Frank ZimmermannEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research | CERN · Beams Department (BE)
Frank Zimmermann
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Publications (824)
The FCC-ee offers the potential to measure the electron Yukawa coupling via direct s-channel Higgs production, e+ e- -> H, at a centre-of-mass (CM) energy of 125 GeV. This measurement is significantly facilitated if the CM energy spread of e+ e- collisions can be reduced to a level comparable to the natural width of the Higgs boson, {\Gamma}_H = 4....
With a circumference of approximately 91 km, the Future Circular electron-positron Collider, FCC-ee, aims for unprecedented luminosities at beam energies from 45.6 to 182.5 GeV. A major challenge is reaching its design performance in the presence of magnet misalignments and field errors. The FCC-ee optics tuning working group studies all related as...
The summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,717 new measurements from 869 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetr...
The FCC-ee could allow the measurement of the electron Yukawa coupling via direct Higgs s-channel production at ~125 GeV centre-of-mass (CM) energy, provided that the CM energy spread of this channel, can be reduced to about 5-10 MeV to be comparable to the width of the standard model Higgs boson. The natural collision-energy spread at 125 GeV, due...
In 2022, the FCC Feasibility Study management mandated a working group to analyse the best configuration of the FCC-ee tunnel in the arc regions, in view of the construction of a mock-up of the arc half-cell. One of the main and most challenging goals of the study, named FCC-ee Arc Half-Cell Mock-up Project, was to perform a preliminary investigati...
One of the major upcoming challenges in particle physics is achieving precise measurements of the Z, W, and H bosons, as well as the top quark. To meet these targets, the next e ⁺ e ⁻ collider complex, FCC-ee, will need to achieve unprecedented luminosities. The FCC-IS European Study is investigating the feasibility of these challenges, with a corn...
During 2022, a dedicated study was undertaken at CERN, together with the FCC Feasibility Study collaborators, to propose a robust configuration for the FCC-ee arc half-cell. The proposed layout considers integration aspects of the elements in the arc cross section, both for the booster and the collider, as well as aspects related to powering, cooli...
One of the most fundamental measurements since the Higgs boson discovery, is its Yukawa couplings. Such a measurement is only feasible, if the centre-of-mass (CM) energy spread of the e+e- collisions can be reduced from ~50 MeV to a level comparable to the Higgs boson’s natural width of ~4 MeV. To reach such desired collision energy spread and impr...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) e+e− injector complex needs to produce and transport high-intensity e+ and e− beams at a fast repetition rate for topping up at collision energy. Two options are considered for a preaccelerator ring, to be used for an intermediate accumulation and acceleration before the bunches are transferred to the high-energy...
A new class of plasmons has opened access to unprecedented PetaVolts per meter electromagnetic fields which can transform the paradigm of scientific and technological advances. This includes non-collider searches in fundamental physics in addition to making next generation colliders feasible. PetaVolts per meter plasmonics relies on this new class...
The Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed future particle physics project colliding 60 GeV electrons from a six-pass recirculating energy-recovery linac (ERL) with 7 TeV protons stored in the LHC. The ERL technology allows for much higher beam current and, therefore, higher luminosity than a traditional linac. The high-current, high-e...
We report on the Future Circular Collider (FCC) Feasibility Study, the mid-term review in autumn 2023, and the longer term timeline.
In order to achieve its ultra-low vertical emittance (1 pm) and high luminosity (of up to $230 \times 10^{34}\text{ cm}^{-2}\text{ s}^{-1}$ 230 × 10 34 cm − 2 s − 1 per collision point), the e ⁺ e ⁻ Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) requires a well-informed alignment strategy, powerful correction methods, and good understanding of the impact of vib...
In this work, we present numerical results for the electron cloud build-up and mitigation studies considering Arc Dipole and Drift sections of the FCC-ee collider. We report the central electron density that could be reached by minimising secondary electron contributions and the pho-toelectron generation rates in order to achieve − densities lower...
