Françoise Bergerat

Françoise Bergerat
Sorbonne University | UPMC · Institut des Sciences de la Terre Paris (iSTeP)

Docteur d'Etat


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Publications (193)
Les carrières souterraines d'Arras constituent un patrimoine naturel et historique remarquable : la craie coniacienne y a été exploitée depuis l’Antiquité en souterrain, puis après une période d’exploitation à ciel ouvert, à nouveau en souterrain au Moyen Âge. Un grand nombre de ces carrières ont été aménagées et reliées entre elles par un réseau d...
La prospection thématique menée à Arras (Pas-de-Calais), sur le site des carrières Wellington et Blenheim, a offert la possibilité d’observer l’exploitation souterraine de la craie de la fin du Moyen Âge et durant les Temps modernes. L’opération a mis au jour plusieurs fronts de taille et ateliers dont l’étude croisée des approches archéologique, g...
Regardless of the nature and origin of hot spots and whether they are fixed or mobile, the fact remains that there is a major thermal anomaly under Iceland, commonly referred to as the “Icelandic hot spot”. The Mid‐Atlantic Ridge migrated westward relative to the Icelandic hotspot, but after a few million years, the westward‐trailing part of the ri...
Situated in the Northeast Atlantic, Iceland is located within a particularly complex geodynamic evolutionary domain, illustrating the problems inherent to the break‐up of continents in the plate tectonic model, especially the recycling of ancient structures such as the suture of the Iapetus Ocean and its paleoslab active during the Silurian. Icelan...
L’Islande est une île volcanique unique du fait de sa position au centre de l’Atlantique et de son englacement répété. C’est un enregistreur précis de l’évolution à la fois géodynamique et climatique régionale depuis au moins 15 millions d’années. Cet ouvrage retrace l’histoire de cette île, liée à l’ouverture de l’Atlantique Nord et au recyclage d...
L’Islande est une île volcanique unique du fait de sa position au centre de l’Atlantique et de son englacement répété. C’est un enregistreur précis de l’évolution à la fois géodynamique et climatique régionale depuis au moins 15 millions d’années. Cet ouvrage retrace l’histoire de cette île, liée à l’ouverture de l’Atlantique Nord et au recyclage d...
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Southern Iceland is one of the main outlets of the ice-sheet, and is subject to seismicity of both tectonic and volcanic origins, along the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZA sedimentary complex spanning Marine Isotopic Stage 6 to the present includes evidence of both activities. It includes a continuous sedimentary record since the Eemian interglac...
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The Oolithe Blanche Formation (Bathonian, Middle Jurassic) is one of the deep saline aquifers of the Paris Basin in France. The spatial distribution of its reservoir properties (porosity, permeability, tortuosity, etc.) is now better known with relatively homogeneous properties, except for some levels in the central part of the basin, where permeab...
Le bassin pannonien s’est ouvert en position d’arrière-arc durant et après les derniers stades de l’orogenèse des Carpathes. La distension y a créé, du Badénien au Pannonien (16.5-8 Ma), un dispositif complexe de môles et fossés suivant les directions NE-SW et NW-SE. Les mécanismes d’ouverture des bassins intra-carpathiques correspondent à une évol...
L’établissement de la chronologie relative de systèmes de diaclases ou joints est difficile à établir, surtout si les conditions d’observation ne permettent pas d’analyser de très nombreux recoupements de joints. On peut toutefois situer dans le temps, grâce à une étude principalement géométrique, la formation de familles de joints affectant des st...
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Volcano-tectonic processes in the central part of Iceland, covered by the Vatnajökull glacier, are investigated by inversion of focal mechanisms. Working on a large catalog of focal mechanisms determined by the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), we used a damped regional-scale stress inversion method to obtain an insight of kilometric variation...
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GÉLY J.-P., HANOT F. (dir.), AMÉDRO F., BERGERAT F., DEBEGLIA N., DELMAS J., DEROIN J.-P., DOLIGEZ B., DUGUÉ O., DURAND M., EDEL J.-B., GAUDANT J., HANZO M., HOUEL P., LORENZ J., ROBASZYNSKI F., ROBELIN C., THIERRY J., VICELLI J., VIOLETTE S., VRIELINCK B., WYNS R. et coll. (2014). Le Bassin parisien, un nouveau regard sur la géologie. Bull. Inf. G...
Conference Paper
The East Volcanic Zone (EVZ), eastern part of the Icelandic rift, is the most active zone in terms of micro- seismicity and frequency of eruption, two-thirds covered by the largest glacier in Europe (the Vatnajökull). In the ice free domain, namely the Bárdarbunga-Veidivötn Volcanic System (BVVS) and the Laki Volcanic System (LVS) exhibit well expr...
