Francisco Pando

Francisco Pando
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Real Jardín Botanico de Madrid



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May 2003 - February 2016
Spanish National Research Council
  • Head of Department
May 1988 - April 1994


Publications (64)
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Plinian Core (PliC), a standard in development by a Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) task group, is a set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe different aspects of biological species information, including all kinds of properties or traits related to taxa—biological and non-biological. PliC incorporates terms pertaining to desc...
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Citizen science projects seem to have a high potential to provide systematized, high-quality biodiversity observations for science and other purposes. iNaturalist offers users purposeful participation by creating projects that allow observations to be grouped with a taxonomic and geographic focus, as well as on a given time scale. Between 2014 and...
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Plinian Core (PliC) is a set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe different aspects of biological species information. Under "biological species information" all kinds of properties or traits related to taxa—biological and non-biological—are included. Thus, for instance, terms pertaining to descriptions, legal aspects, conservation, man...
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Biodiversity informatics is a new and evolving field, requiring efforts to develop capacity and a curriculum for this field of science. The main objective was to summarise the level of activity and the efforts towards developing biodiversity informatics curricula, for work-based training and/or academic teaching at universities, taking place within...
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Biodiversity informatics has been characterized as a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, which aims to bring together the areas of biodiversity and informatics. A study was conducted looking at the current level of activity within the GBIF Participant countries and its associated network in relation to work-based training and/or academic teach...
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DEIMS-SDR (Dynamic Ecological Information Management System - Site and dataset registry, Wohner et al. 2019) is one of the largest repositories of long-term ecological research (LTER) datasets. It provides sophisticated searching tools by metadata elements and identifiers for all the 930 contained datasets, most of them from European sites. Whereas...
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Species distribution modelling (SDM) --i.e. the prediction of species potential geographic distributions based on correlations between known presence records and the environmental conditions at occurrence localities-- is one of the most freqently cited developments in recent years in the realm of biodiversity studies (Web of Science 2019). The reas...
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This article describes the herbarium database of the University of Lomé. The database provides a good representation of the current knowledge of the flora of Togo. The herbarium of University of Lomé, known also as Herbarium togoense is the national herbarium and is registered in Index Herbariorum with the abbreviation TOGO. It contains 15,000 spec...
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This dataset contains information on the presence and distribution of sea turtles in Togo. Observations were carried out through a network of ten ecoguards (local guides), facilitated by five fishermen, and coordinated by a field technician, all under the supervision of a scientific coordinator. Data on the occurrence or direct observation of sea t...
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Reliable plant species identification from seeds is intrinsically difficult due to the scarcity of features and because it requires specialized expertise that is becoming increasingly rarer, as the number of field plant taxonomists is diminishing (Bacher 2012, Haas and Häuser 2005). On the other hand, seed identification is relevant in some science...
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Species level information, as an important component of the biodiversity information landscape, is an area where some TDWG standards and activities, coincide. Plinian Core (Plinian Core Task Group 2018) is a generalistic specification that covers aspects such species descriptions and nomenclature, as well as many others (legal, conservation, manage...
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We are currently studying the feasibility of applying deep learning techniques to natural sciences. In this contribution we will show our recent advances with an easy plug-and-play framework (that uses the Lasagne module built on top of Theano), which we have successfully trained for plant identification. Subsequent trials have been carried out on...
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Plinian Core is a set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe all kind of properties related to taxa ( "Interactions" is a class of properties included in the "Natural History" class. In its current state, the class comprises the elements taken from the Darwin Core class "ResourceRelationship", these ar...
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When making an initial assessment of a dataset originating from an unfamiliar source, a user typically relies on the visible properties of the dataset as a whole, such as, the title, the publisher, and the size of the dataset. Aspects of data quality are usually out of view, beyond some intuitions and hard to compare assertions. In 2007 at GBIF Spa...
