Frédéric Gimbert

Frédéric Gimbert
University of Franche-Comté | UFC · UMR 6249 Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement

PhD - Lecturer


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September 2010 - present
University of Franche-Comté
  • PhD Lecturer


Publications (89)
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Plastic has become the most widespread human-made material and small fragments (< 5mm, so called microplastics, MPs) accumulate in all the ecosystems. It is now admitted that the terrestrial environment represents an important sink for MPs and it has only recently become the focus of research, notably in ecotoxicology. In spite of a growing body of...
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Massive use of pesticides in conventional agriculture leads to accumulation in soil of complex mixtures, triggering questions about their potential ecotoxicological risk. This study assessed cropland soils containing pesticide mixtures sampled from conventional and organic farming systems at La Cage and Mons, France. The conventional agricultural f...
Environmental risk assessment of contaminated soils requires bioindicators that allow the assessment of bioavailability and toxicity of chemicals. Although many bioassays can determine the ecotoxicity of soil samples in the laboratory, few are available and standardized for on-site application. Bioassays based on specific threshold values that asse...
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To date, no study has linked the environmental and the ecogenotoxicological bioavailability of contaminants to land snails. Yet, understanding the specific ecotoxicological mechanisms from bioaccumulation to genotoxicity is necessary e.g., to build an adverse outcome pathway relevant to risk assessment. Consequently, the aim of our study is to look...
Ultramafic sediments exhibit high levels of geogenically-derived and potentially toxic metals, with Ni, Cr and Co often exceeding benchmark values. As yet, a holistic understanding of the bioavailability, mobility, potential ecotoxicity and trophic transfer of trace elements in both benthic and pelagic food chains in aquatic ultramafic environments...
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Over the course of history, the development of human societies implied the exploitation of mineral resources which generated huge amounts of mining wastes leading to substantial environmental contamination by various metal(loid)s. This is especially the case of coal mine tailings which, subjected to weathering reactions, produce acid mine drainage...
Afin de gérer durablement les sites et sols contaminés une évaluation des risques environnementaux (ERE) est requise. Ces ERE peuvent être basées sur l'approche intégrée TRIADE (ISO 19204, 2017) qui combine des analyses chimiques, écotoxicologiques et écologiques. L'escargot terrestre Cantareus aspersus, bioindicateur ubiquiste de la qualité des so...
Avec plus de 8300 millions de tonnes de plastique produit à ce jour, nous sommes rentrés dans une nouvelle ère, celle du plastique, dont les fragments, notamment de petite taille (< 5 mm = les microplastiques = MP), s'accumulent dangereusement dans les écosystèmes (Geyer et al. 2017). Si les milieux aquatiques ont quasi exclusivement concentré les...
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An accurate assessment of the environmental risk of soils contaminated by metal(loid)s (MEs) requires quantifying exposure and knowing the toxicity of contaminants transferred to biota. For this purpose, two indices have been developed with the bioindicator Cantareus aspersus to assess exposure (SET: sum of the excess of transfer) and risk (ERITME:...
Over the course of history, mining and metallurgical activities have influenced the socioeconomic development of human populations. However, these past and current activities can also lead to substantial environmental contamination by various metals. Here, we used an interdisciplinary approach (incorporating archaeology, mineralogy, environmental c...
Past and present metallurgical activity is the origin of the metallic contamination of some current soils. The purpose of this research is to assess the environmental risk of ancient Fe smelting wastes to the terrestrial compartment. For this purpose, two study sites were investigated in Bourgogne-Franche Comté (France). For each site, the soil con...
With the new soil uses such as land restoration and to protect wilderness, the human health risk assessment (HHRA) and environmental risk assessment (ERA) should be combined. Based on the relationships demonstrated between an indicator of soil quality, the land snail, and human exposure, the aim of this study is to examine the snail and human risk...
Telomeres (TLs) are non-coding DNA sequences that are usually shortened with ageing and/or chemical exposure. Bioindicators such as the land snail can be used to assess the environmental risk of contaminated soils. As for most invertebrates, the evolution of TLs with ageing or exposure to contaminants is unknown in this mollusc. The aims of this st...
The assessment of organism exposure is a key factor to describe environmental risk which results of the combination of the exposure and the toxicity of chemical in soils. Exposure can be evaluated using bioavailability assays using bioindicators of the soil fauna, such as the terrestrial land snail Cantareus aspersus. Although methologies exist to...
Environmental risk assessment of contaminated soils should ideally be carried out with complementary approaches (chemical and biological) conducted in situ and ex situ. While biological methods based on the assessment of effect and bioaccumulation in bioindicators exist for soil fauna organisms, such as land snails, the methodology is currently lim...
