Francesco PastoreUniversity of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli · Economics and Business
Francesco Pastore
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Sussex
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In 2013, Francesco Pastore [PhD (Sussex); Dottorato ("Federico II"); MSC (Coripe); Laurea (BSc; "Federico II")] qualified as full professor of Economic Policy (Habilitation). Currently, he is Associate Professor of Economics at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. He is also a research fellow of the IZA and GLO and a member of the Board of EACES and AISSEC.
He has acted as a consultant for, among others, European Commission, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, ILO, UNDP, UNESCO and World Bank, on such issues as: evaluation of active labor market policy; Youth Guarantee; gender equality; Industry 4.0; employment and education policy; school-to-work transition; Apprenticeship and dual principle of education.
Available for keynote lectures in workshops and conferences for special audiences.
Additional affiliations
July 1996 - September 2001
July 1996 - February 2000
October 1995 - July 1996
Coripe (Piemonte), Università di Torino
Field of study
- Economics
Publications (219)
130 Determinants and wage effects of overeducation in Italy | Mandrone, Pastore, Quintano, Radicchia, Rocca SINAPPSI | Connessioni tra ricerca e politiche pubbliche | Anno XII n. 3/2022 | Rivista quadrimestrale dell'INAPP This paper aims to study dimentions of educational mismatch and quantify its effects on wages. Using the Inapp-PLUS survey, we m...
The main features and aims of the European Youth Guarantee (EYG)
Assesment of the previous program
Positive factors
Critical aspects
Expectations regarding the re-launched and reinforced EYG
In all the MENA countries considered in this study, namely Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia, there has been a significant decrease in the female labor force participation rate over the last two decades. Moreover, existing analysis and the anecdotal evidence suggest that it may be problematic for women to reach a white-collar high skill job, also in the mo...
The wage effect of job–education vertical mismatch (i.e. overeducation) has only recently been investigated in the case of Ph.D. holders. The existing contributions rely on ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates that allow measuring the average effect of being mismatched at the mean of the conditional wage distribution.
The Italian school-to-work transition (STWT) is astonishingly slow and long in comparison to the other EU countries. We analyze its determinants comparing the Italian case with Austria, Poland and the UK.
The analysis is based on a Cox survival model with proportional hazard. The smoothed hazard estimates allow...
This study considers the economic impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on commercial enterprises in four Central American countries – El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. At the time of analysis, neither the pandemic nor its economic consequences had fully run their course. It is not, therefore, a definitive analysis, but it is...
In this paper, we report returns to education in India using unit level data from the nationwide Periodic Labour Force Survey for 2018-19. OLS estimates from the classical Mincerian equation are presented. Various econometric techniques (e.g., conventional IV and heteroskedasticity-based IV models) are used to address endogeneity and sample selecti...
In this study, for the first time, to our knowledge, we use the propensity score matching
algorithm to estimate the probability to remain ‘stuck in the status-quo ante’ across generations in Egypt. We use repeated cross-sectional data relative to a 20-year period from 1998 to 2018 to build transition matrices of intergenerational occupational mobil...
some thoughts and your knowledge on issues such as: (a) what are the most salient diferences across the European countries on the transition to the labou market; (b) how these diferences are organized in patterns across countries and regions; (c) what are the consequences of these diferences for the most vulnerable countries and regions; (d) how mu...
The choice of Southern Europe is partly based on the observation that the sample includes a number of countries whose economies faced more severe difficulties than elsewhere in Europe. Economically they were less able to absorb the economic shock posed by COVID-19. It is also partly based on the characteristics of the pandemic. A number of...
Lo studio analizza gli effetti occupazionali degli interventi formativi per i disoccupati finanziati attraverso gli Assi I e II del PO FSE 2014-2020 della Provincia autonoma di
Bolzano, a 12-13 mesi dal loro avvio. L’analisi si concentra sugli avvisi del 2017/2018 e 2018/2019. Il lavoro utilizza una metodologia di tipo controfattuale, utilizzando d...