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In this paper we collect the 103 algae names published by the Spanish phycologist Pedro González Guerrero during his life-long study of algae at the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid. Names are presented with specific information to facilitate the typification of these names in the future, since P. González only used small illustrations as type elemen...
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Geranium L. is a genus of over 350 species distributed throughout most of the world, except in lowland tropical areas. It is the largest genus of the Geraniaceae and is represented in the New World by 137 species. This dataset includes 8,937 records that covers the genus Geranium the New World, providing an updated, taxonomically consistent and a s...
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The dataset contains detailed distribution information on several fungal groups. The information has been revised, and in many times compiled, by expert mycologist(s) working on the monographs for the Flora Mycologica Iberica Project (FMI). Records comprise both collection and observational data, obtained from a variety of sources including field w...
The database contains detailed distribution information on several fungus groups species. The information has been revised, and in many time compiled, by expert mycologist(s) working on the monographs for the Flora Mycologica Iberica Project (FMI). Records comprise both collection and observational data, obtained from a variety of sources including...
Conference Paper
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Over the past decade, two research groups in Spain have converged in ensuring that the quality and fitness-for-use of the primary biodiversity data (PBD) mobilized through GBIF can be assessed. Fitness-for-use (FFU), or the ability to assess whether data or datasets can be sensibly used for some purpose, mandates a candid release of any limits, pro...
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In order to effectively understand and cope with the current ‘biodiversity crisis’, having large-enough sets of qualified data is necessary. Information facilitators such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) are ensuring increasing availability of primary biodiversity records by linking data collections spread over several institu...
Se ha diseñado, implementado y probado un sistema informático para gestionar la información taxonómica de índole bibliografica, nomenclatural y de especímenes -tanto citados de la bibliografia como de herbario. Se ha diseñado e implementado un sistema informático para la captura, revisión y almacenamiento de la informacion descriptiva (p delta) que...
The simple-leaved species of Sorbus (Rosaceae, Maloideae) comprise 42 species, which occur in North Africa, Europe, and Asia. They are assigned to subg. Aria (39 species; sections Alnifoliae, Aria, Chamaemespilus, Ferrugineae, Griffithianae, Thibeticae, Micromeles) and subg. Torminaria (three species). Species are delimited by morphological and ana...
Spores of E. elachiston are warted; warts usually grouped in clusters, then giving the impression of thickening pads by transmitted light. These clusters of warts might be the precursors of the typical thickened pads found in some species of the genus.
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A checklist of the genus Geranium L. (Geraniaceae) is presented. Four hundred and twenty three species are recognized in 3 subgenera and 18 sections. Our classification differs from Yeo's only in some aspects of subg. Erodioidea and Geranium. Section Brasiliensia is included in subg. Erodioidea, and sect. Neurophyllodes, Paramensia and Azorelloida...
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Lado, C., Pando, F. & Rico, V. J.: The nomenclatural status of Reticularia (myxomycetes). ‐ Taxon 47: 109–111. 1998. ‐ ISSN 0040‐0262. Reticularia Bull, was validly published in 1787 or 1788 already, by means of a descriptio generico‐specifica, not in (1790 or) 1791 as has been generally assumed. It is therefore an earlier homonym of Reticularia Ba...
Visualizing the computer screen in the microscope view field by means of a drawing tube with a mirror attached and a computer programme, it is possible to measure spores with the computer mouse. Measurements are stored in a file, and can be summarized in a graph or processed with a spreadsheet.
Echinostelium ladoi sp. nov. is described from Spain. It is characterized by spores and spore-like bodies with articular surfaces that when viewed by transmitted light appear as crescent pairs adjoined at the tips. Similarities and differences of E. vanderpoelii Nann. -Bremek. et al. with E. apitectum Whitney are discussed and it is concluded that...
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A myxomycete collection prepared by C. Torrend for the herbarium of the San Fiel School (Beira Baixa, Portugal) is made known. From the study of the 87 samples belonging to the collection 20 lack any identifiable material, 9 specimens do not fit the data of the labels and, in the remaining 58, their nomenclature has been updated. At the present, th...
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Fifteen species new for Mallorca (Baleario Islands, Spain) are cited from moist chamber cultures of barksamples. Echinosteliumapitectum, E. arboreum, E. coelocephalum, E. colliculosum, Ucea perexigua, Macbrideola synsporos, Paradiacheopsis solitaria, Physarum notabile and P. serpula are discussed in relation to their chorological and/or taxonomic i...


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