Francisco Piniella

Francisco Piniella
Universidad de Cádiz | UCA · Dept. Maritime Studies



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Honorary Rector of University of Cádiz, Spain. Thirty years of experience in higher education in Maritime and Logistics Safety Policies. Former Dean of the Faculty of Nautical Sciences, and former Head Dept of Maritime Studies, now Head of the R&D Group Maritime Policy. Present principal research: Port State Control; Globalization in the Maritime Transport; Trends in the Global market for crews and MLC'2006 implementation; Specific risks in the artisanal fishing fleet.
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February 1992 - present
Universidad de Cádiz
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (91)
The incorporation of new international regulations is a rational way to avoid the use of substandard Asian ship-breaking yards. However, more restrictive regulations and agreements could lead to increase the proliferation of the use of third countries in connection with ship recycling industry. The new Open Registries provides ship-owners with lega...
In the globalized maritime transport sector, with its preponderance of open registries, the controls implemented by the Port State Control should be rigorous but equitable. In this article, we present both stakeholder perceptions of these inspections (based on a questionnaire to which 343 people responded) and a descriptive analysis of real data, u...
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Port state control inspections implemented under the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) have become known as one of the best instruments for maritime administrations in European Union (EU) Member States to ensure that the ships docked in their ports comply with all maritime safety requirements. This paper focuses on the analysis of all inspect...
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This article uses data generated by Port State Control (PSC) inspections of ships in national ports (Paris MoU) to assess their compliance with radio-communications safety regulations. By mainly applying binary logistic regression methods, the aim is to examine and understand the relationship between the severity of deficiencies in maritime communi...
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The first pandemic of the 21st Century was declared at the beginning of the year 2020 due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Its effects devastated the world economy and greatly affected maritime transport, one of the precursors of globalisation. This paper studies the effects of the pandemic on this type of transport, using data from 23,803 Pari...
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Port State Control (PSC) inspections conducted under the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement have become a crucial tool for maritime administrations in European Union countries to ensure compliance with international maritime safety standards by ships entering their ports. This paper analyses all PSC inspections conducted in 10 major...
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Port state control inspections implemented under the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) have become known as one of the best instruments for maritime administrations in European Union (EU) Member States to ensure that the ships docked in their ports comply with all maritime safety requirements. This paper focuses on the analysis of all inspect...
The objective of this document is to make clear the importance of simplifying the transit of pleasure boats and their skippers safely in the European territory with the foreseeable improvement of the functioning of the internal market. In many European countries recreational skippers are required to have specific training and experience in order to...
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ESPOmar project is a cooperation research network with the aim of designing and evaluating a new sustainable cross-border maritime transport system for the Gulf of Cadiz. The key objectives of the ESPOmar project are: to analyse the real demand of such a transport system; study the nautical condition for navigation of the area; define the capacity...
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The importance of safety on ships is beyond dispute, however, there are some types of ship for which this matter deserves special consideration. One of these types of ships are passenger cruises, due to the high number of human lives that travel on board. For this reason, we believe that a particular study of safety in cruise ships is needed. The P...
The purpose of this paper is to identify the origins of maritime Radio navigation in Spain, as a result of the introduction and the establishment of Radio goniometry stations on board the Spanish merchant marine vessels in 1921. To do this, the pioneer tests from the steamer Patricio de Satrústegui in the bay of Cádiz are provided and described, as...
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La Globalización en el Transporte Marítimo a partir de cinco puntos claves: 1. Un sector globalizado. 2. Un sector liberalizado. 3. Un sector ¿...seguro? 4. Un sector cuestionado y 5. Finalizando: nuevos retos.
The State-owned Spanish Port System (SPS) includes 46 ports for general use that are managed by the 28 port authorities distributed along the 8000 km of Spanish coast. SPS has not grown at a rate comparable to that of international maritime transportation. In our paper, we start from the hypothesis of a port system that appears to be oversized, sub...
This paper analyses the work of some Spanish researchers and innovators on wireless telephony in early twentieth-century Spain. Matías Balsera and Antonio Castilla tested radiotelephone stations in long-distance communication when looking for potential commercialization of in- ventions. Antonio Castilla promoted the creation of the Iberian Telecomm...
Abstract After almost a decade of intensive regulatory activities focused on ship-recycling around the world, special reference is made to combating the problems of ship dismantling practices on the shores of Southern Asian countries. “The Hong Kong International Convention” was adopted in 2009, to provide a uniform shipbreaking management approach...