Mineral resource exploitation by human societies throughout history led to the deposit of mining and smelting wastes and the subsequent contamination of surrounding soils by trace metals. After several centuries, the impact of these legacy hazardous wastes may remain a cause of environmental concern, especially for indigenous soil invertebrate popu...
L’évaluation des risques environnementaux (ERE) des sites et sols pollués doit être idéalement effectuée en combinant des approches complémentaires (chimiques et biologiques) conduites tant in situ qu’ex situ. In fine, l’ERE doit intégrer l’estimation de l’exposition des organismes (biodisponibilité environnementale) et du danger des contaminants (...
Dans le contexte de l’évaluation des risques sanitaires (ERS) et environnementaux (ERE), un des objectifs du programme COMBINE, soutenu par l’ADEME est de confronter les outils utilisés dans ces évaluations. Sur vingt-neuf échantillons de terres contaminées par l’As, le Cd et le Pb, ont été réalisées d’une part, un test in vitro de bioaccessibilité...
Human health risk assessment (HHRA) and ecotoxicological risk assessment (ERA) of contaminated soils are frequently performed separately and based on total soil concentrations without considering the concepts of mobility, bioaccessibility and bioavailability. However, some chemical and biological assays rarely used in combination can be applied to...
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Telomeres (TLs) play major roles in stabilizing the genome and are usually shortened with ageing. The maintenance of TLs is ensured by two mechanisms involving telomerase (TA) enzyme and alternative lengthening telomeres (ALT). TL shortening and/or TA inhibition have been related to health effects on organisms (leading to reduced reproductive lifes...
Les télomères (TL) sont des séquences d'ADN non-codantes, répétées, conservées et localisées à l'extrémité des chromosomes. Ils ont un rôle de protection et de stabilisation du génome (Oeseburg et al., 2010; Grach, 2013). Pour de nombreux animaux et l'homme, les TL raccourcissent avec le vieillissement des individus (Louzon et al., soumis). Par con...
Les contaminations des sols par les éléments métalliques peuvent avoir des effets toxiques sur les individus, causant notamment des inhibitions de la maturité sexuelle, l'altération des capacités reproductives des individus, voir l'effondrement des populations et l'altération de la structure des communautés (Sparling, 2016). Pour hiérarchiser les r...
In the current context of polluted sites and soils, human health risk assessment (HHRA) and ecotoxicological risk assessment (ERA) are conducted independently and mainly based on the measurement of total contaminant concentrations in soils. Considering that all contaminants in the soil are mobile and available for organisms, these evaluations are i...
The environmental risk assessment (ERA) of polluted fields and soils should ideally be carried out with complementary approaches (chemical and biological) conducted in situ and ex situ. If biological methods based on effect and bioaccumulation exist for bioindicators of the soil fauna such as landsnails, the methodology is currently only applicable...
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A 157-cm-long sediment core from Longemer Lake in the Vosges Mountains of France spans the past two millennia and was analyzed for trace metal content and lead isotope composition. Trace metal accumulation rates highlight three main input phases: Roman Times (cal. 100 BC–AD 400), the Middle Ages (cal. AD 1000–1500), and the twentieth century. Atmos...
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Household wastes may constitute a vector of envi- ronmental contamination when buried, in particular through degradation and production of leachates containing significant trace metal (TM) concentrations that may constitute a serious risk to biota. The objectives of this study were to assess the bioavailability and transfer potential of various TMs...
Iron mining activities in the Bruche valley (Vosges Mountains, France) date historically from the Roman period to the mid-nineteenth century. The geochemical and palynological study of a core from the peat bog of Le Champ du Feu allows highlighting impacts of these activities over the past millennium. Trace metal contamination is recorded for lead...
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Lead (Pb)-contaminated sites that resulted from past mining and smelting activities still pose toxicological and ecotoxicological issues worldwide. A large body of research has been dedicated to evaluating the contamination and proposing mitigation strategies for recently contaminated sites (from the 19th century until the present). The possible im...
Dietary transfer of mercury (Hg) is central for its effects on higher trophic animals, nonetheless, its driving parameters and characteristics are not well understood. Here we measured Hg species transfer (uptake) from the macrophyte Elodea nuttallii -mimicking tissues incorporation in sediments after decay- to Chironomus riparius. Methyl-Hg (MMHg)...
The environmental risk of trace metals (TMs) in a former lead (Pb)-silver (Ag) mining district in the Vosges Mountains (France) was assessed based on two biological indices: (i) the excess of transfer TM from the soil to biota (SET index) and (ii) the toxicological risk associated with these excess transfers (ERITME index). This study constitutes t...
A full life-cycle (240 days) bioassay using the terrestrial snail, Cantareus aspersus, allowing exposure during embryogenesis and/or the growth and reproduction phases, was used to assess the effects of Bypass®, a glyphosate-based herbicide (GlyBH), on a range of endpoints, including parameters under endocrine control. As a positive control, a mixt...
