Floris W KraaimaatRadboud University | RU · Department of Medical Psychology
Floris W Kraaimaat
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Floris W Kraaimaat is emeritus professor medical psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Floris does research in Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Psychometrics. Current projects are emotion regulation, social anxiety, and aggression
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January 1995 - December 2011
January 1992 - December 1995
January 1974 - December 1992
September 1965 - November 1970
Publications (282)
There is limited evidence in the literature that hostility, anger, and aggression are involved with social anxiety. The present study examined the relationship of personality traits and aggression with social anxiety and social skills in forensic psychiatric outpatients convicted of a violent crime. Social anxiety was mainly contributed to by neuro...
The present study examined the psychological determinants of self-reported and observed aggression in male violent forensic psychiatric inpatients. Baseline data came from 232 inpatients referred to a cognitive–behavioral treatment program. Linear regression models were used to assess the relationship between the patients’ psychological characteris...
This follow-up study presents psychometric data and norms of the Adapted Version of the Picture-Frustration Study (PFS-AV) from 422 male violent forensic psychiatric in- and outpatients, 101 male violent long-term prisoners, and 319 secondary vocational students (160 males and 159 females). The PFS-AV is a production instrument to measure hostility...
Based on a functional analysis of aggressive behavior, the present study investigates the psychological determinants of state anger and aggression in violent prison inmates. Comparing psychiatric forensic inpatients with violent prison inmates revealed considerable overlap in these determinants between both samples. Next, the personality traits of...
The report presents descriptive data and new ISS (IOA) norms for Indonesion students, USA students, Turkish students, Dutch secondary education students, Dutch forensic psychiatric patients, and Dutch detainees
The book was inadvertently published with an incorrect affiliation for one of the volume editors, Luk A. C. L. Gijs, as “Moet zijn KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium” whereas it should be “KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium” in the front matter and in Chapters 1 and 5.
This chapter starts with a plea for the group treatment of offenders. Then, a cognitive-behavioral group treatment program for violent offenders and one for sexually violent offenders have been described. The content and form of these programs are based on the heuristic models presented in Chap. 2, a review of the literature, our research, and our...
In this chapter, modules are described of a cognitive-behavioral group treatment program for violent offenders. The content and form of these modules are the results of the heuristic model as presented in Chap. 2, literature study, research, and clinical experience. The modules are intended to reduce dynamic risk factors and to strengthen protectiv...
The validity of self-report questionnaires in forensic populations is controversial. This chapter provides an overview of the internal and external factors that may affect the responding on these scales in various forensic populations. Internal factors refer to factors that relate to individual respondent characteristics, while external factors rel...
This chapter starts with an introduction that offers a short overview of the prevalence, risk, and costs of violence. Then, the aggression-related concepts that are frequently used in this book are defined, followed by a description of the most important theories of general aggression, sexual aggression, and those relating to treatment programs. Ex...
In this chapter, suggestions are made on how to facilitate treatment integrity regarding treatment, therapists, offenders, and institutions. Strategies to assess integrity are discussed, followed by comments concerning the maintenance of treatment integrity. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations are presented.
This chapter starts with a description of Bandura’s social learning theory and Zimmerman’s model of self-regulation. In sexual offending failures in self-regulation may lead to sexually violent behavior and relapse. A treatment model is provided for the training of self-management skills based on social learning and self-regulation processes. The c...
In the introduction of this chapter, an ideal format of the assessment and treatment of an individual offender is described, based on the recommendations in Chapters 1– 8. Then, some suggestions are made for new developments in the field of emotion regulation, impulsivity, motivation for change, and virtual reality. Possible improvements are mentio...
This chapter first deals with the dynamic risk factors of violent offenders, followed by the differences in these factors between violent detainees and violent forensic psychiatric patients with a cluster B personality disorder. Based on these dynamic risk factors, a heuristic model is presented for the maintenance of aggressive behavior, followed...
This chapter will start by discussing more general psychiatric assessment tools by which to identify whether offenders have a psychiatric disorder. Subsequently, instruments for risk assessment and measuring dynamic criminogenic needs, both personality domains and problem behaviors, for violent and sexually violent offenders are considered. After t...
In this chapter, modules are described of a cognitive-behavior-oriented group treatment program for sexually violent offenders in so far as they differ from or are expanded upon the modules for violent offenders. The content and form of these modules are the results of the heuristic model as presented in Chap. 2, literature study, our research, and...
This chapter describes a literature search that was performed to review publications on the effectiveness or outcome of cognitive-behavioral treatment programs for violent and sexually violent offenders. The review aimed to identify factors and conditions that contribute to a decrease in recidivism rate. Many programs have been evaluated with a bro...
An adaptation procedure was performed with 48 PWS and 48 PWNS concerning total disfluency, specific clusters of disfluency, experienced stress during text reading, and autonomic reactivity. Both groups of subjects demonstrated during five consecutive readings of the text adaptation of total disfluency. They also demonstrated a reduction in task anx...
