Francesco Tessarolo

Francesco Tessarolo
University of Trento | UNITN · Department of Industrial Engineering



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Main research interests: Biocompatibility and biointegration of biomedical materials -Failure analysis of implantable medical devices -Functional testing and reuse assessment of critical medical devices -Bacteria interaction with biomedical surfaces Biomaterials characterization -Hard tissue and soft tissue integration of biomaterials in humans -Surface analysis by micro and nano imaging techniques -Sterilization induced modification on biomedical polymers
Additional affiliations
May 2013 - present
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • Researcher
December 2009 - May 2013
University of Trento
  • Post doc researcher
January 2005 - March 2006
University of Trento
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (150)
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Dental implants are installed in an increasing number of patients. Mucositis and peri-implantitis are common microbial-biofilm-associated diseases affecting the tissues that surround the dental implant and are a major medical and socioeconomic burden. By metagenomic sequencing of the plaque microbiome in different peri-implant health and disease co...
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The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a broader use of masks by both professionals and the general population. This resulted in a severe worldwide shortage of devices and the need to increase import and activate production of safe and effective surgical masks at the national level. In order to support the demand for testing surgical...
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Background Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are biofilm-related diseases causing major concern in oral implantology, requiring complex anti-infective procedures or implant removal. Microbial biosurfactants emerged as new anti-biofilm agents for coating implantable devices preserving biocompatibility. This study aimed to assess the effica...
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Background Quantitative MRI has potential for tissue characterization after reparative and regenerative surgical treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus (OCLTs). However available data is inconclusive and quantitative sequences can be difficult to implement in real-time clinical application. Purpose To assess the potential of T2 mapping in...
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Six Italian non-accredited laboratories participated to an interlaboratory study aimed at measuring Differential Pressure (DP) and Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of three face-mask models using methods in-line with EN 14683 standard. Methodological non-conformities were annotated. Repeatability and reproducibility on quintuplicate samples we...
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Venous blood collection systems (VBCSs) are combinations of in-vitro diagnostics and medical devices, usually available as integrated set. However, purchasing and using a combination of devices from different sets is considered by clinical laboratories as an option to achieve specific sampling tasks or reduce costs. This systematic review aimed to...
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Implant therapy is a common treatment option in dentistry and orthopedics, but its application is often associated with an increased risk of microbial contamination of the implant surfaces that cause bone tissue impairment. This study aims to develop two silver-enriched platelet-rich plasma (PRP) multifunctional scaffolds active at the same time in...
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During the COVID‐19 pandemic, the use of polypropylene fleece‐based personal protection equipment (PPE) increased significantly to over ten million tons. Typically, most PPEs are discarded after a single use, to prevent self‐infection of users and spread of infectious agents. However, in order to minimize plastic waste without compromising the prot...
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Face masks play a role in reducing the spread of airborne pathogens, providing that they have a good filtration performance, are correctly fitted and maintained. Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) is a key indicator for evaluating filtration performance according to both European and US standards, requiring the use of Staphylococcus aureus loade...
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Objective: to analyze the physical and biological barrier characteristics of cotton fields used as a sterile barrier system after multiple use and processing cycles in the clinical practice. Method: an observational and longitudinal study to monitor and evaluate 100% cotton fabric used as a sterile barrier system in a medium-sized hospital. Samples...
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Objetivo: analisar as características de barreira física e biológica de campos de algodão, que são utilizados como sistema de barreira estéril, após múltiplos usos e processamentos na prática clínica. Método: estudo longitudinal observacional de acompanhamento e de avaliação de tecido 100% algodão que foi utilizado como sistema de barreira estéril...
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Objetivo: analizar las características de barrera física y biológica de los campos de algodón utilizados como sistema de barrera estéril después de ser sometidos a múltiples usos y procesos en la práctica clínica. Método: estudio observacional longitudinal de seguimiento y evaluación de tela 100% algodón, utilizada como sistema de barrera estéril e...