Conference Paper
The East Volcanic Zone (EVZ), eastern part of the Icelandic rift, is the most active zone in terms of micro- seismicity and frequency of eruption, two-thirds covered by the largest glacier in Europe (the Vatnajökull). In the ice free domain, namely the Bárdarbunga-Veidivötn Volcanic System (BVVS) and the Laki Volcanic System (LVS) exhibit well expr...
L'aquifère salin profond du Bathonien du bassin de Paris constitue une cible privilégiée pour le stockage géologique du CO2 et pour l'exploitation géothermique. Les circulations actuelles des fluides au sein de ce réservoir carbonaté sont largement contraintes par ses propriétés pétrophysiques. Ces dernières, notamment le taux de cimentation, sont...
Physical properties of in situ rock mass are usually estimated from results obtained through laboratory tests on intact rock samples because the access to in situ rock may be quite challenging. This approach however raises some questions concerning the number of samples needed for reliable result, the validity of the extrapolation of the parameters...
Jacques Angelier was born 2 March 1947 in Ales, France. He passed away on 31 January 2010. Jacques was a student at ‘Ecole Normale Superieure’ of Saint-Cloud from 1966 to 1970. He obtained his PhD in 1970 and his DSc in 1979. From 1970–71 Jacques was assistant lecturer at the University Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris (Paris VI), and from 1971–76 ass...
The main purpose of this study is to analyse striated micro-faults and other types of fractures (including tensile and shear joints,and veins),in order to elucidate their relationships with regional folds and thrusts and regional tectonic stress. We take the fold-thrust belt (i.e.,the foothills and the Hsuehshan range) in NW Taiwan as a case study,...
This paper presents the results of brittle tectonic,palaeostress inversion,and hydrothermal mineralisation studies of the Hvalfjörour low-temperature geothermal field in Southwest Iceland. This geothermal field (including two pronounced thermal anomalies) is located in the highly altered core area of an extinct and deeply eroded Tertiary central vo...
The Vogar Fissure Swarm is one of four en-echelon fracture swarms that connect the Reykjanes Ridge to the South Iceland Seismic Zone and the Western Volcanic Zone. Occurring in an area of flat topography, this fissure swarm is clearly visible at the surface, where it can be seen to affect recent postglacial lavas. Using remote sensing methods to id...
Comparison of the eroded off-rift zone left inactive by plate motion with the inner active seismic rift zone allows us to constrain the fracturing mechanisms. In eastern off-rift zone, we measured 423 fault slips (including normal and strike-slip faults). Inversion of fault slip data reveals the parallelism of the minimum stress (σ3) computed for t...
Whereas most of the stress inversion methods using fault slip data only minimize the angle between the measured striation and a computed shear stress to find the best fitting reduced stress tensor, Angelier (1990) proposed an alternative method named INVD that also takes into account the relative shear stress magnitude which allows the fault to mov...
We review the evolution of concepts on and methods of estimating the state of stress from fault movements. Theories of failure in isotropic materials suggested a simple geometrical construction of optimal principal stress directions from a fault plane and its associated slip. These optimal directions align shear stress and slip directions and maxim...
In Southeast Iceland, comparison between the deeply eroded off-rift and flank zones, on the one hand, and the active rift zone, on the other hand, allows us to characterize the geometry and mechanisms of faulting and fracturing since the Upper Pliocene to Holocene. We used different approaches based on the inversion of fault-slip data and of focal...
Instability structures, synsedimentary faults and turbidites have been studied in the Lower Pliensbachian succession of Saint-Michel-en-Beaumont, belonging to the Taillefer block, an ancient half-graben emplaced during the Liassic Tethyan rifting. Geometrical and mechanical analyses demonstrate that the instability structures occurred thanks to mov...
Accurate GPS mapping and field measurements have been carried out along the surface traces of three N–S right-lateral historical and prehistorical seismic strike-slip faults in the South Iceland Seismic Zone: the Minnivellir, Tjörvafit, and Réttarnes faults. We used these data and those previously collected on the Selsund and Leirubakki faults to c...
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A synthesis of existing borehole data and seismic profiles has been conducted in the Artois area (northern France), along the northern border of the Paris basin, in order to explore the possible control exerted at depth by the Upper Carboniferous Variscan thrust front on the distribution of Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic depositional centers and their sub...
