Francisco Olivos

Francisco Olivos
Lingnan University · Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Doctor of Philosophy
Currently working on (1) stratification beliefs, (2) computational text analyses, and (3) life satisfaction.


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I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. My current research interest is the relationship between culture and action, and how social structures intervene in that relationship.
Additional affiliations
September 2018 - present
Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • PhD Student
September 2015 - September 2017
Utrecht University
  • Master's Student
August 2012 - August 2012
University of Cologne
Field of study
  • Factorial Survey Methodology
March 2011 - December 2012
July 2009 - December 2009


Publications (64)
Full-text available
Different research traditions have long held that parental beliefs motivate children's performance. However, regarding meritocratic beliefs, sociologists often argue that meritocratic narratives legitimize and make sense of societal inequalities as justly deserved. Using the case of China, I tested these competing hypotheses of the relationship bet...
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An emerging strand of research emphasizes the role of the macro institutional context in shaping the social distribution of well-being. This article examines the variations in the association between political power and subjective well-being by how the rule of law is instituted across societies. Two hypotheses of the rule of law role are tested: (a...
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A long tradition in stratification research argues students with higher cultural capital (CC) are likely to be treated by their teachers as possessing the "right culture," which positively affects their academic performance. Nevertheless, the literature has paid little attention to the role of students' perception in this process. Using two waves o...
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This study explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as a complementary tool for grading essay-type questions in higher education, focusing on its consistency with human grading and potential to reduce biases. Using 70 handwritten exams from an introductory sociology course, we evaluated generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) models' perf...
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This study investigates attitudes toward income inequality in China, challenging the prevailing perception that Chinese citizens are tolerant of inequality. Using data from a large-scale cross-national survey encompassing 30 countries, the study examines the unique position of China, where citizens express one of the highest average concerns about...
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Higher education research, which was once trying to establish itself, is now accepted as an important research field across societies globally. Specifically, the last decades have seen dramatic developments. This study analysed the development of higher education research in the last two decades using novel natural language processing techniques. T...
This article introduces the use of AI-replicas as an alternative to traditional anonymisation methods in image-based qualitative research. It emphasises the ethical and practical dilemmas posed by current anon-ymisation methods, such as distortion or loss of emotional and contextual information in images, and proposes the use of AI-replicas to pres...
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The use that agents do of cultural knowledge to navigate institutions is a major explanation of inequalities. Nevertheless, the difficulties accessing culture knowledge have led sociologists of education to often rely on declarative forms of culture to gauge explanations on inequalities. Based on the case of Chile, this study contributes to educati...
The rapid advancements in generative artificial intelligence have opened new avenues for enhancing various aspects of research, including the design and evaluation of survey questionnaires. However, the recent pioneering applications have not considered questionnaire pretesting. This article explores the use of GPT models as a useful tool for prete...
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Scholars have long investigated the positive link between income and well-being, including its gender difference. However, little is known about (1) how low income is linked to ill-being among women and men; and (2) how their association varies depending on societal-level gender (in)equality. Filling this knowledge gap is crucial not only for schol...
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The rapid advancements in generative artificial intelligence have opened up new avenues for enhancing various aspects of research, including the design and evaluation of survey questionnaires. However, the recent pioneering applications have not considered questionnaire pretesting. This article explores the use of GPT models as a useful tool for pr...
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This paper introduces the use of AI-replicas as an alternative to traditional anonymization methods in image-based qualitative research. It emphasizes the ethical and practical dilemmas posed by current anonymization methods, such as distortion or loss of emotional and contextual information in images, and proposes the use of AI-replicas to preserv...
People’s understanding of the drivers of inequality is a function of their position in the social structure. Nevertheless, the ways in which intergenerational social mobility is associated with opportunity beliefs remain under-researched. Recent findings in cultural sociology suggest that individuals seldom update their beliefs, and that settled di...
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People's understanding of the drivers of inequality is a function of their position in the social structure. Nevertheless, the ways in which intergenerational social mobility is associated with opportunity beliefs remains under researched. Recent findings in cultural sociology suggest that individuals seldom update their beliefs, and that settled d...
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Introduction: Older adults are usually perceived as warmer but less competent than younger adults. This study examined how these stereotypes are related to domain-specific attributes and how individuals' values may moderate the association. Methods: We recruited 560 Chinese participants (Mean age (SD): 23.14 ± 7.08 years old, ranging from 18 to...