Presented at the 62nd Conference of Italian Economic Society - 26/10/2021
In this paper, the authors provide a new measure of the duration of the Schoolto-Work-Transition (STWT) using retrospective information from EU-SILC data. The authors calculate the duration of STWT for Italian young people before (2006), during (2011) and after (2017) the economic crisis and compare the results obtained for 2017
with the correspond...
Presentation of Tito Boeri; transition economics; temporary work; Pietro Garibaldi
Existing studies suggest that recent PhD graduates with a job vertically mismatched with their education tend to earn lower wages than their matched counterparts. However, by being based on cross-sectional ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates, these studies raise endogeneity concerns and can only be considered evidence of a correlation between ve...
IL 23/07/2021 IN IMPRESE Tra le ragioni della bassa crescita economica dei paesi del Sud Europa vi sono senz'altro i minori investimenti pubblici e privati in innovazione tecnologica e in capitale umano. Ma la pandemia ha accelerato i processi di digitalizzazione. Digitalizzazione e produttività Tra le ragioni della bassa crescita economica dei pae...
This article provides a comprehensive review of the socio-economic literature on the student determinants of tertiary education dropout, in order to help research scholars better understand this phenomenon. Empirical findings are framed within a theoretical model that analyzes higher education choices and prospective outcomes in a dynamic setting,...
Presentation at the workshop on: "“The European labour markets during and after the Covid-19 pandemic” �University of Pisa, 11th and 12th of May 2021.
Commenta Finita la scuola, la maggior parte dei giovani italiani impiega un periodo di tempo molto lungo per trovare un lavoro regolare e ciò li penalizza rispetto ai coetanei europei. La conferma arriva da nuove stime. Cosa fare per migliorare la situazione. Le cause del fenomeno Il tempo impiegato dai giovani italiani dal completamento degli stud...
This paper provides sound, comparative empirical evidence on the duration of the school-to-work-transition (STWT) across 14 European countries using information available in the EU-SILC database. We define the duration of the STWT as the time needed for young people to secure their first regular job (at least six months) after completing their stud...
We test for the signaling hypothesis versus the human capital theory using the Wiles test in a country which has experienced a dramatic increase in the supply of skills in a relatively short period of time. For this purpose, we construct a job match index based on the usefulness of school-provided skills and the relevance of the job performed to th...
This paper aims to study the process of intergenerational income mobility in some Latin American economies (Panama and Brazil), which have been much neglected in the existing literature. Like other countries in the area, also Brazil and Panama have a stagnant economy coupled with high income inequality. Our rich and detailed dataset, the IPUMS surv...
Call for paper for a special issue of the International Journal of Manpower:
This paper studies the influence of diversification and specialization on one of the main indicators of the Russian labour market: unemployment growth. The purpose of the work is to find out which effects dominate in the Russian regions, Marshallian or Jacobs, and whether this predominance is stable for different time periods. We tested empirically...
The academic circles are devoting a growing interest to delayed graduation and overeducation, but none has analyzed the joint consequences of these two phenomena. Thus, this paper studies the link between graduation not within the minimum period and overeducation, and the effects of these variables on wages, using the ISFOL-Plus data. According to...
This article studies the effect of PIPOL, an integrated program of active labor policies launched by the Friuli Venezia Giulia, an Italian region, in 2014.
To understand the impact of training in a classroom setting (off-the-job) and work-related training (on-the-job) on employment integration of benefit recipients.
Currently the entire world is grappling to survive from challenges posed by COVID 19 infection. Economies are strategizing and implementing varied responses to curb the menace. World economies are initiating measures to enter the recovery or revival phase. It is recovery from a deep crisis caused by containment measures and subsequent huge contract...
There is a long period from completing studies to finding a permanent or temporary (but at least satisfactory) job in all European countries, especially in Mediterranean countries, including Italy. This paper aims to study the determinants of this duration and measure them, for the first time in a systematic way, in the case of Italy.
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing working careers and lives. Educational systems should evolve accordingly. In this seminar, we will try to understand the directions that countries should follow to reform for the best their educational systems, so as to improve the employment chances of young people and help the adults to cope with the changes they w...
