Francisco Javier Bonet

Francisco Javier Bonet
University of Córdoba | UCO · Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology



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Additional affiliations
February 2018 - present
University of Córdoba
  • Professor (Assistant)
January 1996 - January 1998
Spanish National Research Council
  • Ph student
April 2007 - January 2018
University of Granada
  • Researcher


Publications (96)
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The use of spatially interactive forest landscape models has increased in recent years. These models are valuable tools to assess our knowledge about the functioning and provisioning of ecosystems as well as essential allies when predicting future changes. However, developing the necessary inputs and preparing them for research studies require subs...
The supply of ecosystem services is largely determined by changes in land use and cover. Here, we analysed how the supply and interactions among four ecosystem services have evolved over five decades in a mountain biosphere reserve largely dominated by human land uses. We modelled pastures for livestock, crop production, aquifer recharge and erosio...
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Many Mediterranean coastal areas encounter similar problems and gaps between science, governance, and implementation of sustainable management at local-regional scales. There is often a lack of coordination between management of inland and coastal areas, and a lack of integrated land-sea data and knowledge exchange to support transitions towards su...
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This dataset provides information about infestation caused by the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)) in pure or mixed pine woodlands and plantations in Andalusia. It represents a long-term series (1993-2015) containing 81,908 records that describe the occurrence and incidence of this species. Data wer...
Conference Paper
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Climate change, biodiversity loss, disproportionate carbon emissions, and natural and anthropogenic hazards are major environmental global challenges mobilizing the international scientific community to adopt multidisciplinary approaches to address these challenges. Environmental research infrastructures (RIs) are designed to observe the dynamics o...
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Over the past decade, Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) has been established to better integrate social science research and societal concerns into the goals and objectives of the International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network, an established global network of long-term ecological monitoring sites. The Horizon 2020 eLTER proj...
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Protected Areas are a key component of nature conservation. They can play an important role in counterbalancing the impacts of ecosystem degradation. For an optimal protection of a Protected Area it is essential to account for the variables underlying the major Ecosystem Services an area delivers, and the threats upon them. Here we show that the pe...
List of mistakes made in the surveys and the ways used to correct them. Categories are Ecosystem Services (ES), Threats (Thr), and Ecosystem Types (ETy). The variable which was originally indicated (“between quotation marks”) is followed by our Remark on it (unless it may have been renamed). For the Actions taken: Split means that the term is split...
Harmonisation tables for all variables. (S2a) ecosystem services, (S2b) threats, and the classification of the variables into variables of biotic, abiotic or socio-economic (anthropogenic) nature, grey cells are variables indicated by PA managers. (PDF)
Example of the survey sent to PA managers. (PDF)
Example of the survey sent to, and answers from, the scientists working on protected areas. (PDF)
List of ecosystem types. Indicated for the transitional waters (TW) and the mountainous (MO) protected areas. (PDF)
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Long-term ecological research provides essential information to understand the complex dynamics of natural systems. In a global change scenario, high mountains represent an exceptional ecology field lab for long-term research and monitoring, offering an enormous mosaic of ecological conditions existing along mountain slopes. Mountains ecosystems al...
Technical Report
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This deliverable fits under EU BON Work Package (WP) 5 “EU BON testing and validation of concepts, tools, and services” led by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). This deliverable provides the main results from task 5.3 “Testing EU BON services for management, decision makers and stakeholders: applications across different s...
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Protected areas (PAs) need to be assessed systematically according to biodiversity values and threats in order to support decision-making processes. For this, PAs can be characterized according to their species, ecosystems and threats, but such information is often difficult to access and usually not comparable across regions. There are currently o...
The natural regeneration under forest plantations depends on the degradation degree of the site, the proximity to seed sources, the availability of dispersers, and the intrinsic characteristics of the reforested patches (density, elevation, radiation, etc.). However, to date, no work has explicitly analysed the simultaneous influence of land use...
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A fundamental constituent of a biodiversity observation network is the technological infrastructure that underpins it. The European Biodiversity Network project (EU BON) has been working with and improving upon pre-existing tools for data mobilization, sharing and description. This paper provides conceptual and practical advice for the use of these...
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La investigación ecológica a largo plazo proporciona información útil para comprender las complejas dinámicas de los sistemas naturales. Esto se hace especialmente importante en las regiones de montaña como Sierra Nevada, que presenta un fuerte gradiente de condiciones ambientales en una escala espacial pequeña. En el sitio LTER-Sierra Nevada se ha...
Conference Paper
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Climate change is causing declines in snow-cover extent and duration in European mountain ranges. This is especially important in Mediterranean mountain ranges where the observed trends towards precipitation and higher temperatures can provoke problems of water scarcity. In this work, we analyzed temporal trends (2000 to 2014) of snow-related varia...
