Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer

Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer
University of Valencia | UV · Management



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Javier Ortega is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management at the University of Valencia. He has previously worked in advanced service companies (consulting, banking and nautical). His research interests are about the inclusion of the environmental dimension in companies' strategies (eco-innovation). In addition, he has studied university-industry relationships and cooperation between agents of the innovation system in various contexts.
Additional affiliations
September 2019 - October 2023
University of Valencia
  • Professor (Assistant)
November 2018 - August 2019
AITEX (Textile Research Institute)
  • Project Manager
July 2012 - December 2016
Polytechnic University of Valencia
  • Lecturer
September 2013 - July 2024
Universitat Politècnica de València
Field of study
  • Master in Science and Innovation Management


Publications (29)
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There are multiple approaches to examining 'gender in organisations,' each exhibiting diversity and originating from various fields and ideological frameworks. Mainstream literature on 'gender in organisations' focuses on gender-based differences within the organisation-emphasizing concepts like glass ceilings, sticky floors, and variations in mana...
La acción educativa analizada en este capítulo se basa en la experiencia docente realizada durante el curso 2020-2021 por un grupo de profesores/as del Departamento de Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Valencia. El propósito principal de esta acción fue incorporar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en los materiales didácticos de...
Conference Paper
L’arribada del nou brot de malaltia per coronavirus (COVID-19) al març de 2020 va suposar un canvi dràstic en l’estructura econòmica mundial. Aquest estudi busca descriure quin ha sigut el seu impacte en el clúster tèxtil valencià, situat a les Comarques Centrals valencianes, i que va ser partícip d’una transformació del seu model productiu per ada...
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El presente artículo analiza las principales oportunidades ambientales que el distrito industrial (DI) textil valenciano va a tener que afrontar en los próximos años. Para ello, se han recogido datos de primera mano a través de un cuestionario realizado tanto a las consultoras ambientales que trabajan en la zona, como a una muestra de empresas que...
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This paper aims to investigate the social innovation process in the innovation ecosystem of the Tampere region, taking the energy sector as an example. It focuses on analysing how responsible research and innovation (RRI) activities are understood by regional stakeholders, particularly regarding how the roles of different actors (universities, publ...
El estudio "Innovación, Formación y Territorio" tiene por objetivo analizar el impacto que la innovación tiene en el empleo industrial del sector textil localizado en las Comarcas Centrales de la Comunidad Valenciana (l'Alcoià, el Comtat y la Vall d'Albaida) (CCV). Sus resultados pretenden servir de guía para desarrollar una agenda estratégica para...
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A historical analysis, based on primary and secondary data, is presented as means to understand the recent resilience and evolution of the regions of Alcoy and Tampere, in terms of their capacity for facing societal challenges in different periods, such as the growth of inequalities, the creation of new related industries, the globalization process...
Article d'opinió publicat el 6 de febrer al Diari "El Nostre" (Alcoi)
Conference Paper
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Academic organisations do not have the resources to hire the increasing number of PhD graduates that universities are producing each year. Non-academic organisations are thus becoming an important and growing employment niche for these highly skilled and qualified individuals. However, little is currently known about how and why PhDs are valued by...
Conference Paper
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Resumen El 17 de abril del año 2009, día de la lucha campesina internacional, nació la red agroecológica Alcoy, una asociación de consumidores y labradores con dos objetivos generales comunes: autoabastecerse de alimentos ecológicos, locales y de temporada y conseguir que el trabajo en el campo sea digno y rentable para los pequeños agricultores. E...
El Biobanco Hospitalario es una infraestructura científica fundamental en el desarrollo de la investigación biomédica que tiene que enfrentar los retos del futuro como una llamada para una transición hacia un nuevo enfoque integrado e innovador. Un paso hacia adelante que requerirá cambios en la forma de pensar y de actuar, incluyendo las ideas que...
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The significance and popularity of the cluster and industrial district concepts claim for a deeper reflection. The analysis of one of the European Commission’s (EC) policy documents shows inconsistencies that do not impede the formulation of normative statements. That way we answer the question of why and how cluster ideas have substituted industri...