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El presente documento revisa los niveles existentes de metales pesados y otros compuestos tóxicos para la salud y el medio ambiente en las aguas de la bahía de Cádiz. En el mismo, se aborda el impacto de la actividad del desguace de buques mediante el estudio de los datos aportados por la Red de muestreo de la Junta de Andalucía y una discusión de...
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The issue of migrations from Africa to Spain across the Strait of Gibraltar presents many challenges in the area of human rights, but also in matters affecting maritime safety, which not only involve improving surveillance technologies, but also improving emergency and rescue services to help people who are in this situation, to avoid shipwrecks an...
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The container has been a key driver of globalization. With the passage of time, this has led to build larger container ships. The principal issue is the adaptation carried out by main ports to become ports of call of these Ultra Large Container Vessel (ULCV). These modifications are irrelevant for seaports with enough depth, but much more complex f...
The Panama Ship Registry has its origins in the year 1917. Nowadays, Panama has the largest vessel registry in the world. The second placed registry in the world ranking is Liberia, which does not have even half the number of Panamanian ships. In this Centennial, the aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the Panamanian Registry, the stru...
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Resumen – Históricamente la bandera de un buque era un acto de reafirmación de la autoridad de ese país y significaba que los barcos quedaban bajo las leyes del mismo. Sin embargo, básicamente desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se desarrolló el fenómeno conocido de forma peyorativa como " Bande-ras de Conveniencia ". En la gran mayoría de los Estados...
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Full-scale globalisation of trade has been accompanied by a progressive liberalisation of maritime transport. The proliferation of open registries has created a situation in which Port State Control (PSC) has become much more effective than the feeble or non-existent control exercised by those States. This study has been conducted on the influence...
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El concepto de Seguridad Marítima desde un punto de vista retrospectivo. The article seeks to address that concept modeling Maritime Safety from a retrospective view as well as from within an integrate concept.
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SUMARIO: Introducción; La Globalización en las estructuras del Transporte Marítimo; La protección de la gente de mar; El MLC, 2006; Implementación del MLC, 2006 a través de las Inspecciones del Estado Rector del Puerto; Análisis de una año de inspecciones en el MoU de París; Conclusiones. RESUMEN: La Globalización, entendida fundamentalmente a part...
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Evolución del papel de la Armada Española en el transporte de correspondencia entre la Metrópolis y las colonias españolas en América.
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This paper explores the implementation of a new Maritime Labour policy based on the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006), which was adopted in 2006 and came into force in 20 August 2013. It aims to investigate its impact on the development of regulations among Member States and on vessel inspections under the Port State Control (PSC) system. It a...
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The aim of our paper is to study the proposal of a new international law to protect abandoned seafarers, according to the development of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC,2006), in force from 20th August of 2013. Our paper is addressed to the role of the international social partners appointed by the Special Tripartite Committee in the amendment...
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GuadaMAR project, financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by the Government of Andalusia (Spain), involves work on various objectives that are essentially aimed at the theoretical design of a Prototype vessel and maritime navigation system for the Guadalquivir River. Based in the port of Seville, this would serve as a transport sy...
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This article synthesizes the work done by its authors, in recent years, regarding the study and analysis of the conditions of life and work of seafarers on board ship. A historical picture is given of the social specificities of the occupation and of life at sea up to the Industrial Revolution. An analysis is then made of the establishment by State...
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This paper presents an analysis of illicit maritime trafficking of psychotropic substances and law en- forcement policies within the context of ‘Universal Jurisdiction’. To this end, we examine the case of Spain and its Universal Jurisdiction reform, which has led to the dismissal of numerous proceed- ings initiated for alleged drug trafficking and...
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In this paper we first analyse major cases that have affected the Maritime Security before and after the terrorist attacks of 11/9, especially incidents involving vessels as ’Santa Maria’, ’Achille Lauro’, ’Cole’, and ’Limburg’. Then we have focused on the problem of piracy at sea. Finally, in our point of discussion about the Maritime Security we...
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A detailed statistical analysis of the world fleet and its performance in respect of safety has been made, to study the evolution that has taken place in recent decades in the privatization or externalization of the control services. These services refer principally to the inspection and monitoring of ships performed by the Maritime Administrations...
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Twenty years ago, in 1992, the International Maritime Organization set the objective of extending the regional Port State Control agreements to the world scale. This would be achieved, it was hoped, by " exporting " the model of the Paris MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) agreement of 1982 to other regional areas. Now would seem to be a good time t...
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Maritime and river transport and associated infrastructures that are not considered to be the responsibility of the State (i.e. the national Government) are among the various competences of the Regional Government, and specifically of the Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda of the Junta de Andalucía. The Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía (APPA)...
