Florian Téreygeol

Florian Téreygeol
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Institut de recherche sur les archéomatériaux

Dr, Directeur de Recherche UMR 7065 IRAMAT
Director of the experimental archeometallurgy platform (Melle) "Techniques and know-how" research axis (IRAMAT-CNRS)


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October 2001 - present
French National Centre for Scientific Research
  • Senior Researcher


Publications (195)
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New investigations have been carried out in the framework of a joint French–Argentine project dealing with the mineral resources and the metal production in the Andean plateau from the 10th to the 18th century. Geoarchaeology of the Sud Lípez, southern Bolivia, is revisited using multisource remote-sensing data including archive data from the 1960s...
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The liquation and drying process is used ta separate low amounts of si/ver from coppers, which spread in Europe at least from the 15th century onwards. Agricola was the first to describe extensively this new pro cess in Book J J of his De re metallica. Afew metallurgical treatises from modern times evoke it as weil, yet owing ta the lack of archaeo...
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The ‘quimbalete’ is a kind of grindstone used notably in Potosi (Bolivia) during the Spanish conquest of South America. It was used to grind pieces of ore gravel from centimetric sizes to the size of sand. Its physical functioning, as well as the reason why this strictly Andean tool occupied a central place in a mainly European production chain, ha...
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The originality of the Carolingian silver mines at Melle resides in the fact that they were completely opened by the use of fire. These mining networks provide the necessaiy material for an anthracological study. One of the twelve networks currently accessible has been studied in detail in order to determine the type of management and organisation...
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L’essai des minerais a joué plusieurs rôles dans l’économie de la production minière, notamment à partir de la fin de la période médiévale. C’est à cette époque qu’ont été développées des techniques d’analyse opérant sur quelques grammes de minerai dans un four à moufle. Représentatif et reproductible, cet essai par voie sèche était utile à la gest...
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Grâce aux apports combinés des traités métallurgiques et de chimie et de l’anthropologie, il est possible d’appréhender la question du passage du procédé d’analyse par voie sèche à celui par voie humide. Cette évolution, que l’on doit aux travaux de Gay-Lussac, a été motivée par une recherche de précision dans le dosage de l’argent des ateliers mon...
Pour les médiévistes qui abordent la question de l’économie circulaire, la difficulté réside dans la capacité à rassembler des sources, écrites comme matérielles, au niveau de l’entreprise. Les résultats présentés ici sont le fruit d’une recherche de longue haleine à partir de documents rares. Dans ce contexte, l’étude se concentre sur les Pyrénées...
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Pour les périodes anciennes, l’affinage de l’argent se pratique classiquement par coupellation. Il existe cependant d’autres procédés permettant d’obtenir un argent pur. En se basant sur une recette du début du XVIe siècle, nous montrons grâce à l’expérimentation archéologique la pertinence d’un traitement d’un alliage argentifère par ajout de verr...
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L’alun est un matériau qui apparaît assez classiquement comme réactif dans plusieurs textes métallurgiques. Son identification sur le terrain, au sein d’ateliers métallurgiques, reste encore à démontrer. En revanche, il est possible d’organiser une réflexion autour de l’approche expérimentale afin d’apprécier autant le caractère opératoire que la n...
The carbon content distribution of ferrous archaeological artefacts in a quantitative way allows us to understand the nature of the materials. Our previous works have ever proved that the use of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) could be an efficient method to solve problems of in situ analysis and offer a high spatial resolution. To asse...
Experimental archaeology was first theorised by Ascher in 1961 and then by Coles in 1973: it represents an important research methodology for the study of ancient technologies and societies. Since the 1990′s of the last century, the new concept of ‘experimental archaeometry’ appears in the wider field of archaeological science. Following this appro...
When examining the alloy of several works of Adam Van Vianen, one of the founders of the Dutch Kwabstijl, with X-ray fluorescence (XRF), a more elevated silver and lower bismuth percentage than commonly found in works of his contemporaries was detected in the silver alloy. We hypothesize that Van Vianen used an alloy with a high percentage of silve...
The excavation of the copper cementation workshop “Le Clos-Paul” in Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes, France), executed by the Cellule d’archéologie du Conseil départemental des Ardennes, led to the finding of fragments of coinage moulds. Dating from the middle of the 3rd century AD, they are the only evidence of an opportunistic production of counte...
Field experiments in copper smelting were carried out in order to test assumptions about the copper production processes employed at the Vilabouly Complex (VC), an Iron Age extraction and production site in central Laos. VC is one of only three primary production sites known in Southeast Asia and appears to be a major copper production and mining l...
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The aim of this article is to analyze the ore dressing technics present during the peak production period of a silver mine in the Seventeenth-Century Andes, from an archaeological and historical perspective. It is not focused on the silver refinery constructions, or their description and social relationships, which are presented in the specialized...
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Au moment où la Jeanne Élisabeth fait naufrage, l’argent du Nouveau Monde se diverse en Europe depuis plus de 200 ans. Parmi les plus de 3 700 réaux de 8 et de 4 retrouvés dans sa cale, un atelier se distingue particulièrement car non seulement il signe l’origine de la plus grande part des monnaies mises au jour, mais surtout il a été installé au p...
Métaux, pierres et autres matériaux de construction, roches nobles, bois, textiles, cuirs, sel, matières tinctoriales, etc., les matières premières, brutes ou issues d’une première phase de transformation, n’ont pas été peu nombreuses, dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, à circuler sur des petites et moyennes distances, quand elles n’ont pas entrepri...
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Articulando las informaciones brindadas por las fuentes documentales coloniales con datos arqueológicos y aquellos resultantes de pruebas de arqueología experimental, en este artículo nos centraremos en una determinada categoría de horno de reverbero, utilizado en el espacio surandino desde los primeros momentos de la Colonia, principalmente para l...
