François-Charles Wolff

François-Charles Wolff
Nantes Université | UNIV Nantes · Institut d'Economie et de Management de Nantes (IAE)



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Publications (284)
In France, the reform of the judicial map, initiated in mid-2007 and completed in 2010, led to a large reduction in the number of courts of first instance, from almost 500 to around 300. This led to an increase of about eight kilometers in the distance litigants should travel to courts in the treated jurisdictions. In this paper, we examine the imp...
La fin du système de prix de retrait a été instaurée sur les marchés européens de première vente des produits de la mer en janvier 2014. Cet article examine les conséquences de la suppression de ce dispositif de prix plancher sur les quantités et les prix à partir de données mobilisant plus de 11 millions de transactions collectées sur l’ensemble d...
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Participatory democracy and public consultations are increasingly being used to shape public policy or resolve political issues. In France, the Grand Débat was launched in early 2019 as a democratic response to the Yellow Vests movement, a massive grassroots social protest. With more than 500,000 participants, the Grand Débat platform was interpret...
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Using a sample of 848 workers in France, this article aims to explain problematic smartphone dependency, a behavior considered to have negative consequences for sufferers in the context of work. It examines whether and how addictive pleasure at work is related to problematic smartphone dependency (PSD). The authors propose a model with the original...
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Our objective is to investigate if hiring discrimination in France has a cyclical nature using an innovative set of repeated correspondence tests. The methodology covers one type of job only, that of administrative manager, in both the private and public sectors, and two discrimination criteria, ethnic origin and place of residence. The empirical a...
This paper considers a DEA bad-output framework to assess the efficiency of court settlement activities and examine how efficiency depends on both the characteristics of the conciliators and institutional factors. The empirical analysis relies on court level data of conciliation activities in French civil magistrate courts between 2010 and 2017. Re...
While information technology has led to increased market integration, in many markets there are still significant heterogeneity associated with factors such as product characteristics, market location, market lots, transaction mode and buyer and seller characteristics. Using a data set of 40 million observations of up-streams fish sales in Atlantic...
This paper relies on a natural experiment to study the short-term consequences of a reduction of the trawler fleet on the economic situation of fisheries. In the context of the Covid pandemic, a scenario of cooperation leading to a weekly rotation of trawlers was set up for four weeks in May 2020 in the port of Le Grau-du-Roi located on the Mediter...
In this paper, we conduct a multi-criteria correspondence test to assess the extent of discrimination in access to employment against candidates with a hearing disability and compare it to three other potential grounds for discrimination: ethnicity, place of residence and gender. From October 2019 to February 2020, we sent 2315 applications to 463...
While there is widespread evidence that sentences for similar cases tend to differ across courts, the production of sentencing disparities by prosecutors versus judges has received very limited attention to date. In this paper, we focus on this issue using traffic offenses data from neighboring courts in South-East France. First, we measure dispari...
Studies on price trends of seafood products in the medium run remain scarce. In this paper, we investigate changes in first-sale prices of fish sold in France over the last 25 years. Drawing on the index number literature, we construct monthly chained fish price indices which are free from seasonal fluctuations. Our empirical analysis relies on a d...
Conference Paper
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La dépendance problématique au smartphone considère la dépendance comme un comportement qui a des conséquences négatives et sévères pour l'individu qui en souffre. Cherchant à expliquer cette dépendance dans la population des actifs en France, population très peu étudiée dans la littérature sur l'addiction au smartphone, cette recherche conçoit cet...
Introduction La plupart des nouveaux fumeurs commencent leur consommation à l’adolescence. En France, la vente de tabac est interdite aux moins de 18 ans depuis 2009. L’étude présentée vise à évaluer le taux de vente de tabac aux mineurs dans les bureaux de tabac en France et les facteurs associés à ces ventes. Méthodes Une étude observationnelle...
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We develop a flexible framework for the estimation of the fuel consumption-speed curve for ships which allows for speed-dependent elasticity with endogenous thresholds. Using a large dataset of noon reports for 16 crude oil tankers, we estimate the corresponding elasticities net of weather effects. Our empirical findings confirm that the classical...
Objectives: In 2017, one in four French 17-year-olds was a daily smoker, even though France prohibited the sale of tobacco to under-18 minors in 2009. This research aims to evaluate the retail violation rate for sale to minors (RVRm) and the associated factors. Study design: Mystery shopping observational study. Methods: We conducted a mystery er s...
