Francisco LorenzoPablo de Olavide University | UPO · Department of Philology and Translation
Francisco Lorenzo
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Francisco Lorenzo is a professor of Linguistics at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain. He is presently involved in the project 'BIMAP: Mapa del lenguaje académico en educación bilingüe (inglés/español): descripción y aplicaciones (FFI2016-74885-P)'.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (49)
Este capítulo pretende proporcionar un punto de referencia sólido en el campo de la enseñanza de español con fines específicos (EFE) a aprendices de español como lengua de herencia (ELH). Conforme aumenta el número de aprendices de ELH en espacios de singular importancia como los Estados Unidos, este alumnado encuentra nuevas ventajas en su habilid...
The text emphasizes the critical, yet often overlooked, role of language competence in academic disciplines, asserting that inadequate language skills impede content learning. It highlights the increased need for language awareness due to the prevalence of second-language instruction, driven by socio-political factors. The study introduces discipli...
This study analyses the implementation of CLIL in two monolingual regions of Spain: Madrid and Andalusia. As a matter of fact, as these two regions have been mostly governed by political parties with contrasting ideologies, this may have affected the way in which CLIL has been implemented. Firstly, this paper will offer a literature review of the o...
Language landscape, paisaje lingüístico
Unlike most research performed to date on writing proficiency in formal settings—which is cross-sectional and unrelated to disciplinary content—the aim of this paper is to offer a longitudinal description of the lexical richness in the L2 historical writing of CLIL bilingual secondary school students over a three-year period. The automated tool Coh...
This study describes academic literacy development during mid-adolescence, when learners need to adjust to the demands of academic discourse as a gateway to linguistic adulthood. Unlike most research to date, which is cross-sectional and detached from disciplinary content, this study provides a two-year longitudinal description of academic language...
However influential the interdependence hypothesis has become in bilingual research, it still lacks full empirical support. This longitudinal study explores the parallels in the biliteracy development (L1 Spanish and L2 English) of 20 students in a European immersion programme (i.e. CLIL) over a two-year period. A bilingual learner corpus of histor...
No existe en la actualidad una descripción constante de la evolución de la lengua académica: sus ritmos, etapas y límites; una descripción estructural y funcional del español en el ámbito educativo. Este es el propósito de este libro: una exploración del territorio, un mapa de los contornos lingüísticos a partir del análisis de las producciones esc...
This paper aims to describe the longitudinal evolution in the use of English L2 connectives made by students enrolled in a bilingual CLIL programme in the Andalusian secondary education system (Southern Spain) over three years of formal instruction. The automated tool Coh-Metrix has been used to approach a learner corpus produced by students as par...
The bilingual turn required education systems to undergo structural changes in order to adapt to the new situations. These adjustments included better language training for teachers, the adoption of alternative teaching methods, the increased use of ICT and self-designed materials, the curricular integration of content and language and the creation...
Previous research has raised concerns that equity may be compromised in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) education, creating schisms in otherwise fairly egalitarian education systems. In Andalusia (southern Spain), where bilingual education has expanded, this article aims to analyze the difference between CLIL bilingual education and...
This research is a national report on the learning outcomes of the bilingual vs. non-bilingual school network in Andalucia (Spain). Effects refer to L1 , L2 competence levels and other courses (History). The resarch is based on national databases of standardised tests. The report is published in collaboration with the Administration.
Este trabajo estudia la competencia discursiva de 23 estudiantes de nivel universitario que se encuentran realizando una estancia de intercambio en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España). Para ello, se compiló un corpus de 23 narraciones relacionadas con la materia de Historia y se procedió a su análisis. Durante el estudio se pudo com...
European language policies have unfolded under the umbrella of the Council of Europe and the European Commission over the last past decades. The major goal has been so far to handle autochthonous multilingualism and preserve language diversity. Major developments in this area has been followed by new political and educational targets. The first one...
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has expanded all around the continent following European Council guidelines, favored by competence studies that identified educational systems as a strong determinant for second language gains and deficits. Over the years since the turn of the century, CLIL has gained the support of language policy an...
