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Publications (72)
Co-production is an umbrella term used to describe the process of generating knowledge through partnerships between researchers and those who will use or benefit from research. Multiple advantages of research co-production have been hypothesized, and in some cases documented, in both the academic and practice record. However, there are s...
This paper is a reflection on how evaluators could approach theories of change through a foresight lens. It explores the role of assumptions and especially anticipatory assumptions in how we design our theories of change. It argues for a more open approach, a transdisciplinary approach to the multiple knowledges we bring to bear. It goes on to argu...
Co-production is an umbrella term used to describe the process of generating knowledge by bringing together researchers and those who will use research to work in partnership. Multiple benefits of research co-production have been hypothesized, and in some cases documented, in the academic and practice record. However, there are significa...
WHO publishes public health and clinical guidelines to guide Member States in achieving better health outcomes. Furthermore, WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work for 2019–2023 prioritizes strengthening its normative functional role and uptake of normative and standard-setting products, including guidelines at the country level. The...
World Health Organization (WHO) publishes public health, clinical and data-use guidelines to guide member states to achieve better health outcomes. Furthermore, the WHO's Thirteenth General Programme of Work for 2019−2023 prioritizes strengthening its normative functional role and uptake of normative and standard-setting products, incl...
Research co-production is an umbrella term used to describe research users and researchers working together to generate knowledge. Research co-production is used to create knowledge that is relevant to current challenges and to increase uptake of that knowledge into practice, programs, products, and/or policy. Yet, rigorous theories and...
Research coproduction offers great promise for science and society. Yet, the mainstream approaches to research evaluation largely overlook the nuances of coproduction research, and thus provide limited value to improving coproduction, which can devalue the work and those who do it. It is our view, that without rigorous evaluation the potential of c...
Research co-production is an umbrella term used to describe research users and researchers working together to generate knowledge. Research co-production is used to create knowledge that is relevant to current challenges and to increase uptake of that knowledge into practice, programs, products, and/or policy. Yet, rigorous theories and...
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book explores the critical role that local knowledge plays in public policy processes as well as its role in the co-production of policy relevant knowledge with the scientific and professional communities. The authors consider the mechanisms used by local organisations and the constraints and oppor...
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book explores the critical role that local knowledge plays in public policy processes as well as its role in the co-production of policy relevant knowledge with the scientific and professional communities. The authors consider the mechanisms used by local organisations and the constraints and oppor...
This chapter synthesises the conclusions of the previous chapters, describing advances made in the knowledge sector and evidence-informed policymaking in Indonesia since the end of the Soeharto regime. While in some Western countries, post-truth political discourse appears to be on the rise, this book confirms that to boost productivity and strengt...
This chapter explores the challenges that Indonesian academics face in producing policy-relevant research and using research evidence to inform policymaking. National- and university-level policies and practices discourage academics from undertaking research. These disincentives include a lack of funding for research, an overly strong emphasis on t...
Knowledge sector actors do not exist in a vacuum. They are immersed in a web of rules and regulations that define how they link and interact with each other, what funding can be accessed for procuring and generating evidence and where space is available to allow evidence to influence plans and policies. This chapter examines the policies, procedure...
This edited volume examines key questions about evidence-informed policy making in Indonesia. It draws on insights and evidence acquired through the implementation of the Knowledge Sector Initiative, a joint programmme between the governments of Indonesia and Australia which aims to strengthen demand for and use of evidence in policy making in Indo...
The issue of equity is receiving increasing attention not only in health but in other areas of social development. It is often a highly charged and emotional conversation. This chapter argues that with better capacity to evaluate for equity, evaluators can make a significant contribution to clarifying the issues in the debate and, through that, to...
This paper presents an overview of some core methodological issues in improving the evaluation of health equity interventions. It argues that evaluation can play a central role in the solution space if it takes a futures orientation and develops adaptive approaches. It makes the case that purpose must drive method and that clarity in values is cent...
