Francesco Montani

Francesco Montani
Université de Montréal | UdeM · School of Public Health



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Francesco Montani is assistant professor of Organization and HRM at the University of Bologna. He earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology at the University of Verona, Italy. His current research interests embrace innovative work behavior in the workplace, employee mindfulness and compassion, regulatory motivational processes, and workplace health.
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July 2013 - August 2015
Université de Sherbrooke
  • Professor (Assistant)


Publications (69)
Building on goal-regulation theory, we develop and test the hypothesis that proactive goal generation fosters individual innovative work behavior. Consistent with a resource-based perspective, we further examine two-three-way interactions to assess whether the link between proactive goal generation and innovative behavior is jointly moderated by or...
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Volunteers’ intention to leave is a relevant issue for organizations. Thus, it is critical to advance knowledge on its determinants. This study proposes that burnout symptoms mediate the relationship of work–home interference with leaving intentions. In addition, we hypothesize that job resources, namely organizational appreciation and organization...
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This study aims to shed light on the dual impact of appraisals of pandemic‐induced job stressors on employee knowledge sharing and hiding behaviors. Drawing on the transactional attribution model, we hypothesize that employee perceptions of supervisor compassionate and self‐serving behavior would positively mediate the impact of employee challenge...
Purpose This study aims to shed light on the relationship between gender diversity and group performance by considering the moderating role of relative cultural distance. Drawing from the categorization–elaboration model (CEM), the authors hypothesize that gender-diverse collaborative learning groups perform better when a low level of relative cult...
The literature generally surmises that negative affective states of leaders are detrimental to leader effectiveness and work outcomes. Taking the opposite view, this study explores how the negative affective experiences of leaders related to COVID-19 may foster team commitment and employee performance. By integrating personality systems interaction...
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Les gestionnaires en organisation sont appelés à jouer un rôle clé dans la préservation et la promotion de la santé organisationnelle en temps de perturbations ou de changements sociaux importants. Pourtant, les données scientifiques sont limitées par rapport aux conditions permettant aux gestionnaires de mettre en œuvre des actions pour soutenir l...
The idea that innovative work behavior (IWB) can be a source of well-being is a prominent theme in the innovation literature. However, the potential bright side of IWB for employee well-being is overlooked. Building on the egosystem-ecosystem perspective, we theorize and empirically test individual differences in two interpersonal goals, namely com...
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Senior managers play a fundamental role in organizations. They shape organizational strategy and culture, set the mission, including opportunities for new markets, and construct the business models. Their commitment to the organization is vital to organizational performance, yet research on personality traits of senior managers and their commitment...
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This study aims to examine the relationships of managers' compassionate goals with innovation and performance in small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). By integrating social exchange theory with social information processing theory, we hypothesize a serial mediation model in which organizational cooperation and firm innovation sequentially med...
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The aim of this article was to investigate the conditions under which the dimensions of work-related wellbeing (i.e., serenity, social harmony, and involvement) can be beneficial for employee proactive behavior (PB). Based on theories of activation and theorization about the influence of wellbeing on performance, we proposed that the contribution o...
The present study examines the relationship between interpersonal goals – i.e., self-image and compassionate goals – and innovative work behavior by taking into account the organizational context and the country as boundary conditions. By integrating self-presentation theory with cross-cultural research on innovation, we hypothesized that in high i...
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Purpose Organizational change is usually stressful and destabilizing for employees, for whom coping with the induced stress is primordial to commit to the change. This paper aims to unravel how and when change recipients can enact different coping strategies and, ultimately, manifest different forms of commitment to change. Design/methodology/appr...
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Are psychologically healthy employees more proactive at work? Surprisingly, responses to this question are lacking as empirical research has overlooked the wellbeing–proactive performance relationship. Drawing insights from the conservation of resources theory and the motivational fit perspective, this study proposes that leader-member exchange and...
