Flora E. Mercader-Trejo

Flora E. Mercader-Trejo
Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui



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Flora E. Mercader-Trejo currently works at Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui. Flora does research in Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry. Their current project is 'Biomaterial composite'.
Additional affiliations
November 2015 - July 2016
Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui
  • Managing Director
January 2015 - November 2015
Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui
  • Director de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico y Posgrado
September 2003 - September 2004
National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Ayudante de Profesor
  • Ayudante de profesor de la asignatura de Química Analítica
August 2002 - August 2005
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Field of study
  • Química Analítica
August 2000 - August 2002
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Field of study
  • Química Analítica
September 1985 - January 1990


Publications (81)
The Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ) is a Mexican public institution where the Industrial Metrology Engineering undergraduate program (IMEUP) has recently been initiated. The program’s curriculum develops the skills required to enjoy a successful career in metrology. To achieve this goal, the program includes two part-time inte...
The focus of the research reported in this article is to study and obtain the microstructural/complex-dielectric-function/optoelectronic properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 nano-rods by Valence-EELS and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). The optical properties were determined by using the complex function in the VEELS analysis....
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The quality of the coating depends on the quality of the substrate surface preparation. It is often believed that achieving a mirror finish on metallic substrates is sufficient to obtain a uniform coating or having a rough surface is synonymous with better adhesion. However, both of them, are paradigms. Currently, there is neither a clear definitio...
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Ferroelastic-nanomechanical behavior of BiMnO3 thin films on (100) Nb-doped SrTiO3 substrate is studied at the nanoscale, for the first time using the theories of depth sensing indentation and finite element analysis. This was to understand the redirection of polarization in ferroelastic behavior using piezoelectric direct effect and applying a con...
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Barium titanate (BaTiO3) single crystal with a tetragonal phase was characterized by nanoindentation. Elastic and elastic-plastic deformation regimes were obtained. The main objective was the evaluation of the anisotropic behavior related to mechanical properties associated with the cross-section of the ferroelectric a- and c-domains (In-plane and...
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Ferroelectric (piezoelectric) Pb (Zr0.52Ti0.48) O3 (PZT) films were synthesized using an aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition technique on (111) Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The optimum deposition temperature was 350 °C, followed by annealing at 650 °C for 1 h. Tetragonal perovskite phase and preferred orientation {0 0 1} in the PZT films were d...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN Se presenta la Base de Datos organizada por composición química elemental de muestras reales de la macro-alga parda (sargassum) obtenida como resultado de investigación documental especializada a nivel internacional, con el objetivo de brindar una herramienta analítica para la gestión integral (recolección, uso y disposición final) del sarg...
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Biofuel production has increased significantly in several countries in recent decades. Differ- ent evaluation techniques are required for their characterization. The study measures the properties of the obtained biodiesel and a commercial diesel sample, using the techniques of open circuit potential, linear scanning voltammetry and electrochemical...
Conference Paper
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Resumen: La calidad de los recubrimientos es heredada de la calidad con la que se prepara la superficie del sustrato donde se colocará el recubrimiento. En el caso de sustrato metálicos existe el paradigma de que un acabado espejo es la mejor preparación para obtener un espesor con propiedades homogéneas y estables. Sin embargo, no hay evidencia co...
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The thickness of a coating is a fundamental parameter to evaluate its functionality. The uniformity of the mechanical and chemical properties of the coating depends directly on the homogeneity of the coating thickness. The definition of the uncertainty provides insight into the quality of the measurement results. A lower uncertainty indicates that...
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The purpose of this research is to develop reference Ti-coatings and analyze the thicknesses evaluated via destructive (DT)and non-destructive (NDT) measurement techniques. The Ti coating was deposited on a mirror finished AISI M2 steel by themagnetron process. The nominal value of the coating thickness was 1μm. The NDT was the X-Ray Fluorescence (...
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La metrología es la disciplina encargada de estudiar las mediciones y sus aplicaciones en las diferentes áreas de la ciencia y tecnología. La necesidad de reportar y establecer mediciones exactas y confiables en las ciencias biológicas y de la salud ha conducido a estas áreas a adoptar las normas y lineamientos de la metrología en las actividades d...