This study examines the relationship between peers' cognitive abilities and students' educational aspirations. The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) predicts that compared with equally able counterparts, students tend to have higher educational aspirations when the average ability of their surrounding peers is relatively low. Meanwhile, the local...
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This study examines the relationship between peers' cognitive abilities and students' educational aspirations. The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) predicts that compared with equally able counterparts, students tend to have higher educational aspirations when the average ability of their surrounding peers is relatively low. Meanwhile, the local...
This study aims to characterize teachers' beliefs on determinants of educational quality and the influence of school settings. A factorial survey experiment with a probabilistic sample of 1285 Chilean primary school teachers is used to identify the causal attributions of the quality of teacher–student relations and learning methodologies in schools...
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This study aims to characterize teachers' beliefs on determinants of educational quality and the influence of school settings. A factorial survey experiment with a probabilistic sample of 1,285 Chilean primary school teachers is used to identify the causal attributions of the quality of teacher-student relations and learning methodologies in school...
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An emerging strand of research emphasizes the role of the macro institutional context in shaping the social distribution of well-being. This article examines the variations in the association between political power and subjective well-being by how the rule of law is instituted across societies. Two hypotheses of the rule of law role are tested: (a...
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Higher education research, which was once trying to establish itself and confirm its status as a research field, is now accepted as an important research field across societies globally. Specifically, the last decades have seen dramatic developments in the field. This study mapped the development of the higher education field in the last two decade...
A long tradition in stratification research argues students with higher cultural capital are likely to be treated by their teachers as possessing the “right culture,” which positively affects their academic performance. Nevertheless, the literature has paid little attention to the role of students' perception in this process. Using two waves of the...
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A large body of literature has shown that emotions can motivate collective action. Nevertheless, the effect that collective actions could have on emotion has been less researched. This study examined the effect of protests on bystanders’ pride, using the case of the 2019 “Chilean Spring.” Our findings indicate that a set of indicators of pride, rep...
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This study extends the literature on people’s understanding of happiness by asking whether positive and negative events could affect the causal attributions of what makes others happy. Using a factorial survey applied to a representative and probabilistic sample of Chileans, we examined three central causal attributions deeply rooted in Latin Ameri...
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Objectives Citizen complaints are considered by policing researchers as an indicator of police misconduct, and a proxy of police-community relations. Nevertheless, US and EU-based studies tend to focus on sustained complaints as reported by official agencies and officer-based correlates. Using the case of Carabineros, the Chilean militarized police...
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This study extends the literature on people’s understanding of happiness by asking whether positive and negative events could affect the causal attributions of what makes others happy. Using a factorial survey applied to a representative and probabilistic sample of Chileans, we examined three central causal attributions deeply rooted in Latin Ameri...
This study extends the literature on people’s understanding of happiness by asking whether positive and negative events could affect the causal attributions of what makes others happy. Using a factorial survey applied to a representative and probabilistic sample of Chileans, we examined three central causal attributions deeply rooted in Latin Ameri...
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Citizen complaints are considered by policing researchers as an indicator of police misconduct, and a proxy of police-community relations. Nevertheless, US and EU-based studies tend to focus on sustained complaints as reported by official agencies and officer-based correlates. Using the case of Carabineros, the Chilean militarized police force, thi...
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Citizen complaints are considered by policing researchers as an indicator of police misconduct, and a proxy of police-community relations. Nevertheless, US and EU-based studies tend to focus on sustained complaints as reported by official agencies and officer-based correlates. Using the case of Carabineros, the Chilean militarized police force, thi...
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Cultural omnivorousness and status inconsistency in Chile: the role of objective and subjective social status Sociological research has long suggested that cultural participation is socially stratified. We build on this literature to discuss the role of the subjective and objective dimensions of stratification, and how they are linked to practices...
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The aim of this study is to understand the effect of asymmetric social comparison on subjective well-being, and how it differs due to reciprocity. Our approach considers the social network of individuals as a local reference group. We tested competing hypotheses on negative and positive effects of comparison with worse-off (downward) and better-off...
Formal education is theorised to be an essential vehicle to promote and trigger pro‐environmental attitudes and behavioural changes among citizens via the increase of public awareness and concern. However, robust estimations of its causal effect on individuals’ concern for the environment are scarce. This study aimed to estimate the effect of educa...
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In recent months, Chile, like many other countries around the world, has undergone a wave of widespread street protests calling for structural changes and challenging the "Chilean miracle." This study uses an interrupted public opinion poll to assess the effect on the moral sentiments of the general population of the first weeks of the Chilean soci...