In this paper, we investigate the effects of the Danish seine which was introduced for a subsample of vessels on a single wholesale fish market in France. The goal was to mitigate the decrease in vessel profits due to the rise of gasoline prices. Estimations are conducted from transaction data over the 2009–2011 period during which the innovation w...
Around 50% of individuals obtain or hear about jobs through social networks. This hiring trend may become problematic when the labor market is tight and people need less social contacts to find a job. Using a one-period static model where network members may receive job offers directly from the firm or indirectly through employed members in the net...
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This paper investigates the intergenerational transmission of risk attitudes in the context of a low income country with a focus on rural–urban and gender differences. Our empirical analysis is based on a household survey completed in Burkina Faso in 2014 which asks family members about their willingness to take risk in various domains. We find a p...
Cet article propose une réévaluation de la croissance économique en France entre 1985 et 2010, en intégrant la production domestique aux indicateurs de richesse du produit intérieur brut (PIB) et des revenus du travail. Au cours de la période, la croissance du PIB est surestimée de 0,35 point de pourcentage. Une décomposition temporelle révèle que...
In this paper, we investigate the contracting behaviour of participants in the spot freight market for tankers by analysing the positioning of vessels at the time of fixture. For that purpose, we create a new dataset obtained by merging spatial ship positions, commercial fixtures and technical vessel specifications. Using quantile and quantile fixe...
This paper investigates the effect of semi-liberty as an alternative to prison on recidivism in France. Our analysis is based on a unique dataset comprising 1,445 offenders, all eligible to semi-liberty. In the absence of an instrumental variable affecting access to semi-liberty but unrelated to recidivism, we turn to selection-on-observable method...
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Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) deal with time-sensitive logistics and sophisticated marine operations for high-value offshore oil and gas installations. We investigate whether this creates preferences that effectively penalize energy efficiency, either through lower hire rates or reduced utilization. We apply hedonic pricing fixed effect models wh...
This paper contributes to the literature on the health-retirement relationship by looking at the effect of retiring before legal age on health in later life in France. To account for the endogeneity of the early retirement decision, our identification strategy relies on eligibility rules to a long-career early retirement scheme introduced in France...
This paper investigates the trajectories of young migrants arriving in Italy by sea by means of unique data from a centre for reception of refugees and asylum seekers located in the southern region of Calabria during the period 2009-2014. We focus on the influence of family relationships at entry. We find that the length of stay is nearly five time...
This paper investigates the short-term effects of transition into retirement on health within couples using French household data. We rely on a semi-parametric difference-in-differences method to account for the endogeneity of the retirement decision. We compare the health trajectories of respondents who retire to those of respondents who remain em...
BACKGROUND In recent years, large numbers of migrants have attempted to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Italy plays a central role as a receiving country, particularly because of its relative proximity to the coast of North Africa. OBJECTIVE This paper investigates the trajectories of migrants from their entry into a refugee centre...
Migrants who intend to stay permanently in the host country are less likely to be attached to their origin country, meaning that a temporary migration should increase the likelihood of sending financial transfers to the origin country. We test the relevance of this hypothesis using a unique dataset on the integration of first-generation migrants li...
This paper investigates whether the energy efficiency of vessels is reflected in sales prices in the second-hand market. Using unique data of nearly 1600 sales transactions over a 21-year period, we consider a hedonic pricing framework in which we control for market conditions, vessel specifications and buyers’ country of origin to identify the spe...
The succession of maritime accidents in the last decades of the 20th Century caused a strong political and public outcry for more stringent maritime safety regulations and measures. One of the most significant developments in this regard was the establishment of several regional agreements on Port State Control (PSC) – the first of which was the Pa...
Which Health Effects of Retirement? This article investigates the health effect of retirement. Analysing the related theoretical and empirical literature, we identify the different channels through which the transition into retirement affects the individuals’ health. Regarding the theory, we show the extent to which the individuals have interest to...
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Numerous articles dealing with stated preferences are published every year in journals related to agriculture, environment, or health. Hence, it is not easy to find all the relevant articles when performing a benefit transfer, a meta-analysis, or a review of literature. Also, it is not easy to identify trends or common practices in these fields reg...