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In this data paper, a dataset of passerine bird communities is described in Sierra Nevada, a Mediterra¬nean high mountain located in southern Spain. The dataset includes occurrence data from bird surveys conducted in four representative ecosystem types of Sierra Nevada from 2008 to 2015. For each visit, bird species numbers as well as distance to t...
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In this data paper, we describe the dataset of the Global Change, Altitudinal Range Shift and Colonization of Degraded Habitats in Mediterranean Mountains (MIGRAME) project, which aims to assess the capacity of altitudinal migration and colonization of marginal habitats by Quercus pyrenaica Willd. forests in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain) consideri...
Conference Paper
The LTER network aims to assess the structural and functional responses of ecosystems to the impact of environmental and socioeconomic variables. In this context, events and anthropic uses occurring in ecosystems in the past could have an important impact to explain its current structure and function. It is therefore important to gather information...
Conference Paper
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Collecting long term series about the structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems is very important to quantify the impacts of global change. The photosynthetic activity, through the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a good indicator of the vegetation status. Recently, in the opposite to purchase a high cost professional came...
Conference Paper
Traditional knowledge about the distribution of vegetation and the type and intensity of human intervention in the territory in the past is valuable to understand the current functioning of Mediterranean ecosystems. But it is very difficult to obtain. In this work, we present a case study that demonstrates the usefulness of traditional knowledge to...
Conference Paper
The synergies between researchers and managers have allowed to develop a monitoring program of ecological processes and information management in Sierra Nevada (South of Spain). Thanks to this common effort, we are able to make an initial diagnosis of the situation. We have identified the main expected impacts in the context of global change, and a...
Conference Paper
The high-mountain meadows (borreguiles) of Sierra Nevada (SE-Spain) are a high diverse ecosystem, which harbors a large number of endemic and threatened plant species. This ecosystem (included in the Annex-I of Habitats Directive) is very sensitive to changes in water availability and temperature, making it an interesting community to study the imp...
Conference Paper
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Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean Region where anthropic activity has played an important role shaping landscape configuration. Understanding the woodland expansion towards marginal areas (abandoned crops) is critical to develop effective management strategies. In this work we analyze the colonization pattern of...
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Sierra Nevada mountain range (southern Spain) hosts a high number of endemic plant species, being one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean basin. The high-mountain meadow ecosystems (borreguiles) harbour a large number of endemic and threatened plant species. In this data paper, we describe a dataset of the flora inhabit...
Technical Report
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This report summarises the cumulative effort of the biodiversity monitoring community of the EU-funded project EU BON (European Biodiversity Observation Network) on the principles and guidelines for the establishment and operation of relevant test sites mainly in Europe. The report focuses on the requirement to meet the challenges of the biodiversi...
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The Spanish National Ecosystem Assessment (SNEA), supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Environment, is the first analysis conducted on the status and trends of ecosystem services in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of Spain. The results of the SNEA are expected to help build bridges between interdisciplinary scientific know...
Aim Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems serve as reference laboratories for the investigation of global change because of their transitional climate, the high spatiotemporal variability of their environmental conditions, a rich and unique biodiversity and a wide range of socio‐economic conditions. As scientific development and environmental pressu...
Conference Paper
There is an active debate about socioeconomic impacts of protected areas, but there is not a main conclusion that explains the impact of protected areas on socioeconomic features. In this work we present a long-term analysis to assess the impact of protecting areas on well-being (measured as an aggregation of different indicators) in a developed, h...
Conference Paper
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Sierra Nevada is a high mountain range (reaching 3,482 m.a.s.l.) located in Southern Spain (37ºN, 3º W) covering 2,000 km2. The climate is Mediterranean, characterized by cold winters and hot summers, with pronounced summer drought (July-August). It hosts a high number of endemic plant species (c. 80) for a total of 2.100 species of vascular plants...
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Resumen Díaz-Delgado, R., Marañón, T., Bonet-García, F., Espelta, J.M., Zamora, R. 2014. Reunión final del Proyecto EnvEurope y Conferencia Anual de la red LTER-Europa. Ecosistemas 23(1):83-84. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.2014.23-1.17 Abstract A brief overview of the main outcomes and achievements of the final EnvEurope LIFE] Project linked to the annual...
In order to understand the importance of past land use and current ecological factors relating to oak regeneration within pine plantations, we hypothesized that native forest regeneration within plantations depends largely on in situ biological legacies as a source of propagules. We analyzed native oak regeneration in 168 pine plantation plots with...
