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January 2003 - present
January 2000 - December 2002
Publications (174)
Managing forests to sustain their diversity and functioning is a major challenge in a changing world. Despite the key role of understory vegetation in driving forest biodiversity, regeneration and functioning, few studies address the functional dimensions of understory vegetation response to silvicultural management.
We assessed the influence of th...
Climate is a major driver of large-scale variability in biodiversity, as a likely result of more intense biotic interactions under warmer conditions. This idea fuelled decades of research on plant-herbivore interactions, but much less is known about higher-level trophic interactions. We addressed this research gap by characterizing both bird di...
The European biodiversity and forest strategies rely on forest sustainable management (SFM) to conserve forest biodiversity. However, current sustainability assessments hardly account for direct biodiversity indicators. We focused on forest multi-taxon biodiversity to: i) gather and map the existing information; ii) identify knowledge and research...
Climate is a major driver of large scale variability in biodiversity, as a likely result of more intense biotic interactions under warmer conditions. This idea fuelled decades of research on plant-herbivore interactions, but much less is known about higher-level trophic interactions. We addressed this research gap by characterizing both bird di...
There are literature data on the occurrence of 26 orchid species and 2 hybrids in economic poplar plantations from 13 European countries. The occurrence of 4 additional species in poplar plantations in 3 countries is proved by sources on the World Wide Web. The most widespread orchids in the poplar plantations are the rhizomatous, partial myco-hete...
Road construction is expanding worldwide, exacerbating both direct mortality by road-kills and habitat fragmentation , especially for mobile vertebrates such as bats. Understanding how road density affects bat communities in mosaic landscapes of various compositions and configurations is therefore critical. We acoustically sampled bat communities i...
There are literature data on the occurrence of 26 orchid species and 2 hybrids in economic poplar plantations from 13 European countries. The occurrence of 4 additional species in poplar plantations in 3 countries is proved by sources on the World Wide Web. The most widespread orchids in the poplar plantations are the rhizomatous, partial myco-hete...
Animal movement determines home range patterns, which in turn affect individual fitness, population dynamics and ecosystem functioning. Using temperate bats, a group of particular conservation concern, we investigated how morphological traits, habitat specialization and environmental variables affect home range sizes and daily foraging movement...
Les petites chouettes de montagne (Chouette de Tengmalm, Aegolius funereus (Linnaeus, 1758) et Chevêchette d’Europe, Glaucidium passerinum (Linnaeus, 1758)) sont représentées en France par quelques centaines à quelques milliers de couples. Elles font l’objet d’une attention particulière au regard de leur rareté et en tant qu’espèces emblématiques d...
Small mountain owls (the Tengmalm Owl, Aegolius funereus (Linnaeus, 1758) and the Eurasian
Pygmy Owl, Glaucidium passerinum (Linnaeus, 1758)) comprise a few hundred to a few thousand
couples in France. Th eir conservation is at stake regarding their rarity, especially with respect to
global change issues. However, their distributions remind little...
(a) Is forest temporal continuity an important factor in structuring the riparian plant communities along small alluvial valleys? (b) To what extent can distance from the stream modulate the effect of forest continuity and provide a better understanding of the taxonomic and functional structure of these communities?
Ouanne water...
Climate warming reshuffles biological assemblages towards less cold‐adapted but more warm‐adapted species, a process coined thermophilization. However, the velocity at which this process is happening generally lags behind the velocity of climate change, generating a climatic debt the temporal dynamics of which remain misunderstood. Relying on h...
The worldwide expansion of road networks is a major concern in biological conservation because of its predominantly negative effects on terrestrial fauna. Roads also affect bats, acting as barriers to movements and causing direct mortality by collisions with vehicles. Among wildlife crossing structures existing to maintain landscape connectivity, r...
Forests constitute one of the most important feeding and foraging habitats for bats. Because bat populations are declining, most likely due to habitat loss or fragmentation, it is imperative to understand the issues concerned with timber exploitation on bat conservation. We investigated the foraging activity of edge-and open-space foragers in relat...