In 2020-2022, extensive discussions and deliberations have taken place in corresponding topical working groups of the Snowmass Accelerator Frontier (AF) and in numerous joint meetings with other Frontiers, Snowmass-wide meetings, a series of Colloquium-style Agoras, cross-Frontier Forums on muon and electron-positron colliders and the collider Impl...
This is the Snowmass2021 Energy Frontier (EF) Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) report. It combines the EF topical group reports of EF08 (Model-specific explorations), EF09 (More general explorations), and EF10 (Dark Matter at Colliders). The report includes a general introduction to BSM motivations and the comparative prospects for proposed future e...
We discuss the goals, the designs, the state of technical readiness, and the critical R&D needs of the accelerators that are currently under discussion as Higgs and electroweak factories. We also address the respective staging options enabling future energy-frontier colliders. The accelerators covered are based on many different techniques and appr...
With seven operational colliders in the world and two under construction, the international particle physics community not only actively explores options for the next facilities for detailed studies of the Higgs/electroweak physics and beyond-the-LHC energy frontier, but also seeks a clear picture of the limits of the colliding beams method. In thi...
Electron clouds forming inside the beam vacuum chamber due to photoemission and secondary emission may limit the accelerator performance. Specifically, the electron clouds can blow up the vertical emittance of a positron beam, through a head-tail-type single-bunch instability, if the central electron density exceeds a certain threshold value, that...
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as super...
The international FCC study group published in 2019 a Conceptual Design Report for an electron-positron collider with a centre-of-mass energy from 90 to 365 GeV with a beam currents of up to 1.4 A per beam. The high beam current of this collider create challenging requirements on the injection chain and all aspects of the linac need to be carefully...
The current injector complex design of the FCC-ee project consists of + / − linacs, which accelerate the beams up to 6 GeV, a damping ring at 1.54 GeV, a pre-booster ring, accelerating the beam up to 16 GeV and a booster synchrotron ring integrated in the collider tunnel accelerating the beams up to the collision energies. The purpose of the dampin...
Future colliders are an essential component of a strategic vision for particle physics. Conceptual studies and technical developments for several exciting future collider options are underway internationally. In order to realize a future collider, a concerted accelerator R\&D program is required. The U.S. HEP accelerator R\&D program currently has...
Energy-recovery linacs (ERLs) have been emphasised by the recent (2020) update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics as one of the most promising technologies for the accelerator base of future high-energy physics. The current paper has been written as a base document to support and specify details of the recently published European roadmap...
Within the framework of the Future Circular Collider Feasibility Study, the design of the electron-positron collider FCC-ee is optimised, as a possible future double collider ring, currently foreseen to start operation during the 2040s. With close to 100 km of circumference and strong synchrotron radiation damping at highest beam energy, adequate b...
The Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) is designed for high precision particle physics experiments. This demands a precise knowledge of the beam energies, obtained by resonant depolarization, and from which the center-of-mass energy and possible boosts at all interaction points are then determined. At the highest beam energy mode o...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) Integrated Project foresees, in a first stage, a high-luminosity high-energy electron-positron collider, serving as Higgs, top and electroweak factory, and, in a second stage, an energy frontier hadron collider, with a centre-of-mass energy of at least 100 TeV. This programme well matches the highest priority futu...
Construction of future Muon Collider tangential to the Large Hadron Collider will give opportunity to realize µp collisions at multi-TeV center of mass energies. Using the nominal parameters of high luminosity and high energy upgrades of the LHC, as well as the design parameters of muon colliders, it is shown that L_μp of order of 10^33 cm^-2s^-1 i...
We review key challenges for future next and next-next (-next) generation particle colliders and possible technological paths to address them.
Charged-particle colliders have proven key instruments of discovery in high-energy physics. Pushing the frontiers of our knowledge ever further has relied on, and still keeps calling for, ever better performance and novel techniques. During more than four decades, Swapan Chattopadhyay has made numerous essential contributions to this endeavour. Oft...