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The goal of this study is to examine knowledge sharing as a boundary condition under which employee innovation can be enhanced in response to the job stress induced by the COVID‐19 pandemic. We argue that when stressed employees share knowledge, they can expand their knowledge base and thereby enhance their innovative potential. Consistent with our...
Research has disregarded the processes and boundary conditions associated with the effects of job insecurity on innovative work behavior. Combining the job demands‐resources and the self‐determination perspectives, the present study develops and tests a first‐stage moderated mediation model that identifies intrinsic motivation as a key mechanism ac...
en The purpose of this study is to examine the mechanisms underlying the influence of self‐compassion on innovation and well‐being at work at multiple levels. Building on the tripartite model of affect regulation, we propose and test a mediation model in which social safeness explains self‐compassion's relationship with innovation and well‐being at...
Les effets de la compassion envers soi ont été rarement étudiés dans le milieu du travail. Ses bénéfices sur le plan individuel pourraient rayonner sur la dynamique sociale au travail, de façon à rendre une organisation plus performante. Afin de mieux comprendre les effets relationnels et affectifs-motivationnels de la compassion envers soi en mili...
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The recent global economic crisis has generated renewed interest in questions regarding the potential impact of such macro-level events on employee well-being and organizational productivity. Drawing on the stress-retention model of absenteeism, this study tests a cross-level model (1-1-2) in which employees’ negative appraisal of economic crisis i...
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This study aims to clarify to what extent, how and under what conditions role conflict is positively related to employee creativity. Drawing on activation theory and conservation of resources theory, we hypothesized an inverted U-shaped relationship between role conflict and creativity in which the relationship is stronger and positive at intermedi...
The Problem A key challenge for human resource development (HRD) scholars and practitioners is to understand the individual competences that can be trained and developed to enhance employee resilience at work. Empirical evidence has been accumulated on the benefits of self-compassion—that is, a set of malleable states that can be developed through...
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La contribution de la santé psychologique à la performance au travail a fait l'objet de nombreuses études. Bien que la majorité d'entre elles confirment la relation positive entre ces variables, notre compréhension des mécanismes médiateurs et modérateurs sous-jacents demeure embryonnaire. Les fondements théoriques et empiriques du lien existant en...
La performance proactive, soit la propension à adopter des comportements d’initiative et orientés vers le futur, est nécessaire à la performance des organisations. Le bien-être est associé avec certains éléments de la performance proactive, tels que la créativité, mais a été peu étudié. En outre, un modérateur entre les déterminants individuels et...
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There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that economic crisis is a preeminent stressor (i.e., economic stress) that may worsen working conditions and expose individuals to negative acts at work (i.e., workplace bullying). Following an occupational health perspective that considers contextual factors as risk factors for workplace bullying, thi...
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Research has disregarded the boundary conditions of the effects of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) at work. Addressing this issue, the present study examines the moderating impact of the (shared vs isolated) exposure to robbery on the relationship between PTSS and employee job satisfaction. Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, we...
This study addresses how supervisors can facilitate the socialization of newcomers with high self‐perceived creativity into their new jobs. We combine self‐verification theory and current literature on socialization in a dual‐stage moderated mediation model where a) newcomer self‐perceived creativity interacts with supervisor trust in the newcomer...
Conference Paper
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Le travail du savoir se caractérise par la nécessité de créer, distribuer et appliquer des connaissances innovantes en collaboration avec autrui (Davenport, 2005). Aucun instrument ne permettant d'évaluer directement et uniformément le travail du savoir, cette étude a pour but la validation du Questionnaire du Travail du Savoir (QTS) qui mesure à q...
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Research investigating the relationship between organizational affective commitment and employee innovation has yielded scarce and inconsistent findings. This study examined the role of participative leadership in a team as a boundary condition of the effectiveness of organizational affective commitment predicting employee innovation. Data were col...
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The aim of this study was to translate and adapt the scale of Self-Image and Compassion goals from English to Portuguese, in the context of the Federal District Military Police (with samples N = 127 and N = 480), and seek evidence of the scale's national validity. The original scale had 13 items, and the validation procedure was developed following...