Habitat turnover concomitantly causes destruction and creation of habitat patches. Following such a perturbation, metapopulations harbor either an extinction debt or an immigration credit, that is the future decrease or increase in population numbers due to this disturbance. Extinction debt and immigration credit are rarely considered simultaneousl...
To encourage forest managers to use biodiversity indicators in their work, providing environmental variables that depict species habitats, have well-calibrated and strong relationships with biodiversity and are easy to routinely record would be a step forward. The Index of Biodiversity Potential (IBP) is a rapid habitat assessment method widely use...
A bstract
The Theory of Island Biogeography (TIB) promoted the idea that species richness within sites depends on site connectivity, i.e. its connection with surrounding potential sources of immigrants. TIB has been extended to a wide array of fragmented ecosystems, beyond archipelagoes, surfing on the analogy between habitat patches and islands an...
Managing forests to preserve biodiversity requires a good knowledge not only of the factors driving its dynamics but also of the structural elements that actually support biodiversity. Tree-related microhabitats (e.g. cavities, cracks, conks of fungi) are tree-borne features that are reputed to support specific biodiversity for at least a part of s...
Full dataset used in the present paper.
Distribution of plots and trees across the study sites (see map, Fig 1).
Accumulation levels of microhabitats per tree (number of microhabitats and occurrence) for a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) increment from 50 cm to 100 cm issued from generalised linear mixed models with Poisson (number) and binomial (occurrence) error distributions.
Beech: Fagus sylvatica; fir: Abies alba; oak: Quercus spp.; pine: Pinus spp.; and...
Scaled estimates for occurrence of microhabitat types per tree from a generalised linear mixed model with a binomial error distribution and plot nested in site as a random effect.
DBH: Diameter at Breast Height; SE: standard error of the mean. Beech: Fagus sylvatica; fir: Abies alba; oak: Quercus spp.; pine: Pinus spp.; and spruce: Picea abies. p =...
Relationship between occurrence of microhabitats per tree and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH, cm) by species and living status (living vs. dead standing trees).
Lines represent estimates from generalized mixed effect models with a binomial error distribution. Ribbons show the 95% confidence interval of the mean. For the representation, pH and eleva...
Scaled estimates for number of microhabitat types per tree from a generalised linear mixed model with a Poisson error distribution and plot nested in site as a random effect.
DBH: Diameter at Breast Height; SE: standard error of the mean: p = p value; ***p<0.001; **p<0.01; *p<0.05. Beech: Fagus sylvatica; fir: Abies alba; oak: Quercus spp.; pine: P...
Scaled estimates for number of microhabitat types per tree for beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pine (Pinus spp.) from a generalised linear mixed model with a Poisson error distribution and plot nested in site as a random effect.
DBH: Diameter at Breast Height; SE: standard error of the mean. p = p value; ***p<0.001; **p<0.01; *p<0.05.
Relationship between total number of microhabitats (N microhabitats per tree) and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH, cm) by genus for living trees only. Lines represent estimates from generalized mixed effect models with a Poisson error distribution.
Ribbons show the 95% confidence interval of the mean. For this representation, pH and elevation were h...
This Supllementary File provides details of the statistical analyses performed for each of the 10 bat species studied in Langridge et al. 2019 Forest Ecology and Management 448 (2019) 559–571
Increasing deer and wild boar populations in North America and Western Europe are suspected of threatening low-nesting forest birds. Ungulates may directly affect these birds by predating eggs or chicks, or indirectly attract other mammalian or avian predators or reduce nesting site availability and habitat quality. To test some of these various me...
Managing forests to preserve biodiversity requires a good knowledge not only of the factors driving its dynamics but also of the structural elements that actually support biodiversity. Tree-related microhabitats (cavities, cracks, conks of fungi) are tree-borne features that are reputed to support specific biodiversity for at least a part of specie...