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Biofilm-related peri-implant diseases represent the major complication for osteointegrated dental implants, requiring complex treatments or implant removal. Microbial biosurfactants emerged as new antibiofilm coating agents for implantable devices thanks to their high biocompatibility. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of the rhamnolipid 89 b...
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Surgical and community face masks are used worldwide to reduce the transmission of respiratory infections in indoor environments. Performance parameters for these loose-fitting devices are mainly focused on material filtering efficiency, while, differently from face respirators, there are no standards methods for measuring the fraction of air leaki...
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This study assesses the accuracy and technical predictability of a computer-guided procedure for harvesting bone from the external oblique ridge using a patient-specific cutting guide. Twenty-two patients needing bone augmentation for implant placement were subjected to mandibular osteotomy employing a case-specific stereolithographic surgical guid...
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Aims Intramural fibrosis represents a crucial factor in the formation of a three-dimensional (3D) substrate for atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the transmural distribution of fibrosis and its relationship with atrial overload remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to quantify the transmural profile of atrial fibrosis in patients with d...
The impact of repeated in-hospital reprocessing on 100% cotton fabric continues to be debated. We analyzed the properties of surgical gowns and drapes over 15 months of clinical use. The amount of linting fibers and the water absorption rate increased significantly, but microbial and blood penetration was preserved.
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Information and Communication Technology can turn older adults’ homes into smart living environments, decreasing the need for support and improving life quality. However, new technology has high uncertainty in terms of acceptance. Co-creation approaches are proposed to reach high acceptability, usability and satisfaction, but performance evaluation...
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Face masking proved essential to reduce transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in indoor environments, but standards and literature do not provide simple quantitative methods for quantifying air leakage at the face seal. This study reports an original method to quantify outward leakage and how wearing style impacts on leaks and f...
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The global population is aging in an unprecedented manner and the challenges for improving the lives of older adults are currently both a strong priority in the political and healthcare arena. In this sense, preventive measures and telemedicine have the potential to play an important role in improving the number of healthy years older adults may ex...
Lithium-aluminum-silicate glass-ceramics (LAS) are of pivotal importance in various applications as they combine excellent mechanicala nd functional properties. Due to their use in medical devices and cooking articles, antimicrobial properties are obviously of interest. Herein, we report the solid-state field-assisted (Ag→Li,Na) ion exchange in LAS...
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This study aimed to grow a fungal-bacterial mixed biofilm on medical-grade titanium and assess the ability of the biosurfactant R89 (R89BS) coating to inhibit biofilm formation. Coated titanium discs (TDs) were obtained by physical absorption of R89BS. Candida albicans-Staphylococcus aureus biofilm on TDs was grown in Yeast Nitrogen Base, supplemen...
The development of tiles possessing antimicrobial activity is of great significant technological and scientific interest to improve the functionality of a very widely used article. Also the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is drawing the attention towards materials or compounds able to inactivate the virus, silver being among all the most promising one....
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Microbial biofilms strongly resist host immune responses and antimicrobial treatments and are frequently responsible for chronic infections in peri-implant tissues. Biosurfactants (BSs) have recently gained prominence as a new generation of anti-adhesive and antimicrobial agents with great biocompatibility and were recently suggested for coating im...
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Steam sterilization of channeled medical devices requires steam penetration into narrow channels. However, a quantitative characterization of this phenomenon in practical situations is lacking. This study evaluates the effect of load, loading pattern, and wrapping system on steam penetration into channels. We tested the hypothesis that a 70 cm tube...
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Talar dome osteo-chondral lesions (OCL) are defects of the cartilaginous surface and subchondral bone often associated with sport practice. This retrospective observational work has the purpose of assessing: a) The clinical outcomes in the patients study group and in the three sub-groups; b) medium-term morphological and qualitative outcomes of the...
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Background: Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are biofilm-related diseases causing major concern in oral implantology, requiring complex anti-infective procedures or implant removal. Microbial biosurfactants emerged as new of anti-biofilm agents for coating implantable devices preserving biocompatibility. This study aimed to assess the ef...