Conference Paper
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In human history, socio-economic development was strongly influenced by metal resources through mining and metallurgical activities, for instance, of lead (Pb), silver (Ag), or iron (Fe) (Tylecote, 1987). However, they can lead to a significant environmental contamination through the emission of metal-rich particles and wastes. Hence, Mariet et al....
Mercury (Hg) represents an important risk for human health through the food webs contamination. Macrophytes bioaccumulate Hg and play a role in Hg transfer to food webs in shallow aquatic ecosystems. Nevertheless, the compartmentalization of Hg within macrophytes, notably major accumulation in the cell wall and its impact on trophic transfer to pri...
Mining and smelting activities have contaminated the environment with trace metals (TMs) at a worldwide scale for at least two millennia. A combination of chemical approaches and active biomonitoring was performed to analyse the environmental availability and bioavailability of TM palaeo-pollution in a former PbAg mining district in the Vosges Moun...
Au cours de l’Histoire, les activités d’exploitation minière et métallurgique des métaux tels que le plomb (Pb), l’argent (Ag) ou le fer (Fe), ont joué un rôle important dans le développement socio-économique des populations humaines. Cependant, elles ont dans le même temps engendré une contamination significative de l’environnement (émissions atmo...
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Wastewater plants generated annually millions of tons of sewage sludge (SS). Large amounts of this organic residue are spread on agricultural lands as fertilizer although it is viewed as a major potential source of contamination, presenting a danger to the terrestrial and aquatic environment. This study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of this...
Coring was carried out in a soligenous marsh in the Vosges Mountains in the past mining district of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (eastern France). High-resolution palynological, non-pollen-palynomorph, and geochemical analyses were performed along the core. Correlations between the herbal composition of the landscape and trace metals in the core reveal a...
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Despite growing concerns about the potential adverse effects of elevated mercury (Hg) concentrations in the terrestrial environment, only a few toxicity data are available for soil invertebrates. The chronic toxicity of inorganic Hg-Hg(II)-through food or soil contaminations was therefore assessed for the snail Cantareus aspersus, a well-recognized...
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To better understand the fate of metals in the environment, numerous parameters must be studied, such as the soil properties and the different sources of contamination for the organisms. Among bioindicators of soil quality, the garden snail (Cantareus aspersus) integrates multiple sources (e.g. soil, plant) and routes (e.g. digestive, cutaneous) of...
Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd concentrations in a soil plant (Lactuca sativa) continuum were measured after sewage sludge amendment. The effects of sewage sludge on growth and trace metal bioaccumulation in snails (Cantareus aspersus) were investigated in a laboratory experiment specif- ically designed to identify contamination sources (e.g., soil and leaves)...
Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd concentrations in a soil plant (Lactuca sativa) continuum were measured after sewage sludge amendment. The effects of sewage sludge on growth and trace metal bioaccumulation in snails (Cantareus aspersus) were investigated in a laboratory experiment specifically designed to identify contamination sources (e.g., soil and leaves)....
Subcellular fractionation of metals in organisms was proposed as a better way to characterize metal bioaccumulation. Here we report the impact of a laboratory exposure to a wide range of field-metal contaminated soils on the subcellular partitioning of metals in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa. Soils moderately contaminated were chosen to cre...
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Les analyses diachronique et synchronique menées sur le district minier de Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (massif des Vosges) permettent d'obtenir une approche temporelle et spatiale de la contamination en six éléments traces métalliques (ETMs). Quatre périodes d'émissions de contaminants métalliques sont mises en évidence. Les trois premières (11e, 15e si...
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Current soil quality evaluation does not include an assessment of metal bioavailability to organisms. However, sentinel soil-dwelling invertebrates can be used for such an assessment. This study aims to establish the modulating soil parameter of metal bioavailability to snails and a procedure for ranking field sites (n = 9; 43 plots) based on the e...
Although soil characteristics modulate metal mobility and bioavailability to organisms, they are often ignored in the risk assessment of metal transfer. This paper aims to determine the ability of chemical methods to assess and predict cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) environmental bioavailability to the land snail Cantareus aspersus. Snails w...
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The sediment of Venice Lagoon regularly undergoes complex redistribution due to tidal forcing, which affects the cycling of contaminants such as mercury (Hg) between the sediment and the water column. We examined the distribution of total Hg (THg) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) in the water column, sediment and pore-water at two sites: VE1 (located i...
As part of a program to assess the transfer of metals from soil to dairy products, the transfer of metal trace elements to milk and cheese was studied. Concentrations of non-essential (Cd and Pb) and essential elements (Cu and Zn) were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry in 61 samples of raw milk and 21 of the corresponding cheese. While m...
This study investigates the relevance of several soil chemical extractions (calcium chloride, acetic acid, citric acid and a four-step sequential procedure) and predicted free metal ion activities in the soil solution to characterise the transfer of trace metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) from soil to snail soft tissues over a large smelter-impacted area (Me...
