, instead seeking self-management based on solidarity, equality, and democracy. In recent years, social movements appropriated digital infrastructures to design and deliver collaborative services....
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The Future of Design Education working group on Pluriversal Design — with members from Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, South and Southeastern Asia, North America, Oceania, and Europe — developed recommendations for higher education design curricula. The group addresses the dominance of a Eurocentric design canon and worldwide colonization by...
Design research played and still plays a significant role in the coloniality of making. By transforming natural commodities imported from former colonies into manufactured Things that are later exported back to such places, design research contributes to keeping the geopolitical divide between designing and making, which is so typical of colonialis...
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Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices? Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond
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The Pluriversal Design Education working group met from April – September of 2021. This publication contains the results of their discussions. This document shares the detailed content that led to the ten Big Ideas shared through the FDE initiative. The document opens with an essay that supports the readers’ understanding of the core concepts that...
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This special edition introduces eight papers at the intersec­tion of design, oppression, and liberation. These papers refer to social struc­ture as a common leverage point to criticize and transform different oppres­sion relations, namely racism, gender, marginalization, epistemic injustice, and colonization. The contributions follow recent moves i...
Conference Paper
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Esta pesquisa questiona a noção de interesse como a base ontológica das coalizões de design, principalmente, em movimentos de grupos sociais oprimidos, tal como as mulheres. Em contraste com a literatura sobre design para inovação social, a literatura feminista aponta para as questões de cuidado como elemento agregador de coalizões. Esta reconceitu...
Conference Paper
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A Rede Design & Opressão é uma comunidade pedagógica distribuída geograficamente pelo Brasil que atende às demandas dos movimentos sociais por discutir opressão no campo do Design. Com as experiências realizadas e partilhadas até então, constatamos a importância da participação crítica que implica os sujeitos, seja como opressores, seja como oprimi...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo definir a modificabilidade, a qualidade de projeto que emerge da negociação do espaço de possibilidades entre game designers, jogadores e modders. Para chegar a esse objetivo, a Teoria Histórico-Cultural da Atividade foi adotada como lente teórica e metodológica. A aplicação da metodologia se deu por meio da análise hi...
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A search seminar that brings together commons working in both physical and digital environments under decentralized autonomous principles. We will iterate what the design of a phygital, collaborative, autonomous platform would necessitate as far as resources and tools go for lifework of commoners. Speakers, respondents and facilitators are: Michel...
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El papel del diseño en la estructuración de la opre­sión ha sido en gran medida desconocido por la investigación y la historia del diseño. Sin embargo, podemos ver un movimiento reciente, impulsado por los movimientos sociales, que reconoce la complicidad del diseño con diversas formas de opresión. Reconocer el diseño opresivo abre la posibilidad d...
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A Pesquisa em Design tem se confrontado, nas últimas décadas, com problemas capciosos (wicked problems) de larga escala e complexidade, tais como mudanças climáticas e precarização dos postos de trabalho. Uma das maneiras encontradas para lidar com esses problemas é a sua localização dentro de um sistema sociotécnico, que possui diversos elementos...
Conference Paper
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Design research is geting interested in social movements in recent years. Organizing tactics like coalition-building have been taken from civil rights movements and turned into operative concepts such as designing coalitions that point towards converging interests. As such, this concept cannot support social movements, which are not formed by commo...
Conference Paper
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Design can be both a practice of freedom or a practice of oppression, depending on who designs and whose intentions are prioritized. When this practice underestimates, excludes, disrespects, or deceives people who are part of oppressed groups, it intensifies oppression. Design as a practice of freedom takes more than a new design method. It require...
Conference Paper
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Contemporary design thinking is often described as a designerly approach to dealing with wicked problems – problems that are too complex and deemed impossible to fix, but that can be tamed and solved with proper design methods. Wickedness is a fundamental justification for designing things as a leap of faith or even as a kind of magic. This practic...
Research Proposal
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Call for papers (CfP): This Special issue welcomes research that contributes to sharpening the understanding of oppression in design and increasing the solidarity between the different struggles for liberation that cut across design. Contributions can include the- oretical or methodological essays, ethnographic accounts, case studies, or visual pap...
