František Kasl

František Kasl
Masaryk University | MUNI · Institute of Law and Technology

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (50)
The focus of this monograph is the electronic conclusion of private law contracts. The authors explore the conditions for valid electronic private law negotiations and the obstacles to their wider use or to the relevant decision-making process. The book also addresses issues arising in today's society in the context of electronic contracting, such...
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Krátké anotace aktuálních rozhodnutí v oblasti práva ICT.
Every institutional response to disinformation and propaganda needs to be considered within the applicable legal framework for the protection of human rights. This includes the challenge of labelling the content under the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This chapter provides an analysis fro...
The chapter continues the discussion on the technological approaches to detecting disinformation and manipulation, but from a legal perspective. It deals with the legal aspects of detecting online disinformation and propaganda using autonomous algorithmic tools, the requirements for the forensic analysis of digital evidence, and a relevant legal fr...
This study focuses on quantitative network analysis of case law of the Czech Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Court. The structure of this study arises from three starting points: the role of case-law in continental jurisdictions is not yet properly understood; enough citation data needs to be collected and analysed to...
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The goal of this research was to assess, if the current legal framework of obligations related to personal data breach under GDPR are purposefully applicable also in the context of internet of things and if so, then which changes can help to overcome eventual discovered challenges or obstacles to it. This issue is studied from four perspectives. Th...
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Příspěvek je věnován premise, že v moderní, stále propojenější společnosti dochází k rostoucímu obsahovému překryvu ohlašovacích povinností na základě právních rámců ochrany osobních údajů a kybernetické bezpečnosti. V obou případech jde o odraz chytré regulace, kdy stát využívá možností nabízených informačními a komunikačními technologiemi pro shr...
Protection of personal data never represented an overly relevant topic in the Czech Republic. It was originally legislated in 2001 in order to transpose the EC Data Protection Directive and other secondary sources of EC law (recently EU law) but never received, unlike in some other EU member-states, great political, professional or public attention...
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Přehled aktuální judikatury práva informačních technologií druhé poloviny roku 2019. Judikáty jsou anotovány formátem FIRAC.
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The contribution compares the terminology of current and previous Czech and European personal data protection law from the perspective of the use of two possible Czech terms for the personal data breach. Firstly, the pattern of the use of these legal terms is analysed with regard to the relevant legal framework and the difference or overlay of thei...
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In the contribution is provided a discussion on the development of securitization of expressions of hate speech on the internet, i.e. “cyber hate”, in Germany. The authors focus through the theory of securitization firstly on the process and individual steps, which led to establishment of instruments for countering cyber hate on social media. Next...
We describe an annotated corpus of 350 decisions of Czech top-tier courts which was gathered for a project assessing the relevance of court decisions in Czech law. We describe two layers of processing of the corpus; every decision was annotated by two trained annotators and then manually adjudicated by one trained curator to solve possible disagree...
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Příspěvek nabízí stručné pojednání o nalézání legitimity definiční autority skrze teorii společenské smlouvy aplikovaném na prostředí technologie blockchain. Po úvodním shrnutí historického vývoje tohoto zásadního teoretického konceptu je pozornost zaměřena na limity, které mu jsou vystavovány v prostředí kyberprostoru. Následně je zmíněna role def...
The issues related to cybersecurity are being amplified by the growing role of the Internet of Things devices in current digital economy. The focus of this contribution is to examine the challenges of IoT environment for the corporate cybersecurity from the legal perspective with regards to the specific role ofsmall and medium enterprises. It provi...
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Příspěvek je věnován právní úpravě softwarových patentů v evropském a americkém prostředí. S přihlédnutím ke specifickým vlastnostem softwaru je porovnávána autorskoprávní a patentová ochrana. Dále je analyzována vhodnost softwaru jako patentovatelného vynálezu a to s přihlédnutím k vývoji pojetí, přípustnosti a vymezení softwarových patentů v Evro...
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Přehled aktuální judikatury I/2017
The distributed ledger technology attracts increasing attention, especially in the financial industry. The contribution attempts to provide a brief overview of ongoing efforts to apply this technological phenomenon on various aspects of financial services and further investigates the role of regulation in regard to this technology with primary focu...


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