Frank Hofmann

Frank Hofmann
Heidelberg University · Counseling Service

Dr. phil.


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Additional affiliations
August 2014 - May 2016
Heidelberg University
  • Research Associate
  • Evaluation of a specific approach to counseling to adress the needs of post-docs in an research environment
November 2013 - January 2014
University of Koblenz and Landau
  • visiting lecturer
  • Seminar on how to write psychological assessment reports
October 2006 - December 2010
Heidelberg University
  • Student


Publications (25)
Since ancient philosophy, extraordinary creativity is associated with mental disorders, emotional and cognitive destabilization, and melancholia. We here summarize the results of empirical and narrative studies and analyze the most prominent case of a highly creative person who suffered from dysthymia and major depression with suicidality. Hereby,...
"Sense of coherence" (SOC) plays an essential role in the maintenance or recovery of health, according to the salutogenetic approach of Aaron Antonovsky. Empirical studies provide evidence of significant links between sense of coherence and different indicators of mental health. In the present study, the effectivity of an integrative counselling co...
Psychische Belastungen von Studierenden finden in der Öffentlichkeit zunehmend Aufmerksamkeit. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt zunächst einen Überblick über die Studienlage zu psychischen Belastungen von Studierenden und zeigt, dass ein substanzieller Teil der Studierenden psychisch beeinträchtigt ist. Nach der begrifflichen Klärung von psychologische...
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A comprehensive model of integrative psychotherapy that has been derived from clinical practice at the Counseling Service for Students of the University of Heidelberg is outlined. The ABCDE-model of integrative psychotherapy is based on established therapeutic methods and is composed of the dimensions of Alliance, Behavior, Cognitions, Dynamics and...
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A comprehensive model of counseling that integrates practically relevant approaches is outlined briefly. It contains principles of the helping alliance, behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and existential aspects. Hermeneutics serves as a meta-theoretical framework. Data from a naturalistic single-group pre-post effectiveness study suggests that i...
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In this study, samples of Counseling Center Clients from the last 15 years are presented and compared to student field samples with regard to type of distress and severity of symptoms measured with the Symptom Checklist-90-R, the Psychosocial Complaints List and the Satisfaction with Life and Studies Scale. While 12–15% of the students in the field...
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The present study investigated the prevalence of psychological distress in medical and psychology students (n=293) at a German University. Sampling structure, questionnaire and process of this study were a reproduction of a prior study carried out at the same university in 1994 (n=346) which allowed for assessing changes over time. Results show tha...
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Die Fähigkeit zu kreativen Leistungen fasziniert die Menschheit seit ihren Ursprüngen. Neben der Anerkennung für herausragend kreative Leistungen stellte sich jedoch schon früh die Frage, ob kreative Menschen für ihre Fähigkeiten nicht auch einen Preis zahlen. Bereits in der Antike wurde die Frage nach einer möglichen Verbindung psychischer Auffäll...
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In this first effectiveness study of psychotherapeutic counseling for students in German-speaking countries, the effectiveness of an integrative model of counseling was evaluated based on a sample of 151 clients. Effectiveness of integrative counseling according to the ABCDE-model was found to be high in comparison to other international studies in...
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Creativity, the activity to construct something new and useful, is an elementary aspect of life. This article advocates the position that creative elements are also present in counselling and psychotherapy. Creativity can be found in relational, behavioural, cognitive, psychodynamic, systemic and existential approaches to counselling and psychother...
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Accession Number: 0249689; Authors: Holm-Hadulla, Rainer M.Hofmann, FrankSperth, Michael; Country of First Author: Germany; Journal URL:; Author Email: Holm-Hadulla, Rainer M.:; Author Affiliation: Holm-Hadulla, Rainer M.: Universität Heidelberg; Studentenwerk; Psychotherapeut...
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Successful psychotherapy invariably contains a creative element. Moulding the therapeutic relationship is a creative challenge in itself, at least in terms of everyday creativity. The difference between everyday creativity and extraordinary creativity is that the results of the former kind are only of interest to the individual involved or small gr...
Accession Number: 0248091; Authors: Sperth, MichaelAghotor, JuliaHofmann, Frank-HagenHolm-Hadulla, Rainer Matthias; Country of First Author: Germany; Author Email: Sperth, Michael:; Author Affiliation: Sperth, Michael: Universität Heidelberg; Studentenwerk; Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle für Studierende (G...
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There are many different approaches to counseling and an eclectic blending of different techniques is ubiquitous. The present paper tries to develop a comprehensive integrative framework of counseling that integrates different approaches into a broader frame of human interaction and that is practically useful and open to consensual validation. Base...
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Goethe was one of the most creative poets, scientists and statesmen ever existing. Since the age of fourteen, he suffered from severe mood swings. His descriptions of feelings, emotions, and mental states related to temperamental and poetic melancholy, depressive episodes, dysthymic phases, and creativity are unique in respect to their phenomenolog...
Seit Platon und Aristoteles beschäftigt ein möglicher Zusammenhang von Kreativität und psychischen Störungen die Phantasie der Menschen. Im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs werden insbesondere Depressionen, bipolare affektive Störungen und Schizophrenie mit besonderer Kreativität in Zusammenhang gebracht. Allerdings sind die existierenden Forschungsergeb...
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Background Psychological distress among students is receiving growing attention in the scientific community as well as in the general public. There are counseling services available in student societies and universities which address psychological distress among students but scientific research in this area is rudimentary and poorly represented. Pr...
Accession Number: 2010-05117-003. First Author & Affiliation: Holm-Hadulla, Rainer Matthias; Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle fur Studierende, Studentenwerk, Heidelberg, Germany. Translated Title: Integrative counseling: An ABCDE model for psychological and psychotherapeutic counseling.. Other Journal Titles: Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psych...
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An integrative psychological and psychothera- peutic model of counseling is presented, which is derived from scientifically accepted psychotherapy approaches and can be described as the ABCDE model of counseling. In this model, Alliance refers to the stable and helping alliance between counselor and client. Behavioral strategies are incorporated th...
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Background Psychological distress among students is receiving growing attention in the scientific community as well as in the general public. There are counseling services available in student societies and universities which address psychological distress among students but scientific research in this area is rudimentary and poorly represented. Pr...


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