Y a-t-il plus bel emblème de la nature que les oiseaux ? Non seulement ils peuplent notre imaginaire mais ils sont absolument partout à la surface du globe. Pourquoi ce succès ? Les oiseaux bénéficient d'un de ces coups de génie de l'évolution, la plume. Elle permet au lagopède alpin de se fondre incroyablement dans le paysage, été comme hiver, com...
Butterflies have been continuously declining for several decades in Europe due to many factors, such as farming intensification. Rural landscapes have undergone dramatic changes leading to homogenized landscapes.
In this study, we investigated how landscape composition, structure and connectivity impact butterfly communities acc...
Reducing stand density by thinning intensification has been emphasized as an efficient strategy of forest adaptation to climate change as it improves stand resistance to drought. Yet, it is still unclear how it could affect litter carbon (C) cycling processes. Recent evidence indicates that the plasticity of an oak tree species can lead to a declin...
National and international forest biodiversity assessments largely rely on indirect indicators, based on elements of forest structure that are used as surrogates for species diversity. These proxies are reputedly easier and cheaper to assess than biodiversity. Tree microhabitats—tree‐borne singularities such as cavities, conks of fungi or bark char...
Cross-taxon surrogacy (between-taxon similarities in species patterns) can help conservation biologists to design simplified, standardized and efficient tools for biodiversity monitoring. Our study aims to identify potential sets of indicator taxa to be recommended in temperate forests. We focused on nine forest taxa: vascular plants, bryophytes, s...
Many Western European and North American countries are experiencing a strong reforestation since two centuries due to agricultural abandonment. Other land use changes, such as urbanization, can simultaneously trigger forest erosion. In this context of habitat turnover, forest understorey plant dynamics depends on the balance between immig...
In Boulanger et al (2018), we investigated the effects of ungulates on forest plant diversity. By suggesting a revisit of our conclusions regarding ecosystem dynamics since the late Pleistocene, Fløjgaard et al (2018) came to the conclusion that moderate grazing in forest should be a conservation target. Since major points of our paper were mis- or...
Large wild ungulates are a major biotic factor shaping plant communities. They influence species abundance and occurrence directly by herbivory and plant dispersal, or indirectly by modifying plant-plant interactions and through soil disturbance. In forest ecosystems, researchers’ attention has been mainly focused on deer overabundance. Far less is...
La dégradation et la fragmentation des milieux naturels par les activités humaines sont responsables de l'appauvrissement de la biodiversité. Les papillons de jour, espèces emblématiques des milieux naturels, ne sont pas épargnés. Des scientifiques d'Irstea ont étudié l'influence de l'organisation des paysages agricoles sur la distribution et la di...
Après les Crambidae, Pyralidae et Tortricidae, cet article poursuit l'inventaire des Microlépidoptères du département du Loiret et traite de l'ensemble des autres familles. Cette synthèse repose sur quatre-vingt-quinze mentions de la littérature et de quatre cent soixante-une observations inédites de Microlépidoptères du département du Loiret du XI...
Les populations de sangliers et de cerfs sont en constante augmentation depuis plusieurs décennies en France. Ces deux espèces sont connues pour interagir fortement avec leur environnement, occasionnant localement des modifications dans la composition des communautés floristiques et faunistiques. Parmi elles, les populations de passereaux forestier...
La présente note établit la synthèse des soixante-douze mentions de la littérature et de quatre cent soixante-trois observations inédites de Tortricidae du département du Loiret, du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Cette compilation permet de dresser une liste de cent vingt-deux espèces, dont soixante-dix-huit sont citées pour la première fois du départeme...
Scientific research and forest management practices are two strategic levers that can be activated to better preserve forest biodiversity. These interacting fields of activities feed public policies and vice versa. They are organized in different ways and at different scales across countries, driven by various stakeholders and individuals. Our main...
Previous analyses of the regional distribution of forest plants have revealed that some species have a biased distribution towards either ancient or recent forest patches. It has been therefore proposed to classify forest plant species according to their affinity for ancient or recent patches. In this contribution, we aimed at providing a dynamical...