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The Sinfonevada database is a forest inventory that contains information on the forest ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada mountains (SE Spain). The Sinfonevada dataset contains more than 7,500 occurrence records belonging to 270 taxa (24 of these threatened) from floristic inventories of the Sinfonevada Forest inventory. Expert field workers collected...
Offering a balanced review of differing approaches based on remote sensing methods to monitor ecosystem services related to biodiversity conservation, carbon and water cycles, and the energy balance of the terrestrial ecosystem, this book identifies the relevant issues and challenges of assessment, presents cutting-edge sensing techniques, uses glo...
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SOSTENIBILIDAD EN ESPAÑA 2011 327 l Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad de España (OSE) ha preparado el presente capítulo espe-cial sobre bosques, en el marco de su Informe Sostenibilidad en España 2011, con ocasión de la celebración del Año Internacional de los Bosques. La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas acordó en 2006 celebrar en 2011 este impo...
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Most of the world's plantations were established on previously disturbed sites with an intensive land-use history. Our general hypothesis was that native forest regeneration within forest plantations depends largely on in situ biological legacies as a source of propagules. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed native oak regeneration in 168 pine pla...
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A key success factor of the Copernicus programme is to ensure the acceptance of services by users. This acceptance and further adoption is based on high quality products that meet the specific information requirements of the user. In the realm of biodiversity monitoring and reporting on conservation status of Natura 2000 habitats, such products mus...
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We have created an indicator system whose main aim is to assess significant changes in the habitats existing in Sierra Nevada Natura 2000 site. This system is able to automatically download, process and analyse raw data from two MODIS products (snow cover and vegetation indexes). Besides, the system calculates automatically several indicators usefu...
Conference Paper
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El proyecto MIGRAME tiene como objetivo estudiar la capacidad de migración altitudinal y de colonización de hábitats degradados de los robledales (Quercus pyrenaica) y enebrales (Juniperus communis) de Sierra Nevada en respuesta a dos motores asociados al cambio global: cambio climático y cambios de usos del territorio. En este contexto, planteamos...
Conference Paper
A pesar de la generalización del uso de los dispositivos móviles en la vida cotidiana, aún no existe una relación directa de su uso en proyectos de investigación. Esto se debe fundamentalmente a la carencia de aplicaciones Ad-Hoc que optimicen el proceso, y que asuman la diversidad de los datos a capturar A su vez, la divulgación requiere de un len...
Conference Paper
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Los bosques de roble melojo (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) en Sierra Nevada son considerados una formación vegetal sensible al cambio climático debido a su carácter relicto y a la presión antrópica a la que han estado sometidos. Para llevar a cabo tareas de gestión y adaptación al cambio global para este tipo de ecosistemas se precisan de estudios a es...
Conference Paper
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The main objective of the Observatory of Sierra Nevada (Spain) is to monitor the effects of global change in this protected mountainous LTER site. We are monitoring more than 100 environmental variables that are surrogates of ecosystem functions. A large amount of information is being created during the monitoring. This information must be maintain...
Conference Paper
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Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory is a long term monitoring program to assess the effects of global change in Sierra Nevada LTER platform, a high mountain region (reaching 3,482 m.a.s.l.) located in Southern Spain. The basic objective is to ensure the collection of information necessary to identify as early as possible the impacts of global c...
Conference Paper
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Sierra Nevada is a high mountain range (reaching 3,482 m.a.s.l.) located in Southern Spain (37oN, 3o W) covering 2,000 km2. It is a Natural Biosphere Reserve (MaB. Unesco), a Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (Natura 2000 network) an also a National Park. This mountain range can be considered as one of the most important ho...
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Biodiversity research and conservation efforts in the tropics are hindered by the lack of knowledge of the assemblages found there, with many species undescribed or poorly known. Our initiative, the Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET), aims to address this problem by assembling georeferenced data from a wide range of sources, making these data...
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In this paper, we present the development of ModeleR, a repository of models accessible from the web, which enables the user to design, document, manage, and execute environmental models. The technique and features offered can be applied to any scientific context. Based on the development of its ontology, a metadata system has been established to d...
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Conservation efforts in Neotropical regions are often hindered by lack of data, since for many species there is a vacuum of information, and many species have not even been described yet. The International Network of Forest Inventory Plots (BIOTREE-NET) gathers and facilitates access to tree data from forest inventory plots in Mesoamerica, while en...
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El bosque de niebla de México, formación vegetal ampliamente conocida en este país como bosque mesófilo de montaña, incluye una variedad de asociaciones que ocupan aproximadamente 1% del territorio nacional. Por su distribución fragmentaria en las partes media y alta de las serranías húmedas (principalmente, pero no de manera continua entre 1500 y...