PURPOSE: This research theorizes the condition of human beings reduced to being users (and only users) in human-computer interaction (HCI), a condition that favors them becoming objects or targets of commercial dark patterns, racialized profiling algorithms, generalized surveillance, gendered interfaces and heteromation. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROAC...
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O termo materialidade é comumente utilizado no Design para ressaltar as propriedades de artefatos que precisam ser levadas em consideração em um projeto. No codesign, essa perspectiva não é suficiente, pois no projeto colaborativo não se considera apenas as características dos materiais, mas também as características das pessoas e, principalmente,...
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Games can be seen as sign systems that reproduce cultural values similar to what books, movies and computers do to social reality, even if in the realm of imagination. However, when considering games' historical role in putting different motives into conflict, these can also be considered as systems of reality transformation. The practice of overco...
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Digital trends are signs of imminent social changes that appear linked to the use of digital technologies. It is believed that digital media, due to its decentralized structure, induces more radical differences than centralized analog media. The aim of this research is to assess the potential for social differentiation implied in the dissemination...
Interaction design is increasingly taking part in privileged history-making activities of our society. These activities require a responsible attitude to temporality, considering multiple courses of time and different ways of being in the world. This research introduces the concept of existential time drawn from the work of Álvaro Vieira Pinto to u...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo tem o objetivo posicionar o modding no campo de design, definido como uma modificação feita por um jogador no código de um jogo eletrônico com intenção de proporcionar uma nova experiência no jogar. Para isso, fizemos uma contextualização do fenômeno na história dos videogames e buscamos descrever a organização das comunidades praticant...
Conference Paper
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O corpo humano na literatura de codesign é geralmente referido como uma fonte ou recurso para o design corporificado mas não na expressão política e ontológica. Essa redução do corpo dificulta a inclusão nas abordagens de design de questões políticas que surgem da existência social desse corpo, tais como sexismo, racismo e outras formas de opressão...
Conference Paper
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Money is a crucial mediation for organizing in capitalist societies. Those who lack money cannot easily organize and raise collective consciousness. A naive form of consciousness may reject money to prevent greed and envy. Nevertheless, a critical state of consciousness should perceive money as a tool that can be redesigned to encourage different f...
Conference Paper
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1. INTRODUÇÃO Ao longo das últimas décadas, várias abordagens de projeto foram importadas e disseminadas dentro das práticas de design através do conceito de pensamento projetual oriundo da Califórnia (BROWN, 2020), tais como Design Centrado no Usuário (LOWDERMILK, 2019), Design Centrado no Ser-Humano (BOY, 2012) e outras abordagens que tentam colo...
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Design literature describes an expansion of design activity towards systemic relations, which requires dealing with controversies among multiple actors. These controversies have a sociotechnical nature, given the inextricably of social and technical relations. This research looks at the sociotechnical controversy in COVID-19 design responses to ass...
Institutionalized design education aims at training the human body to become a design body, a subject capable of designing according to aesthetic canons. In colonized territories, the modern canon predominates over indigenous, vernacular and other forms of expression. Manichaeism, utilitarianism, universalism, methodologism and various modern value...
A pandemia do coronavírus COVID-19 revelou fragilidades nos sistemas sócio-técnicos modernos. No Sul global, ela tornou visível o projeto político/empresarial que se beneficia de opressões enquanto se esquiva de discursos internacionais de preservação das pessoas e da natureza. Através do entrelaçamento dos conceitos de inversão infraestrutural, do...
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Este ensaio busca, através da aproximação do perspectivismo ameríndio e o campo transdisciplinar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS), contextualizar a pandemia do COVID-19 no Brasil sob um viés de responsabilidade. Para tal reflexão, o presente trabalho utiliza como base o termo metodológico inversão infraestrutural, que aponta para um process...
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Design pode ser tanto uma prática de liberdade quanto reprodução de opressão, dependendo de quem projeta, com ou para quem se projeta, o que se projeta, como se projeta e com quais intenções se projeta. Quando essa prática subestima, exclui, desrespeita ou engana pessoas que fazem parte de grupos histori- camente oprimidos, pode-se dizer que ela in...