This paper addresses the directions to follow when reforming educational systems and school-towork transition regimes to help the workforce face the challenges posed by industrial revolution (IR) 4.0. Although a high level of general education will be important for developing adaptability, it is not the only component to develop. Work-related skill...
This study contributes to the rapidly growing literature on women in tourism. It focuses on a group of 13 Caribbean countries. The study analyses the impact of women in apical positions within firms (top manager or owner) on firm performance—productivity, profitability and female employment. For this both a decomposition model and the inverse proba...
The initiative correspondence to the GLO Research Cluster on School-to-Work-Transitions lead by Francesco Pastore, which had recently organized and published two 2019 special issues in the International Journal of Manpower
Abstract (ITA): Questo saggio propone una rassegna della letteratura, prevalentemente italiana, di valutazione dell’impatto del programma di Garanzia Giovani attuato in Italia negli ultimi cinque anni circa. Si considerano gli aspetti istituzionali, organizzativi ed economici, sia micro- che macro. La politica ha avuto successo nel senso di avere e...
This study examines the gender wage gap in the USA using two separate cross-sections from the Current Population Survey (CPS). The extensive literature on this subject includes wage decompositions that divide the gender wage gap into "explained" and "unexplained" components. One of the problems with this approach is the heteroge-neity of the sample...
This presentation was used at the EU Parliament to present the results of the study on: "EU and ILO: Shaping the Future of Work".
The report is freely downloadable from here:
This paper aims to study pros and cons of the first experiment of quasi-market in the provision of employment services in Italy: the Lombardy DUL (Dote Unica Lavoro). The program, which has inspired the 2015 national reform within the Jobs Act and lines towards the recent experience of several Anglo-Saxon countries, has revitalized the sector by pr...
In this paper, we aim to understand whether low labour market returns to education in India are responsible for low female work participation. The National Sample Survey Office—Employment Unemployment Survey unit level data of India for the year 2011–2012 is used to examine the relationship between educational attainment and labour market participa...
This essay delivers two main innovations with respect to the existing literature. First, and foremostmost importantly, by extending to the case of overeducation the work of Nicaise (2010) relative to the reservation wage to the case of overeducation, we propose a statistical test to discriminate between alternative theoretical interpretations of th...
This survey organizes and discusses the theoretical and empirical literature on the determinants of university student achievements. According to the theoretical framework, the decision to invest in tertiary education is a sequential process made under gradually decreasing levels of uncertainty on education costs and future returns. Students, apply...
This survey organizes and discusses the theoretical and empirical literature on the determinants of university student achievements. According to the theoretical framework, the decision to invest in tertiary education is a sequential process made under gradually decreasing levels of uncertainty on education costs and future returns. Students, apply...
This essay provides a comprehensive interpretative framework to understand the reasons why the school-to-work transition is so slow in Italy, a typical example of the South European regime, where the educational system is rigid and sequential (education before work experience), the labor market has become more flexible through two-tier labor reform...
This paper contributes to the literature on overeducation by empirically investigating the wage penalty of job-education mismatch among PhD holders who completed their studies in Italy; a country where the number of new doctoral recipients has dramatically increased over recent years while personnel employed in R&D activities is still below the Eur...
Il libro si propone di commemorare il trentennale dell’Associazione Italiana degli Economisti del lavoro (AIEL), una delle associazioni di economisti più attive e seguite in Italia, attraverso un ricordo da parte dei past-president dell’associazione delle vicende che hanno contraddistinto la storia delle politiche economiche e, in particolare, dell...
Italian: Questo saggio approfondisce il modo di funzionamento, i pregi e i limiti della alternanza scuola lavoro, così come disegnata dalla riforma della Buona Scuola (2015). Data la mancanza di dati statistici, il saggio dimostra con gli strumenti dell’analisi critica che l’alternanza scuola lavoro può aumentare l’occupabilità attraverso due canal...