Bioavailability is a key parameter in conditioning contaminant transfer to biota. However, in risk assessment of terrestrial contamination, insufficient attention is being paid to the influence of soil type on trace metal bioavailability. This paper addresses the influence of soil properties on the chemical availability of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb...
A cross-transplantation field experiment was performed to investigate about possible adaptation/acclimatization to metal pollution in common garden snail Cantareus aspersus (ex-Helix aspersa) and brown-lipped grove snail Cepaea nemoralis populations. Adults were collected from an area surrounding a former smelter (ME), highly polluted by trace meta...
In this study, a N-benzyl disulfonate derivative of chitosan is used for the removal of basic dye molecules from aqueous solution. The effectiveness of this material in adsorbing three basic dyes, namely Basic Blue 3 (BB 3), Basic Blue 9 (BB 9) and Basic Green 4 (BG 4), has been studied as a function of initial concentration using the batch method...
The present work revealed that growth and reproduction of Helix aperta (syn. Cantareus apertus), sampled at the end of summer in the region of Bazina (Tunisia), are stimulated by short-day photoperiod (SD 8hL-16hD) and inhibited by long-day photoperiod (LD 18hL-6hD). Indeed, under SD at 20 degrees C, 80% humidity and ad libitum Helixal snail food,...
Environmental risk management associated to soil contamination requires an understanding of the mechanisms that control pollutant fate in this medium. However, the current procedures for risk assessment ignore that soil variability may result in substantial differences in contaminant uptake and effects in organisms. The first aim was to identify th...
Insect resistant Bt-maize (MON 810) expresses active Cry1Ab endotoxin derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Snails constitute non-target soil species potentially exposed to Bt-toxin through consumption of plant material and soil in fields where transgenic plants have been grown. We studied the effect of the Cry1Ab toxin on survival, growth and...
Ce travail montre que la croissance et la reproduction des escargots naticoïdes (Helix aperta, syn. Cantareus apertus) récoltés en fin d'été dans la région de Bazina (Tunisie) sont stimulées par les photopériodes de jours courts (JC = 8hL–16hO) et inhibées par celles de jours longs (JL = 18hL–6hO). Ainsi sous JC, à 20 ◦C, humidité de 80% et nourrit...
We document the kinetics of bromadiolone in two rodent populations after a field control of water voles, and their implications for predator exposure. Water voles and common voles were trapped aboveground and underground from 1 to 135 days after bromadiolone treatment in the field. Livers, digestive tracts, and rests of the body were analyzed separ...
This article describes the use of a cationized starch-based material as new ion-exchanger adsorbent for the removal of C.I. Acid Blue 25 (AB 25) from aqueous solutions. Batch adsorption studies concerning the effects of contact time, pH and temperature are presented and discussed. Adsorption experimental data showed that: (i) the process was unifor...
This article describes the adsorption of an anionic dye, namely C.I. Acid Blue 25 (AB 25), from aqueous solutions onto a cationized starch-based adsorbent. Temperature was varied to investigate its effect on the adsorption capacity. Equilibrium adsorption isotherms were measured for the single component system and the experimental data were analyze...
To understand bioaccumulation kinetics of metals within biota inhabiting industrially contaminated soils, toxicokinetic dynamics and subcellular fractionation were carried out with the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa in a long-term (six-month) laboratory experiment. Accumulation and elimination kinetics were determined for Cd, Pb, and Zn in both vi...
To understand bioaccumulation kinetics of metals within biota inhabiting industrially contaminated soils, toxicokinetic dynamics and subcellular fractionation were carried out with the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa in a long-term (six-month) laboratory experiment. Accumulation and elimination kinetics were determined for Cd, Pb, and Zn in both vi...
Chitosan-based adsorbent (CHITOD material) is used for the removal of Basic Blue 3 (BB 3) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption of BB 3 on CHITOD material was studied as a function of time, sorbent mass and concentration. The influence of these parameters on the adsorption capacity was evaluated using the batch method. Results of adsorption experi...
Juvenile snails were exposed during their growth period to Cd-contaminated field and artificial soils and then transferred to uncontaminated soil to assess the sequels of previous exposure on adult reproduction. Growth modelling highlighted growth inhibitions of 5% and 10% after 70 and 84 days of exposure to 20 and 100 mg Cd kg(-1) in artificial so...
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Transfer and toxic effects of two cadmium (Cd) forms, inorganic (CdCl2 dosed rat food) or organic (contaminated snail-based rat food) were studied in Wistar rat. Cd concentrations in rat food were 0 and 2.5 microg Cd g(-1) for both inorganic and organic forms and a high concentration of 100 microg Cd g(-1) was also tested for the inorganic form. Ra...