Plasmonic modes offer the potential to achieve PetaVolts per meter fields, that would transform the current paradigm in collider development in addition to non-collider searches in fundamental physics. PetaVolts per meter plasmonics relies on collective oscillations of the free electron Fermi gas inherent in the conduction band of materials that ha...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. Its goal is to push the field to the next energy frontier beyond LHC, increasing by an order of magnitude the mass of particles that could be directly produced, and decreasing by an order of magnitude the subatomic distances to be studi...
The worldwide High Energy Physics community widely agrees that the next collider should be a Higgs factory. Acknowledging this priority, in 2021 CERN has launched the international Future Circular Collider (FCC) Feasibility Study (FS). The FCC Integrated Project foresees, in a first stage, a high-luminosity high-energy electron-positron collider, s...
In this white paper for the 2021 Snowmass process, we give a description of the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC) project and its physics program. The paper summarizes and updates the discussion submitted to the European Strategy on Particle Physics. After construction of an approximately 90 km tunnel, an electron-positron collider based on e...
Electron clouds forming inside the beam vacuum chamber due to photoemission and secondary emission may limit the accelerator performance. Specifically, the electron clouds can blow up the vertical emittance of a positron beam, through a head-tail-type single-bunch instability, if the central electron density exceeds a certain threshold value, that...
The long-term prospect of building a hadron collider around the circumference of a great circle of the Moon is sketched. A Circular Collider on the Moon (CCM) of ~11000 km in circumference could reach a proton-proton center-of-mass collision energy of 14 PeV --- a thousand times higher than the Large Hadron Collider at CERN --- optimistically assum...
The 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics emphasised the importance of an intensified and well-coordinated programme of accelerator R&D, supporting the design and delivery of future particle accelerators in a timely, affordable and sustainable way. This report sets out a roadmap for European accelerator R&D for the next five to...
The FCC-ee could measure the electron Yukawa coupling in a dedicated run at $$\sim $$ ∼ 125 GeV collision energy, provided that the center-of-mass (CM) energy spread can be reduced by means of monochromatization, e.g., through introducing nonzero horizontal dispersion of opposite sign at the interaction point (IP), for the two colliding beams. If t...
The 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics emphasised the importance of an intensified and well-coordinated programme of accelerator R&D, supporting the design and delivery of future particle accelerators in a timely, affordable and sustainable way. This report sets out a roadmap for European accelerator R&D for the next five to...
The Large Hadron–Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy-recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The accelerator and...
The Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed future particle-physics project colliding 60 GeV electrons from a six-pass recirculating energy-recovery linac (ERL) with 7 TeV protons stored in the LHC. The ERL technology allows for much higher beam current and, therefore, higher luminosity than a traditional linac. The high-current, high-e...
The FCC-+ − injector complex needs to produce and to transport high intensity + and − beams at a fast repetition rate for topping up the collider at its collision energy. Two different options are under consideration as pre-accelerator before the bunches are transferred to the high-energy booster: either using the existing SPS machine or designing...
The Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed future particle-physics project colliding 60 GeV electrons from a six-pass recirculating energy-recovery Linac (ERL) with 7 TeV protons stored in the LHC. The ERL technology allows for much higher beam current and, therefore, higher luminosity than a traditional Linac. The high-current, high-e...
Many future particle colliders require beam crabbing to recover geometric luminosity loss from the nonzero crossing angle at the interaction point (IP). A first demonstration experiment of crabbing with hadron beams was successfully carried out with high energy protons. This breakthrough result is fundamental to achieve the physics goals of the hig...
The long-term prospect of building a hadron collider around the circumference of a great circle of the Moon is sketched. A Circular Collider on the Moon (CCM) of $\sim$11000 km in circumference could reach a proton-proton center-of-mass collision energy of 14 PeV -- a thousand times higher than the Large Hadron Collider at CERN -- optimistically as...