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A collision takes place when a succession of errors results in two vessels coming into contact with each other. A certain period of time elapses from when such a situation commences until the collision actually happens. A particular moment will be reached when, no matter what either vessel does, it will not be possible to prevent the collision. Tha...
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The International Maritime Labour Convention, known by the initials MLC,2006, was approved almost unanimously in 2006. Signed on 7 February of that year, it is the fruit of five years work by the International Labour Organisation, together with its interlocutors such as the ITF and associations of ship owners. Its object is to improve the employmen...
Although in the great majority of States, the inspection and certification of vessels are provided as public services, the Classification Societies continue being an essential element in maritime traffic, since the official inspections and certifications generally do not take into consideration certain structural aspects or details of vessels. The...
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Both SAR’79 and UNCLOS’82 Conventions are specific tools that establish the juridical and technical foun- dations for the development of reactive aspects related to maritime safety response. These conventions set up the search and rescue regions in which coastal states should assume the responsibility to dedicate resources, to cover the needs of th...
The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, which takes effect on 20 August 2013, consolidates dozens of ILO standards adopted since the 1920s. It has been described as the “fourth pillar” of the international maritime regulatory regime, alongside three major IMO Conventions on safety at sea and marine pollution control. The challenge, the authors argue,...
Resumen El Convenio sobre el trabajo marítimo, 2006, que entrará en vigor en agosto de 2013, unifica normas adoptadas por la OIT desde 1920. Constituye el «cuarto pilar» del régimen de reglamentación marítima internacional, junto con tres convenios de la OMI sobre seguridad y control de la contaminación en el mar. Según los autores, el reto consist...
Résumé La convention du travail maritime, 2006, qui entrera en vigueur le 20 août 2013, regroupe des dizaines de normes de l'OIT adoptées depuis les années 1920. Elle a été décrite comme le «quatrième pilier» de la réglementation internationale maritime, aux côtés de trois grandes conventions de l'OMI sur la sécurité en mer et la prévention de la p...
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By the 21st century China’s port logistics have been aligned fully with the country's global trade needs, in which the development of Chinese coastal ports is playing a very important role. In this article, we describe briefly the development process and current situation of China’s coastal ports from a macro perspective. From the study and analysi...
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El transporte de personas por mar toma su auge a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX con la masiva emigración desde Europa hacia América principalmente, es bajo este panorama en el que se suceden numerosos accidentes marítimos que obligan a los diferentes Estados a promulgar normas destinadas a garantizar la seguridad de las personas en el ma...
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After the Amoco Cadiz ecological disaster in France, in 1978, the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (PMoU) on Port State Control (PSC) was created. The purpose of this harmonized inspection system is to prevent substandard ships that present high risk from sailing to European and Canadian N. Atlantic ports and anchorages. The existence of many sub-...
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The regulation of minimum legal size (MLS) of catches is a tool widely applied in the management of fisheries resources, although the MLS does not always coincide with the length at first maturity (LFM). The optimization of this management tool requires a series of quality control in fish markets and transportation. A software application has been...
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Análisis de la situación en PRL en la flota pesquera artesanal en Andalucía y colaboración en la edición de herramientas de prevención. Resumen Andalucía cuenta con una importante tradición en la industria pesquera que la hace una de las zonas de la Unión Europea donde las políticas de pesca tienen una gran importancia para la población. Este traba...
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The objective of this article is to present a general analysis of the various different elements that comprise the operating chain or process for working a containercarrier vessel, defining the operating ratios involved and the relationships between them; similarly, the parameters that influence the operational process are indicated. This paper inc...
During the past 5 years researchers from the University of Cádiz have carried out several studies on artisanal fishing in Andalusia, with the object of determining the state of the fleet and safety on board vessels. These studies have been financed largely with help from the European Union. In this third approach to the topic, the census of the fle...
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En este artículo analizamos en primer lugar los casos más importantes que han afectado a la Protección Marítima con anterioridad a los atentados terroristas del 11/9, especialmente los incidentes ocurridos con los buques: " Santa María " , " Achille Lauro " , " Cole " , " Limburg " ,… y por otra parte hemos abordado el problema de la piratería en e...
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This poster presents the first steps of our research group in identifying country-level control policies on alcohol abuse in shipping. It must analyze the international regulation on this and the role of IMO and ILO in implementing these policies. The problems associated with alcohol and drugs may arise from personal, familial, social, given situat...
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In 2008 our R&D Group made the Plan for the reception and handling of waste generated by ships in the port of Cadiz Bay in compliance with Directive 2000/59/EC of the European Parliament and Council on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and waste load. Were requested from the Department of Operations and Planning the Port Authority...