Conference Paper
Purpose: This study aims to clarify to what extent and under what conditions role conflict is positively related to employee creativity. Building on activation theory and conservation of resource theory, we hypothesized an inverted U-shaped relationship between role conflict and creativity in which the relationship is stronger and positive at inter...
Conference Paper
Purpose. Research has disregarded the boundary conditions of the effects of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) at work. This study aims to address this issue by examining the moderating impact of exposure to robbery on the relationship between PTSS and job satisfaction. Drawing on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, we hypothesize that w...
Is workload good or bad for employee innovation? Workload and innovative work behavior are widely studied research topics. However, the relationship between them is not well understood. As a result, there is a lack of evidence-based knowledge that could inform managers and organizations on how to boost workplace innovation in demanding work context...
This research examines the potential downsides of divestiture socialization. We theorize that supervisor behaviors and attitudes — i.e., support for authenticity and creativity expectations — moderate the different stages of a model in which newcomers’ authentic self‐expression mediates the negative effect of divestiture socialization on newcomer t...
Research investigating the relationship between organizational affective commitment and employee innovation has yielded scarce and inconsistent findings. This study examined the role of participative leadership in a team as a boundary condition of the effectiveness of organizational affective commitment predicting employee innovation. Data were col...
Building on the conservation of resources theory and self-determination theory, the present study develops and tests a moderated mediation model of organizational citizenship behaviour, in which a) emotional exhaustion serves as a mediating mechanism linking role overload with organizational citizenship behaviour, and b) supervisor autonomy support...
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Purpose – The present study aimed to clarify the inconsistent relationship between negative affect and innovative work behaviour by taking into account the role affect activation and mindfulness. Building on the conservation of resources theory, we hypothesized that low-activated negative affect can be associated with increased innovativeness, but...
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Purpose Behavioural outcomes of empowerment are not often studied comprehensively and in a specific manner in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to test a research model that specifies how two empowering conditions (empowering leadership and job autonomy) influence specific behavioural outcomes expected from empowered subordinates (discre...
Résumé Cette étude s’intéresse à la relation qui existe entre les stresseurs présents en milieu de travail et les comportements d’innovation des travailleurs. L’analyse conjointe du processus de médiation soutenant cette relation ainsi que l’influence de certaines conditions externes tel que le rôle modérateur du supérieur a permis de mettre en lum...
This paper examines team member creativity within R&D projects and the influence of perceived time pressure on the creative process. A model based on the componential and knowledge sourcing perspectives is proposed to examine the effects of learning orientation, knowledge sourcing and perceived time pressure on team member creativity. The model is...
This study sheds light on the relationships between workplace stressors and employee innovation by jointly considering mediating processes and boundary conditions. Using the challenge-hindrance model, we combine social exchange and conservation of resources theory to propose that challenge (i.e., role overload) and hindrance (i.e., role ambiguity a...
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This study examines how and under what conditions recognition practices are related to employee behavioural involvement at work. Combining social cognitive theory, social information processing theory and self-concordance theory, we develop and test a moderated mediation model in which (a) manager recognition promotes behavioural involvement both d...
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Companies’ internationalization appears to be fundamental in the current globalized and competitive environment and seems important not only for organizational success, but also for societal development and sustainability. On one hand, global business increases the demand for managers for international assignment. On the other hand, emergent fears,...
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Emotional intelligence has been linked to various positive outcomes, such as organizational effectiveness, commitment, morale, and health. In addition, longitudinal studies demonstrate that the competencies of emotional intelligence may change and be developed over time. Researchers have argued that work relationships are important for the developm...
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Emotional intelligence has been linked to various positive outcomes, such as organizational effectiveness, commitment, morale, and health. In addition, longitudinal studies demonstrate that the competencies of emotional intelligence may change and be developed over time. Researchers have argued that work relationships are important for the developm...
