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Publications (240)
Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.St.-Hil. is an evergreen shrub occurring naturally in North and Middle America. So far, more than 120 alkaloids have been identified in this plant in addition to steroids, coumarins and iridoids, and its use in traditional medicine has been traced back to these compound classes. However, a comprehensive phytochemical i...
The Equisetaceae family, commonly known as horsetails, has been of scientific interest for decades due to its status as one of the most ancient extant vascular plant families. Notably, the corresponding species have found their place in traditional medicine, offering a wide array of applications. This study presents a comprehensive phytochemical an...
While the flowers of Matricaria recutita L., German chamomile, are widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, little is known about its roots, which are used in complementary medicine for the preparation of aqueous fermented extracts for the treatment of cramps and anxiety. To broaden the understanding of the active principles involved, a mod...
In einer multizentrischen prospektiven nicht interventionellen Studie haben wir die Anwendung eines Komplexarzneimittels mit Extrakten aus Kümmel, Kamille, Tollkirsche und Tabak bei Säuglingen mit Bauchbeschwerden, Unruhezuständen sowie Schlafstörungen untersucht. Ziel war es, Daten zur Anwendung, Sicherheit, Verträglichkeit, zum Th...
Horse chestnut (HC) extracts are applied in complementary medicine for the treatment of venous circulatory disorders and other ailments. While the seeds of HC have been thoroughly studied in terms of their secondary metabolite profile, little is known about their microbial conversion upon fermentation. Therefore, we herein investigated the fermenta...
Over the last decades, global concerns regarding possible adverse health effects of chemical pollutants on the hormonal systems of living organisms in wildlife and humans are constantly growing. Endocrine-active and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC) belong to a heterogeneous class of exogenous chemicals, including various persistent anthropogeni...
Lactic acid (LA) fermentation of dog’s mercury (M. perennis L.) herbal parts was investigated in samples inoculated with either Lactobacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus, LBF) or whey (WF). Depending on fermentation time, LA concentrations were monitored in a range of 3.4–15.6 g/L with a concomitant pH decline from 6.5 to 3...
Complementary treatment options for tumors and hematological malignancies constitute a strong therapeutic need. Medicinal plant extracts from Helleborus niger L. and Helleborus foetidus L. are effective in corresponding clinical applications, but their composition and bioactivity still await further investigations. Due to their cytotoxi...
Matricaria recutita L., German chamomile, is one of the most widely used medicinal plants, whose efficacy has been proven in numerous studies. However, its roots have attracted only little interest so far, since mainly above-ground plant parts are used for medicinal purposes. To broaden the knowledge of chamomile roots, a profound phytochemical cha...
Essential oils (EOs) and their individual volatile organic constituents have been an inherent part of our civilization for thousands of years. They are widely used as fragrances in perfumes and cosmetics and contribute to a healthy diet, but also act as active ingredients of pharmaceutical products. Their antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflamma...
The fermentation of medicinal plants has been studied very little, as compared to the fermentation of food and beverages. One approach applies fermentation by single bacterial or fungal strains and targets the production of specific compounds or preservation of the fermented material. Spontaneous fermentation by an autochthonous starter community m...
The impact of naturally occurring furocoumarins on essential agrumen oils, namely bergamot, lime and, lemon, was investigated upon exposure to UV-A light. For this purpose, the oils were initially freed from furocoumarins and coumarins by precipitation in cold hexane. Such pretreated oils, as well as samples of these oils spiked with separated furo...
Two undescribed monodesmosidic oleanene-type saponins, namely 3β-O-{[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)]-α-L-arabinopyranosyl}-saikogenin G (1) and 3β-O-{[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)]-α-L-arabinopyranosyl}-16-deoxysaikogenin F (2), named anthylloside A and B, have been isolated from an acetone-water extract from aerial parts of kidney vetch (A. vulneraria L.)....
Die Wundheilung ist ein komplexer Prozess, der durch eine auf den jeweiligen Wundzustand abgestimmte Versorgung unterstützt werden kann. Der Artikel betrachtet bekannte (Arnika, Johanniskraut, Ringelblume/Calendula), aber auch in Vergessenheit geratene Heilpflanzen (Beinwell, Brennnessel, Deutsche Schwertlilie, Lebensbaum/Thuja, Wal...