Paid work and time devoted to higher education This paper investigates one causal mechanism by which a student’s job can affect academic success. Students devoting time to paid work are expected to face more difficulties attending courses and to have less time to spend on homework. Our empirical analysis, which is based on five cross-sectional data...
We estimate a hedonic pricing regression to generate a market index from heterogeneous fixture data in the Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) market. We consider a fixed effect framework where we control for vessel characteristics and contract-specific variables. Applied to a dataset of more than 30,000 transactions from 1989 to 2015, estimates show tha...
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This paper investigates the determinants of educational achievements using household data collected in 2009 and 2010 from six sub-Saharan African countries. The econometric strategy combines estimation of random effect Probit models and variance decompositions to assess the relative contributions of between-family and within-family inequalities in...
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Interval bidding allows people to report a range of values for a non-market good. Herein, we allow people to choose their distribution over this range endogenously. We consider a multiplicative error model explaining the willingness to pay (WTP) which is estimated using a feasible generalized least squares estimator. We apply our framework to a rep...
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National Transfer Accounts (NTA) measure the way in which individuals produce, consume, save, and share resources at each age. They make it possible to identify the periods for which private and public consumption (education, healthcare, etc.) is not funded by labour income, before identifying the transfers between the ages that enable such consump...
This article is translated from «Le déficit de cycle de vie en France : une évaluation pour la période 1979-2011 »
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Aim: To investigate ethnic differences in smoking between Roma and non-Roma and their determinants, including how discrimination faced by Roma may influence smoking decisions. Methods: We analysed data from the Roma Regional Survey 2011 implemented in twelve countries of Central and South-East Europe with random samples of approximately 750 househo...
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This paper examines the impact on cigarette sales of the successive increases in cigarette prices in France from 2002 to 2004. Since the price differential between France and neighboring countries increased over the period in question, cross-border purchases became more financially attractive for smokers living near borders. Results from difference...
Aim: To investigate differences in vaccination coverage between Roma and otherwise comparable non-Roma children, including factors associated with the vaccination gap, health care access and discrimination faced by Roma. Methods: We analyse data from the Roma Regional Survey 2011 implemented in twelve countries of Central and South-East Europe....
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This paper investigates the trajectories of illegal migrants in Italy using unique individual data stemming from a centre for reception of refugees and asylum seekers located in the southern region of Calabria during the period 2008-2014. We find that inflows in the centre have some peaks associated to political crises and wars in origin countries...
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This paper investigates the relative efficiency of buyers and sellers on the online diamond market using a non-parametric double-frontier setting. Our data consists in a sample of more than 100,000 round cut diamonds offered for sale online. For a given quality defined by a combination of color and clarity grades, we turn to the free disposal hull...
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Evaluation Using Synthetic Controls and Factor Models: an Application to the French Fish Market This article provides an evaluation of the effect of a new fishing technique in Les Sables d’Olonne on the quality of caught fish using the synthetic control method and factor models. The estimations are conducted on aggregate data at the French fish mar...
Economic studies of the Roma population, which is the largest and the poorest ethnic minority in Europe, remain sparse due to the limited availability of appropriate micro level data. This paper provides a comparative analysis of life satisfaction between Roma and non-Roma young adults aged between 15 and 24 years using survey data collected from S...
This paper extends the traditional hedonic price specification to take into account the unobserved heterogeneity of sellers, buyers and seller–buyer matches. The specification is estimated using econometric techniques for non-nested panel data models on a data set of nearly 15 million transactions occurring in French wholesale fish markets over the...
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This paper focuses on the effect of remittances on per capita consumption over time in a context of conflict, war-to-peace transition and crisis. We use two household surveys from Kosovo with unique timing, one collected immediately after the civil war in 2000 and the other during the economic crisis in 2010. This territory, in which the tension am...
Using high-quality data collected in France in 2005 from more than 250 regular cannabis users, we estimate both quantity discount and price elasticity of cannabis net of the effect of perceived quality and real potency. We find evidence of substantial price discount and obtain a short-term price consumption elasticity ranging from −1.7 to −2.1, mea...
We propose a model for freight rate formation in individual contracts that incorporates charterer and owner heterogeneity and owner–charterer match effects. We estimate fixed effect regressions and implement a variance decomposition for 2863 VLCC tanker and 1789 Capesize fixtures between 2011 and 2014. Although market conditions and routes remain t...