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La présente étude a pour objectif de vérifier le rôle modérateur de la congruence des valeurs des employés avec le supérieur immédiat et avec l’organisation dans la relation qui unit le leadership transformationnel et l’habilitation comportementale au travail. Cette étude a été conduite auprès de 381 travailleurs provenant de divers milieux organis...
Conference Paper
Empirical research about mindfulness is abundant in the clinical psychology scientific literature. However, few studies are done in an organizational setting. The goal of this study is to propose and test a theoretical model of the effect of mindfulness on innovative work behaviour. The mediating effect of positive affect, perspective taking and em...
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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence rate of workplace bullying in a sample of Italian and Spanish employees, and its differential consequences on employees’ job satisfaction and psychological well-being. The effects of workplace bullying on job satisfaction and psychological well-being were explored taking into account...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose and test a theoretical model linking individual perceptions of participative leadership style and managerial practices (i.e. teamwork and information sharing) to individual innovative behavior through the mediating mechanisms of: perceptions of team support for innovation and team vision; and psycho...
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Background: Stressed workers suffer from severe health problems which appear to have increased. Poor leadership is especially considered a source of stress. Indeed, supervisors might perceive their subordinates to be similar to them as far as stress is concerned and this might more widespread in organizations than previously thought. Methods: Th...
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Background – External/intrusive violence at work can result in psychological distress and can be an important risk to employee health and safety. However, the vast majority of workplace violence studies have employed cross-sectional and correlational research, designed to examine immediate reactions after being assaulted at work. Aims – To explore...
This study tests a theoretical model where: (a) nurses' dispositional resistance to change is indirectly negatively related to behavioural empowerment through the mediating role of psychological empowerment; and (b) supervisors' empowering management practices buffer both the negative relationship between dispositional resistance to change and psyc...
Sur la base de la théorie de l’auto-détermination, le but de cette étude est de proposer la validation de deux instruments différents pour l’évaluation du comportement d’exercice : le BREQ de Mullan et a. (1997), qui mesure les formes externe, introjectée, identifiée, et intrinsèque de la régulation, et le MPAM-R de Ryan et al. (1997), qui évalue c...
Purpose Building on goal-regulation theory, we examine a) whether the regulatory elements of proactive goal generation, namely envisioning and planning, can sequentially stimulate individual innovative work behaviour, with planning acting as a mediator in the envisioning–innovation relationship and b) whether the link between envisioning and planni...
This study examines the extent to which proactive goal generation is a self‐regulatory mechanism that explains how individual and contextual factors influence employee innovative work behaviour. Specifically, it is proposed that learning goal orientation ( LGO ), psychological climate for innovation, and task variety positively and indirectly influ...
Despite being regarded as a critical psychological process influencing the effectiveness of change initiatives, concerns about change have not received empirical attention in the organizational change literature. The present study addresses this issue by examining the relationships among employees’ concerns about change (conceptualized as including...
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Building on an interactionist approach, the present study investigated the moderating role of two task design characteristics, namely task autonomy and feedback from job, in the relationship between dispositional resistance to change and innovative work behaviour. Consistent with a trait activation perspective, it was specifically hypothesized that...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between individual differences (self-efficacy and body image), social factors (family support) and environmental characteristics (local authorities support), and competence motives and subsequent physical exercise intentions. Participants were 1084 students (551 males, 553 females) aged...
Despite the concept of climate has received considerable attention from psychological research on creativity and innovation in the work context, current studies on climate for creativity and innovation still have some theoretical and methodological limitations which restrict systematic understanding of the role and functions of this variable throug...
Despite the widely accepted assumption that contextual variables can dramatically affect individual psychological reactions to change, empirical research seeking to understand the role exerted by social support in either fostering or hindering employees’ commitment to change and change-supportive behaviors is scarce and inconsistent. The purpose of...
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Building on core goal theories in work and organizational psychology (goal setting theory, expectancy-value theory, social cognitive theory, and self-regulation theory), the purpose of the present article is to redirect further empirical research on innovative work behaviour by providing a motivational model to explain innovative behaviour at work....


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