Brittle tectonics analysis and stress tensor reconstructions allow us to better depict the Mesozoic and Cenozoic geodynamical evolution of the Eastern Balkanides which is characterized by a series of overimposed basin-systems. The Late Permian-Triassic corresponds to a wide carbonate platform with local embryonic troughs. During the Jurassic-Early...
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The two transform zones that connect the Icelandic rift segments and the mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Icelandic hot spot, are described in terms of geometry of faulting and stress fields. They differ in age: 8-8.5 My in the north and 2-3 My in the south, illustrating the different stages of maturity in the transform process, from an immature sta...
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The Palaeozoic to recent evolution of the Tethys system gave way to the largest mountain chain of the world extending from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans - the Alpine-Himalayan Mountain chain, which is still developing as a result of collision and northwards convergence of continental blocks including Apulia in the west, the Afro-Arabian Plate in t...
Iceland brings exceptional opportunity for analysing extension related to rifting of the Mid-Atlantic ridge, especially revealing fresh structural patterns in active fissure swarms. Post-glacial fracture systems of the Thingvellir rift segment of the West Volcanic Zone (WVZ) and interaction with holocene lava flow overlapping are analysed in detail...
The South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ) is an E-W trending active transform zone with high seismicity. N-S trending right-lateral strike-slip faults accommodate the left-lateral transform motion. Using seismological data recorded from 1991 to 2007, we carried out stress inversion of focal mechanisms of 1340 earthquakes that affected the Skard and Lei...
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Transform motion along oceanic transforms generally occurs along narrow faults zones. Another class of oceanic transforms exists where the plate boundary is quite large (∼100 km) and includes several subparallel faults. Using a 2-D numerical modeling, we simulate the slip distribution and the crustal stress field geometry within such broad oceanic...
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In chalk, strong deformation at the grain level is associated with faulting. Within a 5–10 cm thick fringe on each side of normal faults, texture modifications were documented and analysed in samples from the Campanian White Chalk. We used SEM observations, image analysis, reconstruction of the porous media and physical measurements. Dissolution an...
We describe and compare the two transform zones that connect the Icelandic rift segments and the mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Icelandic hot spot, in terms of geometry of faulting and stress fields. The E–W trending South Iceland Seismic Zone is a diffuse shear zone with a Riedel fault pattern including N0°–N20°E trending right-lateral and N60°–N...
We carry out mass inversion of focal mechanisms of earthquakes from 1991 to 2004 along the South Iceland Seismic Zone, within a quadrangle about 37 km wide and 65 km long, with 33,878 earthquakes illuminating a crust volume of nearly 35,000 km3. Our inversion aims at identifying the seismotectonic stress regimes that best account for the whole set...
New structural data combined with published structural and geochronological data allow reconstruction of the structural evolution that followed the last rift jump across northern Iceland. Tertiary lava flows erupted along the Skagafjördur paleo-rift have been down-bent under the weight of, and in the direction of, Plio-Pleistocene lava flows emitte...
The NW-SE oriented Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) has been thoroughly studied during the last 25 years, especially by means of well data and seismic profiles. We present the results of a first brittle tectonic analysis based on about 850 dykes, veins and minor fault-slip data measured in the field in Scania, including paleostress reconstruction. W...
A detailed study of normal faults in the calcarenites and chalks of the Mons Basin reveals that pressure-solution processes play a significant role in fault zones, which affects the determination of the amounts of extension. Drag folding associated with normal simple shear and rock dissolution concurred to produce layer flexuring in the hanging wal...
The Selsund fault is a major N–S seismic fault of the E–W South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), a left-lateral transform zone in Iceland. The Selsund earthquake, May 6th 1912, was the first instrumentally recorded earthquake (M = 7) in Iceland. To characterise the geometry of the surface deformation, we carried out field measurements and kinematic GPS...
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Fascicule thématique n°18 (1) de Geodinamica Acta
A new approach for identifying past slip events in strike-slip fault systems without geological markers is presented. A 2-D distinct element modeling code is used to simulate the stress distribution around a strike-slip fault zone after a major slip event. Mature and immature fault zones are investigated. Slip on the fault is responsible for stress...
We analysed push-up structures along the Selsund Fault, a N–S right-lateral strike-slip fault activated during the 1912 earthquake in the South Iceland Seismic Zone. Volume changes and syn-tectonic collapse affected push-ups during the earthquake, followed by post-seismic gravitational sagging. To determine the push-up shortening, and hence the str...
Major sources of stress perturbation are expected in the brittle crust, and documented by local studies in Iceland. Whether or not a significant average stress state may emerge from regional-scale inversion of very large sets of focal mechanisms is thus subject to doubt. We carried out stress inversion of double couple focal mechanisms recorded by...