Language competence has proven to vary substantially across school disciplines. This paper explores . historical literacy, a major research issue in current European language policies. Specifically, it reviews the literature on how history content relies on language structures and how the ability of students to tell historical narratives depends on...
sumen La comprensión lectora en PISA se fundamenta sobre una teoría de la lengua y una teoría del aprendizaje que son generalmente desconocidas fuera del ámbito de la investigación lingüística. Sin embargo, sin analizar en profundidad estos principios que marcan las escalas y los contenidos de las pruebas, no puede entenderse adecuadamente los resu...
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) represents an increasingly popular approach to bilingual education in Europe. In this article, we describe and discuss a project which, in response to teachers’ pleas for materials, led to the production of a significant bank of task-based primary and secondary CLIL units for three L2s (English, Frenc...
This article focuses on the description of linguistic policies carried out by the EU for the study of second languages in Europe, and the way in which the different countries in the union have integrated them into their education systems.
This paper sets out to trace the appearance and evolution of academic language structures in a second language, in formal bilingual contexts. The setting of the study was a selection of secondary schools where a content and language integrated approach (CLIL immersion-type programmes) was set up. A corpus was formed of 244 historical narratives, fr...
Classrooms the world over are full of people who, for different reasons, are learning additional languages and/or are studying through languages that are not their first. Gaining insight into such contexts is complicated for researchers and practitioners alike by the myriad of contextual variables that come with different implementations and make c...
This study addresses academic literacy in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) secondary education. More precisely, this paper focuses on attempts to meet modern standards for language competences set in areas like Europe, where the notion involves multilingual academic competence. The study centres on new proposals for language organisa...
This article proposes that a complex issue such as bilingualism gives rise to a need for complex research. Complexity theories, both in the psycholinguistic and educational fields, may inspire new empirical studies on bilingualism that will likely provide data otherwise unattainable through classic pre-test/post-test methods. The article also warns...
With the demise of formalism in linguistics, education of mother tongue and foreign language needs revising. Formal trends fall short of the two major challenges in education today: making students fit to operate in a multilingual world and making them proficient for using language -both L1 and L2- in society, that is, having a full grasp of academ...
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) represents an increasingly popular pedagogic approach that has evolved in
response to the recognised need for plurilingual competence in Europe. In this article, we present key findings from one of
the first large-scale, multidimensional CLIL evaluation projects. We begin by outlining the emergence of...
This article outlines and comments upon recent language-planning initiatives in Andalusia, southern Spain. Unlike some of its northern counterparts (Catalonia, the Basque Country), Andalusia is a largely monolingual region. In recent times, however, it has experienced a significant influx of affluent foreign residents and less solvent economic immi...
La colección Actualidad forma parte del catálogo de publicaciones científicas de la fundación y está destinada tanto al lector especializado como a la opinión pública en general. Cada una de sus ediciones se estructura como informes monográficos para el fomento de la reflexión y el análisis sobre aspectos de relevancia para la sociedad andaluza del...
This article considers the discourse of teachers when content areas are taught through a second language. Bilingual discourse is discussed in the particular scenario of content and language integrated learning, CLIL, a paradigm growing in strength and popularity in L2 teaching across Europe. An examination of instructional discourse is carried out...
This paper looks into the Content and Language-Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach as one gaining new ground for L2 teaching in compulsory education. It briefly discusses its operationalisation in a seemingly monolingual region–Andalusia, southern Spain–where content-based instruction, drawing on European recommendations, has been adopted in primar...
El artículo plantea los principios de las políticas lingüísticas del Consejo de Europa. Se parte del análisis de las teorías del aprendizaje y del lenguaje subyacentes en los documentos creados por los organismos oficiales de la Unión que intentan regular un enfoque integrado y común de la enseñanza de idiomas en el continente. Entre otros principi...
En los estudios de adquisición de segundas lenguas (EASL) se ha acuñado el término hipótesis resultativa (Ellis, 1994) como explicación del déficit de motivación y aprendizaje de idiomas. Esta teoría, que apunta a sus dos términos—motivación y aprendizaje—como elementos íntimamente conectados e interdependientes, puede ser útil como elemento de aná...