Frank De JongAres Hogeschool Wageningen / Open University · Psychology and Educational sciences
Frank De Jong
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Responsive learning as constructing knowledge!
The ecological crisis is a crisis in our thinking, and therefore also a crisis in our education. The ecological and economic challenges require to think less atomically and more ecologically about how things affect and are connected to each other. Learning as design-thinking and constructing knowledge together is crucial. Learning is rather a psychological than a neurological or cognitive information process. Knowledge emerge from in-(ter)-action.
Publications (78)
The educational potential of video is a long-lasting, multi-faceted topic, and the affordances of technological advancement have recently revitalized this discussion. However, teachers are still far from competently integrating or becoming accustomed to video-based pedagogy, especially in combination with collaborative pedagogy. To provide teachers...
Als je je oriënteert op een nieuwe studie of mogelijkheden om je verder te ontwikkelen kom je waarschijnlijk zoiets tegen als een ‘Professionele Leergemeenschap’ (PLG). Zo’n ‘leergemeenschap’ lijkt heel praktijkgericht te zijn en het kan het over verschillende inhouden gaan, maar hoe zit het eigenlijk? Waarom zijn er zoveel hogescholen en universit...
Ten years ago we developed a Master of Education master program Learning and Innovation (M.Ed-M.LI) for teachers in vocational education (including Higher education and Applied Universities) and in business. The MEd program is based on the knowledge building pedagogic approach. The M.Ed-M.LI is a two years part-time program. Students have a bachelo...
Knowledge in-(ter)-action
Responsive learning as knowledge building
“We’ve had enough”: young people skip class for the climate. “However, the environmental crisis is also a crisis of our thinking, and therefore a crisis in our education. Facing the complex ecological and economic challenges, “old thinking”-solutions are not very helpfully.
The ch...
De lockdown en het leren op afstand als gevolg van de COVID-19-pandemie heeft veel invloed op het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (mbo). Inmiddels mogen er naast praktijkonderwijs ook andere onderwijsactiviteiten plaatsvinden, maar 1,5 meter afstand is geboden. Een mooi moment om de balans op te maken. Zijn er mogelijke leer- en ontwikkelachterstanden?...
Learning together as building knowledge together: "idea centered learning".
3 step-by-step plans: from information-oriented to idea-centered learning.
Many teachers are involved now in transforming their teaching in on-line education. It is amazing what openness, creativity, flexibility and energy is shown to support the students’ learning now man...
e-Didactiek belangrijk voor het gebruik onderwijstechnologie voor het online-leren: voor docenten en hun studenten Samen leren als samen kennis opbouwen: 'idee gecentreerd leren'. 3 stappenplannen: van informatiegericht naar idee-gecentreerd leren.
Kennis in-(ter)-actie Responsief leren als kennis construeren Kennis in-(ter)-actie Responsief leren als kennis construeren 'De maat is vol: jonge mensen spijbelen voor het klimaat.' Maar de ecologische crisis is een crisis in ons denken, en daarmee ook een crisis in ons onderwijs. Het aangaan van de grote ecologische en economische uitdagingen is...
This study describes the socio-cognitive dynamics of collaborative online knowledge-building discourse among Dutch Master of Education students from the perspective of openness. A socio-cognitive openness framework consisting of four social and four cognitive components was used to analyze contributions to online collective knowledge building proce...
The symposium focuses on the analysis of the knowledge building process e.g. idea improvement conversations by which students get to a high quality of knowledge and understanding. Learning Analytics (LA) focuses on the collection, measure and analysis of data about learners and their contexts (Long & Siemens, 2011). LA tools are normally rooted in...
The field of Learning Analytics (LA) focuses on the collection, measure and analysis of data about learners and their contexts. LA benefits from tools that are normally rooted in probabilistic/frequency-based approaches, which are themselves incapable of capturing the meaning of texts at any level because probabilities do not constitute a natural l...
The development of a competence framework (4Cyourway) which is meant to give insight in the consecutive stages of competence development is described. The development of the framework followed a design-based research approach. Generic competence statements derived from behavior-related competency frameworks (Bartram and SHL Group 2005) can be appli...
This special issue is initiated by EAPRIL (The European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning). EAPRIL is a platform for practitioner and practice-based research. This year it will hold its 11th annual conference for pra...
This special issue recognizes EAPRIL as being a platform for practitioner and practice-based research and by organizing the 10th annual conference for practitioner research on improving learning in education and professional practice. Papers in this conference and in this special issue are rooted in practice-based research or practitioner research....
Foreword for ‘Understanding the difference’
Three beginnings
Reducing the ecological food footprint, feeding nine billion people by 2050, boosting
social and community involvement in the agri-food sector and working on the
‘new’ economy with new business models based on the principle of shared values
are urgent topics: these issues concern fundamen...
The European Union, governments and universities, stimulate international mobility of students. But do internationally mobile students benefit of their study abroad after graduation?
This article reports a study comparing the labour market situation of graduates from universities in Poland, Hungary, Latvia and France who studied for one year at a D...
The European Union, governments and universities, stimulate international mobility of students. But what do internationally mobile students learn while being abroad? This article compares the competence development of internationally mobile students while being abroad with the competence development of their peers who stay at the home university. T...
