Franz RauchAlpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt · Institute of Instructional and School Development
Franz Rauch
PhD; Professor
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Dr. Franz Rauch, is a Professor at the Institute of Instructional and School Development (IUS) at the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt (Austria). He is involved in projects nationally and internationally since many years. His areas of research, teaching and publication are education for sustainable development, networks in education, school development, science education, continuing education for teachers and action research.
Additional affiliations
July 2014 - present
Publications (116)
Dieses Buch blickt hinter die Kulissen der Fortbildung von Lehrkräften. Den Kern bilden acht Reflective Papers von Fortbildenden, die über ihren Einstieg in die Fortbildung sowie ihre Motivationen, Vorstellungen, Interventionen und weitere Aspekte ihrer Arbeit reflektieren. Eingeleitet wird das Buch durch eine Erläuterung des Kontexts, den die Init...
Action research (AR) has long been promoted as a way teachers can improve their practice and increase their understanding of their educational situations. In this article we examine the impact of AR on science teacher education through a critical review of the literature. We sought to identify the goals and purposes of the AR, its mode, and the rol...
The interdisciplinary character as well as the current and future relevance of the sustainability debate with all its inherent dilemmas and uncertainties, can provide fertile ground for educational innovation. Against this background, a team at the University of Klagenfurt, together with FORUM Umweltbildung and colleagues at teacher training colleg...
Die in diesen Band aufgenommenen Beiträge zeigen historische Entwicklungen, konzeptive und theoretische Positionen, Forschungsergebnisse und reflektierte Erfahrungen im Zusammenhang mit Aktionsforschung sowie Lesson Study im Bildungs- und Sozialbereich. Sie geben damit Hinweise auf das Potential dieser Entwicklungs- und Forschungsmethodologien zur...
This paper describes networking for education for sustainable development within the Austrian ECOLOG-schools network. It discusses theoretical concepts of Education for Sustainable Development and school development from an Austrian perspective, as well as networks in education in general and the organisation of the ECOLOG-network in particular. EC...
The presentation reports on a network project organized throughout Austria to help schools and colleges of education achieve various aspects of the SDGs in the areas of society (well-being, habitat and mobility, social and global justice), economy (sustainable business and consumption) and environment (natural environment, sustainable resource use,...
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are internationally recognized model regions for sustainable development and used to conducting participation processes. This research explored the need and research design options for multi-channel participation approaches including digital systems for Austrian BRs. With the support of an online survey and a two-day...
The focus of this chapter is on inquiry done by science teachers on their own practice to improve it, to improve their educational situations, to gain a better understanding of their practice and situations, and to share with others through presentations or publications. As such, action research (AR) is fundamentally a form of teacher education. Th...
This article describes our use of an online Future Creating Workshop (FCW) as a planning strategy to support our Global Climate Change Education Initiative (GCCEI). The GCCEI is an Educational Action Research project designed to provide the opportunity for students to discover how climate change acts to affect weather, health, economy, politics, an...
Nachhaltige Entwicklung ist angesichts der großen und dringenden globalen Herausforderungen eine für die gesamte Gesellschaft mehr denn je fordernde Aufgabe. Bildung ist ein Fundament zur Sensibilisierung, Bewusstseinsbildung und Entwicklung von Kompetenzen, die Menschen zukünftig befähigen, im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung aktiv zu agieren....
The paper is part of the broader narrative of transforming curricula in universities in Zimbabwe and Austria. The landscape in higher education globally is inexorably shifting as a result of major global forces of change. For that reason, higher education cannot remain immune to these global challenges and changes. Rather, universities should be th...
This paper describes the case of a university course addressing Sustainable Development (SD). This interdisciplinary and interfaculty elective course is meant to serve the purpose of teaching sustainability. At the same time, it is also intended to serve as an instrument for the implementation of sustainability at the University of Klagenfurt in Au...
The goal of the university professional development course BINE is to encourage participants to address education for sustainable development (ESD) in a reflective way. The main aims are for the participants to learn about action research and to reflect and implement ESD in their work and institutions. This paper briefly describes the concepts of a...