Stuttering therapy is handicapped by the use of a rather molar concept of disfluency and nonverbal behavior of persons who stutter (PWS). In this article, the results of molecular analysis of disfluency and nonverbal behavior in 54 children who stutter (CWS) and 33 children who do not stutter (CWNS) are presented. By means of factor and cluster ana...
Current classifications of stuttering underestimate the differences in disfluencies and accessory nonverbal behaviors between persons who stutter (PWS) and persons who do not stutter (PWNS). Molecular analysis was performed to investigate the disfluencies and nonverbal behaviors of 48 adolescent PWS and 48 PWNS during the reading out loud of a 230-...
Factor analysis and cluster analysis were performed to classify the disfluencies and nonverbal behaviors that occurred while reading a 230-word passage of 48 adolescent PWS and 48 adolescent PWNS. Both condensation methods resulted in 5 groups of behavior for PWS and two groups for the PWNS. Behaviors characteristic of the PWS were found in 3 of th...
Differences were investigated between 48 PWS and 48 PWNS concerning the autonomic and cognitive components of anxiety during oral reading. No differences were found between the two groups of subjects while reading a text out loud in task anxiety and autonomic reactivity. However, when asked to rate their speech anxiety when they have to read a text...
A molecular analysis of disfluencies and nonverbal behaviors of 48 persons who stutter (PWS) and 48 who do not stutter (PWNS). Video recordings were made during reading aloud of a 230 word text in the presence of an experimenter.
This book examines the assessment and obligatory treatment programs for violent and sexually violent offenders – primarily adolescents and adults – diagnosed with cluster B personality disorder or a conduct disorder. It describes concepts, theories, and legal aspects as well as the psychological and neurobiological characteristics of violent and se...
We present a program for violent forensic psychiatric inpatients and a program for sexually violent forensic psychiatric inpatients (child abusers and rapists) with Cluster B personality disorder as their primary diagnosis. Based on their dynamic criminogenic needs, heuristic behavioral models were formulated for violent and sexually violent behavi...
Psychological determinants of aggressive behavior (personality traits and problem behaviors) in 59 Dutch female offenders (outpatients and detainees) were compared with those in 170 male offenders (outpatients and detainees) who were all convicted of a violent crime. The violent female offenders scored significantly higher on neuroticism and trait...
Stelt u zich de volgende aan de werkelijkheid ontleende situaties voor. Een vrouw van 42 jaar (getrouwd, 2 kinderen) is secretaresse
bij een makelaarskantoor als zij gewrichtsklachten krijgt. Enige maanden later wordt de diagnose reumatoïde artritis gesteld.
Haar werkgever weet niet wat dit is en toont weinig begrip. Hij is niet bereid om aanpassin...
The effects of Aggression Replacement Training were explored in a group of Dutch violent
young men ages 16 to 21 years, who were obliged by the court to follow a treatment program
in a forensic psychiatric outpatient clinic. To evaluate the training, patients completed a set of
self-report questionnaires at three moments in time: at intake/before a...
The Attitudes toward Women Inventory (AWI) was developed in a group of Dutch violent forensic psychiatric inpatients to assess antisocial attitudes toward women. The internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and test-retest reliability of the instrument with 12 items were good. Negative attitudes toward women appeared to be negatively related...
Stress is one of the factors that may exacerbate the progression of chronic inflammatory diseases such as RA and psoriasis. We exploratively compared the effects of acute stress on levels of circulating cytokines involved in disease progression and/or the stress response in patients with RA, patients with psoriasis and healthy subjects....
To gain insight into the behavior of a group of personality-disordered patients and a group of chronically psychotic patients during their stay in a Dutch forensic psychiatric hospital, data on these patients were collected biannually for seven years. Three aspects of the patients’ behavior were examined: the prediction of institutional behavior sh...
The Anger Bodily Sensations Questionnaire (ABSQ) is a newly developed self-report instrument for measuring bodily sensations related to anger in interpersonal situations. In this study, we investigated the psychometric properties of the ABSQ in a sample of 70 offenders and a sample of 100 secondary vocational students. Results indicated that the in...
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) effectiveness to the treatment of social anxiety and social anxiety disorder has been demonstrated in a large number of investigations, and it is now days the treatment of choice . The major approaches of CBT that are applied are exposure, cognitive restructuring, and social skills training. This book presents a c...
Psychosocial stress can be a risk factor for the maintenance and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Objectives
To gain insight into the specificity of the psychophysiological stress response during chronic inflammation, we assessed autonomic and neuroendocrine responses to stres...
We analyseerden het onderscheidend vermogen van de Sexual Violence Risk-20 (SVR-20) en de drie subschalen in een groep seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden (kindermisbruikers en verkrachters). Zoals verwacht scoorden de verkrachters significant hoger dan de kindermisbruikers op zowel
de hele SVR-20 als op de subschalen Psychosociale aanpas...
Both stressors and stress vulnerability factors together with immune and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity components have been considered to contribute to disease fluctuations of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether daily stressors and worrying as...