Research in both South America and Europe in a diachronic perspective allowed to bring together a series of examples relating to the use of a reverberatory furnace for smelting non-ferrous ores. Although the invention of this process may have occurred in multiple places, the main region of innovation is incontestably the Andes. To approach this dyn...
The presence of carbon content is a key enabling factor in archaeological ferrous material studies because it can provide technological and temporal information on its fabrication. A strong relationship exists between the composition, the metallographic structure, and the mechanical properties of metals. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)...
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Castel-Minier est un site minier et métallurgique situé au cœur des Pyrénées ariégeoises. De la fin du xiiie siècle au xvie siècle, ses ateliers ont produit de l’argent, du cuivre et du plomb à partir de minerais extraits sur place. Des récentes fouilles ont mis au jour des structures de chauffe et un large corpus d’objets provenant des différentes...
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Bien que certaines approches instrumentales utilisées en archéologie impliquent par essence et depuis de longues années l’utilisation d’instruments de mesure portables, les progrès technologiques ont depuis les années 2000 engendré une véritable explosion du nombre d’instruments permettant des mesures de plus en plus variées avec des dispositifs au...
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[fr] Il est peu commun de mettre au jour de l’armement dans un contexte archéologique minier. La découverte faite à Castel-Minier est d’autant plus importante qu’elle est intervenue dans un contexte archéologique maitrisé. Elle met en lumière une dague à oreilles de la fin du XVe siècle qui diffère largement de celles connues dans les collections p...
This book can be purchased directly at the publisher's website: https://www.editions-mergoil.com/fr/monographies-instrumentum/209-studies-in-experimental-archaeometallurgy-methodological-approaches-from-non-ferrous-metallurgies.html
Although the term mineralurgy is very recent, it covers a technical reality that appears across ancient mining sites. It also embodies special-purpose dressing tools such as anvils, mallets and other ore grinders and cleansing structures, as well as sorting and residual waste rock pile locations. As of the fire-setting phase, ore dressing for smelt...
Excavation carried out over a decade on the mining and metallurgical site of Castel-Minier (Ariège, France) confirmed its polymetallic activities, which took place between the late 13th century and the mid. 15th century. The discovery of a large corpus of copper ores, slags and metallic fragments offers the opportunity to shed new light on the func...
The Samut mining district, in the eastern Egyptian desert, has been explored and excavated by the French Eastern Desert archaeological mission (MAFDO) since 2013. The area was occupied in the Pharaonic era and the Hellenistic period. It regained interest at the beginning of the Islamic period. Narrow-vein and alluvial gold deposits were mined there...
Castel-Minier est un site minier et métallurgique situé au cœur des Pyrénées ariégeoises. De la fin du XIIIe siècle au XVIe siècle, ses ateliers ont produit de l’argent, du cuivre et du plomb à partir de minerais extraits sur place. Les récentes fouilles ont mis au jour des structures de chauffe et un large corpus d’objets provenant des différentes...
The rapid expansion of non‐ferrous metallurgy in the late Middle Ages (14th–15th centuries) enhanced ore demand, which was supported by mining intensification. Metallurgical workshops developed various supply strategies based on geological, political and economic constraints. This is particularly true for the Pyrenean multi‐metals workshop of Caste...
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RESUMEN Tras los primeros años de la conquista española, las minas surandinas se constituyeron como principales escenarios para las pugnas de poder que surgieron en torno a la empresa colonial y que sellaron una gran parte del destino de los pueblos andinos. Articulando recientes datos arqueológicos con informaciones proporcionadas por las fuentes...
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Recent fieldwork in the mining region of Oruro confirm the existence of numerous pre-Hispanic mining sites that were described in Spanish Colonia Era documentary sources. Similarly, near these mines, evidence of 11 metallurgical combustion furnaces, mainly wayras or wayrachinas, have alsobeen identified. Ceramic fragments from the Tiwanaku, Late In...
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Recientes investigaciones llevadas a cabo en la localidad minera de Oruro permitieron confirmar las informaciones brindadas por las fuentes documentales coloniales acerca de la existencia de numerosas explotaciones mineras trabajadas con anterioridad al arribo de los españoles. Asimismo, en proximidad de las antiguas minas prehispánicas se registra...
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This paper focuses on the study (macroscopic and microscopic) of the transformation of classic silver ore (galena: PbS) and its evolution from a repository produced experimentally in a muffle furnace operating at charcoal. While the chemical reaction that leads from the sulfide lead bullion is identified for a long time, its reproduction in a react...
The zinc-lead-silver deposit of al-Jabali, about 65 km north-east of Sana'a in Yemen, has been identified as the location of the late antique/Islamic period silver mine al-Radrad. Exploitation of the mine is known from the account of al-Hamdani, an Arab geographer of the tenth century AD. The al-Jabali area has been the focus of geological and arch...
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The Andean pre-Hispanic furnaces dedicated to the melting of nonferrous minerals have been the subject of many studies since the 1970s. References to the furnaces are relatively common in docufmentary sources from the 16th century, and have been widely cited by the majority of researchers investigating ancient silver metallurgy in the Andes. Howeve...
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While pre-Hispanic mining in the Andes is generally understood to have been limited to the exploitation of superficial deposits, pre-Hispanic metallurgy reached high levels of technological development. Metallurgical techniques permitted the production of complicated alloys and sophisticated objects. Spanish takeovers of New World mines brought Spa...
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La prospection des mines de San Antonio prend place à une altitude comprise entre 4600 et 4800 m. Ce complexe minier et métallurgique est associé à deux zones urbaines, aujourd’hui abandonnées. La principale phase d’activité minière débute vers 1640 et s’achève au tournant du XVIIe siècle. La principale difficulté pour travailler sur ce site repose...