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The Roma constitute the largest, poorest and youngest ethnic minority group in Europe. Over the last few years, they have attracted unprecedented attention with the fear of massive waves of emigrants to Western European countries. Using unique comparative data from 12 Central and South-East European countries, we study the pattern and determinants...
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La méthode des Comptes de transferts nationaux est utilisée pour quantifier les transferts économiques entre les âges. Aux âges actifs, les individus produisent en général davantage qu’ils ne consomment. L’inverse s’observe pendant la jeunesse et la retraite, la consommation étant alors financée par une redistribution des ressources entre les âges....
The ballast waters from ships pose a major threat to oceans, notably because of the spread of microorganisms. The present study evaluates the techno-economic feasibility of implementing the membrane process to remove microalgae from seawater to be ballasted in a single step during planktonic bloom. The optimal conditions for the microfiltration of...
This paper investigates to what extent the return behaviour of migrants affects their transfer decisions, both at the extensive and intensive margins. We use a unique data set collected on migrants aged 45–70 living in France, with detailed information on both return intentions at retirement and on private transfers. We find that the temporary natu...
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Cet article propose une évaluation de l’introduction d’une nouvelle technique de pêche aux Sables d’Olonne sur la qualité des poissons pêchés à partir de la méthode des contrôles synthétiques et de l’estimation de modèles à facteurs. L’estimation est menée sur des données agrégées au niveau des criées françaises sur la période 2009-2012. Notre esti...
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This article empirically investigates the relationship between price dispersion and price level. Searches seem more valuable for products of high quality, but buyers may have little incentive to search since such products are less frequently purchased. The extent of price dispersion is examined using a sample of around 160 000 diamonds offered for...
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Most of the literature on remittances has focused on their implications for the welfare of family members in the country of origin and has disregarded the possibility for remittances to trigger chain migration. In this paper, we address this issue with the use of longitudinal data from Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the primary exporters of migrant...
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We examine the effect of birth order on education, occupation, and parental transfers using four cross sections of the French Wealth surveys conducted between 1992 and 2010. Estimates from ordered models confirm the presence of a first born advantage in education and occupation, the latter persisting to a lesser extent after controlling for educati...
This paper investigates spatial variations in product prices using an exhaustive micro dataset on fish transactions. The data includes all transactions between vessels and wholesalers that occurred within local fish markets in France during 2007. Spatial disparities in fish prices are sizable even after taking into account fish quality, time, and u...
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This paper investigates the role of productivity as a determinant of the worker’s retirement intentions. Using an overlapping generation framework, we analyze the retirement decision of a cohort of workers being ability heterogeneous. The labor market is endogenously segmented between workers having the required ability level to occupy jobs where t...
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Educational inequalities within families in France While intergenerational transmission of human capital has been widely documented by economists, less is known about differences in schooling between siblings. This paper proposes a measure of educational inequality in France using a sample of 27,197 children from 11,694 families. Estimation of orde...
Are tall and good-looking doctors more often perceived as “great” doctors ? Purpose : To study to what extent physical characteristics such as height, body size and physical appearance of doctors are correlated with the trust accorded by their patients to their judgment, the degree to which they comply with medical treatment and their subjective as...
Using a unique data set on immigrants living in France in 2003, we investigate whether Muslims invest differently in their children’s education compared to non-Muslims. In particular, we want to assess whether educational inequalities between the children of Muslim and non-Muslim immigrants stem from differences between or within families. After co...
We use the National Transfer Accounts methodology to calculate the lifecycle deficit in France for the years 1979–2005. During this period, consumption profiles were roughly constant over age, while labor income profiles shifted to higher ages. The share of the aggregate lifecycle deficit in GDP rose sharply in the 1980s due to an increase in the m...
Using a unique data set with 168 ski resorts located in France, this paper investigates the relationship between lift ticket prices and supply-related characteristics of ski resorts. A non-parametric analysis combined with a principal component analysis is used to identify the set of efficient ski resorts, defined as those where the lift ticket pri...
Education and Sibship Composition in France This paper investigates the effect of the sibship composition, both number of siblings and birth order, on educational levels in France. The Actifs Financiers and Patrimoine surveys are used to construct matched samples with information on education of parents and their various children. The results show...