If we need to compare competence levels of large groups of students, e.g. to evaluate teaching innovations or to compare the effect of teaching methods between countries, we need a reliable instrument that is sensitive enough to measure a change in competence levels as a result of these innovations or methods, and is not cross-culturally biased. A...
.This article describes the use and validation of the Pedagogical Practices Inventory, which uses student perceptions arranged into five subscales to measure teacher activities concerning the regulation of student learning in secondary education. To determine the reliability and validity of the instrument, an inventory study (N = 2128) and a study...
This paper aims to reflect on the constructive role of practice-based and practitioner research (PBPR) in the context and collaboration of education, learning and development in schools and business. It also aims to represent EAPRIL, an international network and platform for those involved in practice-based and practitioner research to exchange and...
This article reports an adventure of collective creating in which learning psychology, sociology, professional learning, managerial and nature thinking came together and enriched the authors’ perspective on the methodology of practice-oriented research. It resulted in the manifestation of two base tunes and six ‘ecologically and transdisciplinarily...
In Assessment for Learning (AfL), assessment is a tool used to support students’ learning. In the last decades, research has shown the potential of AfL on student learning. Implementation of AfL in practice however, has proven to be complicated and a concrete discriminative operationalization of AfL practice is lacking. Aim of this study is to supp...
To strengthen the practice of Competence-based Education (CBE) it’s needed to realise the potential of Assessment for Learning (AfL). However, teachers are usually not trained in designing assessment practices in CBE and professionalization in AfL is complicated. It’s needed to design a Theory of Improvement in which is described what professionali...
Purpose - To show how the stories told by people in organisations need to be reckoned with in order to give change a chance. Design/methodology/approach - The paper's approach is a case study and analytical approach to storytelling. Findings - Stories are told from different perspectives, related to what needs to be achieved by the audience. Resear...
Three studies of student regulation of learning were undertaken. In the first study, the temporal organization of the self-regulation process was examined within an individual learning context. Multilevel analysis showed linear and quadratic relations between self-regulation process and the phase of learning. An unexpected negative direct relation...
Against the background of several large-scale innovations in secondary agricultural education, this study
explores the relation between teachers' professionality and their participation in school policy. For the
research into this, 1,030 teachers of 98 schools for preparatory and secondary agricultural education have
filled in two questionnaires. O...
This study was designed to examine student and teacher perceptions of teachers' instructional
behaviour in schools for secondary agricultural education. For this purpose, two questionnaires (a
teacher version and a student version) were used, consisting of the scales 'teacher-led activation',
'student-led activation', 'clarity', and 'control'. Clar...
Educational innovations strongly appeal to teachers’ professionalism and
their concerns. In the present study, the assumption was examined that teachers’
professionalism and their concerns with educational innovations are related. For this
purpose, 164 teachers from nine schools for secondary agricultural education filled in
two questionnaires. The...
This paper does not attempt to be an introduction on process-oriented instruction by providing all the assumptions and key
principles. It rather highlights the necessary epistemological shift in education from learning as a receptive process towards
learning as a constructive process. The basis for this shift is not a matter of theoretical consider...
L'auto-apprentissage est défini comme un apprentissage au cours duquel un étudiant construit lui-même son programme. Vingt et une fonctions d'apprentissage sont décrites qui pourraient soit être accomplies par les étudiants euxmêmes soit par les professeurs (ou leurs substituts, par exemple des ordinateurs). Les étapes de l'apprentissage (par exemp...
The ability to learn independently is becoming more and more an obstacle for a successful school career. Metacognition appears to play an important role in that framework. Flavell introduced this concept as the knowledge about one's own cognitive processes and as the regulation of those processes. The importance of the regulation component...
In the late 1970s several aptitude treatment interaction (ATI) studies were done in the Department of Instructional Psychology of Tilburg University. In three different series of ATI studies a common pattern of results emerged. Lodewijks (1981) showed that students learning science concepts in a self-chosen sequence performed better than students l...
This research concerns an executive control training embedded in extra exercises for low achieving pupils in a mathematics course of a comprehensive school The study makes use of a pretest-posttest-control group design. Twenty-six pupils participated in the study. Regulation processes were registered by the thinking-aloud method and protocols were...
In this paper an experiment is reported on the influence of two variations of instructions on learning performance and thinking-aloud protocols of 64 pupils from secondary schools. Furthermore, differences between successful and less successful pupils in self-regulatory processes during text processing are described. The texts consisted of instruct...
De Jong, F.P.C.M. (1987). Registration of Self-Regulation Processes with First Year Students of a HAVO-VWO Comprehensive School by Means of Thinking Aloud. In Christine Schwarzer (Ed.), Trends in European Educational Research. Braunschweig: Braunschweiger studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialarbeitswissenschaft, 20, 194-202.
There is conflicting evidence in the literature with regard to the question whether relative signal frequency affects perceptual processing of signals in choice reactions. The present study addresses this question by an experimental paradigm in which two stimuli, subtending a 100° visual angle, are simultaneously presented. At presentation the left...
A questionnaire and several interviews with students and study career coaches at Stoas University of applied sciences and teacher education in The Netherlands, showed that students have a low appreciation for writing a Personal Development Plan (PDP). They don't feel writing as useful. Main suggestion to improve the process of coaching the PDP is t...