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Sociological research has long shown that cultural participation is socially stratified. We build on this literature to discuss the role of the subjective and objective dimensions of stratification, and how they are linked to practices of social distinction through cultural consumption. The aim of this study is to understand (1) the effect of subje...
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Concerted cultivation practices are not only explained by parents’ objective resources, but also by parents’ cultural orientations, which are associated with social class. While cultural orientations of parenting styles in Western societies have been studied, the role of beliefs in social reproduction in other parts of the world is still under-rese...
Concerted cultivation practices are not only explained by parents’ objective resources, but also by parents’ cultural orientations, which are associated with social class. While cultural orientations of parenting styles in Western societies have been studied, the role of beliefs in social reproduction in other parts of the world is still under-rese...
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After two decades of research, the evidence in cross-cultural studies has shown that the lay theories of happiness are not universal. Significant variations have been found in the beliefs about the sources of happiness between countries. However, heterogeneities within countries have been overlooked. In this article, I documented a folk theory of h...
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The aim of this study is to understand the effect of asymmetric social comparison on subjective well-being, and how it differs due to reciprocity. Our approach considers the social network of individuals as a local reference group. We tested competing hypotheses on negative and positive effects of comparison with worse-off (downward) and better-off...
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Based on the situation of Chinese migrants in Santiago, Chile, this article shows that labor relationships between Chinese employers and Chinese workers could be exploitative. Thus, we aim to discuss the conditions under which co-ethnic exploitation among Chinese takes place in Chile. In addition, we ask why Chinese workers allow themselves to be e...
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Different research traditions have long stated that parental meritocratic beliefs motivate children’s educational achievement. However, sociologists often argue that meritocratic narratives legitimize and make sense of societal inequalities as justly deserved. Using the case of China, I tested simultaneously these two competing hypotheses of the re...
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In this article, we explore the associations of people’s valuations of universal healthcare with risk exposure and humanitarianism across diverse institutional contexts. We argue that both micro-level factors increase the valuations. Furthermore, interactions between material interests and humanitarians are expected. This work also hypothesizes tha...
Conference Paper
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Cross-national studies have shown consistently that girls have higher educational expectations than boys. The literature has provided macro and micro-level explanations for this phenomenon. Country-level indicators such as gender inequality and the rate of female enrollment in tertiary education have been significant predictors of higher educationa...
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This study tests a dual-process of parental meritocratic beliefs and students' educational outcomes. It is relevant in the Chinese case, where educational expansion and the longstanding Confucian philosophy have promoted meritocratic values. By using data from the China Educational Panel Survey (CEPS), the findings indicate that parental meritocrat...
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Measuring beliefs in quality of life research requires researchers to deal with endogeneity and social desirability issues. The connectionist theory of cognition suggests that individuals have mental models composed of associations between concepts. Moreover, structuralist perspectives consider beliefs form an interrelated system. Therefore, the es...
Objective This study analyzes which characteristics of pension recipients are taken into account when evaluating the fairness of pensions. Furthermore, it identifies some respondents’ characteristics and preferences that could be related to the justice evaluation of different pension amounts. Methods A factorial survey was designed to simultaneous...
Conference Paper
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La sociedad chilena se caracteriza por elevados niveles de desafección política. La alta tasa de abstención electoral durante lá ultima elección presidencial, en donde votó menos de la mitad del electorado, es una de las manifestaciones conductuales más recientes de este síndrome actitudinal. A pesar del alto nivel de interés que este tópico ha gen...
Conference Paper
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What elements are taken into account at the moment of evaluating a pension as just or not? Research in distributive justice has dealt with the evaluation of situations and rewards for a long time, ranging from theories of relative deprivation and equity to studies about justice evaluation functions and legitimacy. What is known so far is that distr...
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Este artículo busca comprender los mecanismos que permiten la construcción de confianza de las comunidades hacia las compañías extractivas, y cómo las propias características de los individuos moderan la elaboración de juicios de confianza a partir de la evaluación del desempeño social y económico de las empresas. Para ello, se presenta un estudio...
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Aunque son motivo de discusión en todas las épocas, con distintos significados y usos, los impuestos han adquirido en los últimos años una relevancia especial, en tanto dimensión central desde la cual abordar asuntos como el financiamiento del gasto social, el rol de Estado en la provisión de bienes y servicios y las formas de concretar las diferen...