Vorwort zur Reihe
Beiträge zu Aktionsforschung, Lesson Study und
Learning Study
Franz Rauch & Angela Schuster
Wir freuen uns, mit diesem ersten Band die neue Reihe „Beiträge zu
Aktionsforschung, Lesson Study und Learning Study“ vorstellen zu
In ihrer fast achtzigjährigen Geschichte hat die Aktionsforschung viele
verschiedene Gestalten an...
This paper describes the case of a university course addressing Sustainable Development (SD). This interdisciplinary and interfaculty elective course is meant to serve the purpose of teaching sustainability. At the same time, it is also intended to serve as an instrument for the implementation of sustainability at the University of Klagenfurt in Au...
Der Beitrag beschreibt anhand der Forschungskooperation SCiENCE LINKnockberge, wie der Kärntner Teile des Biosphärenparks Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge seinen Forschungs- und Bildungsauftrag durch eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Klagenfurt in die Praxis umsetzt. Anhand von konkreten Bespielen und Interviews mit Vertretenden des Bio...
Der Beitrag beschreibt anhand der Forschungskooperation SCiENCE LINKnockberge, wie der Kärntner Teile des Biosphärenparks Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge seinen Forschungs- und Bildungsauftrag durch eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Klagenfurt in die Praxis umsetzt. Anhand von konkreten Bespielen und Interviews mit Vertretenden des Bio...
This chapter describes networking for education for sustainable development within the Austrian ECOLOG (ECOLOG is the abbreviation for the Ecologisation of Schools)-schools network. It discusses theoretical concepts of Education for Sustainable Development and school development from an Austrian perspective, as well as networks in education in gene...
In the following pages, it will be argued that the process of action research and the production of a documentary film are structurally comparable. Based on this assumption, this text tells the story of the making of a film on action research. It describes the process starting with the decision about who the protagonists will be, followed by script...
The project “Mobility, Traffic and Renewable Energies” is a joint project between the University of Klagenfurt and the University of Teacher Education in Carinthia. Pre-service science teachers, teachers and school students engage in real-world issues. This participatory project was implemented in two rounds (academic year 2015-2016 and 2016-2017)...
Um die Sustainable Development Goals umzusetzen, ist es erforderlich, Nachhaltigkeit in alle Bildungsebenen und -formen zu integrieren. Dies gilt nicht zuletzt für die Weiterbildung der Hochschullehrenden. Die Verfasstheit des Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts ‐ sein normativer und transformatorischer Anspruch ohne die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung durch zu...
Dieses Kapitel beschreibt das ARTIST-Projekt. ARTIST steht für Action Research to Innovate Science Teaching und zielt auf den Ausbau von Kapa-zitäten in der Hochschulbildung (Capacity Building in Higher Education) im Rahmen des ERASMUS+-Programms der Europäischen Union ab. Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildnern sowie Lehrkräften in den Natur-wissens...
This chapter describes networking for education for sustainable development within the Austrian ECOLOG-schools network. It discusses theoretical concepts of Education for Sustainable Development and school development from an Austrian perspective, as well as networks in education in general and the organization of the ECOLOG-network in particular....
Scaling up educational innovations is a complex endeavour. It often fails or is only successful to a limited extent. More knowledge is therefore needed about the factors that lead to successful scaling up and about the challenges in doing so. The factors fostering the scaling up of educational innovations depend on the level where innovations are e...
This chapter describes networking for education for sustainable development within the Austrian ECOLOG-schools network. It discusses theoretical concepts of Education for Sustainable Development and school development from an Austrian perspective, as well as networks in education in general and the organisation of the ECOLOG-network in particular....
Educational Action Research is not only an effective instrument for the development of teaching and the acquisition of educational knowledge, but also serves as a guiding philosophy for educational institutions in their continuous process of identity development and self-reflection. The example of an Austrian Science Education Centre shows in which...