The FCC-ee is a proposed future high-energy, high-intensity and high-precision lepton collider. Here, we present the latest development for the FCC-ee interaction regions, which shall ensure optimum conditions for the particle physics experiments. We discuss measures of background reduction and a revised interaction region layout including a low im...
Neutral uncharged molecules are affected by the electromagnetic field of a charged particle beam if they carry either an electric or a magnetic dipole moment. The residual gas in an accelerator beam pipe consists of such molecules. In this paper we study their dynamics. Under a few approximations, whose validity we explore and justify, we derive th...
We report some highlights from the ARIES APEC workshop on ``Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves'' (SRGW2021), held in virtual space from 2 February to 18 March 2021, and sketch a tentative landscape for using accelerators and associated technologies for the detection or generation of gravitational waves.
After the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, several future circular colliders — Higgs factories — are proposed, such as FCC-ee and CEPC. At these e+e- colliders, beamstrahlung can greatly affect the equilibrium bunch length and energy spread. If the dispersion function at the collision point is not zero, beamstrahlung will also increase the tra...
Injectors and in particular the positron production systems are a crucial element in linear and circular colliders. The proposed FCC-ee injector linac accelerates both electrons and positrons up to 6 GeV in order to be injected into the Pre-Booster Ring (PBR) with a high intensity of 3.5 nC per bunch for the Z running mode. The current design basel...
In response to recommendations in the 2013 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, a conceptual design effort for an energy upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the so-called high-energy LHC (HE-LHC), was launched as part of the Future Circular Collider study. The HE-LHC machine, which is meant to use 16 T magnet techno...
Since the initial development of charged particle colliders in the middle of the 20th century, these advanced scientific instruments have been at the forefront of scientific discoveries in high-energy physics. Collider accelerator technology and beam physics have progressed immensely and modern facilities now operate at energies and luminosities ma...
Studies of possible energy upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) aim at increasing the current nominal beam energy of 7 TeV in view of expanding the discovery potential and physics reach of the LHC. Some critical aspects of the feasibility of partial or full energy upgrades are studied here, together with novel mitigation measures. Higher bea...
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,324 new measurements from 878 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as super...
The Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High Luminosity--Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The accelerator and...
The Future Circular Collider study is exploring possible designs of circular colliders for the post-LHC era, as recommended by the European Strategy Group for High Energy Physics. One such option is FCC-hh, a proton-proton collider with a centre-of-mass energy of 100 TeV. The experimental insertion regions are key areas defining the performance of...
TeV/m acceleration gradients using crystals as originally envisioned by R. Hofstadter, an early pioneer of HEP, have remained unrealizable. Fundamental obstacles that have hampered efforts on particle acceleration using bulk-crystals arise from collisional energy loss and emittance degradation in addition to severe beam disruption despite the favor...
TeV/m acceleration gradients using crystals as originally envisioned by R. Hofstadter, an early pioneer of HEP, have remained unrealizable. Fundamental obstacles that have hampered efforts on particle acceleration using bulk-crystals arise from collisional energy loss and emittance degradation in addition to severe beam disruption despite the favor...
Particle physics has arrived at an important moment of its history. The discovery of the Higgs boson has completed the Standard Model, the core theory behind the known set of elementary particles and fundamental interactions. However, the Standard Model leaves important questions unanswered, such as the nature of dark matter, the origin of the matt...
Since the initial development of charged particle colliders in the middle of the 20th century, these advanced scientific instruments have been at the forefront of scientific discoveries in high energy physics. Collider accelerator technology and beam physics have progressed immensely and modern facilities now operate at energies and luminosities ma...
After the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012, several possible future circular colliders -- Higgs factories are proposed, such as FCC-ee and CEPC. At these highest-energy $e^+e^-$ colliders, beamstrahlung, namely the synchrotron radiation emitted in the field of the opposing beam, can greatly affect the equilibrium bu...