Abstract (in italiano)
Il saggio analizza due dei migliori modelli regionali di organizzazione dei servizi per l’impiego, quello Lombardo e quello Toscano in vista dell’attuazione della riforma nell’ambito del Jobs Act (D.Lgs. n. 150/2015). Dato l’esito abrogativo del referendum 2016 sulla riforma costituzionale Boschi-Renzi, continueranno ad esser...
The Italian economy performs well below the EU average. The reason is a
dramatic and persistent low rate of investment, always invoked but never supported by national
and supra-national institutions. However, investment to increase the quantity and quality of
human capital is key to boost economic growth and cannot be achieved without adequate
We consider extreme household poverty to be a risk factor in youth poverty in Mongolia, one of the 50 poorest countries in the world. The emphasis is placed on the identification of poverty trap mechanisms generated through selective access to education. We use a unique, nationally representative School-to-Work Transition survey. A young person bor...
This paper aims to survey the theoretical and empirical literature on cross-country differences in overeducation. While technological change and globalization have entailed a skill-bias in the evolution of labour demand in the Anglo-Saxon countries, instead, in other advanced economies in Western Europe the increased educational level has not been...
This essay aims to discuss the conditions for a successful implementation of the European Youth Guarantee in Italy. In principle, the program should be able to affect the frictional and mismatch components of unemployment, if not the Keynesian and neoclassical ones, as the experience of Scandinavian countries suggests. However, this requires an in-...
The glossary of the eastward enlargement of the EU
Glossario dell'allargamento ad est dell'UE.
This presentation of the EU bidget discusses aims, advantages and shortcomings. I show that the impact of the funds on employment and development of depressed areas is almost nihil, but this is because of the insufficient size of the funds, their burocratic management, which prevents peripheral regions from using them or pushes peripheral regions t...
The school- or university to-work transition is a long dark tunnel around the world, although national differences are striking: in Germany, young people are no worse off than their adult counterparts, while in Southern European and Eastern-European countries they fare 3 through 4 times worse. The current economic and financial crisis has further w...
This study analyses whether the role of religion for employment of married women in Europe has changed over time and along women’s life cycles. Using information on 44’000 married European women from the World Values Survey 1981-2013, we find that in OECD-Europe there is little difference among women of any age since 1997. For non-OECD-Europe, we f...
This study analyses whether the role of religion for employment of married women in Europe has changed over time and along women’s life cycles. Using information on 44’000 married European women from the World Values Survey 1981-2013, we find that in OECD-Europe there is little difference among women of any age since 1997. For non-OECD-Europe, we f...
This research note discusses the Euro crisis in Greece in light of the referendum of July the 5th. It lays out the social and political costs of a GREXIT, but also of a continuing austerity policy. It proposes a reform policy fostering growth in Greece and discusses the role of conditionality. Finally, the important role of mid-left parties is high...
This paper studies causes and consequences of labor market marginalization in 8 developing countries, namely Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, Iran, Kosovo, Mongolia, Nepal and Syria, where the ILO has implemented the School-to-Work Transition survey on young people aged 15-29 during the years from 2004 to 2006. The survey is a unique source of information...
Questions (5)
The following paper has been published in the peer review journal "Economia dei servizi", but this journal which is published by a major Italian publisher is not in the list of research gate. How to do to add it to the lis?
The Journal's website is the following:
There are several questions regarding the program. Please, Olena answer my questions which come from possible candidates:
a) is there a scholarship for participants?
b) the letter of reference should be written only by the perspective supervisor?
c) is it necessary to present a project proposal or will it be agreed later with the supervisor?
These are only a few questions which have been asked by PhD students to me.
We need to ridiscuss the Maastricht treaty in the name of the Lisbon strategy and Euro2020. The latter is contradictory with the former.
We need to identify spending which has an impact on growth and fiscal revenues and spending which does not.
It is time to address this question by using new data.
the research hypotheses brought to the fore in previous research presented in this project needs to be tested again using new data. It would be great to find partners to do that. Is anybody interested?
Many journal articles, with impact factor as an ISI web of knowledge journal, do not appear as such. My impact factor is much lower than it should be ... how to define the details of the publcations? I expected you to do it!