Edge contrast, is one of the main determinants of edge effects. This study examines the response of plant and pollinator diversity (bees and butterflies) to forest edge contrast, i.e. the difference between
forests and adjacent open habitats with different disturbance regimes. We also investigated a potential cascading effect from plants to pollina...
There is no unified evidence base to help decision-makers understand how the multiple components of natural capital interact to deliver ecosystem services. We systematically reviewed 780 papers, recording how natural capital attributes (29 biotic attributes and 11 abiotic factors) affect the delivery of 13 ecosystem services. We develop a simple ty...
Interest and limits of old collections: the case of the genera Pyrgus and Carcharodus from Loir-et-Cher in the Pichery collection (XIXth century) (Lepidoptera Hesperiidae). The authors of the "Papillons du Loiret" (Atlas of the Butterflies and Burnets of the Department Loiret) have investigated, for their Atlas, past publications and a collection t...
A contribution to the inventory of the Heterocera from Department of the Loiret (45) (5th part) (Lepidoptera Geometridae : Sterrhinae). The present article is the fifth detailing observations of Heterocera undertaken by the authors in the Department of the Loiret. It deals with the finaly Geometridae (second part) and it is based upon 171 light-tra...
ContextContext Bats are considered as an ecological indicator of habitat quality due to their sensitivity to human-induced ecosystem changes. Hence, we will focus the study on two indicator species of bats as a proxy to evaluate structure and composition of the landscape to analyze anthropic pressures driving changes in patterns. Objectives
This st...
Tree microhabitats (cavities, conks of fungi, bark features) play an important role for both rare and specialized species biodiversity; their preservation should therefore be targeted by biodiversity-friendly forest practices. However, when compared to other old-growth characteristics like deadwood or large trees, tree microhabitats have only recen...
In a context of climate change and expected increasing drought frequency, it is important to select tree species adapted to water deficit. Experimentation in tree nurseries makes it possible to control for various factors such as water supply. We analyzed the spectral responses for two genetic varieties of Douglas fir sapling exposed to different l...
The importance of plant litter traits and decomposability for nutrient cycling processes and plant community dynamics through plant-litter-soil feedbacks has been largely emphasized. However, the role of biotic interactions as drivers of intraspecific variability in litter traits remains surprisingly little studied. In this study, we used a large-s...
Pour saisir la portée et l'intérêt du projet GNB, il ne suffit pas de connaître ses objectifs, dûment fondés sur un bilan circonstancié de l'état des connaissances. Il faut aussi appréhender sa démarche « expérimentale », à commencer par la stratégie d'échantillonnage et d'inventaires ; il faut comprendre le choix de méthodes d'analyse statistique...
Cet article conclut le dossier consacré au projet Gestion forestière, Naturalité, Biodiversité, qui s'est attaché à comparer la biodiversité de sept groupes taxonomiques (flore vasculaire, bryophytes, champignons lignicoles, carabes, coléoptères saproxyliques, oiseaux et chiroptères) dans des réserves forestières intégrales et dans leurs équivalent...
La naturalité dite anthropique correspond au fait de soustraire les peuplements aux perturbations liées à l'exploitation des bois. Elle a une composante temporelle liée à la durée depuis l'arrêt d'exploitation, et une composante spatiale qui correspond à la taille de la réserve mais aussi à d'autres aspects comme la proportion en réserve dans le pa...
Le présent article (le premier d'une série de trois sur les Microhétérocères du Loiret) établit la synthèse des 61 mentions de la littérature et de 719 observations inédites pour le département relatives aux Pyralidae et aux Crambidae, s'échelonnant du XIXe siècle à la période contemporaine. Cette compilation permet de dresser une liste de 104 espè...
Les auteurs relatent la découverte d'Eupithecia egenaria dans l'est du département du Loiret.