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¿Importa conocer lo que las personas piensan respecto de la distribución de ingresos en una sociedad? Una primera respuesta a esta pregunta proviene del ámbito de las políticas públicas, donde se asume que en un sistema democrático el apoyo ciudadano es fundamental para otorgar una base de legitimidad al accionar político. En esta línea, Liebig y M...
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This paper is based on the evaluation of the program Yo Aprendo y Emprendo [I learn and take action] conducted in Antofagasta, Chile. This program aims to contribute to the development of young students providing them with tools to embrace an entrepreneurial culture in their life and formation. An evaluation was conducted through Propensity Score M...
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This paper is based on the evaluation of the program Yo Aprendo y Emprendo [I learn and take action] conducted in Antofagasta, Chile. This program aims to contribute to the development of young students providing them with tools to embrace an entrepreneurial culture in their life and formation. An evaluation was conducted through Propensity Score M...
Conference Paper
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The actual framework for community engagement is increasingly complex for mining companies. Communities are evolving towards social forms that differ from those of the past, either by the influence of social networks or by empowerment of their members, requiring higher duties of accountability by mining companies. This raises challenges to companie...
Conference Paper
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El objetivo de esta investigación es explicar el rol que tiene la contratación de trabajadores miembros de la comunidad en la generación de confianza hacia las compañías mineras. Para esto se realizó un estudio de caso en base a encuestas factoriales en la comunidad de Pozo Almonte, Chile. Esta comunidad es un caso paradigmático para el problema de...
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La confianza ha sido destacada por la teoría de stakeholders como un atributo de las relaciones comunitarias que hacen más improbable la ocurrencia de actos, por parte de las empresas, que vulneren el principio de justicia. De la misma forma, la confianza es un constructo que permite a las empresas atraer capital humano y obtener licencias sociales...
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Este artículo presenta la evaluación del programa Yo aprendo y emprendo ejecutado en la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile. El programa tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de jóvenes estudiantes a través de la entrega de herramientas que les permitan incorporar el espíritu emprendedor como actitud de vida y formación. Se realizó una evaluación d...
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El pasado 27 de febrero a las 03:34:17 hora local el Centro Sur de Chile se vio sacudido por un terremoto que pasó a ser una de las catástrofes “naturales” más grandes de nuestra historia, solo superada por el terremoto de Valdivia de 1960. Este artículo se elaboró a partir de un estudio que buscó realizar un diagnóstico de la respuesta ciudada...


Questions (17)
Diagonal reference models are especially suited for the estimation of effects of movements across levels of categorical variables like education or social class. In social stratification, it enables us to estimate the weight of origen and destination. Their use is straightforward with DRM in Stata and the function Dref of gnm in R. However, I am working with a dataset with 30 countries and I would like to model those weights as random effects. I haven't find a multilevel extension of DRM or a workaround. Any idea?
Dear all,
I have had a couple of experiences answering R&Rs. In general, it has gone smoothly and the reviews have been always reasonable. They always have helped to improve the first draft definitely. But I recently received an R&R, and I have serious differences with the reviewer. They are not methodological or technical, but interpretative, philosophical and theoretical. What do you recommend? How should I answer those reviews? Until what point should I be condescending?
I have read several discussions about effect size using Cohen’s d, mainly in psychology. I am wondering if sociologists could apply directly this standard.
I have a logistic model of class rank predicting a binary attitudinal variable of students. A change in 1 unit (10%) increases the odds in 1.13. Based on a transformation of the log odds, Cohen’s d is around 0.47 (medium). The standardised rank variable has a Cohen’s d of 0.10 (small).
A logic answer would be to think about a substantive evaluation of OR=1.13, but there is not theory for it.
I have a model of vignettes nested in respondents. In my simulation, I would like to replace respondents (level 2) as well as vignettes (level 1) within respondents.
How could I bootstrap at both levels simultaneously? Ideally using Stata, but any recommendation in other software is welcome.
I was testing the relevance of an IV and the F value changed importantly when including sample weights (about 5 when the model is weighted and about 12 when it is not). However, considering that an IV is a LATE estimation, should we include sample weights? I have not seen any reference o paper discussing it.
I am working on a P&P survey about attitudes toward science and I would like to include some gender's stereotypes measurement. However, the straightforward tests are usually assisted by computers. There are some experiences applying paper & pencil IAT, but I would like to hear some hot knowledge about it. Does anyone have an experience applying P&P IAT? How did it work?
Factorial survey and Conjoint Analysis are two well-known methodological tools to study judgement. In both cases, something is described based on different attributes randomly combined.  These attributes should explain the respondent choice, decision making or judgement. 


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