Conference Paper
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Espacialidade e temporalidade são relações cruciais para a cocriação de cenários, pois dependem da articulação, a partir de metaobjetos, do espaço e tempo no metaespaço do projeto. Essa pesquisa investiga como tais relações se manifestam, analisando seus experimentos, que sugerem que as relações entre metaobjetos e metaespaço materializam cenários...
Conference Paper
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This research reports on a democratic design experiment organized by design students to unleash radical imagination in metadesign regarding the contemporary body and its political identity often underestimated. The socially engaged design practice welcomed dissensus as a source of creativity and diversity, it emerged from the activation of the poli...
Conference Paper
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PT Coletivos Autogestionários (CAs) são um tipo de organização humana caracterizada pela prática da autogestão, ou seja, pelo exercício de poder compartilhado. CAs costumam usar plataformas digitais para se organizar, devido às possibilidades de estruturação que estas oferecem. Plataformas digitais, por sua vez, buscam se organizar a partir de seus...
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Esta nota técnica descreve as etapas inicias do projeto Perifa Consciente, que visa a produção de recursos educacionais sobre a prevenção e o tratamento do COVID-19 para comunidades vulneráveis de Curitiba e região. O projeto surgiu da inquietação gerada pela desinformação espalhada intencionalmente sobre a pandemia por líderes políticos e classes...
Conference Paper
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Contemporary software engineering requires multidisciplinary teams, organized in different roles to collaborate. Among the roles, two are consolidating as complementary opposites: the developer and the designer. These roles require different backgrounds and skills, which makes the developer-designer collaboration quite difficult sometimes. Intendin...
Conference Paper
Over the last two decades, software educators have adopted new approaches, techniques, and tools for practical learning. Previous research has found that studio-based learning, which has been in use by some design and architecture courses, is suitable for learning the practical aspects of software engineering. The studies available recognize the pr...
The design studio is the standard approach for interaction design education in the Global North. Nevertheless, in the Global South, this approach is not directly applicable due to authoritarian educational systems founded on colonialist ideologies. This research reports on an attempt to appropriate the design studio and fundamental interaction desi...
Conference Paper
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Recent literature on Participatory Design describes the act of designing coalitions around a matter of concern. This paper challenges the notion of concern as the ontological basis of coalitions. Coalitions are, in fact, political organizational forms that have a long history in civil rights movements, characterized by the provisional union of diff...
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O objetivo deste artigo é identificar como a linguagem Afrofuturista se apropria de proposições correlatas as lutas do movimento negro brasileiro, como uma estratégia de resistência em relação ao racismo. A metodologia de análise se baseia em uma revisão bibliográfica a partir dos estudos de representação identitária (Stuart Hall), Movimento Negro...
Conference Paper
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A pesquisa sobre Educação em Design de Interação têm apontado para a necessidade de rever a prática reflexiva do ateliê de projetos frente ao uso crescente do material digital para intensificar opressões. Dentre as pedagogias críticas que estão sendo consideradas para trabalhar com esse fenômeno, o Teatro do Oprimido oferece um arsenal de técnicas...
Conference Paper
O desenvolvimento de plataformas Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) para trabalho colaborativo oferece grandes desafios para o projeto de interação, devido às características de coletividade, distribuição geográfica e divergências. Com o objetivo de compreender esse tipo de projeto de interação, está sendo conduzida uma pesquisa etnográfic...
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Resumo: O sistema capitalista utiliza das tecnologias do eu para o desenvolvimento de "estilos de vida" como produtos, alienando as pessoas de produzirem a própria subjetividade e, por consequência, a própria existência. O design contribui para essas relações, com métodos e processos de pesquisa e interpretação de subjetividades, no qual os sujeito...
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"Este ensaio é uma provocação para uma revisão crítica do papel do mo- vimento e da conexão em nosso imaginário urbano. Usamos a narrativa fic- cional para discutir uma variedade de temas como forma urbana, segregação, individualismo, territórios, tecnopolítica, as economias da hiperconexão, Big Data, vigilância, segurança, design de interação, int...
Conference Paper
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The video format has a long history in Human Computer Interaction research, in particular, in documenting interactions in usability tests and ethnographic studies. This format is also employed, to a lesser extent, to improvise new interactions, such as in video prototyping, collaborative videoing and design fictions. This makes video interesting fo...