Preparations derived from roots and rhizomes of Geum urbanum L. are traditionally used for the treatment of ulcers and irritations of mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach, and intestinal tract. In complementary medicine, fermentation is one of the methods applied to recover plant extracts used for the production of such pharmaceutical preparation...
Caraway is a widespread agricultural crop that has been utilized by humans since ancient times. It is known as a kitchen spice, medicinal plant in phytotherapy and, due to its high essential oil content, as a fragrant plant and raw material for terpene production. Limonene and carvone, which in turn are used as precursors for the synthesis of furth...
Die Wundheilung ist ein komplexer Prozess, der durch eine auf den jeweiligen Wundzustand abgestimmte Versorgung unterstützt werden kann. Der Artikel betrachtet bekannte (Arnika, Johanniskraut, Ringelblume/Calendula), aber auch in Vergessenheit geratene Heilpflanzen (Beinwell, Brennnessel, Deutsche Schwertlilie, Lebensbaum/Thuja, Wal...
The effect of furocoumarins on terpene photo-oxidation under UV-A light was investigated. For this purpose, four furocoumarins (8-methoxypsoralen, bergapten, bergaptol, bergamottin) each at a level of 5%, was added to solutions of the terpenes β-pinene, R-(+)-limonene and γ-terpinene in ethanol followed by UV irradiation at 366 nm. Bergaptol and be...
Kümmel (Carum carvi L.) ist eine weitverbreitete Nutzpflanze, die zur Familie der Doldenblütler (Apiaceae) gehört und schon seit dem Altertum als Heilpflanze und Küchengewürz geschätzt wird [1]. Aufgrund des hohen Gehaltes an ätherischem Öl in der Kümmelsaat stellt dieses ebenfalls einen wichtigen Rohstoff dar. Das Kümmelöl (Aetheroleum Carvi) find...
In the recent past many studies investigated the microbiome of plants including several medicinal plants (MP). Microbial communities of the associated soil, rhizosphere and the above-ground organs were included, but there is still limited information on their seasonal development, and in particular simultaneous investigations of different plant org...
The present study aimed at the identification and quantitation of phenolic compounds, fatty acids, and further characteristic substances in the seeds of Geum urbanum L. and Geum rivale L. For this purpose, individual components of extracts recovered with MeOH, CH2Cl2, and by cold-pressing, respectively, were characterized by HPLC-DAD/ESI-MSn and GC...
Achillea atrata L. is a traditionally used medicinal plant. With its pronounced antimicrobial potential, this alpine Achillea species may also be used in modern phytotherapy to treat MRSA infections and prevent dermal infections, such as acne vulgaris. For the present study, A. atrata was cultivated in its natural habitat in Switzerland as well as...
Great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) has been used as medicinal plant for more than 2000 years. However, little is known about the morphology and the secondary metabolites of its seeds. The investigations reported here focus on the morphology and the characterization of phenolics and fatty acids in S. officinalis seeds. For this purpose, dried se...
In the present study, Achillea atrata L. and A. millefolium L. were compared for the first time with regard to their phenolic compound profile and antioxidant activity by applying the 2,2-diphenyl-picryl hydrazyl radical assay. For this purpose, aerial plant parts were consecutively extracted with solvents of increasing polarity (dichloromethane, n...
Der Große Wiesenknopf (Sanguisorba officinalis L.) – eine Pflanze aus der Familie der Rosaceae – findet seit über 2000 Jahren vorwiegend im chinesischen Raum Anwendung bei der Behandlung von Verbrennungen, Blutungen und schlecht heilenden Wunden. Hydroalkoholische Auszüge der Wurzeln werden heute insbesondere in der Komplementärmedi...
Front Cover. Kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria L.) is an almost forgotten medicinal plant, which is gaining increasing demand as herbal raw material, potentially applicable in cosmetic or phytomedicinal preparations. Since studies providing a profound overview on A. vulneraria constituents are still scant, the particular focus of the full paper pr...
Kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria L.) is an old medicinal plant ethnopharmaceutically used for the treatment of wounds and ulcerations. Nowadays extracts were mainly applied in cosmetics remedies due to there benefical effects on the skin. However, studies on the natural products composition are rare. Therefore, we comprehensively analyzed the pro...
Various Achillea species are rich in bioactive compounds and are important medicinal plants in phytotherapy. In the present study, Achillea millefolium L., Achillea moschata Wulfen, and Achillea atrata L. were compared with respect to their phenolic profile and antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria strains (Staphylococcus, Propionib...
Supporting Informations:
"Characterization of Secondary Metabolites in Flowers of Sanguisorba officinalisL. by HPLC‐DAD‐MSn and GC/MS"
Extracts of kidney vetch ( Anthyllis vulneraria L.) are becoming increasingly interesting as ingredients for the health and cosmetics industry. However, comprehensive phytochemical investigations of this plant are scant in the literature. Thus, the aim of the present work was an in‐depth characterization of semi‐polar constituents from A. vulnerari...
Essential oils are widely used in the food and cosmetics industry as natural flavoring and fragrance substances. For this reason, a thorough quality control applying selected analytical methods is required. Oxidation along with hydroperoxide formation is an important drawback during production and storage of essential oils. Hydroperoxides constitut...
The concentration levels and stability of protoanemonin, a characteristic constituent of Ranunculaceae species with antimicrobial and fungicidal properties, were studied for the first time in plant extracts prepared from Helleborus nigerL. and Pulsatilla vulgarisMill. using fermentative production processes. Protoanemonin levels quantified by HPLC-...
The investigations reported here focus on an in-depth characterization of the secondary metabolite profile of Sanguisorba officinalis flowers. For this purpose, fresh flowers were extracted with MeOH/H2O and EtOH/H2O and the resulting crude extracts fractionated using CH2Cl2, AcOEt, and n-BuOH. Individual compounds were characterized by high perfor...
Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) oil is one of the most expensive essential oils and
therefore often subject to adulteration.
Common cases of adulteration include the admixture of fatty oils or high-boiling glycols, the addition of specific compounds or of (fractions of) similar
but cheaper essential oils. Physicochemical properties like relative densit...
Traditionell werden pharmazeutische Zubereitungen der Weidenmistel häufig bei der Therapie von Blasen- und Nierenzellkarzinomen eingesetzt. Dennoch existieren bislang nur wenige wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu Wirkmechanismen von Weidenmistelpräparaten. Daher wurde mithilfe verschiedener Testverfahren die Hemmung der Viabilität...
Hintergrund und Ziel Mistelpräparate, insbesondere aus der Apfelbaummistel (Viscum album ssp. album, Mali), werden häufig von Mammakarzinom-Patientinnen als komplementäre Therapiemaßnahme nach Resektion, Chemo- oder Radiotherapien angewendet. In klinischen Studien wurde bereits der Nutzen von Mistelpräparaten nachgewiesen. Da die da...
The therapeutic use of Helleborus niger L. is manifold due to its specific phytochemical composition. Two compound groups, the ranunculin derivates including protoanemonin and the steroidal saponins, are also associated with toxicity (genotoxicity, disintegration of membrane structures). Therefore, in vitro investigations were performed...
Microbial fermentation of plant extracts with Lactobacteria is an option to obtain microbiologically stable preparations, which may be applied in complementary medicine. We investigated the metabolic conversion of constituents from Mercurialis perennis L. extracts, which were prepared for such applications. For this purpose, aqueous extracts were i...
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Mistletoe has been used since ancient times in Europe mostly for medicinal purposes. Since 1917, mistletoe preparations have been applied in cancer therapy and today are the most frequently used complementary medicine in tumor treatment. The main cytotoxic constituents of Viscum album are lectins and viscotoxins. Aim...