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Background: Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are biofilm-related diseases causing major concern in oral implantology, requiring complex anti-infective procedures or implant removal. Microbial biosurfactants emerged as new anti-biofilm agents for coating implantable devices preserving biocompatibility. This study aimed to assess the effic...
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Background: Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are biofilm-related diseases causing major concern in oral implantology, requiring complex anti-infective procedures or implant removal. Microbial biosurfactants emerged as new anti-biofilm agents for coating implantable devices preserving biocompatibility. This study aimed to assess the effic...
Background The intramural distribution of fibrosis is considered one of the most important factors in the formation of a substrate for atrial fibrillation. Chronic atrial stretch is known to play a mechanistic role in this structural remodeling process. However, the distribution of fibrosis through the entire atrial wall is poorly characterized as...
Objective To assess the performance of a morphological evaluation, based on a clinically relevant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol, in scoring the severity of knee cartilage damage. Specifically, to evaluate the reproducibility, repeatability, and agreement of MRI evaluation with the gross pathology examination (GPE) of the tissue.MethodsM...
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Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are considered two of the most important pathogens, and their biofilms frequently cause device-associated infections. Microbial biosurfactants recently emerged as a new generation of anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm agents for coating implantable devices to preserve biocompatibility. In this study,...
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Atrial stretch and dilatation are common features of many clinical conditions predisposing to atrial fibrillation (AF). MicroRNAs (miRs) are emerging as potential molecular determinants of AF, but their relationship with atrial dilatation (AD) is poorly understood. The present study was designed to assess the specific miR expression profiles associ...
Intraoral autologous bone grafting represents a preferential choice for alveolar reconstruction prior to dental implant placement. Bone block harvesting guided by a computer-planned lithographic template is a novel and promising technique for optimizing the volume of harvested material, while controlling the osteotomy 3D position with respect to de...
Our work exhibits how previous projects on the Active and Healthy Ageing field have advanced to the conception of CAPTAIN, a radically new approach towards increased end-user acceptance. The goal is to create intuitive technology that does not require specific skills for interaction and blends in with real life. CAPTAIN will be co-designed by all t...
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Aim: several strategies have been tested in recent years to prevent bacterial colonization of dental implants. Sericin, one of the two main silk proteins, possesses relevant biological activities and also literature reports about its potential antibacterial properties, but results are discordant and not yet definitive. The aim of this study was to...
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Proliferative membranes of fibrocontractive retinal disorders are extensively studied from the morphological and evolutive point of view. Despite this, little is known of their cellular composition. In this study, the authors investigated the morphological characteristics and cell composition of various types of surgically excised proliferative mem...
Wet loads after steam sterilisation of medical devices in health care facilities are unacceptable. However, little is known about their frequency in daily practice. Via four national sterilisation associations, in Australia (VIC SRACA), Belgium (VSZ), Italy (AIOS), and the Netherlands (VDSMH), an online survey was distributed. 78% of 125 hospital s...
The elder with mild or moderate cognitive impairment (MMCI) suffers from progressive cognitive decline with increasing difficulties in performing activities of daily living. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Healthcare can provide solutions to relief the caregivers’ burden and to support the elder in maintaining dignity and indepen...
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Biosurfactants affect interaction of microorganisms with material surfaces by altering interfacial properties, and have recently attract the attention of the scientific community for their use as anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm agents. The work studied the synergistic effect of a lipopeptide from Bacillus subtilis AC7 (AC7BS) combined with the quoru...
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Purpose Prostate calcifications are a common finding during transrectal prostate ultrasound in both healthy subjects and patients, but their etiopathogenesis and clinical significance are not fully understood. We aimed to establish a new methodology for evaluating the role of microbial biofilms in the genesis of prostate calcifications. Materials...
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Dementia is one of the most relevant chronic diseases affecting the ageing population. The elder with mild or moderate cognitive impairment (MMCI) suffers of progressive cognitive decline with increasing difficulties in performing activities of daily living. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Healthcare can provide solutions to reli...