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Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry-Transmission Electron Microscopy (VEELS-TEM) analyses were found to provide important information on optical properties and the dielectric function of BiMnO3 thin films grown, via radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputter-deposition on SrTiO3 substrates. The research described in this article involved using Kr...
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Se realiza una análisis de la interface que forman la productividad, industria 4.0 y Metrología. Este dominio es fundamental para la transformación digital de la industria de manera exitosa.
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Se presenta un análisis de la interface entre Productividad, Metrología e Industria 4.0, los retos que se presentan para la "nueva industria y se indican algunos ejemplos que muestran los beneficios e innovaciones que surgen en este punto de convergencia.
Se investiga los mecanismos disponibles en las Instituciones de Educación Superior IES del estado de Querétaro acerca de la gestión y manejo de los recursos obtenidos desde fuentes que no proviene del presupuesto oficial. Al mismo tiempo, se hace una comparación con los mecanismos de gestión de las universidades públicas de la UNAM y el IPN y se pr...
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Se investiga los mecanismos disponibles en las Instituciones de Educación Superior IES del estado de Querétaro acerca de la gestión y manejo de los recursos obtenidos desde fuentes que no proviene del presupuesto oficial. Al mismo tiempo, se hace una comparación con los mecanismos de gestión de las universidades públicas de la UNAM y el IPN y se pr...
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Deposition parameters effect such as projection distance and argon gas flow as carrier gas on the consistency and thickness of the thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer obtained by plasma thermal spray were studied. In addition, aging heat treatment without a protective atmosphere was performed to determine the thermal barrier’s performance. The thickn...
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p>Este es nuestro testimonio sobre lo que ha significado para nuestro grupo de trabajo iniciar un trabajo colectivo interinstitucional en el marco de un proyecto de innovación educativa en los tiempos de la pandemia. Habiendo sido aprobado para comenzar en 2020, el proyecto mencionado busca brindar herramientas a las alumnas y los alumnos de las ca...
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emergency situation through the academic products generated from PAPIME PE210820 Project (Sargassum: Analytical Chemistry Contribution from the Teaching and Formative Research), in various forums with impact in Latin America. The above, using the digital platforms CUAED-UNAM-Zoom, and BIDI-UNAM. The testimony of the continuity of academic activitie...
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Deposition parameters effect such as projection distance and argon gas flow as carrier gas on the consistency and thickness of the thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer obtained by plasma thermal spray were studied. In addition, an aging heat treatment without a protective atmosphere was performed to determine the thermal barrier’s performance. The thi...
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Silver, zinc, and copper nanoparticles were reductively crystallized on thymine-containing single-stranded DNA decanucleotides, in aqueous solutions containing the corresponding metal ions and sodium borohydride, at 4 °C, pH 11.8, and 15 mM of NaCl. Iron nanoparticles were not formed under these conditions. Formation of aggregates was monitored by...
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The standardization of secondary electrolytic conductivity cells requires the use of a certified reference material. The accepted certification method involves electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to estimate the material’s solution resistance. This method normally assumes that the impedance’s imaginary component can be neglected; and hence...
Conference Paper
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Resumen: Existen diferentes actividades científicas y educativas en las que se pueden aplicar los conceptos de la física para desarrollar sistemas de medición que permitan conocer los valores de diferentes propiedades para un fin específico. Los líquidos tienen diferentes propiedades físicas y quimicas, en este caso, las propiedades físicas, tales...
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This paper makes a comparison between the techniques of ultrasonic and ultrasonic probe with the purpose of finding short times to obtain the CQD and N-CQD. The characterization of photoluminescent properties of the nanoparticles were realized by fluorescent spectrophotometry, UV-Vis spectroscopy and microscopy electron scanning (SEM). The literatu...
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Implementar un sistema de gestión de calidad (SGC) en un laboratorio de docencia, trae consigo una serie de beneficios en la administración de los recursos y la obtención de resultados. Su efectividad puede ser medida en aspectos como impartición, desarrollo y evaluación de prácticas, de tal manera que el involucramiento de las diferentes facultade...