Purpose of Investigation: Patients suffering from ovarian cancer often use mistletoe preparations in combination with Taraxacum officinale
(dandelion) extracts as supplementary therapy to conventional medicine. However, scientific data concerning antitumorigenic
effects of Taraxacum extracts and co-treatment with mistletoe extracts are insufficient...
In vitro dermal penetration availability of heavy metals in healing earth
Funke, M., Bad Boll/D, Knödler, M., Bad Boll/D, Kübler S., Bad Boll/D,
Neudert M., Bad Boll/D, Stintzing, F.C., Bad Boll/D, Kammerer, D.R., Bad Boll/D
Dr. Matthias Knödler, WALA Heilmittel GmbH, Dorfstraße 1, 73087 Bad Boll/D
Healing earth (syn. medicinal clay), a fine powd...
Zusammenfassung Hypericum-Samen wurden kürzlich als natürliche Quelle für eine Reihe von Xanthon-Derivaten beschrieben. In Methanol-Extrakten von H. perforatum und H. tetrapterum konnten per HPLC(DAD)-MS n zwei Hauptkomponenten, die Tetrahydroxyxanthone THX-1 und-2, identifiziert werden, deren genaue Konfiguration bislang unbekannt war. Beide Subst...
Seeds from Hypericum species have recently been identified as an interesting source of xanthone derivatives. Extraction of seeds from H. perforatum with MeOH and subsequent concentration via polyamide adsorption yielded a fraction enriched in tetrahydroxyxanthones (THX), which were further semipurified by silica chromatography. Based on tentative s...
While Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) extracts showed antitumor effects on adult cancer cells, effects on pediatric tumor cells as a single agent or in combination with mistletoe extracts are hitherto unknown.
Material and methods
The anti-proliferative effects of an aqueous fermented Taraxacum officinale extract (Taraxacum) on a pedia...
All aerobes are dependent on enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants to withstand the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a part of the enzymatic antioxidant system. It is one of the most important antioxidant enzymes, enabling organisms to survive in an oxygen containing atmosphere. A disorder in the oxidative...
Seeds of Hypericum perforatum and H. tetrapterum were extracted with dichloromethane and methanol and investigated by chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods. Both species yielded a fatty oil fraction amounting to 30.5% and 18.0% of the seed weight, respectively. Linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) was shown to be the predominant fatty acid constituent...
Die Wurzel von Liebstöckel (Levisticum officinale Koch), der v. a. als Gewürzpflanze bekannt ist, wird seit Jahrhunderten zur Herstellung von Arzneimitteln eingesetzt. Neben der traditionellen Verwendung zur Durchspülungstherapie bei Nierenleiden findet in der anthroposophischen Medizin ein 5 %iger Auszug der getrockneten Wurzel in...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of crucial process parameters, i.e. of light and temperature conditions, during the preparation of St. John's wort (SJW, Hypericum perforatum L.) Arachis oil macerates. Extracts were prepared according to a standardized protocol over a period of 28 days. For this purpose, flowering tops of...
Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort, SJW) is a traditional medicinal plant with a long history of pharmaceutical application. Today, besides formulations based on hydro-alcoholic extracts, lipophilic SJW preparations are widely used in phytomedicine e.g. for the symptomatic treatment of minor inflammations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue d...
Primula veris L. is an important medicinal plant with documented use for the treatment of gout, headache and migraine reaching back to the Middle Ages. Triterpenoid saponins from roots and flowers are used in up-to-date phytotherapeutic treatment of bronchitis and colds due to their expectorant and secretolytic effects. In addition to the wild type...
Ethnopharmacological relevance:
Oak bark has been used since ancient times in Europaen ethnomedicine because of its adstringent, antimicrobial and hemostatic features, e.g. as a remedy for the treatment of wounds and skin diseases.
Oak bark tannins are considered as bioactive natural products, interacting with surface proteins of mucous...
Mercurialis tomentosa L. has been used in Spanish ethnomedicine. In the present study the first phytochemical characterisation of a lipid fraction from M. tomentosa was performed. The CHCl3 extraction of aerial parts from M. tomentosa and GC-MS investigations revealed the occurrence of cuticular lipid and wax constituents, like long chain n-alcohol...