Background: The second edition of Evaluation Roots has expanded to more global coverage, but no chapter emerged on development theory in low and middle income countries (LMICs).
Purpose: The purpose of this article is initiate a conversation on filling this gap.
Setting: Not applicable.
Intervention: Not applicable.
Research Design: Not applica...
This chapter examines how the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has framed and used strategic evaluations. Drawing from IDRC's experience, the authors look at Henry Mintzberg's ideas on strategy formation, and explore potential implications for evaluation in an organization that resembles what Mintzberg calls an “adhocracy.” The Inte...
This chapter presents a case report of Canada's International Development Research Centre's success in revamping its project reporting system. The new process has transformed the organization's culture and deepened evaluative capacity, thus promoting accountability for the management of public funds and the ability to learn and improve.
This article presents a methodology for assessing the influence of research on public policy. The article will review the origins of the methodology, outline it in depth, and explore what happened in implementation. It will conclude with issues in the revision of the methodology. This study was implemented by the International Development Research...
Cet article presente une methodologie pour evaluer l’influence de la recherche sur la politique publique. Il examinera d’abord les origines de cette methodologie, puis il exposera celle-ci dans le detail et enfin il etudiera ce qui s’est passe lors de son application. En conclusion, il abordera les problemes relatifs a la revision de cette methodol...
En este artículo se presenta una metodología para evaluar la influencia que ejerce la investigación en las políticas públicas. Tras un breve repaso de su génesis, se describe el método en detalle y se examina lo que dio de sí al ponerlo en práctica. Para acabar, se examinan una serie de cuestiones ligadas a la revisión de la metodología. Este estud...
This paper introduces the major concepts of Outcome Mapping and discusses the International Development Research Centre's experience in developing and implementing Outcome Mapping with Northern and Southern research organisations. It explores how the fundamental principles of Outcome Mapping relate to organisational learning principles and the chal...
The book offers a clear-cut methodology to diagnose organizational strengths and weakness at the onset of development activities. With it, beneficiaries can respond to growing pressures from donors for accountable and sustainable use of funding.
THE ADOPTION OF a learning-based approach to evaluation presents special challenges to a research funding agency with a mandate to strengthen research and research capacity with partners in less industrial countries, or in the South. While the general practice has been to evaluate funded projects, there is increased recognition that the project may...
This article explores issues in the evaluation of research through an examination of the situation in the field of international
development. It is increasingly recognized that traditional evaluation, which served largely a policing function, is not useful
in assessing the impact of the development research process. It is argued that the role and p...
A Telemetering Center of Excellence, a Chair of Telemetering, and
an educational program in telemetering systems engineering leading to a
Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering have been established at New
Mexico State University in cooperation with the International Foundation
for Telemetering, the supporting industry, the government ranges, and...
TCM, combining modulation and coding, achieves coding gains over
conventional uncoded multilevel modulation without the attendant
bandwidth expansion. Since TCM was proposed Ungerboeck (1982, 1987)
substantial work has done in this area. A large portion of the TCM work
has been in the area of high-speed data transmission over voice grade
modems usi...
A Telemetering Center of Excellence, a Chair of Telemetering, and an educational program in telemetering systems engineering leading to a masters degree in electrical engineering have been established at New Mexico State University. The primary goal of the program is to graduate MS students who understand the concept of "end-to-end" telemetering sy...
The authors present the construction and test results of a system
which implements pragmatic trellis coded modulation (TCM) for rate 2/3
encoded 8-PSK (phase shift keying). Pragmatic TCM is described. This
system associates each sector of a quantized phase receiver (F. Carden
et al., 1988) with a pair of weights to be used as soft decision inputs
Pragmatic trellis coded modulation (TCM) uses the industry
standard, 64-state, binary convolutional code. The authors present the
logic design and simulation results for a system which effectively
implements pragmatic TCM for rate 2/3 encoded 8 phase shift keying
(PSK). This system associates each sector of a quantized phase receiver
with a pair of...