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Biodiesel from different sources were synthetized according to transesterification method. Actually, there are different methods to characterize these fuels, but majority are physicochemical techniques, some of they, like water content by Karl-Fischer method are really complex. Because electrochemical techniques offer fast and accurate results, an...
Conference Paper
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Resumen En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la revisión bibliográfica para los métodos analíticos disponibles actualmente para la determinación de la calidad de combustibles líquidos (turbosina) usando los parámetros más relevantes. Esta es una entrega parcial, ya que proyecto completo es desde el diseño, e implementación de un laborato...
Conference Paper
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A stable and homogeneous (disperse) solution of nanoparticles is a necessity for the good use and effective applications of nanomaterials in the laboratory and in industry. Nanomaterials have a natural tendency to form aggregates. There are several strategies to reduce this situation, including functionalization, solutions in ionic liquids and solu...
Conference Paper
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El proceso para la medición de magnitudes en química analítica involucra un conjunto de pasos subsecuentes que determinan la calidad de los resultados. A diferencia de los procesos físicos de medición, en química la complejidad se incrementa principalmente por la presencia de la matriz de la muestra lo que en muchas ocasiones hace necesaria la impl...
Conference Paper
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Green materials form weeds original of Queretaro
This paper reports the synthesis of ZnO nanostructures (nano-bullets, nanorods, nanospheres) by a facile and novel modified polyol method without surfactants, varying only the molar concentration of precursor salt (Zinc acetate dihydrate) using ethylene glycol and deionized water. At a constant temperature of 160 °C, nano-bullets were obtained at a...
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This study describes the process of evaluating a commercially available copperzinc alloy with the goal of creating an internal reference material (RM). The intended use of this candidate reference material is to evaluate the percentage of alpha and beta phases to verify the accuracy in quantifying phase percentages according to the ASTM E562-11 “St...
Conference Paper
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Colors exhibited by butterfly wings are usually contributed by two sources: pigments and periodical submicrometer structures, which are also referred to as "chemical" and "physical" colors, respectively [1,2]. The photonic crystals are dielectric media with a periodic distribution of their refractive indexes. In photonic crystals well defined range...
Conference Paper
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Una buena parte del desarrollo de las nanociencias y nanotecnologías se ha soportado en la caracterización física y química adecuada de las nanoestructuras y nanopartículas. Estos análisis se han realizado por técnicas experimentales que en su mayoría no fueron diseñadas para estudiar a la materia en la nanoescala, por lo anterior, ha sido necesari...
Conference Paper
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Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de cómo la ciencia de las mediciones se ha integrado en la currícula de diferentes programas educativos en instituciones de educación superior en México. Como caso de éxito se cita la creación de la Ingeniería en Metrología Industrial en la Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ), dan...
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The term measurement process is used in specialized literature and in the international standards, but is currently not defined in the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM). While the third edition of the VIM has a definition for measurement that includes measurement process as a synonym, other references such as ISO 10012 " measurement manag...
Conference Paper
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A methodology was developed to obtain sisal fibers with new mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Homogeneous suspensions of carbon nanotubes (single walled and multi-walled) were prepared and used as inks to impregnate natural fibers (sisal) to achieve added value in the properties of the fibers. Results show that sisal fibers have improv...
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The main goal of method validation is to demonstrate that the method is suitable for its intended purpose. One of the advantages of analytical method validation is translated into a level of confidence about the measurement results reported to satisfy a specific objective. Elemental composition determination by wavelength dispersive spectrometer (W...
Conference Paper
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Los óxidos mixtos con frecuencia presentan mayor eficiencia fotocatalítica que las sustancias puras, debido a mayor área superficial y generando nuevos y diferentes sitios activos, por lo que, el fenómeno de fotocatalisis tiene mayor posibilidad de replicarse.