Conference Paper
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A colaboração entre professores de cursos de graduação em Design de Moda e em Design Digital tem gerado diversas ações interdisciplinares. Na disciplina de Design de Vestuário foram realizadas três atividades de Moda relacionadas ao Digital, em 2015: A) uso de edição de imagens digitais para criação de superfícies, projetadas sob camisetas brancas,...
Conference Paper
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Human-Computer Interaction literature often includes the allegory of computers oppressing users through badly designed interfaces. Analyzing this oppression relation through the critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire, it is possible to say that computers are not oppressors, yet they can be considered oppressive if one social group is using it to oppress...
Dilemmas are pervasive in decision making. Although they offer the potential of reflecting on issues at stake from different perspectives, dilemmas often lead to paralysis for those encountering them. This study presents a three dimensional collaboration tool specifically developed to surface dilemmas in a multi-actor context. The assumption is tha...
The production of design space refers to the activity of an individual or a group of individuals considering alternatives and possibilities for a design brief. Design studies often consider constraints to be a major determinant of design space, yet this paper introduces the notion of contradiction to underscore a dialectical determination of design...
Design Livre is a conversation about creative ways of resisting the bad effects of globalization, such as technological dependence. This article tells the story of how this conversation started, where is it going now, and what is the relevance of its underlying topics.
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Background: Services have tangible and intangible aspects. Services are organized as a system of conceptual ideas (space of possibilities) and are enacted through social and physical arrangements (possibilities of space). Games are employed in service design to expand the space of possibilities with new insights; however, the possibilities of space...
Boundary crossing is a strategy as well as a tactic to bridge the gap between different activities in an organization. In design projects, boundary crossing is mainly associated with strategies such as multidisciplinary teams, integrated delivery methods and collaborative technologies. The value of these strategies in practice depends on the negoti...
Space is often designed based on the representations of user activities (i.e. lists, organograms or flowcharts) that streamline user activities in stepwise, oversimplified, representations that may leave insufficient room for future activity development. However, design can anticipate activity development if users are able to represent their own ac...
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This paper proposes an alternative perspective on the role of leadership in the context of collaborative practices in architecture, engineering and construction design. While most of current leadership literature is focused on outstanding individuals with abilities to influence others, the aim of this study is to focus on leadership as a set of eme...
The production of fictions within the design field are not disinterested speculations about distant futures, but intentional political actions in the present time. Fictions can entertain as much as cause social friction. This article discusses three sources of design fictions: a global information technology company; an art school in the UK; and a...
Conference Paper
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This paper provides a historical account of cannibalism as used to explain how Brazilians integrate foreign cultural influences into their own culture and introduces a design praxis based on it. From Modernism to Digital Culture, cannibalism is a recurring tactic used to overcome cultural traditions without throwing them out. It proposes the hybrid...
Conference Paper
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Ao analisar o Design como discurso, compreende-se um itinerário que vai do movimento de racionalização das atividades humanas até a industrialização da cultura material. A inclusão do humor nas reflexões teóricas e nas sistematizações metodológicas do Design opera neste contexto como abertura de espaço à emergência de discursos contrários ao domina...
Conference Paper
The website, that distributes a free software office suite, was restructured by participatory design with their user community and developers. To involve people that were geographically disperse in the process, Internet communication tools were used with traditional use forms or modified ones. The discussion's synthesis leveraged a new...
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A complexidade dos processos comunicacionais mediados pela tecnologia tem atraído a atenção de diversas áreas. Numa perspectiva pragmática, o Design de Interação visa a adequação destas mídias à uma determinada comunidade, porém, esse processo se dá num cenário político de conflitos culturais. A proposta de Design Participativo defende a autonomia...
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There is little discussion about power within Interaction Design field. To call attention to this issue, we present a model for discussing conflicts that arises at the human-artifact interface. We argue that artifacts support human behavior by providing adaptations, but these adaptations can expand or restrict human actions. Human action cannot be...
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br, (41) 3262-4754 Resumo A mídia interativa surge como solução e subproduto da crescente complexidade do conhecimento na sociedade atual. Objetos hipermidiáticos são ferramentas que combinam recursos áudio-visuais e interativos para expor conceitos complexos. Nesta mídia, não é possível separar meio de conteúdo, pois a interatividade com o usuário...