In diesem Beitrag wird am Beispiel des österreichischen Projekts IMST (Innovationen Machen Schulen Top) die Entwicklung von Regionalen Netzwerken als intermediäre Strukturen im Bildungsbereich vorgestellt. Diese Netzwerke werden in jedem österreichischen Bundesland vor allem von Gruppen bestehend aus Lehrer*innen, Vertreter*innen der Bildungsverwal...
In diesem Beitrag werden Konzeption und allgemeine Charakteristika der PFL-Lehrgänge (Pädagogik und Fachdidaktik für LehrerInnen) dargestellt, wie sie am Institut für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Dabei wird insbesondere der partizipatorische Aspekt de...
This is the second issue of the newly launched journal ARISE. In the first part of this editorial some light will be shet on the characteristics of Action Research and Educational Action Research which makes it attractive in the field of science education and beyond. In the second part the three contributions in this issue will be shortly character...
Climate change is one of the pressing issues of today and offers a fruitful ground for learning about science and environmental issues (Menthe et. al 2013; UN 2015). The Austrian Climate and Energy Fund supports provinces and schools to become energy self-sufficient. One of the initiatives funded is the multi-agency project “Mobility, traffic and r...
Schulrankings sind eine Reihung von Schulen nach ihrer jeweiligen Qualität. Sie sind das
Ergebnis von externen Schulevaluationen - meist anhand der Schülerleistungen bei
standardisierten Tests und fast immer auch unter Berücksichtigung anderer relevanter
Qualitätsindikatoren. Sie dienen nicht nur der öffentlichen Information, um Eltern und
In order to understand the complexity of the concepts related to sustainable development it is necessary to develop the ability to look at an issue from different perspectives, to understand the logic of all subsystems and to develop a perspective by integrating different disciplines. Our team at the Alpen-Adria-UniversitätKlagenfurt strives to imp...
Der Artikel bietet Einblicke in die Struktur, Erfolge und Herausforderungen des Programms ÖKOLOG („ÖKOLOGisierung von Schulen – Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“) – Österreichs größtem Schulnetzwerk. ÖKOLOG-Schulen versuchen durch Zusammenarbeit nachhaltige Entwicklung als Schulkultur zu gestalten. Durch die Einbettung in ein bundesweites Netzwe...
This case describes networking for education for sustainable development within the Austrian ECOLOG-schools network. The article presents theoretical concepts of networks in education in general, and the organization of the ECOLOG-network in particular. Based upon these foundations, the concept and results of a participatory evaluation study are de...
Preparing students to become able shaping their society in a sustainable way makes education relevant for the learner and the society they live in. The idea of education for sustainability offers a justification for focusing the young generation to become responsible citizens and to allow them developing corresponding skills. All learning domains,...
Educating the next generation of chemists about green chemistry issues, such as waste minimisation and clean synthesis, is vital for environmental sustainability. This book enables green issues to be taught from the underlying principles of all chemistry courses rather than in isolation.
Chapters contributed by green chemistry experts from across t...
This paper deals with the topic of professional development programmes’ impact. Concepts and ideas of action research, constructivism, and systems theory are used as a theoretical framework and are combined to describe and analyse an exemplary professional development programme in Austria. Empirical findings from both quantitative and qualitative s...
Wissenschaft, die sich an gesellschaftlichen Problemen orientiert, ist heute inter- und transdisziplinär. Dieses Buch gibt Einblicke in die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen: Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler verlassen das sichere Terrain akademischer Disziplinen. Ihre Expertise wird relativiert, methodisches Neuland wird betreten. Auf...
The chapter describes and analyses the development of major projects in Austria in the context of Environmental Education/ESD since the 1980s. The ENSI (Environment and School Initiative) Programme played a strong part in these developments within the school system, especially the Austrian Network ECOLOG (Eco–/ESD Schools programme) and the Educati...
This paper explores the effectiveness of networking in promoting inquiry-based science education (IBSE) through raising the self-efficacy of science teachers to take ownership of more effective ways of teaching students, supported by stakeholders (Holbrook & Rannikmae, 2010). As PROFILES project (Professional Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry-ba...