Conference Paper
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La metrología está presente en todos los ámbitos de las ciencias, y la trazabilidad metrológica garantiza que los resultados obtenidos en un laboratorio o empresa puedan ser comparables en cualquier parte del mundo. En electroquímica, es poco lo que se ha incluido la metrología. Se presentan ideas para introducir la metrología en los laboratorios d...
Conference Paper
Electrolytic conductivity (EC) is a property of any solution which indicates capacity for carrying electrical current. The EC gives information about amount of ions that are in the solution. In this first measurements of EC in carbonated drinks, beer, the intention was to analyze the bubbles effect on the measurement. Results obtained showed that b...
Conference Paper
Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ) is a Mexican public institution where a new generation of metrologists is finishing the second year of studies leading to a bachelor degree as Industrial Metrology Engineers. The curriculum of the undergraduate program is based on the development of skills and to achieve this goal, the curriculu...
Conference Paper
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La Red de Innovación e Investigación en Metrología del Sector Automotriz (RIIMSA) fue creada para atender las crecientes necesidades de metrología en el sector automotriz, principalmente en la región del Bajío. El propósito de la red es fortalecer el vínculo de capacidades tecnológicas y científicas de la región para generar sinergias entre los mie...
Conference Paper
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Nanostructured titanium dioxide (TiO2, or titania) and titanium dioxide-based ceramic have been widely investigated for its promising applications in different fields: as catalyst and photocatalyst, etc. Effective use of nanostructured titania in any of these applications requires a thorough knowledge of preparation methods to obtain a material wit...
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Se describe una idea general de la organización a nivel mundial de la ciencia de las mediciones (Metrología), el quehacer y responsabilidades de los Institutos Nacionales de Metrología así como la presentación de algunos ejemplos del impacto que tienen las mediciones en nuestra vida. Paralelamente se pretende hacer conciencia de la necesidad de con...
Conference Paper
Project-based learning (PBL) is a well-known didactic strategy to improve students' understanding of science, as well as their problem-solving and collaboration skills, to a greater extent than traditional methods. Students who learn science or technology through project-based learning also report that they find it more engaging than traditional in...
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The design and maintenance of controlled production processes in modern industry is largely based on measurements. Metrology, the science of measurement, is important not only in industry, but in every aspect of our daily lives. Sound metrology practices would not be possible without the existence of qualified personnel in all fields of measurement...
The design and maintenance of controlled production processes in modern industry is largely based on measurements. Metrology, the science of measurement, is important not only in industry, but in every aspect of our daily lives. Sound metrology practices would not be possible without the existence of qualified personnel in all fields of measurement...
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La educación es y ha sido tema de debate en todas las naciones. El avance en la educación está íntimamente ligado al avance de la ciencia, tecnología y desarrollo. Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), son una nueva esperanza (Brush Thomas, 2007), (Basilakis, J, 2003) para lograr una educación global, con inversiones bajas y re...
Conference Paper
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A partir del año 2000 se incremento en México la demanda por la acreditación de los laboratorios analíticos de ensayos y calibraciones bajo la plataforma de la norma ISO-IEC-17025:2005. Esta Norma es aplicable a todas las organizaciones que realizan ensayos y/o calibraciones. Éstas incluyen, por ejemplo, los laboratorios de primera, segunda y terce...
Se recopiló el trabajo de investigación de las Universidades Tecnológicas, los cuales, tenía como primicia una investigación que fuera sostenida por los productos obtenidos. Enfatizando en tecnologías emergentes y temas de gestión novedosos.
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The key comparison CCQM-K89 was undertaken to demonstrate the capability of participating NMIs and DIs in measuring the contents of incurred trace elements (total arsenic, cadmium and lead) and essential elements (calcium and zinc) at ?g/g (for arsenic, cadmium, lead and zinc) and mg/g (for calcium) levels in a herb matrix sample by various analyti...
Conference Paper
Net work for Innovation and Research in Metrology for the Automotive Industry (RIIMSA) in Mexico. The Network for Innovation and Research in Metrology for the Automotive Industry in Mexico (RIIMSA) was created to solve the growing metrology needs of the automotive sector in the central plateau of Mexico, which includes the states of Guanajuato, Agu...