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En todas aquellas situaciones accidentales en las que se pueda generar contaminación de las playas por vertidos de hidrocarburos resulta necesario disponer la aplicación de un Plan de Emergencia que posibilite una respuesta integral y coordinada. Tanto por la complejidad de las operaciones a desarrollar, como por la importancia del factor tiempo en...
The safety management systems applied at the international level in merchant vessels do not have their equivalent in the vessels dedicated to fishing, and much less to the most numerous sub-sector, artisanal fishing. The article presented here is based on the results of a research project conducted to assess the degree of safety existing in the art...
Andalusia, Spain, has an important tradition in the fishing industry that makes it one of the areas of the European Union where fisheries policies have a great significance for the population. In order to analyse the sector, a total number of boats to be surveyed was set at 10% of the total population: 202 boats of the total of 2027 in the census....
In an earlier paper, we presented a statistical study dealing comprehensively with the so-called "artisanal fleet", with data on the typology of vessels and on the extractive effort. In this paper, we focus our research on safety and working conditions. Although numerous factors are known that can directly influence the health of the sailor or fish...
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The present paper originates from a wider study of the Artisanal Fishing Fleet conducted during 2002, financed by the Regional Government of Andalusia (acronym SEGUMAR). In the SEGUMAR Project we are investigating the general state of the Andalusian fishing fleet from the point of view of health, safety and the prevention of occupational risks. A q...
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In this paper we will first analyze all management systems for the safe operation of ships (SOLAS), quality standards (ISO, EFQM,…) and for pollution prevention (MARPOL). Basically our research focuses on the two codes ISM and ISPS, and the international situation and the preventive agreements reached since 9/11 under the auspices of the Internatio...
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The conditions of work in the fisheries sector are arduous with high rates of occupational accidents. Numerous factors are known that can directly influence the health of the sailor or fisherman both in fishing and merchant fleets. To evaluate the health status, safety and working conditions in the Andalusian fishing sector. Cross-sectional questio...
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The work is aimed at creating an integrated system capable of receiving information from different systems of navigation through the communication protocol computing NMEA 0183 is also capable of using a computer algorithm to contrast the digital signal obtained by adapting a magnetometer (not fluxgate) the magnetic compass, signal receiver and Sate...
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Since the year 2001 in the Maritime World, two kinds of concept have emerged out of the common root: safety and security. In this paper we will first analyse the international situation and the preventive agreements reached since 9/11 under the auspices of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), and then consider the role of a State such as...
This article is intended as a contribution to safety and health in small-scale/artisanal fishing in the autonomous region of Andalusia, Spain. Training is examined as a key element for reducing risks and therefore the serious number of accidents that occur in the fishery work sector as one of those that is statistically reflected as such and discus...
Andalusia is a region of Spain with an area of some 90,000Â km2 and almost 900Â km length of coastline. It has an important tradition in the fishing industry that makes it one of the areas of the European Union where fisheries policies have a great significance for the population. The present statistical study deals comprehensively with the so-call...
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For more than 30 years the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has carried out valuable work and invested a great deal of effort in implementing rules and regulations covering maritimemaritime transportation to ensure compliance with vitalin order to reach an standards of shipping safety and marine environmental protection. The SOLAS and MARP...
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Long is the road to learning through theories yet brief and efficient through examples. SénecaThe purpose of this paper is to show the importance of training as a key element for reducing risks and therefore the serious number of accidents that occur in the fishery work sector as one of those that is statistically reflected as such. For this, we sh...
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The main purpose of this paper is the study of the maritime traffic flow distribution through the Strait of Gibraltar. The study includes the analysis of the defining parameters variation according to the vessel flag and the relation of the obtained results with those from the maritime authorities of the countries which have signed the Paris Memora...
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LA CRISIS DE LA CONSTRUCCION NAVAL ESPAÑOLA EN LOS PRIMEROS AÑOS DEL SIGLO XIX: CAMBIOS EN LA TIPOLOGIA Y TONELAJE DE LAS EMBARCACIONES FRANCISCO PINIELLA CORBACHO RICARDO HERNANDEZ MOLINA Universidad de Cádiz RES UMEN En el presente trabajo los autores presentan los resultados parciales de una investigación cuyo objetivo es sentar las bases del es...
Sumario: En el Estrecho de Gibraltar se producen al año, según fuentes de la Dirección General de Marina Mercante, más de 70.000 tránsitos. Según estas mismas fuentes, el 9 por 100 (más de 6.000 buques) infringe las disposiciones sobre tráfico marítimo. Este artículo pretende, en primer lugar, presentar las líneas de investigación que en el campo d...


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