Symptoms of itch and pain in chronic inflammatory conditions of psoriasis (PS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can highly affect patients' quality of life. Studies in other patient groups indicate that sensitivity to itch and pain is altered in line with the patient's main symptom of either chronic itch or pain, as a result of sensitization processes...
Until now alexithymia has not been investigated in Dutch low-educated offenders who are known for their violent behaviour. We therefore investigated a sample of aggressive forensic psychiatric outpatients, who are characterized by emotional dysregulation in conflict situations. For that purpose we used a Dutch questionnaire, the Bermond-Vorst Alexi...
We developed a new instrument for measuring moral maturity in Dutch forensic psychiatric patients with the Sociomoral Reflection Measure-Short Form as a starting point. This instrument contains 11 propositions to which respondents indicate their own perceived level of importance and justifications of their choices. Twenty new statements were added...
Itch and pain are common symptoms in skin disease. It has been suggested that negative emotions may play a role in itch and pain. To date, however, the role of emotions has only been studied for pain in experimental studies, not yet for itch.
To investigate the effects of negative and positive emotions on the sensitivity to itch and pain.
Film frag...
This study examined whether people in Western and individualistic oriented societies, such as the Netherlands and the United States of America, differ from those of collectivistic societies, such as Indonesia with regard to the emotional/cognitive and behavioral component of social anxiety. Social anxiety was compared between Dutch students (N=434)...
CONSORT Checklist.
Trial Protocol.
Stress management interventions may prove useful in preventing the detrimental effects of stress on health. This study assessed the effects of a stress management intervention on the psychophysiological response to stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Seventy-four patients with RA, who were randomly assigned to either a control group...
Patients with fibromyalgia have diminished levels of physical fitness, which may lead to functional disability and exacerbating complaints. Multidisciplinary treatment comprising cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and exercise training has been shown to be effective in improving physical fitness. However, due to the high drop-out rates and large v...
We examined the psychometric properties of the Novaco Anger Scale-Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI, 1994 version) in Dutch violent forensic psychiatric patients and secondary vocational students. A confirmatory factor analysis of the subscale structure of the NAS was carried out, reliability was investigated, and relations were calculated between NAS-...
The heterogeneity of cognitive-behavioral patterns in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) has been proposed to underlie the variability in treatment outcomes. It has previously been shown that pain-avoidance and pain-persistence treatments tailored to the patient's pattern are effective in improving physical and psychological functioning and overall im...
Physical complaints, such as pain, can be effectively reduced by placebo effects through induction of positive expectations, or increased by nocebo effects through induction of negative expectations. In the present study, verbally induced nocebo and placebo effects on itch were experimentally investigated for the first time. In part 1, the role of...
Up till now in the Netherlands no controlled studies haven been published regarding the effect of outpatient treatment of violent adolescents at a psychiatric clinic.
To investigate in an explanatory study the results of group treatment of violent adolescents (aggression control therapy) performed at the forensic outpatient clinic ‘het Dok' in Rott...
The aim of this study was to investigate the differential effectiveness of broad-spectrum group social skills training (SST) in two subtypes of psychiatric inpatients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of generalized social phobia (GSP). SST participants were assigned to two GSP subtypes on the basis of their level of performance in social situations, i.e., a...
Psychological stressors might contribute to the severity of chronic inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis by dysregulating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity.
To evaluate the role of cortisol, a key component of the HPA axis, in reaction to psychological stress in patients with psoriasis.
Serum cortisol, clinical indicators of dis...
The treatment of patients with fibromyalgia (FM), a high-prevalence chronic pain condition with a high impact on both patients and society, poses a great challenge to clinicians due to a lack of effective treatments. In view of the large individual variability in outcome, selecting patients at risk of long-term dysfunction and offering tailored tre...
Stressful events are thought to contribute to the aetiology, maintenance and exacerbation of rheumatic diseases. Given the growing interest in acute stress responses and disease, this review investigates the impact of real-life experimental psychosocial, cognitive, exercise and sensory stressors on autonomic, neuroendocrine and immune function in p...
Pain can be endogenously modulated by heterotopic noxious conditioning stimulation (HNCS) through a mechanism which is known as diffuse noxious inhibitory control (DNIC). Since DNIC can be impaired in patients suffering from chronic pain, a comparable impaired itch inhibition may exist in patients suffering from chronic itch. The aim of the present...
Eight percent of the study patients were largely nonadherent to recommended treatment instructions and advice; 63% were sometimes nonadherent; and 29% were largely adherent. A higher level of nonadherence was significantly related to a higher PASI score at the 3- and 6-month follow-up assessments (r = −0.50 [P < .01] and r = −0.59 [P < .001], respe...
Patients frequently report high levels of physical symptoms, such as itch and pain, which do not completely correspond to pathophysiological findings, possibly indication heightened sensitivity to physical symptoms. Sensitivity to itch and pain is thought to be affected by processes such as attentional focus on bodily sensations. We investigated th...
Increasing attention is devoted to the patient's perspective in clinical research and practice. However, the relationship between the patient's view on treatment progress and standardized pre-post changes in health outcomes is not well understood. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the patient's perception of treatment gain conv...