Conference Paper
Nowadays, modern industry that designs and maintains controlled production processes necessarily involves measurements in their decision making. Metrology, the science of measurement, is present in every aspect of our daily life. In fact, we live with metrology and do not often easily recognize its presence and importance. While technology advances...
Conference Paper
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Resumen: Se propone un modelo de gestión estratégico para incluir la gestión de la Responsabilidad Social (RS) como una herramienta que permita no sólo la responsabilidad por la calidad de los resultados y el compromiso con los clientes, la sociedad y los grupos de interés, sino también como una herramienta para lograr la excelencia de la organizac...
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Nowadays food industry demands reliable and precise methods to resolve problems related to quality and security control. The pretreatment steps, prior to sample analysis, are necessary to extract the target analytes because of the complexities of the food samples matrices. In this work, we have studied, for the first time, the potential of carboxyl...
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A Tenax TA trap was coupled to an ion mobility spectrometer in order to improve basic analytical properties such as sensitivity and selectivity. The analytical performance of this combination was assessed in the determination of volatile aldehydes between 3 and 6 carbon atoms present in olive oil. The aldehydes were extracted and adsorbed into the...
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Este trabajo es una propuesta para establecer las competencias y las habilidades que debe poseer o adquirir el personal que participa en el proceso de certificación de materiales de referencia para obtener información confiable en los procesos bioquímicos de medición. La Guía ISO 34:2000 General requirements for the competence of reference material...
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Este trabajo es una propuesta para establecer las competencias y las habilidades que debe poseer o adquirir el personal que participa en el proceso de certificación de materiales de referencia para obtener información confiable en los procesos bioquímicos de medición. La Guía ISO 34:2000 General requirements for the competence of reference material...
In this work, we explored the use of an Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) device with an ultraviolet (UV) source, and of a Gas Chromatographic (GC) column coupled to an IM Spectrometer with a tritium source, for the discrimination of three grades of olive oil, namely: extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), olive oil (OO) and pomace olive oil (POO). The three...
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BACKGROUND: Regulatory controls to limit mercury emissions in waters have impacted on the development of membrane extraction‐based methodologies for its separation. The specific advantages (effective carrier immobilization, easy preparation, versatility, and good mechanical properties) of polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) make them suitable for th...
Technical Report
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El material de referencia certificado, DMR-400b, fue utilizado para la medición de arsénico en la prueba de aptitud técnica requerida para el registro a la red de laboratorios de análisis de aguas residuales 2009 en los Estados de Querétaro, México y Distrito Federal, cuya clave de identificación fue 620-Q001-0115-PA. Este documento ha sido elabora...
Conference Paper
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Resumen El mercurio es un metal pesado altamente tóxico presente en el ambiente por causas naturales o antropogénicas. El mercurio contenido en los cuerpos receptores de agua tiende a precipitarse y acumularse en los sedimentos. Por lo tanto, las mediciones de mercurio en sedimentos representan un buen indicativo de la calidad del ecosistema. En es...
Conference Paper
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Resumen: Se utilizó la Guía EURACHEM "The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods" 1 , para realizar la validación del método empleado en la determinación del número de onda de películas de poliestireno. Las películas de poliestireno son patrones utilizados en la calibración de la escala de número de onda de espectrómetros infrarrojos con transfo...
The selective transport of Au(III) over Cu(II) and Hg(II) using ω-thiocaprolactam as extractant and carrier in solvent extraction and polymer inclusion membrane transport experiments is discussed. Solvent extraction experiments were carried out using the extractant dissolved in chloroform to establish the chemical equilibria involved in the Au(III)...
A new on-line preconcentration method for total mercury determination in sediments by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) was developed. The automated on-line preconcentration step was carried out using a micro-column packed with a sorbent prepared by the sol–gel technique. Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as the silica precursor and bis(2,4...
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The transmittance minima of 18 absorption bands of a solution of 40 g/L holmium oxide in 10% (volume fraction) perchloric acid are certified as intrinsic traceable wavelength standards, by means of a multicenter measurement on material from a single source coupled with comparisons of a variety of preparations of the material evaluated on a single i...