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Los procesos de innovación están llamados a ser incluidos dentro de las rutinas de la empresa para poder afrontar los nuevos retos que el siglo XXI nos plantea. Sin embargo, esta adaptación a nuevos cambios influidos tanto desde dentro de la organización como desde su entorno requiere de un conocimiento profundo tanto del contexto en el que se inse...
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Clusters are important for regional economies and emergent clusters are in a key position, as a means of adding more diversification to the current economic activity by involving new technologies and industries. Science-based industries may be the most promising in this regard since they are encouraged to develop and enhance the economic imaginarie...
This presentation aims to analyze two different geographical settings in a comparative perspective where (higher) education institutions have had important in modernization of industrial manufactures. Both cases, cities of Tampere and Alcoy, are historically important centers of textile industry that has evidenced a down turn of the brick and pipe...
Technical Report
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Dentro del debate sobre el papel de la universidad en su entorno socioeconómico es imprescindible partir de dos premisas básicas. La primera es que no todas las universidades son iguales. Y la segunda es que los territorios en donde se insertan las universidades también difieren. Por tanto, nos encontramos con que existen distintos tipos de univers...
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This thesis is framed within the debate on the role of universities in the socioeconomic development of regions. It has three distinct parts. The first part of the thesis presents a review of the literature on regional economy, focusing on how three main concepts - industrial district, cluster and local innovation system - have addressed from their...
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The present case study addresses the case of a geographical area neglected by most of the literature about the changing role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): the low-tech contexts. This literature has traditionally exhibited two primary aspects. First, a focus on success stories such as entrepreneurial universities located in high-tech regi...
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In this article we analyse the shift that the textile-clothing sector has recently suffered in the Valencian Central Counties from the role played by the institutions of the local innovation system. This paper includes the main results derived from different research projects undertaken between 2004 and 2009. The analytical framework used is based...
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In this article we analyse the shift that the textile-clothing sector has recently suffered in the Valencian Central Counties from the role played by the institutions of the local innovation system. This paper includes the main results derived from different research projects undertaken between 2004 and 2009. The analytical framework used is based...
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Mi propósito en esa comunicación era reflejar cómo ese término se había introducido en la jerga de los investigadores regionales, principalmente economistas y geógrafos, eclipsando (y simplificando a su vez) a toda una generación de términos (por ejemplo, el distrito industrial) que habían tratado de analizar un conjunto heterogéneo de agentes y la...
As this conference is devoted to the rhetoric in innovation policies, we thought it would be interesting to present a critical analysis of concepts that are linked to the regional dimension of innovation. Numerous concepts have been developed, mainly by geographers, sociologists and economists with one similar aim: to analyze the interaction of a s...
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Abstract Future political priorities for science and technology (S&T) policy formulation usually rest on a rather simplistic interpretation of past events. This can lead to serious errors and distortions and can negatively affect the innovation system. In this article we try to highlight the riskiness involved in policy making based on traditional...
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Future political priorities for science and technology (S&T) policy formulation usually rest on a rather simplistic interpretation of past events. This can lead to serious errors and distortions and can negatively affect the innovation system. In this article we try to highlight the riskiness involved in policy making based on traditional R&D indic...
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17 pages, 7 tables, 4 figures Las regiones periféricas suelen formular sus políticas de I+D en términos de convergencia con otras regiones o países de su entorno. Los objetivos generales a alcanzar se suelen establecer de acuerdo con indicadores básicos que reflejan el desarrollo de capacidades científicas y tecnológicas. En general, estas regiones...


Questions (2)
I am interested in papers, books and materials on the use of vignettes, conjoint analysis and experiments in the field of Management. I'd be very glad to hear to useful suggestions.
I am interested only in papers with a qualitative approach to explore the link between personality of top management team human resource management (including the CEO) and open innovation.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion provided.


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