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Purpose: To develop and validate a hybrid phantom for optimizing MRI sequences of knee articular cartilage. Methods: MR study of the knee was performed in two patients prior to total knee arthroplasty (in-vivo MR). Osteochondral surgical resec-tions of femur and tibia were used to setup a phantom consisting in a transparent polyethylene box filled...
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Safety and efficacy issues are associated with reprocessing of single-use electrosurgical pencils (EPs), requiring methods for assessing the reprocessing protocol before clinical reuse. This study aimed at monitoring the surface characteristics of single-use EPs subjected to multiple clinical use and in-hospital reprocessing. A total of 24 single-u...
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as key regulators of complex biological processes in several cardiovascular diseases, including atrial fibrillation (AF). Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction is a powerful technique to quantitatively assess miRNA expression profile, but reliable results depend on proper data normalization by...
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Purpose Orthopaedics polymeric implants made of ultra-high molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) or its carbon-fiber reinforced composite (CFR-PEEK) can be coated with titanium (Ti) or hydroxyapatite (HA) by compression moulding or plasma-spray techniques for bone integration. The coating may also improve the radiolo...
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Objective To assess whether monitoring every loads of Automated washer-disinfectors (AWDs) by testing the last rinse water with Adenosine TriphosPhate (ATP) would have an added value to document effective and reproducible AWD processes. Methods Every Load Monitoring (ELM) of the last rinse water with ATP was performed on three AWDs at the steril...
Aim: to analyze (i) cellular and vascular densities in the connective tissue interface portion of the peri-implant mucosa and (ii) tissue interactions with the titanium surface during early stages of healing. Materials and methods: Circumferential biopsies of peri-implant soft tissues were retrieved together with custom-made abutments at 27 impl...
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Photodamage, induced by femtosecond laser radiation, was studied in thick samples of human skin tissue (healthy skin and neoplastic lesions). Photobleaching, photoionization, and thermomechanical damage effects were characterized comparatively. The laser power dependence of the damage rates allowed to connect macroscopic effects to underlying molec...
Conference Paper
Reprocessing and reuse of single-use electrosurgical pencils (EPs) is a diffused practice in countries with limited access to healthcare subvention system and in developing countries. However, safety and efficacy issues are associated to this practice, requiring specific methods for checking the reprocessed device before clinical re-use. This study...
Conference Paper
The assessment of collagen structure in cardiac pathology, such as atrial fibrillation (AF), is essential for a complete understanding of the disease. This paper introduces a novel methodology for the quantitative description of collagen network properties, based on the combination of nonlinear optical microscopy with a spectral approach of image p...
AimsThe study aimed at investigating the ability of biosurfactant produced by a Lactobacillus brevis isolate (CV8LAC) to inhibit adhesion and biofilm formation of Candida albicans on medical-grade silicone elastomeric disks (SEDs)Methods and ResultsBiosurfactant activity was evaluated at physiological conditions, by means of co-incubation and pre-c...
Aim: The objective of the present experiment was to evaluate differences in the formation of mucosal attachment to titanium implant components with two different surfaces. Material and Methods: 22 subjects needing one or more implants were recruited. After implants installation, customdesigned abutments with a reduced diameter and with two differen...
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Decontamination and cleaning protocols are critical in reprocessing medical device. Protocols should be designed to remove biological debris, reduce bioburden and minimize the risk for health professionals. These issues are of utmost importance when reprocessing of single-use-only labeled devices is considered. This study evaluates the efficiency i...
Conference Paper
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Purpose Orthopedic implants can nowadays be realized with high performance polymers such as polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and its carbon-fiber reinforced composite (CFR-PEEK) in addition to the most routinely used ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) [1]. These materials can be coated by plasma-spray or thermal-press techniques with ti...
We fabricated calcium carbonate particles with spherical, elliptical, star-like and cubical morphologies by varying relative salt concentrations and adding ethylene glycol as a solvent to slow down the rate of particle formation. The loading capacity of particles of different isotropic (spherical and cubical) and anisotropic (elliptical and star-li...