A new approach for identifying past slip events in strike-slip fault systems without geological markers is presented. A 2-D distinct element modeling code is used to simulate the stress distribution around a strike-slip fault zone after a major slip event. Mature and immature fault zones are investigated. Slip on the fault is responsible for stress...
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The geometry and dynamics of the Mesozoic basins of the Weald–Boulonnais area have been controlled by the distribution of preexisting Variscan structures. The emergent Variscan frontal thrust faults are predominantly E–W oriented in southern England while in northern France they have a largely NW–SE orientation.Extension related to Tethyan and Atla...
Due to the westward American–Eurasian plate boundary migration, the rift zone location in Northern Iceland imposed by the stable Icelandic hotspot has jumped eastward. The present-day North Volcanic Zone of Iceland is thus shifted about 100 km to the east with respect to the Kolbeinsey Ridge. A Miocene paleo-rift location was proposed along the Hún...
Two major earthquakes (MS=6.6) occurred on June 17th and 21st, 2000 in southern Iceland. This paper presents mapping and measurements of representative segments along their surface fault traces: the Árnes Fault (June 17th) and the Hestfjall Fault (June 21st). The rupture trace of the Árnes Fault at Mykjunes shows a conjugate strike-slip pattern wit...
Field measurements and GPS mapping were conducted along the Leirubakki Fault, a 010°-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault located in the Holocene lava flows of the South Iceland Seismic Zone. Because of poor exposures south and north of the Holocene lava flow dissected by the fault, its length can only be traced for 7.5 km. The exposed surface...
Dykes constitute unique indicators of local paleostress. When compiled over a large area and over a significant time span they also underline larger changes in the global field stress and thus may be used together with the present day finite deformation to address global geodynamical problems. However, their use has often proved problematic because...
Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Since at least the middle Miocene, the plate boundary has moved westward with regard to a large hot spot located below Iceland, resulting in successive jumps of the axial rift zone. In northern Iceland the last one occurred 8 Ma ago. It have led to the development of a 120 km long and 70--80 km wide rig...
The Artois region in NE France is marked by a particular topography: elevated chalky plateaus in the south, which abruptly descend to the northern low flat-land, partly underlain by the Variscan Coal Basin. The often steep valleys are due to faults. These ``epi-cretaceous'' faults are traditionally considered as subvertical, posterior and secant to...
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The Boulonnais is a former marine gulf superimposed on a zone of tectonic inversion, which was already excavated at least at the early Middle Eocene. New sedimentalogical and paleopedological data discover within the Boulonnais and fresh seismic sections able now to better understand the process of inversion step by step. The initial breaching prob...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 214, n. 3-4, p. 529-544, 2003.
A major earthquake (M=6.6) occurred on 21 June 2000, in South Iceland. This paper presents an unusual example of left-lateral strike-slip displacement recorded in a newly asphalted car park surface through a mechanically consistent pattern of open fissures and pressure ridges resulting from simple shear and rotation. Measurement of these features a...
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The tectonic evolution of the region adjacent to the SW border of the East European craton is crucial for understanding the Palaeozoic amalgamation of Europe and its later evolution. We present a structural analysis of the brittle deformation (fault-slip data inversion) and folding carried out in the Cambrian to Cenozoic rocks of the European platf...
Outcrop-scale structural data and seismic section interpretation are combined to unveil a very complicated Tertiary deformation history of a once Tethyan margin: the Mecsek–Villány area of Hungary. This combination of data helped to reconstruct the possible activity of individual fault zones. At least four ENE–WSW striking zones—the Northern Imbric...
Based on an analysis of 8000 minor fault-slip data in the Jura Mountains (France), we discuss the influence of pre-existing discontinuities on the development of fold-and-thrust belts. We present palinspastic maps showing the stress fields and active faults during the Cenozoic pre-orogenic events in the Jura belt prior to the main Late Miocene fold...
Tectonic studies near major fault zones often reveal multiple tectonic regimes. Do these regimes indicate multiphase tectonism with distinct episodes, or do they reflect single-phase tectonism with time-space perturbations along lithospheric weakness zones? Based on tectonic analyses in Flateyjarskagi, North Iceland, we reconstruct the late Cenozoi...
The Húsavı́k–Flatey Fault (HFF) is an oblique dextral transform fault, part of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ), that connects the North Volcanic Zone of Iceland and the Kolbeinsey Ridge. We carry out stress inversion to reconstruct the paleostress fields and present-day stress fields along the Húsavı́k–Flatey Fault, analysing 2700 brittle tectonic...