A university is a place of organized scientific rationality, but as a social institution it is also committed to future generations. Therefore, it can be argued that universities should act as "models for sustainability". It is thus not sufficient to spend public funds efficiently in achieving their educational mission. Beyond that, the social and...
This paper explores the effectiveness of networking in promoting inquiry-based science education (IBSE) through raising the self-efficacy of science teachers to take ownership of more effective ways of teaching students, supported by stakeholders (Holbrook &Rannikmae, 2010). As PROFILES project (Professional Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry-bas...
The Austrian ECOLOG schools’ programme is a key action programme and network on the greening of schools and education for sustainability, which was initiated in 1996 by an Austrian team of teachers working on the international project Environment and School Initiatives (ENSI, www.ensi.org ) (Posch, 1999). Since then ECOLOG has become a national sup...
“Bringing a different world into existence – Action Research as a trigger for innovations” was the overarching theme and vision of the international CARN Conference 2011 in Vienna. The chapters in this book are principally drawn from contributions to this 2011 conference. These present narratives of the conduct of action research from a range of di...
“Bringing a different world into existence – Action Research as a trigger for innovations” was the overarching theme and vision of the international CARN Conference 2011 in Vienna. The chapters in this book are drawn mainly from conference contributions. The authors share practical knowledge which has arisen from their work, and reflect on developm...
Within the Comenius multilateral network CoDeS that focuses on school community collaboration addressing sustainability, the ongoing collaboration between the National Park (NP) Hohe Tauern in Austria's central Alps and the Middle School in the NP village Winklern acts as a good practice example for a sustainable and long term partnership. The pres...
This case study presents the development of networks in education, using the Austrian IMST (Innovations Make Schools Top) project as illustration. The regional networks are coordinated in every Austrian federal province by groups made up of teachers, representatives of the educational authorities, and members of academia. In the framework of the IM...
Competences are intensively discussed in the context of cross-curricular themes, such as Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), especially in light of the United Nations Decade for ESD (2004-2015). Recent literature on ESD lists a number of competences for ESD in various fields with the exception of teacher educati...
Chemistry curricula as a whole, or single lesson plans can use different approaches towards the learning of chemistry. Some are arranged parallel to academic chemistry; others provide meaningful contexts to motivate the learning of chemistry. Chemistry curriculum approaches can stem from the structure of the discipline, or history of chemistry, via...
Regional Networks in Education: A Case Study of an Austrian Project
This case study presents the development of networks in education, using the Austrian IMST (Innovations Make Schools Top) project as illustration. The regional networks are coordinated in every Austrian federal province by groups made up of teachers, representatives of t...
Effective professional development needs to provide an opportunity for teacher reflection and learning about how new practices can be evolved or shaped from existing classroom practice. This is not a simple task in that it requires teachers to re-examine what they do and how they might do it differently. In addition, the attainment of complex learn...
The years between 2005 and 2014 have been declared as a worldwide Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) by the United Nations. DESD's intended purpose is to promote and more thoroughly focus education as a crucial tool preparing young people to be responsible future citizens, so that our future generations can shape society in a su...
The Institute of Instructional and School Development (IUS) at Klagenfurt University has been offering university courses for more than 25 years. These four-semester long courses are based on the hypothesis that learning and innovations are supported best when they are developed in close connection with teaching practice and when teachers are direc...
Im Auftrag des österreichischen Bildungsministeriums wird im Projekt „Kompetenzen für Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung“
(KOM-BiNE) ein Kompetenzkonzept für Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) entworfen. Dieses
KOM-BiNE-Kompetenzkonzept ist als prozessorientiertes, dynamisches Rahmenkonzept zu verstehen und stellt...
Journal: Journal für Schulentwicklung
The large amount of literature on headship shows that the complexity of roles and tasks of head teachers has increased rapidly over the last few years, at least in western industrial societies, and that today's heads have to face a growing number of dilemmas. As a result of increased school autonomy, schools now have to deal with financial manageme...