Minimum shift keying (MSK) is a modulation format that exhibits
some spectral efficiency over currently used spacelink digital
modulation techniques such as binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and
offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK). The authors present a
novel design of an MSK modulator that is well suited for investigating
MSK in the labora...
The paper describes some image compression research at New Mexico State University. It explores the possibility of combining multi-resolution and harmonic analysis in signal decomposition. This is in recognition of the fact that both local and global characteristics are found in most images and that the ideal compression system should be able to co...
The design of an integrated modem/codec unit which can receive coded and uncoded BPSK an QPSK using de facto standard coding schemes as well as 8PSK-TCM and 16PSK-TCM is examined. The design is totally compatible with today's modulation schemes and capable of processing tomorrow's TCM codes. This is accomplished in the modem by using quadrature cha...
Rate 2/3 8-PSK codes of 4, 8, 16, and 64 states were tested by
simulation. The codes used are those found in Ungerboeck's original
search. The results found were in close agreement with those predicted
by analytical means in literature. The Ungerboeck codes of 8, 16, and 64
states show coding gains of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.86 dB, respectively,
relative t...
Rate 2/3 8-PSK codes of 4, 8, 16, and 64 states were tested by simulation. The codes used are those found in Ungerboeck's original search. The results found were in close agreement with those predicted by analytical means in current literature. The Ungerboeck codes of 8, 16, and 64 states show coding gains of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.86 dB, respectively, re...
The effect of circular quantization on the performance of signalling with trellis-coded modulation is examined for two 8-state trellis codes. The results are compared to those corresponding to the previous use of 4-state trellis codes and of traditional Euclidean calculations. The 8-state codes permit a slight coding gain over the 4-state code with...
The authors discuss the use of quantized Euclidean soft-decision
maximum-likelihood sequence decoders on trellis-coded 8-PSK
communication schemes. A model is developed for the circularly quantized
Euclidean decoder, and computer simulations are used to evaluate it.
Degradation is determined as a function of the number of sectors used in
the circul...
In this concise paper the phase-lock loop (PLL) steady state characteristics for bandpass types of modulating spectra are determined. The usual assumption that the intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth is wide compared with PLL bandwidth is not made. The characteristics are determined from measurements on an experimental system and from theoretical...
An analytical expression for the phase error characteristics of a second-order phase-lock loop (PLL) is determined using the results of a previous nonlinear analysis. The characteristics determined are for sinusoidal FM in the absence of noise. Theoretical and experimental results are compared and are in close agreement. The theoretical results are...
In this paper a nonlinear analysis of a multifilter phase-lock loop (MPLL) by using the method of "harmonic balance" is presented. The particular MPLL considered has a low-pass filter and a bandpass filter in parallel. An analytic expression for the relationship between the input signal phase deviation and the phase error is determined for sinusoid...
The phase model for the generalized multifilter phaselock loop (M PLL) is considered and state equations for this model are derived. A linear analysis is presented to aid in the preliminary design of an M PLL and to indicate the noise improvement over a conventional phase-lock loop (PLL). Performance characteristics are examined for an M PLL with l...
In this paper the problem of representing the composite video signal for monochromatic T. V. transmission is examined and a method for computing the required spectral bandwidth is devised suitable for computer applications. The results obtained numerically are compared to measured results and to analytical solutions for a determinate signal for spe...
In this paper the performance of a (1,2)-convolutional encoder combined with continuous phase modulation is simulated. A binary sequence is used inconjunction with the above encoder and a modulation index of (h=1/4). A full response 1REC frequency shaping function is used to maintain phase continuity. A binary (uncoded)CPM with the above modulation...
Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM)[2,3], combines convolutional encoding with PSK or QAM signalling to provide spectrally efficient communication with forward error correction. Pragmatic TCM[4], uses the industry standard, 64-state, binary convolutional code. This paper presents a hardware implementation of a pragmatic TCM system for 8-PSK. This system...