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This paper investigates the reliability of self-assessed measures of health using panel data collected in Albania by the World Bank from 2002 to 2004 through the Living Standard Measurement Study project. As the survey includes questions on the usual self-assessed measure of health and on more objective health problems, we combine both types of inf...
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The paper underlines the major role of productivity as a determinant of the worker's retirement expectations. We propose an overlapping generation model with a continuum of heterogeneous ability workers. The labor market is endogenously segmented between worker's having the required ability level to occupy jobs where the productivity is indexed to...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role played by ethnicity on the determinants and welfare implications of transfers from abroad in Kosovo. This territory, in which the tension among ethnic groups is still the focus of international concern, is one of the primary recipients of remittances in the world. Using data collected in 2011 fro...
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This paper investigates spatial variations in product prices using an exhaustive micro dataset on fish transactions. The data record all transactions between vessels and wholesalers that occur on local fish markets in France during the year 2007. Spatial disparities in fish prices are sizable, even after fish quality, time, seller and buyer unobser...
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Chartering rather than owning a vessel is a recurrent question for liner operators. This article aims at identifying the extent of such chartering practices, the characteristics of vessels chartered and if an impact on liner profitability can be found. To do so, an initial data set collected in 2009 on 510 liner operators and 5005 vessels is used....
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Hedonic price regressions have become a standard tool to study how prices of commodity goods are related to quality attributes. In this paper, we extend the traditional price specification by incorporating three sources of unobserved heterogeneity related to sellers, buyers, and matches between buyers and sellers. The extended price specification i...
Since Akerlof’s theory of lemons, economists have viewed quality uncertainty as an informational advantage for sellers. Drawing on frontier techniques, we propose in this paper a simple method for measuring inefficiency of both sellers and buyers in markets for goods with different levels of quality. We apply a non-parametric robust double-frontier...
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Exploiting variability in the managerial dimension, this paper presents firm management through firm and time effects in a production function that uses a three-way fixed effect model and a unique panel dataset that tracks multiple managers for each firm from 1980–2007. We allow for time-varying firm management through learning. The model is applie...
Using French data collected in 2007 from a sample of about 2,000 elderly people living in nursing homes, this paper investigates the role that individual characteristics play in satisfaction with life and depression. Following psychological studies that have highlighted the benefits of social interactions on individual well‐being, I focus in partic...
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Low pressure microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) is used as seawater pretreatment before reverse osmosis membranes for capacity that ranged from 6,700 to 140,000 m per day at Colakoglu Steel Mill (Turkey), Yu-Han (China), Kindasa (Saudi Arabia), Fukuoka (Japan), and Ad Dur (Bahrain). Among all modes of porous membrane filtration, pressure...
This article offers an empirical analysis of the disparities in education and social status which can arise among siblings, on the basis of the Patrimoine surveys carried out in 1998 and 2004 at the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies. While having a large number of siblings reduces the level of education of the children i...
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Despite the increasing prevalence of dual-earner couples, women still perform the bulk of domestic and parental tasks within the household. In this paper, we investigate the role of the parental model in the persistence of this gender inequality. We study the possible correlation between the domestic time of parents and their young adult co-residen...
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This paper investigates the relationship between the selling price of diamonds and their weight in carats. For this purpose, we use a unique sample of 112,080 certified diamonds collected from during the first week of July 2011. We find substantial differences in pricing depending on cut shape. The price of diamonds increases m...
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Drawing on data from an annual French guidebook published in 2004, this paper focuses on the determinants of experts' ratings on Cuban cigars. We find that high quality cigars are more likely to be recommended to more experienced cigar lovers. Both the self-assessed quality and recommendation depend on the length and diameter of the cigars, but als...
Résumé Si le niveau d’éducation des enfants dépend largement du diplôme et de la position sociale des parents, les trajectoires scolaires sont également influencées par les caractéristiques de la fratrie. L’accent est ici mis sur le rôle joué respectivement par la taille de la fratrie et par le rang de naissance. Les résultats de l’analyse économét...
This paper proposes to decompose non-linear models deduced from a latent regression framework using the latent dependent outcome as dependent variable and the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique. Values of the unobserved latent outcome are obtained using simulated residuals.