L'examen des Eupithecia renfermés dans une collection conservée à l'Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture (Nogent-sur-Vernisson, Loiret) a permis d'y reconnaître cinq espèces recueillies dans le Loiret, dont deux n'avaient encore jamais été signalées de ce département.
En décembre 2015, la Société pour le Muséum d’Orléans et les Sciences (So.MOS) et la revue Alexanor ont publié le premier Atlas des Rhopalocères et Zygènes du Loiret. Cet ouvrage, fondé pour l’essentiel sur des données récoltées entre 2000 et 2013 et comparées à celles issues d’un important travail d’investigations bibliographiques et muséologiques...
Abstract. 1. The relative importance of local- and landscape-scale factors on butterfly diversity can depend on the quality, management intensity and landscape context of habitat patches. This study aims to disentangle these local and landscape effects on taxonomic and functional composition of butterfly communities
within mosaic agricultural lands...
Objectif: Etudier les liens plantes-collemboles via leurs traits fonctionnels le
long d’un gradient d'ouverture de la canopée arborée de chêne
Anthropogenic activities readily result in the fragmentation of habitats such that species persistence increasingly depends on their ability to disperse. However, landscape features that enhance or limit individual dispersal are often poorly understood. Landscape genetics has recently provided innovative solutions to evaluate landscape res...
Plant–soil interactions are increasingly recognized to play a major role in terrestrial ecosystems functioning. However, few studies to date have focused on slow dynamic ecosystems such as forests. As they are vertically stratified by multiple vegetation strata, canopy tree removal by thinning operations could alter forest plant community through t...
A major conservation challenge in mosaic landscapes is to understand how trait-specific responses to habitat edges affect bird communities, including potential cascading effects on bird functions providing ecosystem services to forests, such as pest control. Here, we examined how bird species richness, abundance and community composition varied fro...
A major conservation challenge in mosaic landscapes is to understand how
trait-specific responses to habitat edges affect bird communities, including
potential cascading effects on bird functions providing ecosystem services to
forests, such as pest control. Here, we examined how bird species richness,
abundance and community composition varied fro...
Appendix S1. Land cover percentages for 10 main land‐cover types in a buffer of 500 m around each sampling site included in this study.
Appendix S2. Mean transect abundance and total abundance of 50 most abundant bird species recorded across the three regions.
Understanding the factors contributing to maintaining biodiversity is crucial to mitigate the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. Representing large proportions of green area in highly modified landscapes, residential gardens are often seen as local habitats that can contribute to larger networks of suitable environments at the landscape...
Understanding the factors contributing to maintaining biodiversity is crucial to mitigate the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. Representing large proportions of green area in highly modified landscapes, residential gardens are often seen as local habitats that can contribute to larger networks of suitable environments at the landscape scale. W...
Increasing ungulate populations have been considered to drive changes in woodland bird communities in temperate and boreal forests. Ungulates may negatively affect understory-dependent woodland birds either directly or indirectly. For instance ungulates may prey on nests, or they may reduce the availability of nesting sites, foraging resources or c...
A landscape ecology approach that incorporates the spatial dimension towards the analysis of habitat protection and species diversity provides an efficient and integrative methodology for decision making in facilitating the implementation of conservation measures. The holistic vision of landscape ecology helps the understanding of complex interacti...
Sustainable forest management aims to produce wood while preserving habitats for biodiversity, which is particularly challenging for vertebrates with local and landscape scale requirements, such as birds or bats. Managers need additional scientific evidence to help them balance conservative and integrative management methods. In this study, the rel...
To disentangle whether long‐range periphery‐to‐core gradient of forest understorey plants could be attributed to past forest landscape and/or to current environmental filtering processes. We investigated (1) whether species response to past land use (ancient versus recent forest) was consistent with species response to distance to present fores...
Species distribution models (SDMs) have shown great potential in helping to achieve conservation planning goals by refining our knowledge of species distributions. SDMs extrapolate species distribution data in space and time, usually based on a statistical model. These models identify areas that are ecologically suitable for the presence of species...